PTAC Minutes 10/18/2016 October 18, 2016 MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC TRANSIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING October 18, 2016 Naples, Florida, LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Public Transit Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", Suite 501, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: Co Chairman: Arthur Dobberstein Co Chairman: John DiMarco, II Vice Chairman: Dylan Michael Vogel Richard Duggan Harold Weeks (Excused) Chris Gavrelis (Vacancy) ALSO PRESENT: Michelle Arnold, Director, Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement Yousi Cardeso, Operations Analyst Omar Deleon, Senior Planner Nathan Reid, General Manager, Medical Transportation Management Lisa Sanders, Medical Transportation Management Kim Frye, MV Contract Transportation, Inc. 1 October 18, 2016 1. Call to Order Co Chairman DiMarco called the meeting to order at 3:00PM. 2. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. 3. Approval of Agenda Mr. Gavrelis moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Vogel. Carried unanimously 5—0. 4. Approval of Minutes from September 20,2016 Meeting Mr. Gavrelis moved to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2016 Public Transit Advisory Committee meeting subject to the following change: • Page 3, paragraph 5, bullet point 1 —from"...it was not as significant year over year for August."to "... it was not as significant as that experienced over the past Fiscal Year." Second by Mr. Duggan. Carried unanimously 5—0. Discussion occurred on the customer service training for drivers in the system and if they are proficient in English and Staff noted drivers do have a mechanism to contact dispatch if they are unable to communicate with a client. 5. Committee Action a. 2017 PTAC Meeting Schedule Mr. Deleon presented the Executive Summary "Approval of 2017 Meeting Schedule" for consideration. He noted: • Consideration may want to be given to amending the current monthly meeting schedule for every other month. • The meeting would still be the 3rd Tuesday of the month and a meeting could be convened on an off month if it was necessary to conduct business. The Committee discussed the concept and noted: • If an every other month schedule is adopted, it would be beneficial to determine the months Staff has business items such as annual grant request approvals, plan updates, etc. to ensure the meetings are held on the proper months. • Staff to determine if the Committee's bylaws need to be amended to accommodate the change in the meeting schedule. • It may be beneficial to retain the existing schedule and cancel a regularly scheduled meeting if there is no business to be conducted. Mr. Vogel moved to retain the existing monthly meeting schedule. Second by Mr. Gavrelis. Carrie unanimously 5- 0. b. TDP Goals and Objectives Review Ms. Arnold presented the Executive Summary "Transit Development Plan Goals and Objectives" for information purposes. She requested input from the Members to identify Objectives they see as a priority. Mr. Duggan Objective 1.3.4 - Increase ridership by one percent each year. 2 • October 18, 2016 Objective 3.1 - Develop marketing strategies to increase ridership and improve the visibility of CAT. Objective 3.1.1 - Participate in local job fairs to increase knowledge about the transit system and encourage use. Objective 3.1.2 - Develop marketing materials and programs to demonstrate the value and role of transit in regional carbon emissions reduction. Co Chairman Dobberstein Objective 6.2.1 - Clarify the useful life of fixed route vehicles "Operate a fleet of fixed route vehicles with and average life of less than five years by 2025" may be extended by citing the mileage standards, etc. Objective 4.1.4 - Work with County and City planners to incorporate transit oriented development design into the planning process—Staff reported they do meet with transportation planning officials and are notified of development projects on a regular basis noting the item should have focus and one consideration is incorporating any necessary language into the Land Development Code. Objective 5.1.6 - "Explore technology that would allow merchants to reduce the fixed route fare for patrons using smart cards" -Expand the objective to encompass employees of the merchant. Mr. Gavrelis Objective 1.7.2 - Partner with the Chamber of Commerce to develop and disseminate a route map that depict the locations of major destinations, including employment centers, apartments and attractions. Objective 3.1.3 - Distribute transit service information and user friendly brochure to at least 25 percent of businesses within 3 mile radius of existing transit routes prior to initiating the next TDP Major Update. Objective 7.1.5 - Work with the County Attorney's Office to explore the possibility of establishing a 501(c)(3) that allows persons to donate funds to CAT for the purpose of "adopting a shelter" or"adopting a rider"by September 2016. Co Chairman DiMarco • Technology initiatives for the system. • Increasing opportunities for ridership by running the north/south routes later into the evening. • Initiatives to increase ridership. Mr. Vogel • Increasing ridership through marketing initiatives including targeting schools and Spanish speaking citizens. • Service related initiatives. Ms.Arnold reported Staff will review the recommendations and develop a list of initiatives so the Committee may prioritize 3 items at a future meeting. 6. Reports and Presentations a. Update on CAT Logo 3 October 18, 2016 Ms. Arnold reported the Board of County Commissioner's reviewed the proposed logo at their October 11, 2016 meeting and determined it should remain the same at this time. Staff will reevaluate how to obtain feedback on changes to the logo in case an alternate logo is proposed in the future. 7. Member Comments Co Chairman DiMarco recommended the Committee consider hearing comments for bus drivers on any issues that may need to be addressed given they are on the "front lines" of service. The General Manager for MV Transportation reported it is difficult for a driver to take time from work to attend a meeting, but they will investigate the suggestion with options including requesting a Union representative attend a meeting or conducting a biannual driver survey to identify issues and bringing them forth to the Committee for review. 8. Public Comments None 9. Next Meeting Date November 15, 2016 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:45P.M. Public Transit Advisory Committee I Arthur Dobberstein, Co Chairman or John DiMarco, Co Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 4