Minutes 09/26/2016 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION LANDSCAPE & SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 26,2016 The Landscape & Safety Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Monday, September 26 at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, located at 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. The following members attended. Landscape & Safety Committee Mike Shepherd Joe Chicurel, Chairman Scott Streckenbein (absent) Tom Cravens Gary Ventress Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Thomas Folden, Collier County Sheriffs Office Susan O'Brien, PBSD Board Thomas Orr, Collier County Sheriffs Office APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 08/24/16 meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Administrator's Report a. Car carrier update b. Lighting study update c. Gulf Park Drive median cut 7. Discussion of resident's accident/complaint due to cobblestones 8. Discussion of how to adequately identify landscape/hardscape issues 9. Discussion—continual bougainvillea—line of sight safety issues 10. Marion's update on projects ongoing and planned a. PBF Chairman's observation and request for remediation of vine overgrowth 11. Old Business 12. New Business 13. Adjournment 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Landscape & Safety Committee Meeting September 26,2016 ROLL CALL Mr. Streckenbein was absent and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Cravens motioned,Mr. Ventress seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 08/24/16 MEETING MINUTES Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Ventress seconded to approve the 08/24/16 meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS None ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT CAR CARRIER UPDATE Mr. Dorrill provided an update on the proposed off-loading car carrier site at the Covenant Church of Naples. Mr. Dorrill will meet with Covenant Church staff on Oct. 4 to discuss a draft of a license agreement, prepared by the County Attorney, which includes an indemnification clause as requested by the church. If the agreement is acceptable to the Covenant Church, Mr. Dorrill expects to make this site available to PB residents this fall season. LIGHTING STUDY UPDATE Mr. Dorrill reported that our engineer ABB has completed the "street light conflicts with trees" study and will share the final product at the next committee meeting. Mr. Dorrill reported that he expects to receive ABB's preliminary design/engineering plans for the addition of three street light poles on Laurel Oak and Ridgewood, to be completed in conjunction with the Artis- Naples/Waterside Shops sidewalk project, by the end of the month. GULF PARK DRIVE MEDIAN CUT Mr. Dorrill commented on a sketch, prepared by ABB, exhibiting a possible "cut- through" of the median near Oak Lake Sanctuary, creating a U-turn lane, which would provide an alternative for residents exiting their community. Mr. Dorrill will explore the possibility of obtaining supplemental county funds for this project. The project cost is currently unknown. Mr. Shepherd commented on the possibility of the elimination of left turns by vehicles exiting Gulf Park Drive onto US 41. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the funding of a new median cut is not the responsibility of the PBSD. She suggested that the completion of this median project would set a precedent for future associations to request median cuts in front of their properties on main PB thoroughfares. RESIDENT'S ACCIDENT/COMPLAINT DUE TO COBBLESTONES Dr. Chicurel provided a brief history of the installation of cobblestones at the mid-block crosswalks and commented that PB consultants had recommended the cobblestones for "traffic calming." He reported that the Federal Highway Administration does not recommend 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Landscape & Safety Committee Meeting September 26, 2016 cobblestones where pedestrians or cyclists are present in the area. He suggested that the next step would be to obtain quotes on removing the cobblestones in the three mid-block crosswalks. Mr. Charlie Carignan summarized his bicycle accident and related injuries: (1) broken collarbone, (2) severe contusions to hip and leg, and (3) extreme pain and suffering, which resulted from his attempt to avoid riding over the cobblestones in the road on Pelican Bay Blvd. Mr. Cravens spoke in support of Dr. Chicurel's comments and supports the removal of the cobblestones. Mr. Dorrill commented on an additional purpose of the cobblestones, which was to draw attention to and create an awareness of the crosswalks. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the PBSD did not approve or fund the cobblestones at mid- block crosswalks and therefore, the PB Foundation could be asked to share in the cost of their removal. METHOD OF LANDSCAPE/HARDSCAPE ISSUE IDENTIFICATION Dr. Chicurel asked the committee for suggestions on methods to identify landscape/hardscape issues. Mr. Shepherd volunteered to develop a list of criteria and/or expectations of staff for further discussion at the next meeting of the committee. Ms. O'Brien suggested that staff develop a list of deferred maintenance issues for the committee to review and prioritize. BOUGAINVILLEA LINE OF SIGHT SAFETY ISSUES Mr. Cravens commented on the severely cut back bougainvillea and suggested that another type of landscaping could be considered for landscaping near crosswalks in the future. MARION'S UPDATE ON PROJECTS ONGOING AND PLANNED Mr. Bolick provided an update on the ongoing cul-de-sac project and the substantially completed irrigation project. Annual flowers are expected to be planted at the end of October. PBF CHAIRMAN'S OBSERVATION AND REQUEST FOR REMEDIATION OF VINE OVERGROWTH Mr. Bolick reported that the Pelican Bay Foundation has issued a purchase order for Earth Tec to remove the "old world climbing fern"vines in the trees along the US 41 berm. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Mr. Shepherd commented on the existence of some signs which were installed without secure bases. Mr. Dorrill will explore the County engineering requirements of sign installation by contractors and whether our contractors are adhering to these requirements when installing our Pelican Bay signs. ADJOURNMENT IThe meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. I 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Landscape & Safety Committee Meeting September 26, 2016 o Chicurel, Chairman Minutes approved [ ] as presented OR [ K ] as amended ON [ I tV-27— 16 ] date 4