Clam Bay Policy Subcommittee Minutes 02/02/2009
February 2,2009
Naples, Florida, February 2,2009
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Clam Bay Policy
Subcommittee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 1 :30 P.M., at the Office of Coastal Zone
Management, 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd., Naples, Florida with the following
members present:
John Arceri
Kathy Worley
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management
February 2,2009
The Meeting was called to order at 1 :40 PM
Jim Burke, Coastal Advisory Committee Member and Marcia Cravens, Mangrove
Action Group were also present.
Mr. Arceri reviewed the purpose of the meeting, which was to determine the function
and duties ofthe Clam Bay Advisory Committee per the Ordinance approved by the
Board of County Commissioners, which empowers the Clam Bay Advisory Committee.
A draft document will be generated and submitted to the main Committee for review and
subsequent forwarding to the Board of County Commissioners.
The document "Collier County Clam Bay Advisory Committee ", prepared by Mr. Arceri
and Gary McAlpin, Director of Coastal Zone Management and "Policy Subcommittee -
Mission and Scope of Work Subcommittee - Ideas" prepared by Kathy Worley were
submitted for review.
It was noted the documents would be merged utilizing the "Collier County Clam Bay
Advisory Committee" as the baseline document.
The following was noted:
. The Clam Bay Advisory Committee is not a Subcommittee of the Coastal
Advisory Committee.
. The Clam Bay Advisory Committee is subject to its Ordinance approved
by the Board of County Commissioners.
· The purpose of the meeting was to develop a framework for the Clam
Bay Advisory Committee to address the areas of concern identified, not to
make technical, detailed recommendations on these duties,
The Subcommittee reviewed the document by Section, with interaction from Jim Burke,
Marcia Cravens and Gary McAlpin. The following changes were recommended:
. Line 1 -2 to read - "The Clam Bay Advisory Committee (hereafter "the
Committee '') has defined the boundaries of the NRP A (National Resource .
Protection Area) Clam Bay Estuary (hereafter "the Estuary'')....
. Line #2, - deletion of "south of" which is repeated as a scriveners error.
. Add the legal definition of the NRP A to the Section.
. Line 1 to read - "The Committee's mission is to advise, assist and make
recommendations to the Coastal Advisory Committee.. ."
. Line 1 to read - "The Committee has defined its specific duties and scope
of work relative to its defined mission. . ."
. Eliminate #4, - Development of Best Management Practices for Clam
Bay and replace with Estuarine Wildlife and Habitat Subcommittee - to
review all biological and ecological data available and make
February 2,2009
recommendations on how to improve the overall health of the Estuary
(mangroves, sea grasses, oysters, clams, etc.). Completion by July 1.
. #11 change "Marine life Optimization" to "Estuarine wildlife and habitat
optimization. "
. Line 1 to read - "The Committee's work plan is to review the issues listed
above by the formation of.. "
. Add language to provide the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with
an update on the status (whether it should be extended or eliminated) of the
Clam Bay Advisory Committee. A deadline of the update to be submitted
to the BCC would be October 20,2009.
Page 2 - 1. Permit Subcommittee: to read - "review navigational issues and marking
associated with Clam Pass for the specific purpose of compliance with old
permit conditions and closing out of such permit. This Subcommittee will
also complete the required application for a new dredging permit for Clam
Pass that enables minimal dredging for tidal flushing. Expected completion
of these issues by March 30."
Page 2 - 2. Water Oualitv and Sampling Subcommittee: to read "review prior water
quality data, technical reports, QA/QC procedures, laboratory certification,
State reporting requirements, investigate water quality trends and impact on
estuarine wildlife and vegetation and make recommendations on the
sampling protocols to be consistent with other water quality programs.
Planned completion date of May 20.
Page 2 - 3. Mangrove Maintenance and Hand Dug Channel Maintenance: no changes
Page 2/3 - 4.Tidal Flushing and Mixing: to read "Review technical data available and
make recommendations on studies that could be undertaken to improve the
overall health of the Estuary by the identification and optimization of tidal
flushing and mixing. Overall optimization to enhance estuarine life is the
goal of this committee. Identification of estuarine life most suited for this
habitat and habitat restoration recommendations if appropriate are also to
be considered. Review complete recommendations by July 1. "
Page 3 - 5. Maintenance and Sand Bypassing of Clam Pass: revised to "Maintenance.
Dredging and Sand Bypassing of Clam Pass"
Page 3 - 6. Nutrient Loading and Runoff Control Subcommittee: to read, "Review
previous reports on the sources and impact of run off on the Estuary's water
quality, mangroves and estuarine life. This will include a complete review
of nutrient loadings and identification of the major sources of runoff and
recommend actions to reduce any controlled runoffs that are having a
negative impact on the Estuary. This Subcommittee will utilize the output of
February 2,2009
the Water Quality Subcommittee (described in #2 above) in reviewing what
part this runoff plays in degrading the Estuary's water quality. Completion
by August 15. "
Page 3 -7. Development of Best Management Practices for Clam Bay: - Elimination of
this item.
Page 3 - 8. Public Education and Outreach Subcommittee: to read - "prepare outlines of
a proposed education plan for the public, local residences and major users
of the Estuary waters. The Subcommittee plan would include suggested
material needs and methods for reaching all of the Estuary users. The focus
of the public outreach program will involve all users on the need for public
involvement and action to help assure the long-term viability of the Estuary.
Planned completion by September 30."
Page 3 - 9. Funding Subcommittee: to read - "review all of the recommendations of the
Committee Subcommittees and formulate estimated funding requirements
and sources of funds to enable implementation of the recommended total
management plans for the Estuary. Identify possible funding sources such
as Tourist Development Council funds, local and national governments'
grants and associations, and County government grants. Planned
completion by September 30. "
It was noted the main Committee may choose to combine some ofthe Work Plan
Subcommittees above for the purposes of providing a more efficient framework to
complete the assigned task.
Ms. Worley moved to approve the recommended changes to the document. Second by
Mr. Arceri. Carried unanimously 2-0.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the Chair at 3:40 PM.
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended