Agenda 12/20/2002 W NOTICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL PUBLIC FACILITIES CONCURRENCY WORKSHOP Friday, December 20, 2002 9:00 A.M. Notice is hereby given that the Collier County Board of County Commissioners will hold the Annual Update & Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR) Workshop on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2002 at 9:00 A.M., in the Board of County Commissioners Boardroom, at the Collier County Government Complex, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida. The meeting is open to the public. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of this Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto, and therefore may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA James N. Coletta, Chairman DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Isl Maureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE 2002 ANNUAL UPDATE AND INVENTORY REPORT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES (AUIR) AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3.15.6 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. OBJECTIVE: To request that the Board of County Commissioners review the 2002 Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR) and give Staff direction on projects and funding sources for inclusion in the FY03 Annual Capital Improvement Element (CIE) Update and Amendment. BACKGROUND: Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes required the County to adopt certain Land Development Regulations (LDR's) to implement its Growth Management Plan adopted on January 10, 1989. One of the LDR's requires the County to, "Provide that public facilities and services meet or exceed the standards established in the CIE required by Section 163.3177 and are available when needed for the development..." This Section of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes is commonly known as the concurrency requirement. Accordingly, on March 21, 1990 the Board adopted the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance No. 90.24, which was subsequently repealed and superseded by Ordinance No. 93-82, as amended by Ordinance No. 96.53. The Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance was subsequently codified in Division 3.15 of the Land Development Code. Section 3.15.6 of the Land Development Code established a management and monitoring program for public facilities, which provides for an annual determination of concurrency for Category "A" facilities and identification of additional facilities needs. Section 3.15.6 of the Land Development Code requires the preparation of an Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR) for presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. "The findings of the AUIR shall form the basis for the preparation of the Annual Update and Amendment to the Capital Improvement Element, any proposed projects to be included in the County's Annual Budget, the determination of any Area of Significant Influence (ASI) and the review of the issuance of development order subject to the provisions of this Ordinance during the next year." Under the provisions of Section 3.15.6 of the Land Development Code the Board's options in response to the needs identified in the AUIR include, but are not limited to, the following actions: Establishment of Areas of Significant Influence (ASI) surrounding deficient road segments; Public Facility project additions to the financially feasible Schedule of Capital Improvements in the Capital Improvement Element. o Deferral of development order issuance for non-vested development in areas affected by deficient Category "A" public facilities pending; a. Lowering of Level of ServiCe Standards (LOSS) via Growth Management Plan Amendments; b. Direction to Staff to include the necessary Public Facility projects in the FY03 Annual CIE Update and Amendment to be adopted by the Board; Co Approval of new or increased revenue sources for needed Public Facility projects, by the Board of County Commissioners, the State Legislature or the County voters. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The preparation and presentation of the AUIR to the Board meets the requirements of Section 3.15.6 of the Land Development Code for an annual determination of the status of public facilities. Board direction to include the projects identified in the AUIR in a financially feasible FY03 Annual CIE Update and Amendment will establish and maintain concurrency for Category "A" public facilities for the next twelve (12) months. