Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 10/04/2016 B4Orkli
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was
called to order by Maurice Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 3570 Bayshore
Drive, Unit 102.
Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Steve Main, Karen
Beatty,Peter Dvorak, Chuck Gunther(late), Excused Larry Ingram, Mike Sherman.
Unexcused Shane Shadis
CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, CRA Operations Manager, and Shirley Garcia,
Operations Coordinator.
II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda, as amended,made by: Peter Dvorak,
2nd by: Steve Main. Approved unanimously.
III. Adoption of Minutes: Motion to approve the Minutes as amended, made by: Peter
Dvorak, 2nd by Steve Main. Approved unanimously.
IV. Presenters:
Harry Bandinel,President Banroc Corporation:
Mr. Bandinel made a presentation to the Advisory Committee to develop the CRA's 17
acre site on Bayshore Drive. The conceptual plans also incorporated addition of the
Shadley property. Mr. Bandinel said Opera Naples is interested in locating an 850 seat
Opera House with a bar overlooking the lake on Bayshore and he is currently trying to
acquire the Shadley property, a crucial piece to the design. The proposed plans included a
parking garage with a walkway to the Opera Naples site, a commercial and residential
component to include a bridge leading to Sudgen Park, studios, 62, 1 and 2 bedroom
homes within a walking village style community, office space for the CRA and a
marketing office to market activities in the facilities located on the site. The proposal
sought conveyance of the property with no money down,the developer mortgaging the
property to fund the construction of the first phase. Steve Main recommended
forwarding the proposal to the County Attorney, Mark Isackson, and Ed Finn of the
Budget Office for their recommendation. He said the proposal as presented may not be
doable as a result of the CRA's current loan structure. The concept presented was well
received by the Advisory Committee but the proposal will need to be forwarded to the
Budget Office for approval.
V. Project Updates
1. Gateway Triangle Properties: The requested changes were approved by the BCC at their 9-
27-2016 public meeting.
o 160 feet height(original request 200 ft)
o 40 units per acre (original request was 26 units)
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This will go before their rezoning process to get approved.
2. Solstice f/k/a Cirrus Point: Harry Bandinel, proposed Purchaser requested an extension, but
his deposit has gone hard. Option is expired on October 10. The proposed Single Family
Residence would be about 1800 sq. ft. if the extension can come through.
3. The Garden School: They submitted their plans to the County. Permits should be issued
within 2 weeks and they would like to break ground in 3 weeks and invite the Commissioners
Fiala and Taylor for a ground breaking ceremony.
4. Microbrewery: They submitted their Site Improvement Plan for permits on July 26th and
County provided an insufficiency letter on August 17th (this is typical). The applicant will be
required to address the comments and resubmit the plans.
5. Sugden Park Pathway: The pathway design was completed by the firm of Trebilcock
Consulting Solutions, PA. The estimated cost of construction is determined to be $
292,537.07. Parks and Recreation supports funding half of the cost and has requested CRA
prepare an Executive Summary to the Board with the concept and approval for them to pay
6. Karen Dr Stormwater: The contract for the grant funding will go to the BCC for signature
in October and we anticipate bidding the project out in November. Staff received approval
from the Grants Department to incorporate the property just north of Karen and south of the
Haitian Church into the project to alleviate the current ponding on the property. ($350,000).
7. Fire Suppression: The contract for the grant funding will go to the BCC for signature in
October. The City of Naples is partnering with the CRA and preparing the plans in house for
Peters, Gordon Av and Collee Court. We anticipate bidding the project out in November
8. Food Truck Park: The Hearing Examiner released his report approving that the use of a food
truck park is comparable and compatible in nature to uses in the Overlay.
9. Thomasson Drive: The contract expires on October 28th and an extension request will be
heard by the Board on October 11th
10. Fortino Request: Fortino and the Purchaser's of the Triangle are working to come to an
agreement. Once they have agreed staff will take an agreement to the CRA Board.
11. Parking Study: A Notice to Proceed will be issued to the consultant upon approval to
expend funds for the FY/17 Budget. The date of approval is estimated to be October 11tH
12. Race Trac: The Hearing Examiner released a 38 page report on 9/28/16. The next step is
scheduling to be heard by the BCC (don't have date yet).
MSTU Project Updates:
The MSTU meetings are on first Wednesday of the month at 5pm, the basic meeting
discusses landscaping, irrigation and their projects. One of the projects they are working
on is the Thomasson Drive project and RWA has a complete new redesign so if anyone
has any questions they can attend the meeting.
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VI. Request for Payments: None other than routine operational. All invoices are located in
the book for review.
VI. New Business:
Update the Redevelopment Plan: The Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Plan is now
16 years old and in need of updating. The CRA has approximately $150,000 budgeted to update
the plan. A Request for Proposal is required to obtain the services of professional consulting and
planning firms.
Operations Manager's Recommendation: Staff to move forward with soliciting proposals to
update the redevelopment plan. Steve Main made the motion, Second, Chuck Gunther.
You are invited to attend the Naples Mobility & Connectivity Charrette on November 1St, 2nd and
3rd. The November 1St meeting is the same day as your CRA meeting and attendance is
recommended from 2:30 to 6:30.
Operations Manager's Recommendation: Discussion
Attend the November 1st Charrette
Charrette serve as CRA meeting(cancel CRA meeting)
Attend Charrette and CRA public meeting
Advisory Committee does not want to cancel their night meeting which is well attended by our
Community, no changes to our CRA meeting night.
VII. Old Business:
CRA Advisory Board Applicant: Applicant did not attend. Committee has requested the
County re-advertise for new applicants. Peter Dvorak made a motion, Karen Beatty
second. Unanimous.
VIII. Advisory Board General Communications:
IX. Citizen Comments: Elly McKuen from GMD, requested a letter of Support from the CRA
Advisory Board Chair for the Safe Routes to School Grant that provides sidewalks on Linwood Ave., to
Shadowlawn Drive for the kids to walk to school safely. Chuck Gunther made the motion to support the
grant request, Second, Karen Beatty. Unanimous.
X. Adjournment: 7:30 p.m.
Approved by Maurice Gutierrez, CRA-AB Chairman