Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 09/14/2016 . B goo.,
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order
by Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office 3570 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102.
I. Roll Call: Maurice Gutierrez, George Douglas, Sheila Dugan, Sandra Arafet, Stephen
Jaron and Robert Messmer were present. Victoria Nicklos is excused.
MSTU Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, CRA Operations Manager and Shirley Garcia,
Operations Coordinator.
II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda made by: Sandra. Arafet, 2nd by:
George Douglas. Approved unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes made by: Sheila Dugan, 2nd by:
Sandra Arafet. Approved unanimously.
IV. Projects Report:
A. Beautification MSTU Update:
1. Landscape Maintenance Update: CLM gave an update, Robert said since they only do
south Bayshore once a month it has been growing fast, the irrigation is fine he has
observed the irrigation on a couple of times. They trimmed the trees overhanging onto the
sidewalks. He said per the contract he can't remove the palm fronds hanging over the
street in the median. The palms are self cleaning and they wait until they fall to the
ground. Jean Jourdan advised the committee, staff is working on updating our Landscape
contract with changes to benefit the area and Sandra Arafet asked if they could look at the
changes once it is completed.
2. Marina on Bayview Street Right-of-Way Improvements: The shell has been placed on the
opposite side of the marina and no new complaints came in. It percolates, no standing
water. Staff will continue to monitor.
3. Thomasson Drive Streetscape: Updates will be covered during old business.
B. CRA Update: Maurice Gutierrez gave the CRA update and that it was standing room only at
the CRA meeting. He informed the committee that Commissioner Taylor was
championing a moratorium to put gas stations on hold within the redevelopment area
until the redevelopment plan had been updated. He also talked about Mattamy Homes
held a neighborhood information meeting during our CRA meeting and that their plans
Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
Phone: 239-643-1115
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
are not clear yet as to what type of homes they will build, but they will not be rental
units.The site will be cleared and cleaned up.
C. Haldeman Creek MSTU Update: County Stormwater Dept brought a proposal to
partner with the Haldeman MSTU to include surveying the north end of Haldeman Creek
and request that committee to do some dredging and clearing of the mangroves and
pepper hedge.
New Business:
A. Replace Bayshore Drive Banners: Botanical Gardens provided staff with several
designs including banners that would feature their events while keeping the theme of the
MSTU. Motion to purchase new banners and hardware and allow Botanical to change
out CRA and Botanical banners as needed. Bob Messmer questioned whether the MSTU
could buy banners that advertised Botanical Gardens and staff said she believes their
plans allows for marketing of the area attractions, but if it did not she would get an
opinion from the County Attorney. After a determination from County Attorney. A
motion for staff to purchase vinyl banners and hardware to hang them was made by
Maurice Gutierrez and second by Sandra Arafet. Unanimous.
B. Paint Pagoda and replace sign quotes: Staff requested painting quotes from 4
companies, they received quotes from 2 companies and had 2 no responses. A motion to
approve painting the pagoda with the lowest bidder as presented was made by Sandra
Arafet and second by George Douglas. Vote: Unanimous.
Staff received a sign design quote from Creative Arts, Inc showing 2 different ways for
the sign. A motion to approve the second pagoda sign design with the lowest bidder was
made by Maurice Gutierrez and second by Sandra Arafet. Vote: Unanimous
C. Paint Haldeman Creek Bridge: A total of 4 quotes were solicited. There were 2 quotes
were received and 2 no responses. A motion for staff to proceed with painting Haldeman
Creek Bridge with the lowest bidder was made by Sheila Dugan and second by George
Douglas . Vote: unanimous.
VI. Old Business
1. Thomasson Drive/Hamilton Avenue Streetscape Update: The project required a
redesign due to right of way issues. In order to move forward with the project it
requires the contract be extended and an additional fee of$70,650 is required by way
of a change order and approval by the BCC. After negotiations, staff and Purchasing
Department reviewed the proposal and deemed it was fair and acceptable.
Offices:3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
recommendation of approval. Motion by: Sandra Arafet, 2nd by George Douglas.
Approved unanimously.
2. Sugden Park Pathway Update: The pathway design was completed by the firm of
Trebilcock Consulting Solutions, PA. The estimated cost of construction is
determined to be $292,537.07. CRA staff is in discussions with the Parks and
Recreation Department regarding the possibility of a partnership to fund the pathway.
Electronic designs are available if anyone is interested.
3. Engineering Services Karen Drive Stormwater Grant:
The CRA was awarded grant funding in the amount of$350,000. The reason we are
requesting funding from the MSTU is that Q. Grady Minor was not procured with the
required grant language in the bid when the County asked for continuing contract
engineers to perform services. That is the only way the grant can pay for their
Grady Minor's services will be to review the bid package, determine probable cost,
review the bids, conduct the pre-bid meeting, oversee the construction and address
any construction questions as they arise. They also review the progress payments to
ensure the contractor is billing only for the work that was performed. Once
construction is complete, they will provide a set of as-built's for our files.
Motion to approve Engineering services in the amount of $9,639.00 in order to
receive grant funding in the amount of $350,000 to be used for stormwater
improvements on Karen Drive. Sheila Dugan made the motion, Bob Messmer second.
4. Christmas Lighting and Decorations: Staff brought up solar lighting for Christmas,
buying it and continuing to use them every year. The Committee wanted staff to bring
back some ideas on the next meeting. One Christmas tree and have a lighting of the
tree for the community.
Request for Payment of Services: None other than routine operational
V. Committee Communications: Sheila Dugan had asked about the teal tile that is
around the planter on the bridge, if that would be painted as well. Staff brought it to the
advisory committee to see if they wanted quotes and designs brought back. George
Douglas made a motion to get designs and updating the tiles, Sandra Arafet, second.
Unanimous. Maurice Gutierrez also brought up the parking study that the CRA will be
doing for the businesses and public use.
Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
Phone: 239-643-1115
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
VI. Public Comments: Del Ackerman talked about the history of his store and when it was
built. He talked about Bayview Park and their issue with parking and that he has recently
made improvements and painted his store, and will not allow the County to close his
store. The Advisory Committee assured him that any improvements to the intersection
will be done in the right-of-way and they see his store as an icon. They will work with
him and want his input. Del said he recognizes everything the advisory committee does
and wants to work with the right of way people, he just doesn't want the improvements
to affect his business or close the store.
IX. Next Meeting: October 5th, 2016.
X. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.
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Approved by Maurice Gutierrez, Chairman
MSTU Advisory Committee
Offices:3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
Phone: 239-643-1115