Haldeman Creek MSTU Minutes 12/07/2015 •
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Haldeman Creek Dredge MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order
by Chairman Wilson at 4:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office at 3570 Bayshore Drive.
I. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Roy Wilson, Steve Main, Jack
Bonzelaar and Joe Adams and Jim King.
MSTU Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, CRA Operations Manager, Elly McKuen, Project
II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion: Steve Main Second:
Jim King Approved: 5-0.
III. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the June 6, 2015 made by: Steve Main
Second: Joe Adams Approved: 5-0.
IV. Project Manager Report:
A. Haldeman Creek MSTU Update
1. Haldeman's Landing boat dock extension: Roy Wilson informed the
Committee he spoke with Kathleen Riley and she would not be attending the
meeting due to a conflict. Mr. Wilson announced the BCC would hear the
petition on the dock extension no earlier than 1:00 p.m. on December 8th and
asked if the public had any questions. Attorney, Rich Yovanovich asked if
there would be any further discussion by the Advisory Committee on the
topic. Mr. Wilson stated he had no further updates.
B. Beautification MSTU Update: Project Manager, Elly Mckuen informed the
Committee the updates were in their packets and she would be happy to answer any
questions. Committee had none.
C. CRA Update: Project Manager, Elly Mckuen informed the Committee the
updates were in their packets and she would be happy to answer any questions.
Committee had none.
Old Business: None
V. New Business:
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
A. Navigational debris removal: Project Manager, Elly Mckuen updated the
Committee on an obstruction hit by a boater in Haldeman Creek. Ms. Mckuen
informed the Committee she contacted Gary McAlpin with the County's Coastal
Management Department and Mr. McAlpin's staff located the debris and marked it
with a buoy to alert boaters to the hazard. Ms. Mckuen said according to the boater
who hit the obstruction it appeared to be a 10' culvert pipe with 8"to 10" of rocks. A
motion was made by Steve Main to approve expenditure of up to $3000.00 to remove
the debris and for staff to contact the Committee via e-mail if the cost exceeded
$3000.00. Second: Jack Bonzelaar Approved: 5-0
VI. Next Meeting Date: TBD
VII. Public Comments: There were four members of the public in attendance. They
inquired as to when the next dredging would occur. Mr. Roy Wilson provided a brief
history on the initial dredge and said at the current millage rate it would be
approximately 30 years before the MSTU would have funding to dredge. He also
discussed the Committee's responsibilities: replacing and wrapping markers, keeping
the canal clear of debris and educating the public.
VIII. Advisory Committee General Communications: Mr. Joe Adams requested staff have
mulch installed around the plants at the bus stop on Thomasson and Bayshore. He
said he would be happy to donate the mulch and his labor if staff could not
accommodate the request. Staff will address with the Bayshore Beautification MSTU.
IX. Adjournment: 4:55pm
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Approved and forwarded by Roy Wilson, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman.