GGELTC Minutes 08/22/2016MINUTES
Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee
Monday, August 22,2016,5:30 P.m.
Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control & Rescue District Station l0 - Administration Office
Committee Members
Chairman: Jeff Curl
Vice-Chairman: Pat Humphries
Member: Mark Fillmore
Member: Carol Pratt
Member: Annette Kniola
Countv Staff
Michael Dowling: Collier County Real Property Management
Gino Santabarbara and Jerry Kurtz from Collier County's Capital Project Planning, Section of Growth
Management Department
1.Call to order: 5:35 pm
Approval of current agenda: Jeff asked for a motion to approve and Pat made a motion, Annette
seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Approval of the Minutes for the meeting for March 21,2016: Jeff called for a motion, Mark
made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Carol seconded, all were in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Michael provided the current available cash balance that is $932,532.61. Jeff
called for a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report, Pat made a motion and Annette made the
second, all were in favor. The Committee suggested that the available property values be
eliminated from the report since they continue to fluctuate and state 'to be determined.'
Executive Summary going to the BCC on September 13,2016 to ask the Board to consider
releasing the non-buildable parcel described as the East 75 feet of the West 180 feet of Tract 48, Unit
93, Golden Gate Estates.
Jeff asked if the parcels the Fire District placed on hold are now on the reserved list and Michael
said that they are now on the reserved list since the Fire Chief determined they are not needed for
the District's use. Michael said that one of the two will be considered at the upcoming Board
meeting related to the neighbor's request to release and purchase one of the two parcels.
6Collier County Stormwater Management staff to address Committee: Gino Santabarbara and
Jerry Kurtz from Collier County's Capital Project Planning, a Section of the Growth
Management Department (GMD), addressed the Committee requesting the donation of
undetermined number of reserved parcels for a project for the restoration of the natural flow of
water in the canals of the Estates, and to use wetlands to store and take the burden off the canal
system. Jerry said the water eventually makes its way to the Naples Bay. Gino said that he
consulted with the County Attomey's Office and it did not see any issues with the transfer of
property for the intended use. Gino passed out a map of the Estates showing the canal system.
Jerry said that the intention is to excavate a few feet of the property to create a wetland
environment for the canal water. At this time, until a study is done, staff is not certain that the
size and location of the reserved GAC parcels will be beneficial for the program, but the study
will provide that determination. Michael stated that Freedom Park is the same type of use and
Jerry said that it was and that it was their crown jewel for this program. Jeff was concemed if the
properry would be a hangout for people and if the property would be fenced. Jerry said that the
Commissioners ordered staff to remove fences from like- properties so the public can enjoy these
sites. Michael stated that cameras could be installed and Gino said that was a consideration.
Jerry said if there is a problem with people using the property for late night parties, they could
excavate more of the property and leave very little for vehicular parking to discourage that type
of use.
Pat asked if staff was asking to buy or donate the prope(y from the Trust. Jerry said that it is
their hope to have the property donated, but that would be determined by the Committee and the
Board. Jeff asked how many properties they were considering and Jerry said six, but would start
with one or two properties to see how the project unfolds.
Jerry said that he hopes to have a feasibility study returned to him in 2017 arrd he will retum to
the Committee with a full presentation that will then address a specified number of parcels from
the Trust.
Jeff said that the program could be used for educational purposes as well as passive recreation.
Jerry said that Collier County students frequent Freedom Park to leam about the ecosystem and
water program and students from FGCU are also studying the water program for their graduate
Mark asked when staff would begin the program. Jerry said he has a budget of $100,000 for
planning and development ofthe properties. However, Jerry feels that funding would probably be
used for consulting, feasibility studies, and engineering for the project.
Annette said that the property sited on Sth has a bridge planned for that property. Jerry said that
they could work with a bridge and that may provide for a habitat for fish and provide the public
with a place to fish.
Jeff asked the Committee to suggest how many parcels the Committee wants to reserve for the
use. There was some discussion and Michael said, in order to assist staff, reserve all six, and
depending on the study, take a vote at that time as to the number of parcels to release. Michael
reminded the Committee that it has not assisted this agency and that even though the Committee
is using the word 'selling' the properties, the Board may simply transfer the properties at no cost.
The Committee acknowledged that concept. Mark made a motion to reserve all six parcels for a
period of twelve months, and pending the feasibility study's findings, the Committee will later
vote on how many parcels to actually release for the proposed project, Pat seconded the motion,
and all were in favor.
7. Other business: At the last meeting, Carol asked about the 'big' map that has been referenced in
the past showing all the GAC properties. Michael provided the map to the Committee and
explained the legend - available and reserved. The Committee reviewed the map and causally
discussed some of the luture plans being proposed for the Estates.
7. Public Comment: None
8. Next Meeting Date - December 19,2016
Adjoumed: 7:50 pm
December 19,2016