CAC Minutes 10/10/2002 ROctober 10, 2002
Naples, Florida October 10, 2002
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County
of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30pm in REGULAR
SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
Members: Gary Galleberg
David Roellig
James Snediker
Ron Pennington
William Kroeschell
Ashley Lnpo
Anthony Pires
Robert Stakich
Also Present: Ron Hovell, Jon Staiger, Jim Deloney, Maura Krauss, Ron Holder, Brett
Moore, Tom Campbell, Jeff Andrews, Steve Keene.
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Roll Call
Additions to Agenda
Old Business
a. Approval of minutes for September 12, 2002
b. Approval of workshop minutes for February 1, 2002, February 22, 2002
and March 1, 2002
c. Marco Island Grading / Sand Placement
d. Growth Management Plan requirements
e. Hideaway Beach Access Improvements
f. Beach Cleaning Operations
New Business
a. Sand Search Update
b. Marco Island Breakwater Modifications and Caxambas Pass Dredging
c. Wiggins Pass Emergency Dredging
d. Hideaway Beach Emergency Sand Placement
Audience Participation
Schedule next meeting
October 10, 2002
County Commission Boardroom
Building "F", 3rd Floor
3301 Tamiami Trail
Naples, Florida 34104
October 10, 2002
Chairman Gary Galleberg called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.
Members: Gary Galleberg, David Roellig, James Snediker, Ron Pennington, William
Kroeschell, Ashley Lupo, Anthony Pires (left at 3:45pm), Robert Stakich (arrived late).
-Mr. Strapponi was absent.
Collier County: Ron Hovell, Jon Staiger, Jim Deloney, Maura Krauss, Ron Holder,
Brett Moore, Tom Campbell, Jeff Andrews, Steve Keene.
-There were no additions to the agenda.
-Mr. Roellig made a motion to continue the approval of minutes until the next meeting so
that a proofreading could be completed. It was seconded by Mr. Pennington. All were in
favor; the motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
22, 2002 AND MARCH 1, 2002.
-Mr. Galleberg asked Mr. Hovell is something had been deleted on the fifth page, noting
that nothing followed the asterisk, (in the form of a footnote). Mr. Hovell stated he
would "clean this up", but nothing had been lost.
-Mr. Roellig made a motion to approve the minutes. It was seconded by Mr. Kroeschell.
All were in favor; the motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
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-Mr. Hovell stated that he had previously sent a copy of a letter received from the Marco
Island Beach Advisory Committee and/or the City. The issue was the appearance of
certain areas of the beach. Mr. Hovell used photos to depict the areas of concern. Mr.
Hovell added that in the annual monitoring surveys they are taking the upland survey
information and making a packet for the Department of Environmental Protection. They
will then apply for a permit to re-grade the beach and re-shape the sand that has
accumulated in these areas. He stated that it appears the local office can issue a field
permit, which is a "basic thing", with a couple of requirements. The requirements are
that they can not go to any part of the beach below the mean high water line and they
cannot take away more than one foot of sand in any given location. They do not see
either requirement as a problem. They are hoping to have the permit within a few weeks
and they hope to begin working as soon as "turtle season" is over in early November.
Mr. Hovell then reminded the committee that they had established a project to do annual
beach and dune maintenance with no specific project in mind. He then asked the
committee if they agreed that the Marco Island Grading / Sand Placement project would
fit into this category.
-Mr. Pires stated he did not have a problem with this concept. He then asked if raking
could occur in this area before the permit is attained. Mr. Hovell stated that it could and
they were currently raking. He explained that they may only rake 1-2 inches deep, which
does not get rid of the grass or the standing water.
-Mr. Pennington asked if some of the water was due to the accumulation of rain. Mr.
Hovell informed him that it is either rainwater or over-wash water. Mr. Hovell stated
since the major re-nourishment project in 1992, sand has begun to accrete in particular
areas and the water has been getting trapped behind it. He used photos to illustrate the
-Mr. Roellig asked what type of cost they were talking about. Mr. Hovell stated that the
initial estimate for the end of Tigertail Lagoon to the residents beach area was -$30,000 -
-Mr. Roellig made a motion that they proceed because this is a natural phenomena. It
was seconded by Mr. Pennington.
-Mr. Kroeschell stated that he was in favor of the project, but he does not believe that this
is anything new and he believes they will begin to see this on a regular basis.
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-Mr. Galleberg asked, which fund this would fit into. Mr. Hovell stated that it was fund
10509; the dune and beach maintenance project. He added that the budget for fund
10509 was -$195,000.
