Minutes 09/07/2016 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 7,2016 The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, September 7, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive,Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Bohdan Hirniak Ken Dawson, Chairman Susan O'Brien Scott Streckenbein, Vice-Chairman Peggy Pinterich Joe Chicurel Mike Shepherd Tom Cravens Dave Trecker Jacob Damouni Gary Ventress Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Jim Hoppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of meeting minutes (20 minutes) a. 7/6/16 Regular Session meeting b. 4/27/16 Budget Committee meeting c. 7/14/16 Cost Saving Strategies Committee meeting 5. Audience comments 6. *Agnoli, Barber& Brundage sign mapping proposal (15 minutes) 7. *Holiday decoration responsibility (15 minutes) 8. Administrator's report (20 minutes) a. Update on beach dune swale b. Update on street lights c. Update on cul-de-sac renovation d. Community signage inventory e. Monthly copper monitoring table f. August financial report 9. Committee reports (50 minutes) a. Ad-Hoc Cost Saving Strategies b. Clam Bay 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 7,2016 c. Landscape & Safety i. *Approval of cul-de-sac landscaping project ii. *Approval of no future PBSD planting of bromeliads d. Water Management 10. Chairman's report 00 minutes) i. Special meeting for CSSC Report discussion 11. Old business 12. New business 13. Adjournment *indicates action items ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Cravens motioned,Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 07/06/16 REGULAR SESSION MEETING MINUTES Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to approve the 07/06/16 regular session meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 04/27/16 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to approve the 04/27/16 budget committee meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 07/14/16 COST SAVING STRATEGIES AD-HOC COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Hirniak seconded to approve the 07/14/16 cost saving strategies ad-hoc committee meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS None AGNOLI, BARBER& BRUNDAGE SIGN MAPPING PROPOSAL Mr. Dorrill provided a proposal by our civil engineer Agnoli, Barber& Brundage to prepare an inventory of approximately 400 street signs in Pelican Bay (for which PBSD is responsible), including data on sign type and GIS location for $8,889. Mr. Bolick commented that the PBSD currently has no organized method for sign evaluation. 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 7,2016 Mr. Dawson commented on how a master spreadsheet of all PBSD signs would assist staff in maintaining signs on a regular rotational basis. Ms. O'Brien, Dr. Trecker, and Mr. Shepherd expressed their concerns on the level of engineering expertise required for this task and questioned whether staff could easily complete this task, resulting in cost savings. Mr. Cravens motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the Agnoli, Barber& Brundage sign mapping proposal dated 8/19/16 and not to exceed $10,000. The motion failed 10-1 with Dr. Chicurel, Mr. Cravens, Mr. Damouni, Mr. Hirniak, Ms. O'Brien, Ms. Pinterich, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Streckenbein, Dr. Trecker, and Mr. Ventress dissenting. Mr. Dorrill and the Landscape & Safety Committee will explore alternatives to create a PBSD sign inventory. In addition, Mr. Dorrill will explore identifying a handyman who can refurbish signs "in place." HOLIDAY DECORATION RESPONSIBILITY After discussion on whether holiday decorations would be considered part of the "beautification"mission of the PBSD, the board, by consensus, decided to reconsider this issue in the future. Mr. Hoppensteadt commented that the additional cost of 2016 holiday decorations at Pelican Bay entrances has not been included in the PB Foundation's budget. Mr. Dawson motioned, Mr. Cravens seconded to approve a formal notification from Pelican Bay Services Division to Pelican Bay Foundation that we will no longer fund the annual holiday decorations at the entrances of Pelican Bay. After discussion by the board, Mr. Dawson withdrew his motion, and Mr. Cravens withdrew his second. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT UPDATE ON BEACH DUNE SWALE Mr. Dorrill provided an update on the beach dune swale restoration project which included, (1) the original estimate to clear and grub areas in a twenty foot swale was for $47,000, (2) a new round of bids will be obtained by staff, (3) Bay Colony Community Association is amenable to cost sharing for this project, and(4)the expected timing of this project is late November/early December. UPDATE ON STREET LIGHTS Mr. Dorrill provided an update on the design phase of the additional two or three street lights to be installed near the pathway connecting Artis-Naples and the Waterside Shops. He indicated that the timing of the Artis-Naples' pathway project is still unknown and that our new poles will not be installed until the conclusion of their project. UPDATE ON CUL-DE-SAC RENOVATION Dr. Chicurel commented that this issue would be discussed under his L&S Committee report, under agenda item#9c. 