Clam Bay Estuary Discussion Group Minutes 06/09/2008
June 9, 2008
Naples, Florida, June 9, 2008
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Clam Bay Estuary Discussion Group
in and for the County of Collier having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 9:00 A.M. at the Coastal Zone Management Office at 3300 Santa
Barbara Blvd., Naples, Florida with the following members present:
PRESENT: John F. Sorey, 11I- Naples City Council & CAC
Jim Burke - CAC/PBSD Member
Dave Tomasko - Consultant, PBS & J
Coleman Connell- Chairman PBSD
Mike Bauer - City of Naples
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin - Coastal Zone Management Director
June 9, 2008
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Call to Order
Mr. McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director, called the meeting to
Order at 9:00 A.M
2. Roll Call
A quorum was established.
3. Approval of Minutes - March 20, 2008
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the Minutes of the March 20, 2008 as submitted.
Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously, 5-0
4. Sunshine Comment
Mr. McAlpin stated this was a public meeting and the Sunshine Rules apply.
Committee members from various County Boards were in attendance. All meetings
will be advertised and taped for "Public Record." The meeting was in full
5. Public Comments - None.
Mike Bauer arrived at 9: 11 AM
6. Sub Committee Reports
a. Water Ouality and Samplinl! - Pamela Keves. Chairperson
provided a report outlining the action plan decided on by the work group. (See
attached.) The work group met on April II, 2008 and planned the following:
. To take random samples to gather monthly baseline data from five fixed
. Each sampler must be State certified.
. Collier County Lab will not accept samples from anyone who is not State
. Sample locations will be:
1. The end of the T Canal
2. The end of the boat ramp area
3. The middle of Clam Bay
4. Off the Seagate Culvert
5. Off the South Board Walk Bridge
Pamela Keyes stated she met with the Mixing Study Group and they
recommended changing a few of the sites for a better overall sampling of Clam
Bay. The change recommendation was the sample location from the end of the T
Canal to off the drawbridge or add an additional location in the middle of Clam
June 9, 2008
Katie Laakkonen presented a list of what the City of Naples tests for in the
Gordon River and the 24 parameters will be consistent.
Pamela Keyes noted at the 'Mixing Study Group' meeting, David Tomasko
suggested testing for only 15 parameters, which would save approximately $7,000
and still provide a solid baseline of data.
. All the data will be stored in the State STORET system and will be
available for public viewing and will be posted on the Coastal Zone
Management website.
· Coastal Zone Management has been approved for $20,000 of funding for
the next fiscal year, towards water quality in Clam Bay and will include
lab cost and YSl equipment.
. Water quality sampling could begin October 1,2008.
The group discussed conducting the same plan in Moorings Bay using the same
parameters, on or close to the same days. There may be a need for more sampling
sites and GPS points. This would require Samplers to be State certified.
Mr. McAlpin asked why change the parameters from what the City of Naples is
Mr. Tomasko responded the City of Naples water monitoring programs include
more water quality parameters than are needed for the purposes of going through
the PMBL process.
Mr. McAlpin asked if there was any need for sediment sampling to be done at
this time.
Mr. Tomasko suggested a Low Tech Screening approach without any parameters
to make that determination before making a decision to add this test. He noted at
this time there is no evidence of wide spread contamination of sediment.
Sampling can get costly and the sampling may come up with nothing.
Tim Hall, Turrell, Hall & Associates expressed concern regarding the changing
of the sampling location from the T Canal to the middle of the Bay stating it
would not identify the problem areas.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy stated she agreed.
It is important to have a sampling site at the end of the T Canal to get an idea of
everything that is flowing in and out of the Bay. IfBMPs are installed into
Seagate this would show if they are working. It is important to have a sampling
site that is in that Canal because it is one of the inputs. She agreed with cutting
back on the parameters and doing just the essentials.
Mr. McAlpin clarified the group moved toward the revised set of parameters and
would like to add a location at the end of the T Canal. He suggested the
June 9, 2008
Committee be ahead of funding and have the SOP and Timing written for the next
Pamela Keyes noted the sampling tests will be done at the County Lab and
Samplers must take an 8-hour course through Gainesville to be certified, or the
County will not accept the samplings. She will put the data into storage.
Mr. Sorey recommended documenting what actually needs to be done and have
it available for the next meeting.
Marsha Cravens, Mangrove Action Group commented on the Pelican Bay Service
Division and 9 years of quality data they collected and in the terms of sedimentation
and DO and characteristics of Clam Bay being a mangrove dominated estuary, and
they know there is detritus from the mangroves within the system. She pointed out
the Department of Environmental Protection has not had any problems with the water
quality data.
b. BMPs for Seal!ate and Venetian Bav - Mike Baner, Chairman
This work group is working on the basis, based on the modeling assumptions;
there are water quality issues arising in Seagate, Venetian Bay and possibly in
the big parking lot at the County Park that are affecting outer Clam Bay. The
Committee would like to improve the Functionality Ecosystem with the BMPs,
which would be dependent on water quality data and hydrologic modeling.
He stated because the data is not available, it would be hard to make any
conclusions on BMPs.
The work group has been idcntifying projects to work on. Some of the probable
projects are:
. Aerators in Seagate Canals - Canals are dead-ends and have stagnant
. Storm Water - Swales in the neighborhoods, locating places for small
filter marshes.
. Locating sites for BMPs depending on data received on water quality.
. Construction of oyster reefs.
Mr. Sorey stated the City of Naples passed 2 major Ordinances;
Residential Storm Water Retention Requirement Ordinance that requires the first
inch and a half of water be retained at new construction sites and the Fertilizing
Ordinance that eliminates the use of phosphorus fertilizers and to utilize low
nitrogen fertilizers so that less nutrients move from city property into natural
water bodies.
Dr. Bauer stated the City of Naples has built an oyster reefin Moorings Bay
which has created an Ecosystem; "Save the Bays." The program has been
growing clams and oysters. Another program is the building of a small filter
marsh at Riverside Circle Campus. Engineering work has begun.
June 9, 2008
Mr. Sorey stated at a recent meeting the Seagate residents expressed interest in
setting up a taxing district if the canals need to be dredged. City Council has
indicated support in dredging, if required.
Tim Hall pointed out another funding option for water quality improvements
would be to utilize mitigation funding from outside sources.
Dr. Bauer responded that the City does have a memorandum of understanding
with the Department of Environmental Protection, that the Study Group can use
any mitigation funds received from projects within the City that go to the
Department of Environmental Protection. The City will provide those funds and
the Committee would do mitigation for them.
c. Mixinl! Studv - Dave Tomasko reported the work group met once on a
conference call and a second meeting was at Coastal Zoning. The work group'
intent is to coordinate water quality aspects with Circulation Model approaches by
doing a Circulation Study that fits within the Water Quality Study.
Two different circulation models exist; one is a Three Dimensional Circulation
Model and the other is a Two Dimensional Circulation Model. Dave stated the
Two Dimensional Circulation Model would be sufficient and less costly to study.
Jeff Taber, PBS & J introduced Todd Demunda, PBS & J and expressed the
need for coordination aspects with water levels, and tide information and current
velocity data to make modifications to the existing conditions and changes. This
data will allow predictions to be made on the effect of modifications such as if
dredging(s) were to be donc or for a construction of a bridge, etc.
He discussed collecting the data upfront.
. 5 Tide Locations are:
o 2 already exist in Northern Clam Bay
o outside the mouth above Doctors Pass
o outside the mouth above Clam Pass
o in Clam Bay
. 3 Current Gauge Locations taking 10 to IS water quality samples
throughout the entire study area would include; Northern Clam Bay area,
down to Clam Pass, through Clam Bay into Moorings Bay and Doctors
The Current Gaugc locations are:
o Park Shore Bridge Intersection
o Harbour Drive Bridge Intersection
o Seagate Drive Culvert
Dr. Bauer noted the Moorings Bay Citizens Advisory Committee, which is the
Advisory Board for the Moorings Bay Special Taxing Committee, has agreed to
provide funding to rent some instrumentation to be placed at Harbour Drive and
Park Shore Drive reflects the City is willing to assist.
June 9, 2008
Marsha Cravens, Mangrove Action Group and a Taxpayer provided an
excerpt from the Collier County Hazard Mitigation Plan, 7.0 Floodplain
Management Plan dated April 15,2005 (See attached)
Marsha asked what Dave Tomasko meant when he spoke about "resident time"
and ifit was the same as "lag time."
Mr. Tomasko responded that "resident time" is the same as "replacement time."
Marsha Cravens noted Water Studies have been done previously and why
should the taxpayers pay for this to be done again. Collier County already has a
program in place and requested the excerpt provided be added to the minutes for
Public Record. Drainage, basin and sub-basin information is already available.
Mr. McAlpin pointed out Marsha was talking about drainage which is only a part
of the estuary studies and a mixing of the tidal flows. He also stated there is a
significant difference and the drainage would be only one piece of the study.
David Roellig stated the pass flow changes daily and recommended that a flow
meter be installed in Clam Pass.
d. Sand Bvpassinl! - Jim Burke stated the Sand Bypassing is the most critical
component for the overall group. Dredging is critical to the ongoing health of the
entire Clam Bay system. The group is working on a Sand Bypassing Permit
Application for Clam Pass.
Jeff Taber, PBS & J pointed out there was currently an existing regulatory
authorization for the dredging of Clam Pass. The County and Pelican Bay both
submitted a request for an extension of the existing authorization for another year.
There have been discussions that DEP will be issuing an extended authorization
for another year and then the following year a new authorization will have to be
applied for.
Jeff spoke of the interviews and research he is conducting with other firms that
had been involved with the inlet previously.
Mr. Burke reiterated this Work Group has met once and only 3 Sub-Committee
members were present. He suggested the Committee broaden its participation and
extended an invitation to David Roellig to join the Sand Bypassing Sub-
Mr. McAlpin announced an item coming up before Councilman Sorey at the
Coastal Advisory Committee Meeting this Thursday on a Consultant Agreement
for Sand Bypassing Development with PBS & J in the amount of $25,000 to be
authorized by Coastal Advisory Committee.
June 9, 2008
David Roellig stated the Clam Pass is the most natural pass in Collier County and
announced concern about taking a natural pass and changing the pass in another
physical location without structures.
Marsha Cravens voiced her objection on dredging the abs howl, pointing out
that over dredging has caused major erosion on Barefoot Beach and now they are
taking action to put the beach back into the original state. She stated she did not
want to see this happen to Clam Pass.
Mr. Burke commented that no action has been proposed at this time.
e. Navil!ation - Gary McAlpin
The Work Group has met on a couple of times. Gary provided the minutes from
the April 9, 2008 meeting (See attached)
Informational Signs and Markers, if required, will be installed per Department of
Environmental Protection and US Army Corp of Engineers. The Committee has
requested written guidance from the two permitting agencies regarding
requirements. 28 red and green markers and 5 Information signs may be required.
Permit applications havc been applied for. This process takes time and the
Committee would like to close out the permit.
Coleman Connell asked if Pelican Bay Services Division were required to install
the markers, would the Taxpayers of Pelican Bay Taxing District be the party
responsible to pay for them.
Mr. McAlpin responded - yes.
Marsha Cravens noted at the June 4, 2008, Pelican Bay Services Division
meeting, channel markers were a major item on the agenda. The canoe trail is
valued by many clubs and families and is utilized by many, many people. In
discussions with the Coast Guard it has been made clear, ifthe navigational
signs are installed, then the canoe trail has to come out. The loss ofthe canoe trail
would be a serious loss to the community.
Mr. McAlpin stated he expected to hear back from both agencies within the next
f. Marine Life - Tim Hall
The Work Group met on April 23, 2008 and discussed seagrasses as a component
that has already been monitored. The Work Group discussed whether to track
total coverage within thc system on an ongoing basis or the occurrence of the sea
grasses within the system on an ongoing basis and in terms of the overall health of
the Bay. The group came to a consensus that it would be more practical to track
the health ofthe bay through a monitoring percentage of occurrences rather then
June 9, 2008
an overall coverage. He stated it would cut down the cost in terms of the amount
of investigation that would be needed
The Work Group study includes randomized sites confined within Outer Clam
Bay and planned to:
. Use a Random Sampling Generator to chose sites and then to utilize those
sites on a regular basis.