-The motion was recalled. All were in favor; the motion passed unanimously, 8-0. (Mr.
Stakich joined the committee about five minutes prior to the motion).
-Mr. Hovell stated the departments involved in the major beach re-nourishment and
public access are Community Development (from a LDC point of view), the Parks and
Recreation Department (from a beach access point of view), and Public Utilities
Engineering (from a re-nourishment point of view). He used an aerial to show the
Vanderbilt beach area that they typically re-nourish. He explained that the Parks and
Recreation Department has been updating their public access review, they have a draft of
this, and the conceptual thought is to identify properties on Vanderbilt beach that may be
for sale and to purchase them as part of the next major re-nourishment project to allow
for an increase in public access. He then stated that the public access update will attempt
to address everything in the county, but there is still the political issue of the two cities
and how they feel this works in with their growth management plans.
-Mr. Kroeschell asked if they purchased the property across the street would it have
public access to the beach. Mr. Hovell informed him that there are a number of walkway
accesses with no current parking.
-Mr. Pennington stated that in a long term city perspective they greatly encourage
anything that would add to beach accessibility in the county, since they believe that in the
city they bear an undo burden of providing beach for many of the county residents. He
added that because of this he believed they would probably be in support of this.
-Mr. Hovell stated that he had previously sent the committee Taylor Engineering's report
relating to Marco Island in general. He used an aerial photograph to show the area
reported on. He stated that the bottom line of the report posed a question to the county.
The question was if the county wanted a relatively narrow beach, (as is the current
beach), or a wider more recreational beach. The report then listed what would need to be
done for a wider beach and for the current narrow beach. In order to maintain the beach
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that is there now, (narrow), Taylor Engineering recommended maintenance dredging of
Caxambas Pass on a 5-7 year cycle. If the county chose to go for a wider beach, then
Taylor Engineering recommended that they make modifications to the breakwaters and
less frequency to the dredging Caxambas Pass. It is staff's recommendation to go with
the first option; cancel the current Marco Island Breakwaters Modification Project. This
recommendation is supported by the Marco Island Beach Advisory Committee.
-Mr. Roellig asked if they meant taking it completely out of the program. Mr. Hovell
informed him that this is what they meant and the remaining $700,000 would be placed
back into the reserves. He added that they could always revisit this in the future, but it
would then be considered a new project.
-Mr. Snediker stated that Marco Island Beach Advisory Committee did support this
recommendation, but it was based upon the fact that Caxambas Pass would be dredged
and sand would be placed in that area by the end of next year. Mr. Hovell stated that the
report Mr. Snediker had received was a work order done by Taylor Engineering and it
was a mix of all the projects including Caxambas Pass. Taylor Engineering will use the
monitoring data to provide the next recommendations, they are aware that the goal is to
dredge Caxambas Pass. When the dredging will occur is based on how difficult it will be
to attain the permits.
-Mr. Pennington noted that it appeared there were two agendas being used and that this
should actually be item 4-B. It was found that there were two agendas. Mr. Galleberg
stated that they would finish this item and then they will return to item 3-E and 3-F.
-Mr. Kroeschell asked what risk they faced if they did not re-nourish this beach. Mr.
Hovell stated that it gets a fair amount of protection from the breakwaters and the
seawall. He believed that even if it got washed away, they would find that it would
recover in that area. Mr. Staiger added that historically without putting the sand back up
on the beach north of this area, it does get narrow.
-Mr. Pennington made a motion to concur with the recommendation from the Marco
Island Beach Advisory Committee and the advice of staff to cancel the project. It was
seconded by Mr. Kroeschell. All were in favor; the motion passed unanimously, 8-0.
-Mr. Hovell stated that the Hideaway beach access improvements had been under design
over the summer by Humiston & Moore Engineers. He added that at the last meeting
they handed out a preliminary design for review. There is now a choice to be made for
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one of three options: 1) All sand to be placed, to provide walking access from the
Tigertail Beach area up to Hideaway Beach, with one small boardwalk over Little Clam
Pass. 2) Much heavier on the boardwalk side and less on the sand side; this provided for
some sand at the Tigertail end, but mostly boardwalk from Little Clam Pass up to the
Hideaway Beach end. 3) The preliminary design of the last meeting was a hybrid of the
-Mr. Pennington asked if they were "totally committed" to this. Mr. Hovell stated that
they have a design underway by Humiston & Moore and the question is which of the
three options they should proceed under. He added that the committee could choose to
recommend cancellation of the project. Mr. Snediker explained that the BCC had
approved the entire project 1 ½ years ago.