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 7,2016 COMMUNITY SIGNAGE INVENTORY Mr. Dorrill commented that this issue had already been sufficiently discussed under agenda item#6. MONTHLY COPPER MONITORING TABLE Mr. Dorrill summarized Ms. O'Brien's request for staff to update a monthly copper monitoring table. Dr. Trecker commented in favor of changing from monthly to quarterly Clam Bay water quality sampling. Ms. O'Brien expressed her preference for monthly sampling and belief that this would be consistent with the Clam Bay NRPA Management Plan. Mr. Cravens motioned,Dr. Trecker seconded that we reduce this (Clam Bay water quality) sampling process to quarterly. After discussion by the board,Mr. Cravens withdrew his motion, and Dr. Trecker withdrew his second pending re- evaluation by staff and further discussion at the next board meeting. AUGUST FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to accept the August financial report. The motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS AD HOC COST SAVING STRATEGIES Mr. Shepherd reported that the Cost Savings Strategies Ad Hoc Committee has completed its final report. Dr. Trecker commented on the extraordinary job by this committee. CLAM BAY Ms. O'Brien provided an update on Clam Bay. She commented that (1)the mangrove die- off in Upper Clam Bay appears to be slowing, based on Turrell Hall &Associates' field work and aerial photos in July and August, and (2) a proposal from Humiston& Moore for Clam Pass related monitoring and reporting is inconsistent with the monitoring specified in the Clam Bay NRPA Management Plan. LANDSCAPE & SAFETY REPORT Dr. Chicurel reported that the Landscape & Safety Committee met on August 24 and the following items were discussed. 1. A presentation and discussion took place on staffs request for funds to completely re- landscape and partially re-landscape cul-de-sacs within Pelican Bay. Various medians in Pelican Bay will also receive additional plants. The cul-de-sacs were identified by residents and/or staff to be overgrowing and presenting a safety line of sight hazard, had dying or dead plants, had maintenance issues or a combination of these issues. Suggestions were made by the committee to use plants or sod around the periphery that would not grow into the street and to reduce mounding where feasible. Having been satisfied 4 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 7,2016 with the plans, the L&S Committee approved the allocation of the requested funds unanimously for full board approval. 2. In light of the ongoing Zika virus threat and the recognition by Collier and Lee County Mosquito Control that the standing water that accumulates within the center of bromeliads may provide a breeding ground for the Zika-carrying mosquitoes, the L&S Committee unanimously approved the motion that the PBSD no longer plant bromeliads in the future. 3. By consensus, the committee approved (1) geraniums will be planted at the Pelican Bay Blvd. & Gulf Park Dr. intersection this fall, and(2) red big begonias will be planted at all US 41 Pelican Bay entrances this fall. 4. A tree trimming survey will be available next month as part of our street lighting project evaluation. 5. Mr. Dorrill will continue to explore the possible use of the church to the east of Pelican Bay on US 41 as a site for car carriers to load and unload cars of Pelican Bay residents and renters. The fact that it is unlawful and a traffic danger for car carriers to park on Pelican Bay streets were the reasons for this initiative. Dr. Chicurel provided examples of re-landscaped and proposed newly designed cul-de- sacs which have been approved by the L&S Committee. Dr. Chicurel motioned, Mr. Shepherd seconded that the PBSD Board approve allocating $60,550 for cul-de-sac re-landscaping and for median landscaping where additional plants are needed. The motion carried 10-1 with Ms. O'Brien dissenting. Dr. Chicurel motioned, Mr. Ventress seconded that the PBSD no longer use bromeliads in any new landscaping or re-landscaping in Pelican Bay. The motion carried unanimously. WATER MANAGEMENT Mr. Cravens provided a powerpoint presentation on the restocking of 600 blue tilapia in the Community Center lake and the Ridgewood Park lake on July 26. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT SPECIAL MEETING FOR CSSC REPORT DISCUSSION Mr. Dawson reported his intention to schedule a special meeting of the PBSD Board on Nov. 16 or 17 to review and discuss the findings in the final report of the Cost Saving Strategies Ad-hoc Committee. Copies of this report were distributed to the board members. Mr. Dawson reviewed his original purpose in forming this ad-hoc committee which was to identify sources of cost savings in light of tax increases in FY16 and FY17. OLD BUSINESS Dr. Trecker updated the board on the accepted procedures to follow, according to Robert's Rules of Order, when both the chair and vice chair are unable to attend a board meeting: 5 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session September 7,2016 Any member of the board may call the meeting to order, and then the members shall elect a "chairman pro tern"to run the meeting. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Streckenbein commented on his appreciation for all of the staff's hard work. He commended Lisa Jacob for her honor in being named"June employee of the month." Mr. Dorrill commented on Mr. Andy Solis winning the August primary election for County Commissioner, District 2. He suggested and the board agreed to the benefits of setting up a meeting of introduction to include Mr. Dorrill, Mr. Dawson, and Mr. Solis. Mr. Shepherd commented on Nordstrom's unsightly loading dock, located not far from the existing pathway connecting Artis-Naples and the Waterside Shops. Mr. Dorrill will contact management at Nordstrom's to discuss their utilization of the existing gate to block the view of the loading dock. ADJOURNMENT IThe meeting was adjourned at 2:56 p.m. Ketipawson, Chairman.. Minutes approved [ 1 as presented OR [ )( 1 as amended ON 10 46, 1 date 6