CAC Minutes 09/08/2016 September 8, 2016
Naples, Florida, September 8, 2016
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3fl Floor, Collier County
Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
Ian Butler (Excused)
Joseph A. Moreland
Linda Penniman
Robert Brown
Steve Koziar(Excused)
Thomas McCann (Excused)
Jim Burke
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Manager, Coastal Zone Management
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Accountant
September 8, 2016
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording
from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online.
L Call to Order
Mr. Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:00PM.
H. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
M. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Ms. Penniman moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Ms. Roddy. Carried unanimously 6—0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. June 9, 2016
Mr. Brown moved to approve the minutes of the June 9,2016 as submitted. Second by Mr.
Burke. Carried unanimously 6—0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
The Committee reviewed the"Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 16 TLC Revenue Report"
dated through August 30, 2016.
The Committee requested Staff determine the status of Tourist Development Tax collections for
VIII. New Business
1. (No item for consideration)
2. CB&l Contract 16-6629 Beach Renourishment
* Proposal
** Contract
Mr. MeAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute Contract No. 16-6629 to provide professional engineering services as
required for the "2016 Beach Renourishment Project"for 5111,756.30 to CB&l Coastal Planning
&Engineering, Inc., Inc., and make a finding that this item promotes tourism, Project No. 80301"
dated September 8, 2016 for consideration. He noted:
• The project was heard previously reviewed by the Committee and the request is an after the
fact approval for the engineering services contract for the upcoming beach renourishment
• The item was recommended for approval by the Tourist Development Council on June 27,
2016 and approved by the Board of County Commissioner on June 28, 2016.
. .
September 8,2016
• Construction bids for the project are due by the end of September with work anticipated to
be initiated by November 1 and completed by the end of the year.
• The project cost is estimated at $4.7M.
Mr. Burke moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute Contract No. 16-6629 to provide professional engineering services as
required for the "2016 Beach Renourishment Project"for$111,756.30 to CB&1 Coastal
Planning& Engineering,Inc., Inc., and hereby finds the item promotes tourism,Project No.
80301. Second by Ms. Penniman. Carried unanimously 6—O.
3. Sand Supply for Beach Re-nourishment
* Invitation to Bid
** Bid Tabulation
*** Bid Recommendation
Mr. McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to award ITB No. 16-6658
Sand Supply,*beach re-nourishment to Stewart Materials, Inc., and make a finding that this
project and expenditure promotes tourism" dated September 8, 2016 for consideration. He noted:
• The proposal was previously reviewed by the Committee and the request is an after the fact
approval for the contract to supply sand for the November beach renourishment project.
• Two firms bid the County's request, Stewart Materials, Inc. and Vulcan Material Company
with contract being awarded to Stewart Materials, Inc.
• The contract is for a 5 year term with the grain size of sand being the same as previous
• Beach surveys indicate renourishment of the City of Naples beaches is not required at this
time, however the beaches are surveyed annually the first of the year and a determination
will be made in February of 2017 for November 2017 renourishment requirements.
• The County has the ability to undertake"emergency renourishment" if the need arises over
the next 12 months.
Mr. Brown moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners award ITB No. 16-6658
Sand Supply for beach re-nourishment to Stewart Materials, Inc.,and hereby finds the item
promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 6—0.
4. Biological Monitoring
Mr. McAlpin presented the Executive Summary"Recommendation to reject the sole response
received to RFP#16-6650 for Ilardbottom Monitoring/or the Coastal Zone Management, Capital
Project Planning, Impact Fee and Program Management Division; authorize the County Manager
to enter into a standard form Work Order by utilizing the competitively bid Coastal Zone
Management Contract (15-6382) with CBI/Coastal Planning and Engineering/or a Not-to-Exceed
Time and Material price of$147,150; and make a finding that this item promotes tourism, Protect
No. 90033" dated September 8. 2016 for consideration. He noted:
• The work is required as a part of the County's permit for their beach renourishment
• While utilizing truck haul applications it will be required on an annual basis.