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenues needed to fund the CIE projects proposed in the 2002 AUIR for the FY03-07 planning period and maintain statutorily mandated financial feasibility of the CIE have previously been enacted, are available, have been approved by the Board of County Commissioners, or fall within the Board's statutory General Fund taxing authority. Current and Proposed revenues needed to fund public facility construction/expansion for the FY03-07 CIE planning period total $983,510,036 as summarized on page 2 of the 2002 AUIR. Project expenditures in excess of estimated impact fee, gas taxes, and user fee revenues are reflected as being augmented by General Fund Revenues in the body of this document. "General Fund Revenues" is defined as existing sales tax revenues and other state shared revenues or increased ad valorem levy at the discretion of the BCC. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners take the following actions: Accept and approve the attached document as the 2002 Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR); Give Staff direction by separate motion and vote on Category "A" and "B" facilities relative to Staff recommendations for projects and revenue sources for inclusion in the FY03 Schedule of Capital Improvements in the Annual CIE Update and Amendment; o Find upon analysis, review and actions taken based on the 2002 AUIR that adequate Category "A" public facilities will be available, as defined by the Collier County Concurrency Management System, as implemented by Division 3.15 of the LDC, to support development order issuance until presentation of the 2003 AUIR in approximately twelve (12) months. PREPARED BY: _ Date: ST^N LISTINS R, ^ca' (~PREHENSIVE PL~A~qNING MANAGER .. MARGA]~T WUERSTLE, AICP P~I/~G DIRECT~ APPROVED BY:/ V~~ Date: ,/~,,/,~/~--- /JO~EPH K. S~I-(1VI-ITT. ADMINISTRATOR ! CpMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL [~,S,ERVICES COLLIER COUNTY ANNUAL UPDATE & INVENTORY REPORT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES (AUIR) December 2002 Prepared by Comprehensive Planning Section Planning Services Department Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 (239)403-2300 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROPOSED CIE FACILITIES AND REVENUES FY03-07 INDIVIDUAL FACILITY REPORTS: CATEGORY "A" FACILITIES 1. County Arterial and Collector Roads 2. Parks and Recreation Recreation Facilities Community Park Land Regional Park Land 3. Drainage Canals and Structures Drainage Projects 4. Potable Water System 5. Sewer Treatment and Collector System - North County - South County 6. Solid Waste PaRe 2 18 23 26 32 33 34 37 4O 43 INDIVIDUAL FACILITY REPORTS: CATEGORY "B" FACILITIES 1. County Jail 2. Library - Library Buildings - Library Collection 3. Emergency Medical Services 5O 53 56 59 2002 AUIR PROPOSED CIE FACILITIES & REVENUES FY 03-07 FACILITY TYPE RECOMMENDED PROJECTS County Roads Potable Water System Sewer System Drainage Parks & Recreation Solid Waste Emergency Medical Services Libraries County Jail $658,040,500 102,901,020 74,814,300 47,110,000 43,706,000 33,375,000 4,200,000 8,227,816 11,136,000 TOTAL $983,510,036 EXISTING/AVAILABLE REVENUE SOURCES General Fund Revenues Gas Taxes (Roads) Impact Fees/Revenue Bonds Grants/Reimbursements (Roads) Carry Forward (Roads) SFWMD/Big Cypress Basin/MSTU/Naples(Drainage) City of Naples (Drainage) User Fees (Solid Waste) Commercial Paper Issues (Roads) Revenue Bonds (Roads) RECOMMENDED REVENUE $116,367,300 89,401,000 399,985,136 22.178,400 33,571,800 33,387,000 2,016,000 33,375,0O0 62,325,000 192,920,000 TOTAL $983,510,036 2. ANNUAL UPDATE AND INVENTORY REPORT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES 2002 CATEGORY "A" FACILITIES December 2002 2002 COUNTY ROADS CONTENTS 1. 2002 AUIR FACILITY FORM SUMMARY (County Arterial and Collector Roads) 2. ATTACHMENT A Transportation - Existing Conditions Report - 2002 3. ATTACHMENT B Collier County Transportation Planning Database Capacity Analysis (Proposed 03-07 CIE) 4. ATTACHMENT C Proposed Transportation 5 Year Work Program 5. ATTACHMENT D Proposed Transportation 5 Year Work Plan Funding Scenario 6. ATTACHMENT E Proposed FY03-07 Road CIE Projects Summary of Expenses and Revenues PAGE 5 15 16 17 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: County Arterial and Collector Roads (Category A) Level of Service Standard: Variable "D" to "E" Unit Cost: Variable ($3,151,200/Lane Mile Average) Recommended Work Program 9/30,/07 Recommen~edRevenues FY03-07 5-year Surplds or CDeficit~ Capital Roads $658,040,500 658,040,500 0 Existinq Revenue Sources: Current Revenues CIE FY 03-07 Gas Taxes Impact Fees Carry Forward G rants/Reim bu rsements General Fund Transfer Proposed Revenues General Fund Transfer Commercial Paper Issues Revenue Bonds Issues Supplemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required SUB-TOTAL $ 89,401,000 155,000,000 33,571,800 22,178,400 22,700,000 $ 79,944,300 62,325,OOO 192,920,000 $322,851,200 SUB-TOTAL $355,189,300 TOTAL $658.040.500 Recommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include County road projects appearing on "Proposed Transportation 5 Year Work Program", (Attachment C), as detailed in the "Collier County Transportation Planning Data Base" (Attachment B), in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment with the application of revenues outlined on the "Proposed Transportation 5 Year Work Plan Funding Scenario" (Attachment D) to establish statutorily required financial feasibility of the CIE. ATTACHMENT "A" TRANSPORTATION EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT - 2002 Objective To provide the Board of County Commissioners with an "existing conditions" analysis of the transportation system in Collier County. Purpose This analysis is provided to assist in the preparation of the Annual Update and Inventory Report (AU-IR), and more specifically to assist in the determination of adequate (transportation) public facilities. Considerations The following considerations apply to this analysis: The traffic counts are based on the first quarter 2002 traffic counts factored to average annual daily traffic. These factors include an axle factor of .9524 and a peak season weekday factor that varies depending on the week that the traffic count was conducted. The level of service (LOS) threshold volumes are calculated using Art-Plan Level-of-Service software and is based on the 100~ highest hour after omitting February and March data consistent with recent Growth Management and Land Development Code revisions. Attachments Attached is the 2002 Collier County Transportation Planning Database table, which incorporates the proposed FY 03 to FY 07 Capital Improvement Program. Observations Of the 186 traffic count stations collected in the year 2001 traffic count program, the average increase in traffic volume was i 1.34%. Eighty-nine percent of the traffic counts experienced an increase over the previous year. Listed below are the number and percentage of stations, including their corresponding change over the previous year: · 48% (89 stations) show an increase greater than 10% over 2000; · 26% (49 stations) show an increase of 5-10% over 2000; and · 15% (27 stations) show an increase of up to 5% over 2000. · 7% (13 stations) show a decrease of 5% or less over 2000; · 1% (2 stations) show a decrease of 5-10% over 2000; and · 3% (6 stations) show a decrease of greater than 10% over 2000. Below are summary statistics from the last six years for all the road segments in the AUIR. Vehicle miles and service volume miles are calculated by summing across all segments of the products of the counted traffic and minimum standard service volume respectively by segment length. Percent system utilization is the vehicle mile total divided by the service volume mile total. Existing Conditions Report - 2002 Total for All Link~ in the AUIR Database System Measure 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Population 193,036 200,024 210,095 219,685 251,377 267,979 Lane Miles 1036 1048 1052 1063 1077 1090 Lane Miles Per 1000 Capita 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.3 4.07 Vehicle Miles 4,562,211 4,881,337 5,111,790 5,415,783 5,729,147 5,707,261 Vehicle Miles Per Capita 23.6 24.4 24.3 24.7 22.8 21.3 Service Volume Miles 8,426,674 ~8,605,41! 8,979,456'9,627,238 8,520,603 8,346,095 Service Volume Miles Per Capita 43.7 43 42.7 43.8 33.9 31.14 Percent System Utilization 54.1 56.7 56.9 56.3 67.2 68.4 ~Fotal on all Roads listed in the AUIR, on an average day. Results Listed below are the roadway links that are currently deficient or are projected to be deficient within the next five years and the programmed and proposed solutions to solve these deficiencies: YEAR ROADWAY FROM / TO DEFICIENT SOLUTIONS Davis Boulevard Radio Road to CR951/I-75 to Existing Interim CST Program/Potential ASI Davis Golden Gate Airport Road to Santa Barbara Existing CST Programmed 2003 Parkway Blvd. Golden Gate Santa Barbara Blvd. to CR951 Existing Designate as Policy Constrained/Green ..Parkway Project Goodlette-Frank Vanderbilt Beach Rd. to Pine Existing Under CST Road Ridge Rd Goodlette-Frank Pine Ridge Rd. to Golden Gate Existing CST Programmed 2004 Road Parkway SR 951 Marco Island Bridge Existing Design is Programmed, # 2 Priority - Policy Constrained Immokalee Road US41to 1-75 Existin~ CST Pro~rammed 2004 Immokalee Road CR951 to Oil Well Road Existin~ CST Pro~rammed 2003 Interstate 75 Pine Ridge Road to Lee County Existing Not included in Concurrency Line Lo,an Boulevard Pine Ridge Road to Green Blvd. Existin~ CST Pro~rammed 2005 Pine Ridge Road Shirley Street to Airport Road Existing Access Management Improvements this Year Vanderbilt Beach Gulfshore Drive to US41- Existing ASI Road Constrained Vanderbilt Beach Airport Road to Logan Boulevard Existing CST Programmed 2003 Road Existing Conditions Report - 2002 7 YEAR ROADWAY FROM / TO DEFICIENT POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS Davis Boulevard Airport Road to County Barn 2003 Design Prosrammed 2006 Immokalee Road 1-75 to CR951 2003 1-75 Ramp Project under CST will Improve LOS Radio Road Livingston to Santa Barbara Blvd. . 2003_ ~ Access Management Improvements 2004 Santa Barbara Green Blvd. to Golden Gate 2003 CST Programmed 2005 Boulevard Parkway Tamiami Trail North Immokalee Rd. to Vanderbilt 2003 Policy Constrained / Livingston and (US41) Beach Rd. Goodlette Projects Tamiami Trail North Pine Ridge Road to Golden Gate 2003 Policy Constrained / Livingston and (US41) Parkway Goodlette Projects Davis Boulevard County Barn Road to Santa 2004 Design Programmed 2006 Barbara Blvd. Collier Boulevard Immokalee Rd. to Golden Gate 2004 CST Programmed 2005 (CR951) Blvd. Rattlesnake Polly Avenue to CR951 2004 CST Programmed 2003 Hammock Santa Barbara Golden Gate Parkway to Radio 2004 CST Programmed 2005 Boulevard Road Vanderbilt Beach Logan Boulevard to CR951 2004 CST Programmed 2003 Road County Barn Road Davis Blvd. to Rattlesnake 2005 CST Programmed 2004 Hammock Davis Boulevard Santa Barbara Blvd. to Radio Road 2005 FDOT Prog ROW, #1 Priority SR 951 US41 to Manatee Road 2005 US 41 Project under CST will Improve 951 Intersection Collier Boulevard Davis Blvd. to Rattlesnake 2006 CST Programmed 2006 (CR951) Hammock Rd. Tamiami Trail North Gulf Park Drive to Pine Ridge 2006 Policy Constrained / Livingston and (US41) Road Goodlette Projects Collier Boulevard Golden Gate Blvd. to Pine Ridge 2007 CST Programmed 2007 (CR951) Road Collier Boulevard Rattlesnake Hammock Rd. to 2007 CST Programmed 2006 (CR951) US41 * These roadway segments, along with US41 from Airport Pulling Road to Rattlesnake Hammock Road, would be an existing deficiency by 100th highest hour (12 month) analysis. Prepared By: ~ q~'~ Date: Donald Scott, Transportation Planning Director Existing Conditions Report - 2002 ATTACHMENT "B" Project 60111 62031 63041 65031 69101 60018 60027 60027 6OO71 60134 60169 62071 63051 65041 69068 TBD 60036 69101 60166 62081 65061 66042 60001 60005 60018 60165 60167 60168 65033 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 66066 66065 60016 60172 69122 69081 60173 60003 60171 ATTACHMENT "C" Proposed Transportation 5 Year Work Program - FY03 Revisions (Dollars shown In Thousands) Project Name FY03 FY04 FY05 FY 06 FY 07 SUMMARY OF PROJECTS Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Pine Ridge Road/Airport-Logan 250 FCC 250 Airport Pulling Rd/VBR to PRR 23 FCC 23 Golden Gate Bird/Collier Blvd - Wilson 210 FCC 210 Radio Road Intersection 30 FCC 30 Immokalee Rd 175- Collier Blvd. 51 FCC 51 Immokalee Rd/Collier Blvd - Wllson-43rd 27,125 C/I 27,125 Golden Gate Pkwy/Airport-SBB 20,649 R/C 20,649 Golden Gate Pkwy Overpass 35,000 C/I 35,000 Livingston Road/GGPKWY-PRR 2,528 C/I 2,526 Goodlette Frank Rd/VBR - PRR 15,620 C/I 15,620 Rattlesnake Polly to Collier Bird 6,800 D/MIC/I 6,800 Livingston Road/PRR-IMMK 21,994 C/I 21,994 Vanderbilt Bch Rd/Airport-Collier Blvd. 24,g39 D/PJC/I 24,939 Livingston Road N/Immk- Imperial St 7,538 C/I 7,538 13th Street Improvement 2,059 C/I 2,059 SR 84 Davis Bird Intersection 500 C 500 E/W Livingston Rd/Old 41-N/S LR 2,500 R 2,500 County Barn Road/Davis - CR864 1,342 R/M 11,300 C/I 12,642 Logan Boulevard/PRR to IMMK 2,250 D/R 6,000 C** 8,250 Santa Barbara Blvd/PRR- Davis Blvd 10,794 D/R 30,125 C/I 40,919 Collier BlvdJImmk Rd-GG Blvd. 1,500 DIR 9,378 R 13,500 C* 24,378 Immokalea Rd/US41-175 12,689 D/R 20,000 C/1 32,689 Collier Blvd (Davis S to US41 4,600 D/M 4,878 R 14,623 R 37,200 FJC/I 61,298 Goodlette Frank (PRR-GGPKWY) 1,200 D 14,700 E/C/I 15,900 Immok Rd/175-Collier Blvd 500 D 500 Immokalee Rd Oil Well to SR29 1,800 S * 3,500 D * 5,300 Livingston Road Extension 600 D 9,000 D/PJM 9,600 Vanderbllt Beach Rd/Collier Blvd-Wilson 300 S 3,000 D 12,500 R 15,800 Radio Rd-LR-Santa Barbara 275 AM 275 Collier Blvd/Davis Blvd-GGPKWY 250 S 1,900 D 2,150 Goodletta Frank Rd/Immk - VBR 1,200 D 1,200 Green Blvd Ext Liv- SBB 400 S 3,500 D 3,900 Vanderbilt Drive Wigg - BBR 1,400 D 1,400 Santa BarbaraBIvd/Davis-Rattlesnake 2,500 D 5,000 R 10,000 R 11,400 C 28,900 Collier Blvd (GGB to Green Blvd.) 1,100 D 1,500 R 5,700 R 8,500 C 16,800 Green Blvd (Sunshine-SBB) 600 D 970 R 2,930 R 3,800 C 8,300 Golden Gate Blvd/Wilaon-Everglades 250 S 1,500 D 1,750 951 Cdor Study Immk-Lae Co/Line 250 S 250 Pine Ridge Rd/Logan-Collier Blvd 600 D 5,000 C 5,600 Wilson Blvd/Immk-GGS 250 S 250 GG Estates E/W Corridor Study 400 S 250 S 650 Davis Blvd Study-Airport-SBB 160 S 700 D 850 GGPKWY-US41 E of Goodlette Rd 250 AM 250 S 500 10% Contingency 12,772 8,300 7,500 6,200 4,900 39,672 Sub-Total Projects 183,311 I I 118,678 I I 67,668 1 I 58,880 1 I 49,000 1 I 507,537 ltenance Bridge Repairs/Improvements Major Intersection Improvements Intersection Safety/Capacity Improve New Traffic Signals Shoulder Safety Program Pathways/Sidewalks Bike Lanes Subtotal Base Operations & Maintenance 73 50 50 50 50 891 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,292 750 750 750 750 1,063 750 750 750 750 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 3~444 2t650 2,650 2,650 2r650 Impact Fee Credits Threshold I 2,000 Enhanced Oceratlons & Maintenance Major Roadway Resurfacing/Reconatructlon 1,617 Subtotal Enhanced O & M Collector Roads/Minor Arterial Roads Advanced ROW Revenue Bonds Debt Servl;~ Proposed Debt Service 273 4,891 4,292 4,063 275 25O Total Funding Request All Funds ,Key: S = Study D = Design M = Mitigation C = Construction R = ROW I 2,000 I 2,000 I 2,000 I 1,000 1,000 1,00~ 2~000 1,000 14,044 10,000 5,617 1,617 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,617 8,928 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 35,328 1 ~570 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,570 9,567 15,348 26,773 29,257 79,944 200,870 141,495 116,466 107,703 91,507 658,040 * = Advanced Reimbursement E = Exflltration FCC = Final Close Out AM = Access Management NOTES: SBB/Davis to Rattlesnake ROW for 6, building 4 lanes Collier BIvd/GGB - Immk Rd - Project Is being Fast Tracked 60166 In conjunction with Developer Contribution Agreement FY 02 Projects Rolled into FY03 39,536 ATTACHMENT "D" O Z LU O Z z z 0 >-g o 0 oooo ~ooo I~1~ ~ -~oo g g g ~ oooo ~oO~ ATTACHMENT "E" PROPOSED FY 03-07 ROADS CIE PROJECTS SUMMARRY OF EXPENSES AND REVENUES 2002 AUIR Expenses Projects Existing Debt Service Proposed Debt Service Impact fee Credits Total Amount 564,664,100 3,432,100 79,944,300 10,000,000 $658,040,500 Revenues Impact Fees Gas Taxes General Fund Transfer Grants/Reimbursements Interest/Miscellaneous Carryforward Revenue Bonds Commercial Paper Loans Total Amount 155,000,000 89,401,000 102,644,300 22,178,400 33,571,800 192,920,000 62,325,000 $658,040,500 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Recreation Facilities (Category A) Level of Service Standard: $240 capital inventory per capita Unit Cost: Variable Available Inventory 9/30/02: Required Inventory 9/30/07: Proposed CIE FY03-07: 5-year Surplus or (Deficit): Capital Facilities $57,500,000 $82,927,440 $38,165,000 $12,737,560 Existinq Revenue Sources Proposed CIE FY03-07 Park Impact Fees (Bonds & Cash) $38,165,000 Supplemental Revenue Sources None Required Recommended Action: That the BCC direct staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. "Available inventory" reflects the valuation of current inventory of the facility types on page 21 of this AUIR. o o o o o ~ .~. o o ~ o "q" '~ i.~ o 0 OJ ~0 CO 0 '"" 0 se!l!l!Oed lel!deo 0 8 8 8 8 ° o 8 o § ° o 8 o 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ oo o ~ o ~ ~ o 0 CD CD CD peJ!nbel:l se!l!l!Oe.-I/UO!lelndOd CD 2O PARKS AND RECREATION Five Year Capital Facilities Improvement Plan PROJECT 2001-02 2002-03 2003- 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 COMMENTS 04 GG Comm 3,200,000 Improvements 01-02 Center NN Regional 30,000,000 Park development Park Barron Collier 80t,400 Upgrade Little League, basketball, Soccer Manatee 160.000 1,000,000 Eagle Lake 400.000 Water play, tennis, shelters Imperial 400,000 Upgrades fields 10 acres Orange Tree 500,000 Park Development Pelican Bay 300,000 2 tennis courts Airport Park 750.000 Sugden 25.000 300.000 Storytelling circle; nook Goodland 130,000 Roadside park Goodland 1,000,000 Phase I N Gulfshore 39,000 13 Park spaces TOTAL 840,400 33,760,000 25,000 400,000 2,980,000 1,000,000 PARKS FACILITY INVENTORY (CONCURRENCY) TYPE Jogging Trails Picnic Pavilion Racquet Ball Multipurpose Center Shuffleboard Courts Softball Fields Little League Fields Tennis Courts Roller Hockey Skate Park Beach Parking Spaces Amphitheater Baseball Fields Basketball courts Bicycle Trails (miles) Boat Ramps Playgrounds Corem unity Centers Swimming Pool Football/Soccer 9130/01 INVENTORY 9 30 22 2 22 14 6 43 2 1 1068 2 5 24 64.1mile 11 23 6 2 14 VALUATION 505,800 1,638,000 880,000 5,150,000 62O,4O0 5,609,800 2,404,200 1,720,000 618,000 412,000 3,204,000 515,000 3,095,000 960,000 3,602,400 3,095,400 2,369,000 10,626,000 4,120,000 5,514,600 $56,659,600 9 30 22 2 22 14 8 43 2 1 1081 2 5 24 64.1 11 23 6 2 14 9130102 56,200 54,600 40,000 2,575,000 28,200 400,700 400,700 40,000 309,000 412,000 3,000 257,500 619,000 40,000 56,200 281,400 103,000 1,771,000 2,060,000 393,900 505,800 1,638,000 880 000 5,150 000 620 400 5,609 800 3,205 600 1,720 000 618 000 412.000 3,243 000 515,000 3,095,000 960,000 3,602,400 3,095,400 2,369,000 10,626,000 4,120,000 5,514,600 57,500,000 2.?- 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Community Park Land (Category A) Level of Service Standard: 1.2882 acres per 1000 population in the unincorporated area Unit Cost: $87,000/acre Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit): Acres Value/Cost 459.6 $39,985,200 390.9 $34,008,300 19.0 $ 1,653,000 87.7 $ 7,629,900 Existinq Revenue Sources Proposed CIE FY03-07 Park Impact Fees (Bonds & Cash) $1,653,000 .Supplemental Revenue Sources None Required Recommended Action: That the BCC direct staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. ,- 0 0000000000 O0 ~:/~::, .. ~.....:.::~:~: ~: ~Z .-] LLI 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 ~ 0 co ~0 ,ff. 0~1 0 0 0 ~ o ~ o NOIJ. VlndOd 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FOR_M_ Facility Type: Regional Park land (Category A) Level of Service Standard: 2.9412 acres per 1000 population Unit Cost: $36,000/Acre Acres Available Inventory 9/30/02: Required Inventory 9/30/07: Proposed CIE FY03-07: 5-year Surplus or (Deficit): 1045.1 1016.3 108.0 136.8 Value/Cost $37,623,600 $36,586,800 $ 3,888,OOO $ 4,924,800 Existinq Revenue Sources Proposed CIE FY03-07 Park Impact Fees (Bonds & Cash) $ 3,888,000 Supplemental Revenue Sources None Required Recommended Action: That the BCC direct staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. 2(0 cid cid n" n LU ._.l 2_7 0 se,oV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 8 o 8 o ~o [~ o NOIJ. Vll'ldOd 8 FY02-07 PROPOSED PARKS LAND ACQUISITION SUMMARY COMMUNITY PARK LAND 01-02 16.9 Acres - Corkscrew 3.2 Acres - Osceola School -5.0 Acres - Barron Collier Elementary 02-03 9 Acres - Martin Luther King Elementary School 03-04 0 04-05 10 Acres- Imperial School REGIONAL PARK LAND 01-02 5 Acres - Goodland 1.6 Acres - Out parcel at Barefoot -9 Acres transferred to School Board 02-03 0 03-04 100 Acres - Heritage Bay DRI 04-05 8 Acres - Rookery Bay eSeeJoV ~lJ~ JoqqSleN SPle!..-I en§ee'l e ,~e~lOOH Je st~noo Jelueo esocbnd ~UO!l?A~c $1!