Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 12/06/2016 61/&14-14/.. 4 v,1, Bio orw
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was
called to order by Maurice Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 3570 Bayshore
Drive, Unit 102.
Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Steve Main, Karen
Beatty, Peter Dvorak, Chuck Gunther, Shane Shadis, Ron Kezeske, Mike Sherman and
Larry Ingram.
CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, Operations Manager, and Shirley Garcia, Operations
II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda, as amended, made by: Karen Beatty,
2nd by: Steve Main. Approved unanimously.
III. Adoption of Minutes: Motion to approve the Minutes as amended, made by: Peter
Dvorak, 2nd by Steve Main. Approved unanimously.
IV. Presenters:
Harry Bandinel of Banroc Corp Proposal 17 Acre site:
Harry Bandinel discussed revisions to his initial proposal on the 17acre site, he informed
the Committee he is working with different partners including a new Architectural firm,
and Engineering firms and still has a contract with Opera Naples. Harry expressed his
desire to fast track the purchase proposal to shorten the process. He said it takes too long
to wait for an RFP and would like the Committee members support to request the County
Mgrs Office to fast track his proposal to purchase the 17 acre site so he can proceed with
his contract with Opera Naples. He said although he still has a contract to purchase
Shadley's 2.51 acres he'd wants to locate Opera Naples to the CRA property rather than
Mr. Shadley's site and the locate the parking area on the corner lot of Jeepers and
Bayshore Drive. Mr. Bandinel requested a copy of the updated appraisal being done on
the 17 acres site once it is available. He also mentioned CAPA Cultural Center has shown
interest in also locating on the site for local artist performances and studios. The
Committee said they support the project and for him to take his offer directly to the
County Commissioners.
V. Project Updates
1. Gateway Triangle Properties: Additional escrow funds in the amount of$577,296 has
been deposited to meet the requirements of the Purchase Agreement.
o Initial earnest money$50,000 (non-refundable)
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o Inspection extension $10,000 (non-refundable)
o Additional Earnest Money$577,296 (contingent zoning approvals)
2. Solstice f/k/a Cirrus Point: The property is no longer under contract.
3. The Garden School: Kathy Khatib had a very successful Groundbreaking ceremony on
November 2nd. Both Commissioner Fiala and Taylor were in attendance.
4. Microbrewery: The second submittal for the SIP was done, and there were a couple of minor
rejections needed but still moving forward as planned.
5. Sugden Park Pathway: The pathway design is complete. Staff has ordered an easement
appraisal and a sketch of the easement. Michelle Arnold updated the Committee that Parks
and Recs will have the funding to partner with half of the construction costs but staff has not
received anything in writing.
6. Karen Dr Stormwater: Grant still moving forward waiting for the RFP to go out.
7. Fire Suppression: Grant still moving forward. An interlocal agreement was forwarded to the
City and will be presented to the City Council. Once approved it will be forwarded to the
BCC for execution.
8. Food Truck Park: Director Michelle Arnold updated the old ordinance requiring a curb cut
onto Bayshore Dr. to eliminate that requirement. The CCPC recommended approval of the
revised Ordinance and it will go to the BCC on the 13th
9. Thomasson Drive: The Bayshore Beautification MSTU will be hosting an open house on the
7th at 6:15 p.m. at the East Naples Community Center for the Roundabout for anyone who
wants to come and hear whats being proposed.
10. Fortino Request: Mr. Fortino has submitted the plans outlining the staging area on the CRA
owned properties. The plans were more extensive than what he originally discussed. A
meeting is scheduled for December 20th with County Staff, Assistant County Manager,
Purchaser and the proposed Lessee to discuss.
11. Parking Study: Staff met with the consultant on November 30th for an update on the
progress of the report. The report is about 50% complete.
12. Race Trac: The meeting has been changed to February 14th at the BCC, there are 3 new
Commissioners so if anyone wanted to reach out they are encouraged to do so prior to the
BCC meeting.
13. Redevelopment Plan Update: To date the RFP has not been released and Staff was
informed there needs to be a meeting with County Managers office prior to the release.
MSTU Project Updates:
The MSTU meetings are on first Wednesday of the month at 5pm, the basic meeting
discusses landscaping, irrigation and their projects. The MSTU has completed the
Christmas Decorations on Bayshore Dr.