. If Acreage Estimates are required, this study can be done every 5 years.
. Monitor Bi Annually instead of once a year.
. Mapping effort done to itemize all the different habitant in the bay.
. Prioritize monitoring efforts from most important down to the least
important for funding purposes.
Mr. McAlpin asked the Sub-Committee to provide a proposal of different levels of
monitoring in terms of marine life and cost for the next meeting to assist in obtaining
Mr. Tomasko made a recommendation on the potential for acreage estimate for the
bay, stating there is an existing mapping effort by Southwest Florida Water
Management District Studies every two years; November through the end of
January. There is a possibility they would place a couple of additional flatbeds for
the study.
Discussions where made on the biologic monitoring in the Bay area and previous
biological studies and none of the monitoring will include any areas south of Seagate
g. Education and Outreach - Garv McAlpin
There had not been a meeting for this Sub-Committee.
h. Fundinl! - Leo Ochs/Garv McAlpin
There had not been a meeting for this Sub-Committee.
i. Permittinl! - Garv McAlpin provided a copy of the Clam Bay Permit Meeting
Minutes for April 30, 2008 with Federal Department of Environmental Protection
at the Fort Myers office. (See Attached)
Mr. McAlpin stated on April 22, 2008, the Board of Commissioners directed
Pelican Bay Services to continue to perform mangrove maintenance with the 5-
year mangrove maintenance permit, that the existing 10-year permit not be
renewed and sunset after the one-year extension has been granted, if approved and
appropriate with Federal Department of Environmental Protection. Collier
County staff was directed to dcve10p a Master Plan for the estuary. The existing
permit would cover any natural disaster or emergency if there was a need for
7. Additional Actions Moving "Forward
June 9, 2008
Mr. McAlpin summarized the next steps for the Sub-Committees as follows:
. Water Oualitv and Sampling to provide a protocol, schedule and timing.
. BMP's for Seagate & Venetian to set up priority list reflecting the ones that could
be done relatively easy and the ones that will need funding.
. Mixing Studv to finalize the program and provide pricing per module and Current
Flow at the Pass and modify that program with a proposal. Discuss how to
acquire funding with the Committee.
. Sand Bvpassing will give Jeff Taber the "go ahead" on sand bypassing studies
and permit applications at the next CAC meeting. Provide an update at the next
. Navigation should have issues resolved by next week and put to bid by the
. Marine Life to provide a proposal covering the different components and costs to
request proposals.
. Education and Outreach Sub-Committee needs to have a meeting to decide what
can be done.
. Funding Sub-Committee needs to have a meeting once all the information has
been received by the other committees and what can be done and how to
. Permitting should have clarification from the agencies and issues resolved by next
8. Public Comments - 3 Minutes per Speaker
Marsha Cravens stated the Meeting Summary Minutes for Federal Department of
Environmental Protection meeting held on April 30, 2008, the following corrections
needed to be made. Under Attendees; David Roellig was not with Pelican Bay Service
Division and the Mangrove Action Group is not a sub-group of Pelican Bay Services.
Doug Finlay, City of Naples requested clarification on the parameters used on Moorings
Bay, Naples Bay and Clam Bay.
Dr. Bauer responded the funding for water quality samplings at Moorings Bay have not
been approved but if they do get the fill1ding, the parameters will be the same as Naples
Mr. Tomasko added the intent was not to have any duplicate sampling. The samplings
that will be done in Moorings Bay have not been finalized. As far as the Department of
Environmental Protection is concerned, Clam Bay does not exist at this time. This is due
to the fact that no data has gone into the State STORET system.
Doug Finlay asked if Moorings Bay was polluted.
Dr. Bauer responded by State standard it is not polluted.
June 9, 2008
Cathy Worley stated Moorings Bay is not polluted. It is typical of a canal system and
typical of a bay with dead end systems with higher nutrients at the ends of the bay.
Moorings Bay has a man-made canal system.
Mr. Tomasko pointed out collecting nutrient data will provide the information to
establish if Moorings Bay has a poorly circulated system.
9. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 4, 2008 at 9:00 AM.
There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:59 AM.
Clam Bay Estuary Discnssion Group
Gary McAlpin
These Minutes were approved by the Discussion Group on
as presented or as amended