~J. IOOct s~noD 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Drainage Canals & Structures (Category A) Level of Service Standard: Future Development - 25 year, 3 day storm Existinq Development - current service level Summary of Drainaqe Inventory FY 03 FY 07 (Proposed) Type Of: Canal (miles) Structures Canal {'miles) Structures Primary 163 40 163 41 Secondary 148 2_~3 152 3._~2 County Wide Total: 311 63 315 73 Drainaqe Canal Cost Components & Averaqe Costs (FY-03) Cost Component: Primary Canal Secondary Canal $1,560,000 $1,680,000 Primary Str. Secondary Str. $ 990,000 $ 505,000 Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY03-07 5 - year Surplus or (Deficit) Canal Miles/ Structures 374 374 14 N/A Value/Cost $ 479,615,000 $ 479,615,000 $ 47,110,000 N/A 1. Existinq Revenue Sources Proposed CIE FY03-07 Ad Valorem (FY03) SFWMD Carry Forward/Misc. Recommended Supplemental Revenue Sources Sub-Total 2,206,000 787,000 2,111,000 $ 5,104,000 Ad Valorem Big Cypress Basin/SFWMD MSTU City of Naples Sub-Total TOTAL: TBD* TBD* TBD* TBD* $42,006,000 $47,110,000 Recommended Action: That the BCC direct Staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" projects and studies with existing and recommended revenue sources in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. * Note: Proportional costs and funding apportionment to be determined. 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Potable Water System (Category A) Level of Service Standard: 185GPD/Capita Unit Cost: $5,145,051/MG D Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) .Existin.q Revenue Sources' A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 Impact Fees/Revenue Bonds Su[~plemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required MGD yalue/Cost 32.0 $164,641,632 38.5 198,064,463 20.0 102,901,020 13.5 69,458,186 $102,901,020 Recommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include the Proposed CIE FY 03-07 projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. ..-.. 0 II co ,~. 0 '-.I®. co 0 Lo II co c~~ ~ orrc~ NOI.LV'lfldOd 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Sewer Treatment and Collection System - North County (Category A) Level of Service Standard: 145GPD/Capita Unit Cost: $6,183,000 Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) .Existinq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 Impact Fees/Revenue Bonds Supplemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required MGD Value/Cost 18.8 $116,240,400 17.7 109,439,100 5.3 32,769,900 6.4 39,571,200 $32,769,900 Recommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include the Proposed CIE FY 03-07 projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. NOIJ. Y'lridOd 0 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Sewer Treatment and Collection System - South County (Category A) Level of Service Standard: 100GPD/Capita Unit Cost: $6,183,000 Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) MGD 9.2 11.7 6.8 4.3 Value/Cost $ 56,883,6OO 72,341,100 42,O44,4OO 26,586,900 .Exist nq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 Impact Fees/Revenue Bonds $ 42,O44,4OO Supp emental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required Recommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include the Proposed CIE FY 03-07 projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. ;:::::::::::::::::::::: ::~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIJ o 0 c~ cz) c0 o o 4:[ 8 NOIJ.V'lndOd ~Z 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) Facility Type: Solid Waste (Category A) Level of ~years of constructed lined cell capacity at average disposal rate/previous five (5) years Site Tons Value/Cost '1,769,453 $23,622,197 1,014,217 13,539,797 2,500,000 33,375,000 ~r 989,873 13,214,804 Existinq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 User Fees $33,375,000 2. Supplemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required Recommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include Proposed CIE FY 03-07 projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. *Note: Balance available reflects the addition of 930~000 tons of capacity at the WMI Okeechobcc Landfill. io ~>- ..I 0 II LLA:I 60A-I 80AH ZOAH 90AH 90AH I~0AH gOAH ,,~ ~OA-~ ~OA-~ 45 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Solid Waste (Category A) Level of Service Standard: 10 years of permittable capacity at average disposal rate/previous five (5) years Unit Cost: $13.35/ton Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) Site Tons Value/Cost 