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VI. Request for Payments: None other than routine operational. All invoices are located in
the book for review.
VIII New Business:
• Welcome New Advisory Board Member: Mr. Ron Kezeske attended his first
meeting representing the Gateway Triangle Business.
• Western Bike Shop(request for CBIG): Western Bike Shop owners Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Goenner recently relocated their business to 2286 Tamiami Trail E., and
are desirous of grant assistance to update the exterior of the building. The total
amount of grant funding available for this fiscal year is $50,000. The Goenner's
project would qualify for a match of up to $16,830.00. The improvements will
Replacement of doors
Exterior lighting
Two quotes were received:
JAH Construction: $33,660.00
Sea Cape Builders: $45.000.00
Recommendation: Motion to accept Western's Bike Shop's grant application for
CBIG grant funding in the amount $16,830.00; authorize staff to prepare all the
necessary documents for forwarding to the County Attorney's Office; and
forwarding to the CRA Board with a recommendation of approval. Chuck
Gunther made the motion to approve the grant, Second by Karen Beatty.
• Offer to Lease: Naples Luxury Imports contacted the Buyers for the Gateway
Triangle property with a request to rent CRA owned property for sole purpose of
vehicle storage. They have offered $2500.00 per month. The lease would be on a
month to month basis with similar terms that were approved by the committee in
the Bare License Agreement with NADC. (The request was provided through the
County Manager's Office).
Action required: Authorize staff to work with Naples Luxury Imports; prepare the
appropriate Agreement for legal review; forward Agreement to the CRA Board
with a recommendation for approval. Peter Dvorak made the motion to approve,
Shane Shadis, Second. Unanimous.
• Goals and Objectives Workshop(AB Discussion): Karen Beatty requested. Staff
will forward the committee members the current goals and objectives for their
review and consideration prior to the January workshop. Karen requested a copy
of the CRA's mission statement.
VII. Old Business:
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Sams Club: Karen Beatty requested an official vote be taken to determine who was in support
or not in support of the Sam's Club. After much discussion by the Committee and the Public,
Karen Beatty made a motion to not support the Sam's Club project wanting to locate in the
Courthouse Shadows Plaza. A second was made by Chuck Gunther. The vote was concluded
with 4 in support of Sam's and 4 not in support of Sam's. Committee member Ron Kezeske
ask to abstain from the vote because he didn't agree with the wording of the motion. Peter
Dvorak made a new motion to support the petition to redevelop the property as the Sam's Club
subject to the following conditions; First, the developer address traffic impacts and Second, the
developer address environmental impacts to Haldeman Creek as part of the PUD approval.
Second by: Larry Ingram and the motion passed 5-3 with Ron Kezeske abstaining.
(Commissioner Taylor called Point of Order and informed Mr. Kezeske that since he initially
abstained from the first motion he must abstain from the second motion).
New Hire: The vacant Project Manager position was offered to and accepted by James Brian
Delony a Professional Engineer. Mr. Delony declined the position to stay with his current
employer. The position is being reposted.
IX.Advisory Board General Communications:
X. Citizen Comments: Mr. Al Schanzten brought up his email to ensure all the Committee members
understood his concerns about the Eco System in Haldeman Creek and now that it is becoming
frequented by more Manatees and the plant life it is getting better he doesn't want the Sam's Club
coming in and having runoff from the parking lot with debris messing up Haldeman Creek again.
The existing Weir is not sufficient with all the pollution from a Box Store like Walmart and Sam's,
he stated it will just pollute the creek and kill off any plant and animal life there is.
Ms. Pat Young also said she had sent in an email regarding the Sam's Club petition to address her
concerns about a box store moving into the area and the information was provided in the
Committee Members packets. She said currently resides in the Isles of Collier Preserve and she
used to frequent the Shopping Center at Courthouse Shadows when the little stores and dental
office were located there, but now they are all gone she doesn't plan on shopping at the Sam's
Commissioner Taylor had asked if the Advisory Board would agree to support naming the corner of
Thomason Drive and Bayshore Drive "Dels Corner" since he has been in business for over 52 years
and that was worth recognizing, she would bring it up to the BCC on the l3th as a Proclamation and
the Advisory Committee's unanimous consensus is in support of that request.
•pproved by Maurice Gutierrez, CRA-AB Chairman
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