• The monitoring is to determine if any beach sand is encroaching on the toe of the
hardbottom and an analysis of the flora and fauna in the area.
September 8, 2016
• If there is an encroachment of sand, mitigation may be required, however this has not been
the case over the past 10 years.
• The County will be supplying 2 divers to reduce the cost of the project.
• The area of work includes the north and south side of Wiggins Pass
Mr. Moreland moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners reject the sole
response received to RFP#16-6650 for Hardbottom Monitoring for the Coastal Zone
Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fee and Program Management Division;
authorize the County Manager to enter into a standard form Work Order by utilizing the
competitively bid Coastal Zone Management Contract(15-6382) with CBI/Coastal Planning and
Engineering for a Not-to-Exceed Time and Material price of$147,150; and hereby finds the
item promotes tourism,Project No. 90033" Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 6—O.
S. Beach Renourishment/Marco Island South
Mr. McAlpin presented the "2016 Beach Renourishment—Hauling and Placement COLLIER
COUNTY BID NO. 16-7009 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (CDFA 37.036)" for consideration.
He noted:
Collier County Beaches
• The renourishment for the County beaches will require approximately 130,000cy of sand
supplied by Stewart Material . Inc.
• The project is expected to begin on November 1 and completed by the end of December.
• The operation will occur 6 days a week with each truck expected to make 3 —4 trips a day.
• The sand will be transported from the mine to Vanderbilt Beach Road via the Corkscrew
Road/Alico Road bypass and 175.
• The project will be bid two ways: A truck haul project with sand unloaded in two locations
(Vanderbilt Beach Road and Horizon Way) and delivered down the beach by truck and
stockpiling the sand and fluidizing it for pumping down the beach.
• Fluidizing and pumping the sand is anticipated to be more expensive but vastly improve
safety and reduce the probability of closing sections of the beaches during the
transportation the sand by truck.
• The best value option will be chosen and some noise from generators is anticipated if the
fluidizing operation is utilized,
• The contract for the work will be considered by the Tourist Development Council and
Board of County Commissioners in October.
Marco Island South Beach
• The delivery of sand will utilize the Corkscrew/Alico Road/175 to Collier Blvd. route to
Swallow Ave. on Marco Island.
• From Swallow Ave. the sand will be delivered to the beach via a conveyor belt and the.
boardwalk will remain open during the work.
• The necessary approval for the conveyor's private property access has been ascertained
from the owners.
• The project is anticipated to be completed in 3 weeks with 1 1/2,weeks of sand
transportation and is anticipated to be completed by the end of December.
• FEMA is funding the project and a heavier grain sand than previously used is intended to
be placed on the beach.
September 8, 2016
Lake Avalon
I0,000cy of sand will be placed on the beach at Sugden Park. The Collier County School District
donated sand removed from their playgrounds for use on the beaches: however the sand was
deemed non beach quality and will be utilized on other County projects.
Fie noted the amount of sand placed on the beaches will be field verified via surveys given the
County pays for it by the cubic yard. Staff will work with the City of Naples on any transportation
related issues.
IX. Old Business
1. Collier Creek Dredging
Mr. McAlpin reported the project was completed a month ago by Gator Dredging.
2. Hideaway Beach Sand Placement
Mr. McAlpin reported sand from the Collier Creek dredging project was placed on the beach and
Staff is looking into alternative accesses for Tigertail beachgoers.
Other Projects
Staff continues to work on permitting other projects including Marco island Central Beach
regrade. Naples Erosion Control structures. Clam Pass Beach Park and Wiggins Pass dredging.
X. Announcements
Mr. McAlpin reported the Florida Shore and Beach Protection Association Annual Conference will
be held at the Naples Grande September 14 - 16.
XL Committee Member Discussion
Ms. Roddy queried on how the beaches fared during the recent storm event with Staff noting there
was no major damage to the areas.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
October 13,2016-Government Center,Administration Bldg. F,3rd Floor
There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned by order
of the chair at 2:01P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
'John Sorey, III Ch4rman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on ir-1 as presented f\-• or as amended