Clam Bay Advisory Committee Mission Powers & Duties
The Clam Bay Advisory Committee (hereafter "the Committee") has defined the boundaries of
the Clam Bay Estuary (hereafter "the Estuary") as, generally, that wetland area south of
Vanderbilt Beach Road and north of the Sea Gate Community. The Committee will limit its
review and recommendations to this defined area which will include Outer, Inner and Upper
Clam Bay with the interconnecting canals from Vanderbilt Beach Road to Sea gate Drive.
Specifically, the Estuary area will be as defined as the National Resource Protection Area
(NRPA); that is, "the entire Clam Pass system which includes the 2 miles of beach and dune
ridge north to Vanderbilt Road, 0.6 miles of beach and dune ridge south to Seagate Drive, the
associated back bay systems including those of Outer Clam Bay, Inner Clam Bay and Upper Clam
The Committee's mission is to advise, assist and make joint recommendations to the Board of
County Commissioners ("BCC") and the Coastal Advisory Committee ("CAC") with all major
issues affecting the management, use, direction, health and long term viability of the Clam Bay
Estuary in accordance with the protection afforded Clam Pass and Clam Bay's NRPA and
conservation designations as delineated in the Future Land Use Element of the Collier County
Growth Plan and Coastal Zone Management Plan. In doing so, the Committee will formulate
recommendations for review and recommend possible funding sources that may be required by
such recommendations.
The Committee's powers and functions are as an advisory group with the responsibility of
making recommendations pertinent to the Estuary.
The Committee has defined its specific duties and scope of work relative to its defined mission
as the review and recommendations associated with, but not limited to, the major issues listed
below. The Committee plans on integrating their recommendations on these specific issues into
a comprehensive long term management plan as well as suggested guidelines for the day-to-
day operation of the Estuary.
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1. Permit issues, requirements and compliance
2. Water quality and sampling programs
3. Tidal flushing and mixing
4. Mangrove maintenance
S. Maintenance of hand dug channels
6. Nutrient loadings and runoff control
7. Maintenance of Clam Pass
8. Sand bypassing at Clam Pass
9. Navigational use and marking
10. Estuarine wildlife and habitat optimization
11. Public education and outreach
12. Funding
The Committee's work plan is to review the issues listed above by the formation of various
subcommittees and to integrate their specific findings into a recommended long-term
management plan for the Estuary. The recommended subcommittees to be formed and their
specific responsibilities and planned task completion dates are listed below. Each
subcommittee will submit their recommendation to the Committee for changes, modification
and approval. The plan would be to integrate the findings of these subcommittees, complete
the management plan and submit a written draft report to the CAC by September 30, 2009. The
Committee will work with the CAC to make necessary changes to the Committee's draft report
and to submit a revised recommended written plan to the BCC by mid-November. In addition,
the Committee will submit a written report to the BCC by October 20 with recommendations on
whether the BCC should continue with this Committee. If continuation is approved, the
Committee will make necessary changes to the recommended plan based on input and
guidance from the CAC and the BCC and finalize the report by December 31, 2009.
It should be noted that the Committee recognizes that some of these subcommittee duties
overlap and interconnect and the Committee may, at its discretion, combine the duties of
several subcommittees and/or schedule joint meetings of multiple, related subcommittees.
1) Subcommittee One (Permitsl: This subcommittee will be made up of Tahlman Krumm,
Robert Rogers and Noah Standbridge and address the following issues:
a) Review navigational issues associated with Clam Pass for the specific purpose of
compliance with old permit conditions and the closing out of such permits.
b) This subcommittee will also complete the required application for a new dredging
permit for Clam Pass that enables minimal dredging for tidal flushing.
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2) Subcommittee Two (Water Quality. Mixing and Runoff): This subcommittee will be made up
of Kathy Worley, David Roellig and Ronald Glah and address the following issues:
a) Water Qualitv and Sampling: Review prior water quality, technical reports, quality
assurance and control procedures, laboratory certifications, state reporting
requirements and investigate water quality trends and impact on estuarine wildlife and
vegetation. Make recommendations on required water sampling and testing to assure
the long term viability of the Estuary. Make recommendations on the sampling protocol
to be consistent with other water quality programs.
b) Tidal Flushing and Mixing: Review available technical data and make recommendations
on studies that could be undertaken to improve the overall health of the Estuary by the
identification and optimization of tidal flushing and mixing. Overall optimization to
enhance estuarine wildlife is the goal of this subcommittee. Identification of estuarine
wildlife most suited for this habitat and restoration recommendations, if appropriate,
are also to be considered.
c) Nutrient Loading and Runoff Control: Review previous reports on the sources and
impact of run off on the Estuary's water quality, mangroves and estuarine wildlife and
habitat. This will include a complete review of nutrient loadings, an identification of the
major sources of runoff and recommended actions to reduce runoff that is having a
negative impact on the Estuary. This subcommittee will utilize the output of the Water
Quality Subcommittee described above; in reviewing what part runoff plays on
degrading the Estuary's water quality.
3) Subcommittee Three (Mangrove Maintenance and Estuary Habitat) - This subcommittee
will be made up of John Arceri, Jim Carroll and Kathy Worley and address the following
a) Mangrove Maintenance and Hand Dug Channel Maintenance: Review prior technical
reports on the present condition of the Estuary mangroves, trend analysis and
previously recommended actions to assure long term health of the mangrove
b) Estuary Wildlife and Habitat: Review all available biological and ecological data and
make recommendations on improving the future health of estuarine wildlife and
habitat. This includes, but not limited to, mangroves, seagrass, oysters, clams, etc...
4) Subcommittee Four (Maintenance Dredging and Sand Bypassing) - This subcommittee will
be made up of David Roellig, Kathy Worley and David Farmer and address the following
a) Maintenance Dredging and Sand Bypassing of Clam Pass: - Review previous reports on
channel related issues. Responsibility will include review and recommendations
associated with maintenance requirements for dredging Clam Pass and an evaluation of
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the potential of various levels of sand bypassing on Clam Pass and its surrounding
beaches. The subcommittee will also review and consider the impact of tidal flushing
and mixing on these channels.
S) Additionally, the nine member Clam Bay Advisory Committee will address the following two
topics as a total committee. These topics are:
a) Public Education and Outreach: prepare outlines of a proposed education plan for the
public, local residences and major users of the Estuary waters. The subcommittee plan
would include suggested material needs and methods for reaching all of the Estuary
users. The focus of the public outreach program will involve all users on the need for
public involvement and action to help assure the long-term viability of the Estuary.
b) Funding: review all of the recommendations of the Committee subcommittees and
formulate estimated funding requirements and sources of funds to enable
implementation of the recommended total management plan for the Estuary. Identify
possible funding sources such as the Tourist Development Council, local City
governments and associations, national, state and county governments and a review of
availability of grants from all possible sources.
Upon completion of the work of the subcommittees, the Committee may utilize workshops to
integrate all recommendations into the required comprehensive long term management plan
for the Estuary by October 15.
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The Clam Bay Advisory Committee is a 9 member committee created on September 9, 2008 by
Ordinance 2008-48 to advise and make recommendation to the Coastal Advisory Committee and
the Board of County Commissioners on matters pertaining to the management and operation of
the Clam Bay estuary. The committee shall make recommendations as to its duties, functions
and responsibilities along with developing a comprehensive work plan that focuses on the needs
of the estuary. The committee will provide a written report to the Board of County
Commissioners no later than October 20, 2009. The committee will sunset on December 31,
2009 unless re-established by the BCe. Members will represent the following categories: 2
members from Pelican Bay, 2 members from the Sea Gate/Naples Cay area, 2 technical
positions, and 1 member from each of the Commission Districts 1, 3 and 5.
David Roellig
6000 Pelican Bay Blvd., #504
Naples, FL 34108
(239) 594-2210 (H)
dsroe I ig(alnap
John Arceri
1228 Lamplighter Court
Marco Island, FL 34145
(239) 394-9202 (H)
(239) 207-0016 (W)
(239) 394-9202 (F)
Kathy B. Worley
4304 Montalvo Court
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 597-8646 (H)
(239) 403-4223 (W)
(239) 262-5872 (F)
kath yw (alconservancv. org
Ronald A. Glah
81 Seagate Drive #1003
Naples, FL 34103
(239) 213-1534 (H)
(239) 213-1532 (F)
Tahlman Krumm, Jr.
8960 Bay Colony Drive, #204
Naples, FL 34108
(239) 596-1228 (H)
Noah Standridge
1670 Oakes Blvd.
Naples, FL 34119
(239) 597-7147 (H)
James A. Carroll
7425 Pelican Bay Blvd., #1802
Naples, FL 34108
(239) 597-9767 (H)
(239) 597-4947 (F)
i imionpat(
David H. Farmer
240 17th Street SW
Naples, FL 34117
(239) 348-0699 (H)
(239) 292-6081 (W)
(239) 263-1103 (F)
Robert Rogers
5164 Seahorse Avenue
Naples, FL 34103
(239) 353-1973 (W)
(239) 262-0759 (H)
robertro gers(
CZM Staff Representatives
Gary McAlpin, CZM Director
Colleen Greene, County Attorney
Gail Hambright, CZM Accountant
Updated 4/3/2009
(239) 252-5342
(239) 252-8400
(239) 252-2966
colleengreene(alco lli ergo v .net
gai Ihambright(alco Iii ergov .net