8,833,453 $117,926,597 5,655,833 75,505,370 0 912,258 12,178,644 Existinq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 None Required Supplemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required Recommendation Action: None required for the 2002 AUIR. or./) oo ~ z o ~o ~ ~~> ~<~0 AouololJ, eC]/~nlcbn$ pUeLUOC] ,moa 01. o ~ o § 8 ° ,~ ~ 60Aa pueLueo eBeuuol JeeA 01. ANNUAL UPDATE AND INVENTORY REPORT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES 2002 CATEGORY "B" FACILITIES December 2002 2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: County Jail (Category B) Level of Service Standard: 2.4 Beds/1000 population Unit Cost: $46,400 Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) Beds 776 924 24O 92 Value/Cost $36,006,400 42,873,600 11,136,000 4,268,800 Existinq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 Jail Impact Fees/Bonds $11,136,000 Supplemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required Recommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include the FY03 jail expansion project in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. Ll.I 52. o 0 0 sP~I o o ~ o 8 8 8 8 I.O 0 tO I.O 0 NOIJ. V"lndOd 52. 8 8 -'8 .2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORII~I Facility Type: Library Buildings (Category B) Level of Service Standard: 0.33 sq. ft. per capita Unit Cost: $217.61/Sq. Ft. Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) .Existinq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 Library Impact Fees B. 5-Year Deficit None Required Su[~plemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II Non Required Sauare Feet Value/Cost 122,481 $26,653,090 127,055 27,648,438 10,000 2,176,100 5,426 1,180,752 $ 2,176,100 _R. ecommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. 5;3 ~Z ...I LLI o o o o o o o o o o cD o ~eed e.~enbs NOIJ.V'lndOd ,,2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Library Book Stock (Category B) Level of Service Standard: 1.30-2.05 (progressive) Books per capita Unit Cost: $22.00 per volume Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY 03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit) _Existinq Revenue Sources: A. Proposed CIE FY 03-07 Library Impact Fees Supplemental Revenue Sources: A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II Non Required ~ooks Value/Cost 456,451 $10,041,922 731,529 16,093,638 275,078 6,051,716 0 0 $ 6,051,716 R~ecommendation Action: That the BCC direct staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" book collection additions in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. 5(.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 uop, OallOO )loog 0 0 0 C~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2002 AUIR FACILITY SUMMARY FORM Facility Type: Emergency Medical Services (Category B) Level of Service Standard: .000068 units per capita (Approx. 1 unit/15,000 population)* Unit Cost: $1,400,000 per unit ** Available Inventory 9/30/02 Required Inventory 9/30/07 Proposed CIE FY03-07 5-year Surplus or (Deficit): Units Value/Cost 20.5 $28,700,000 22.8 $31,920,000 3.0 $ 4,200,000 O.7 $ 980,000 .Existinq Revenue Sources Proposed CIE FY03-07 EMS Impact Fees Supplemental Revenue Sources A. Alternative I None Required B. Alternative II None Required $ 4,200,000 ..Recommended Action: That the BCC direct staff to include "Proposed CIE FY03-07" projects in the next Annual CIE Update and Amendment. Additionally, staff recommends that the level of service analysis population basis be changed to permanent from weighted average. The addition of EMS units and services is focused on strategic location of permanent facilities based on permanent population projections. Peak season service demands will be budgeted and managed with supplemental part-time units (12-hour ambulances converted to 24-hour) and/or utilization of temporary "system status" units for peak time periods. Notes: The target response rate is less than 6 minutes in urban areas within Collier County. Emer enc Medical Services De artment Unit Values In "Pro osed CIE 03-07" (1.0) Unit = 24 hour advance life support emergency ground transport unit with station/building (0.5) Unit = 12 hour advanced life support emergency ground transport unit 0 ~zm z IJJ ~ z rh ~0 si!un siNa O O O O ° § ~ ° O 8 8 § NOIJ. V'lndOd O 0.4 (D (D ._.9. q~ (D mira _.J o o 8 8 8 NOI/V'lndOd