CAC Minutes 12/12/2002 RTRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, December 12, 2002 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Gary Galleberg William Kroeschell Ron Pennington James Snediker Ashley Lupo (Absent) Robert Stakich (Absent) David Roellig Anthony Pires John Strapponi ALSO PRESENT: Ron Hovell - Coastal Projects/Public Utilities Dr. Jon Staiger- City of Naples NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARDROOM, THIRD FLOOR, W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION), AT THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA AT 1:30 P.M. ON DECEMBER 12, 2002. AGENDA Roll Call Additions to Agenda Old Business a. Approval o£minutes £or November 14, 2002 b. 10-Year Plan Discussion New Business a. FEMA update b. Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association Membership c. Proposed TDC Category 'A' Grant Application Form Audience Participation Schedule next meeting Adjoumment ADDITIONALLY, THIS NOTICE ADVISED THAT, IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND THAT FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 1. Roll Call Chairman Gary Galleberg noted that a quorum was present with Mr. Stakich and Ms. Lupo absent. 2. Additions to the Agenda Mr. Hovell stated he would provide an update on construction projects that would be covered under Old Business. 3. Old Business: a. Approval of Minutes -November 14, 2002 Mr. Permington had the following changes: Page 1 - met at 1:30 PM - not 1:30 AM - Page 4 - under engineering services - it is not "Georgia" sand - should read "yards" of sand. - Page 5 - first line - second paragraph - should read rock "groins" not "growing" - Page 7 & following pages - since there are two Ron's - need to put last name. - Page 1 - Mr. Stakich name misspelled. - Page 4 - Mr. Pierro's name misspelled in one place - Page 5 - Should read "injection wells" not "ejection" - Page 5 - the paragraph on staff giving direction should refer to "the outfall or drainage pipes". Mr. Kroescheil moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Second Mr. Pennington. Carried unanimously 7-0. b. Construction Projects - Mr. Hovell reported the removal of rock from Vanderbilt Beach in the month of November was completed with 570 tons being removed. The addition of sand in Pelican Bay and Vanderbilt Beach has been completed. They started dredging Wiggins Pass Tuesday and will be done early next week. Started the truck haul to Hideaway Beach yesterday. It will take 3-4 weeks. c. 1 O-year Plan - Mr. Hovell gave an updated draft dated 11-27-02. - The Marco Island breakwater project was cancelled that was approved by the Board-- added in additional cost because of Wiggins Pass Dredging which hadn't been anticipated for the year. - Lowered the estimate for Project #90507 (which had all the money from tropical storm Gabriel recovery). Can finance $3.3M construction cost for the Vanderbilt Parking Garage. Was a total of $3.89M- half a million for the engineering fees - balance for construction costs? He proposed spending the engineering fees up front and will finance them over 10 years. Mr. Pennington asked if financing the parking garage was to facilitate getting more money for the full beach renourishment project. Mr. Hovell stated they did not want to run the 2004 figure into a negative number. It is a potential way to get through the high year anticipating the funding for the major renom-ishment project. From a grant aspect the funds have been approved for the parking garage. They have not awarded the design to an engineer yet due to a legal action. He didn't think they had to go to the Board for the financing concept; it would be part of the budget process. The Boards approval of the Budget would be an approved plan. Mr. Hovell asked what they would do with the truck hauls. He suggested an option to continue to budget approx. 50,000 cubic yards worth of sand a year or have a different strategy - a lesser amount or none at all. Mr. Hovell will put the "Revenue", "Truck Haul" and "criteria for prioritizing" as specific disscussions for the January agenda. e New Business: a. FEMA Update - FEMA did support their appeal and approved Vanderbilt and Naples beaches be added to the Park Shore Beach. All three are now eligible for the FEMA Funding. Tallahassee said it was the first successful appeal of the 5 year rule. FEMA says if there hasn't been sand added within 5 years it usually is not eligible. Estimate would be approx. $2M. Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association Membership - Mr. Howell provided a copy of the letter from the Association. They are asking for them to join "Beach Watch". It is a lobbying group that tries to protect the money for beach funding in the State. Ce Mr. Pennington moved they do not join "Beach Watch". Seconded Mr. Snediker. Carried Unanimously 7-0. Proposed TDC Category "A" Grant Application Form - Mr. Pires said they are getting a "real" short version. He feels this form provides for less information. He feels the application should address criteria and guidelines. It had the criteria but the answers didn't relate to what the questions were. Discussion followed on specifics being addressed on the application. Mr. Hovell stated the TDC had no specific desires in changing the form. He didn't think there was any rational in having any specific questions in the form, so could make it whatever they feel it should be and take it back to the TDC. The shorter form is better and perhaps more detail on a project would be helpful. Mr. Hovel did mention the Budget and Clerks office would also like to see more details and specificity on project locations. Mr. Pennington moved they approve the form with the recommended modifications from the Committee. Seconded Mr. Roellig. Carried Unanimously %0. 5. Audience Participation - No one from the audience chose to address the CAC. Mr. Snediker said the city of Marco Island is going to do the grooming with the Gator instead of the beach raking machine. Chairman Galleberg brought the issue of the storm drain pipes up to the City Council and asked Mr. Hovell to write a letter to the City Manager outlining the issue and hopes everyone will work together. He would like to have staff write the letter and provide a copy to the Committee. 6. Schedule next meeting - January 9th, 2003 -- 1:30 PM. 7. Adjournment - meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM