Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 01/03/2017 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 3rd, 2017 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Maurice Gutierrez at 6:10 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 3570 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102. I. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Steve Main, Ron Kezeske, and Mike Sherman. Excused absence, Karen Beatty, Peter Dvorak, Chuck Gunther, Shane Shadis, and Larry Ingram. There was no quorum of the committee members present. CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, Operations Manager, Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator and Michelle Arnold, PTNE Director. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Adoption of Agenda: There being no quorum no action was taken. IV. Adoption of Minutes: There being no quorum no action was taken. V. Presenters: Harry Bandinel of Banroc Corp revised Proposal 17 Acre site: Harry Bandinel discussed revisions to his proposal on the 17acre site, Banroc presented his proposal to purchase the 17 acres from the CRA for the lesser of either $3,500,000 or the value of the appraisal currently being performed by the CRA. The purchase offer will be subject to a 150 day due diligence period and a closing on or before September 30, 2017. Upon signing the purchase contract Banroc will place in escrow an initial earnest money deposit of$25,000. Within 60 days of signing purchase offer Banroc will place an additional $25,000 earnest money deposit. Upon completion of 150 day due diligence period all earnest money deposits will go hard and be non-refundable. They now also have the participation of CAPA,Naples Ballet, Theater Zone, Arts Naples and Classic Chamber Concerts who all want to be a part of the project and be able to use the facilities of the Opera House and Arts Village. There was a request for the CRA to pay 4%realtor fee but staff recommended against it and for the purchaser to use a real estate attorney instead. Mike Sherman brought up the Greek style Villas that is proposed and does not feel it would be a good fit in the area and for the Arts Village. No action needed at this point. Page 1 VI. Project Updates: 1. Gateway Triangle Properties: The Buyer has submitted the rezoning application to the Zoning Department. If this gets fast tracked the property could close in 6-9 months. 2. Solstice f/k/a Cirrus Point: The property is no longer under contract. The owner might try to rezone the property and would be going to the BCC to request some leeway so they can start building on the property. 3. The Garden School: The Garden School has encountered some unforeseen sewer force main improvements and the cost to relocate their storm drainage is approximately $15,000. They contacted the CRA to see if there was any funding available to assist with the cost, but the CRA has no approved grants for this type of improvement. 4. Microbrewery: The SIP was resubmitted to address County staffs comments. The second review was conducted by County staff and a few comments remain outstanding that will require addressing. 5. Sugden Park Pathway: Staff spoke with the Deputy County Manager and he supports taking the request to the BCC. Prepared the Executive Summary and it is routing to the appropriate Departments for review. If all the departments expedite their review the item may be uploaded into the system and scheduled on the BCC agenda prior to the Operations Manager's last day with the CRA. 6. Karen Dr Stormwater: Everything is moving forward and an RFP for construction is planned to go out this month. 7. Fire Suppression: Waiting on the environmental clearance from HUD. Don't have a timeline as yet. City Council approved agreement and it will be on the February 14 BCC meeting. Construction plans were developed by the City and are complete. 8. Food Truck Park: Everything is moving forward. 9. Thomasson Drive: Per the BCC's request an open house was held on January 7, 2016. An executive summary and all supporting documents were forwarded to the CAO for review. The County Manager's Office has approved the item being placed on the BCC consent agenda. The item is scheduled to be uploaded in the system for the BCC hearing prior to the Operations Manager's last day with the CRA. If approved, the executive summary will be prepared in a manner that would allow the project to move forward to completion without going back to the BCC. 10. Fortino Request: A meeting transpired on December 20th with the Deputy County Manager, CRA Staff, Fortino and Starkey. Fortino and Starkey are still negotiating what area of the old auto collision site Fortino can use and once agreed a sketch of the area will be provided to staff to prepare the agreement. Items of this nature will be handled by the County's Real Property Department. 11. Parking Study: A Draft Parking Analysis was provided for staff review. The analysis provided that a total of 107 additional parking spaces are needed to properly service the current parking demand of businesses along Bayshore Drive. Once the report is Page 2 completed the consultant will present his analysis and recommendations. Maurice Gutierrez brought up the issue of traffic if the CRA turned Bayshore Dr. into a two lane road again, that there will be significant traffic issues. There is no ingress/egress because the side streets are all dead ends, the amount of developments that are being built will bring in even more traffic. The suggestion is for the CRA to purchase vacant lots on Bayshore to provide for parking for the existing and proposed businesses along the corridor. He requested Staff go to OMB to see if there is a way to free up some money in reserves to purchase lots for parking. Commissioner Taylor wants the CRA to consider turning into a two lane with on street parking for the businesses because it will slow traffic and she feels it is more desirable for the Community. 12. Race Trac: The final hearing of RaceTrac's distance waiver application will be Tuesday February 14th, 2017 in front of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. 13. Redevelopment Plan Update: The RFP has been released. The solicitation deadline is January 11, 2017. Their process will include the consultants hosting public meetings and gaining your feedback. 14. Western Bike Shop: The grant application is scheduled on for the January 24th BCC meeting. MSTU Project Updates: The MSTU meetings are on first Wednesday of the month at 5pm, the basic meeting discusses landscaping, irrigation and their projects. Thomasson Dr has been approved to go forward on the BCC Agenda and the Sugden Pathway has been moving forward. VI. Request for Payments: None other than routine operational. All invoices are located in the book for review. VII New Business: Annual Report: In accordance with Fl. Statute 163.356.(3) the Annual Report must be forwarded to the Board and Clerk of the Courts and a public notice filed in a newspaper of general circulation on or before March 31, 2017. The report must include activities for the fiscal year 2016 including complete financial statements setting forth assets, liabilities, income and operating cost. Your annual public workshop with the Board will be scheduled for March. Shirley Garcia will keep you apprised when the actual date is scheduled. It's important you attend to meet and introduce yourself to the three new Commissioners. VIII. Old Business: None at this time IX. Advisory Board General Communications: Ron Kezeske asked a question about who conducts the meetings or does the Chair conduct the meetings, and if the Chairman does could there be more clarity for motions instead of it being posed as a question. Staff clarified the process and noted that the meetings are conducted under Robert's Rule of Order. Page 3 X. Citizen Comments: Teddy Plaisted was concerned about changing Bayshore Dr. into a 2 lane road since there are dead end side streets. Her concerns were for the emergency ..-. vehicles, in case someone had a heart attack it might take first responders longer to get to that person if there is a lot of traffic. She felt that is something the County should take into consideration. XI. Adjournment XII. Goals and Objectives Workshop —The Goals and Objectives were deferred to the next meeting because there was no quorum at this meeting. Approved by Maurice Gutierrez, CRA-AB Chairman Page 4