-Brett Moore, Humiston & Moore Engineers, stated that the only update in this plan
referred to the quantity of sand, which was changed from 7,000 cubic yards to -19,000
cubic yards. He explained that Fish & Wildlife recommended keeping the boardwalk
seaward of the mangroves and this is why they recommended the hybrid of the two plans.
The concern is that if the boardwalk is too close it will inhibit the ability for the
mangroves to grow. In the 1990 beach re-nourishment for Marco Island there was some
severance of wetlands which required mitigation and this is why they chose to put the fill
to the north and the walkway to the south.
-Mr. Pires stated that he believed the mangroves at the Pelican Bay Walkway were doing
well in their growth and growing a nice overhead for the walkway. He believes the
walkway should be built in this fashion and that it will not be a detriment to the
mangroves growth. Mr. Moore stated that the Pelican Bay Walkway was inserted
directly in a forest of mangroves and what they had proposed in this case was to build the
walkway adjacent to the mangroves.
-Mr. Snediker agreed that a meandering boardwalk would be more enjoyable for the
public. He added that the mangroves behind this point were in fair condition and not
what you would call "healthy", and that the state has issued permits in the last few years
to homeowners to clear out these mangroves. Mr. Moore stated that in the cleared areas
the mangroves were "really on the fringe", but he believed the mangroves near the
shoreline were left alone.
-Mr. Snediker asked if they really needed the t-groin since this was a very expensive
portion. Mr. Moore stated that the t-groin was actually being shown as part of the
Hideaway beach project.
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-Mr. Roellig asked if they had a cost estimate for the 18,000 cubic yards of sand and the
boardwalk. Mr. Hovell stated that the preliminary design indicated that it would be an
upland sand source and then one could plan $20-$25 a cubic yard. Mr. Snediker asked if
they could use the sand from the beach re-nourishment in order to cut the cost in half.
Mr. Moore stated that further into the design they will provide a cost estimate for both
approaches and they will look at the most economical source for sand.
-Mr. Pennington stated that he is more in favor of the re-nourishment for Hideaway
Beach than building a boardwalk. He does not believe that the boardwalk would be
"much utilized" by the public in order to get to Hideaway Beach when they are already at
a "far superior beach". He added that this expense would be better utilized by building
an access across to Shell Island.
-Mr. Galleberg asked if this was preliminary in nature. Mr. Moore stated it was. Mr.
Galleberg added that he agreed with Mr. Pires that a winding boardwalk would be more
aesthetically pleasing if it would be approved by the state. He stated that Mr. Pennington
also raised a good point, that this is not really needed and they can decide this later. Mr.
Moore stated that he believes there are a large number of people who enjoy walking on
boardwalks through environmentally sensitive areas and taking a look at "what is going
on". Mr. Pires and Mr. Pennington agreed with this. Mr. Pennington added that it
appears there are more people eager to get across to Shell Island.
-Mr. Snediker asked what the time frame was. Mr. Moore stated that they will amend the
plan, send it to Ron Hovell, initiate meetings with the agencies for feedback, meet with
Ron Hovell, and then submit an application. He explained that they would meet with the
agencies within the next thirty days and submit the application in the following thirty
-Mr. Galleberg stated he would like something done to gauge the public's interest.
-Mr. Hovell asked which option they would like to consider. Mr. Moore stated that it
was his interpretation that they would go forward with this approach, make some changes
to the boardwalk so it is closer to the shoreline and more interesting. He added that the
quantity of the material would depend on cost and environmental impacts of the fill.
-David Sommers, general manager of the Hideaway Beach Club, stated they actually
presented this plan to the BCC and three of the original county commissioners were still
here. He added that the board has not yet seen the revised plan, but at their last meeting
their position was to go with a more natural look similar to the access that was there in
the 1980's.
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-Mr. Galleberg clarified that there was direction from the BCC, the CAC advice was to
"hug" the boardwalk closer to the mangroves, and that cost is something they will have to
consider at a later point when more information on it is available.
-Mr. Hovell stated that they have been running with three operators, two beach rakes, and
one gator. One beach rake and operator is dedicated to Marco Island. The other rake, the
gator, and the other two operators rotate between Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples
beaches. He believes this has been working well. There have been times when seaweed
has been brought up and there has been some negative comments, but not to a high
degree. He explained that they would probably continue in this mode pending an answer
from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. He added that the prisoner
rock removal has been working out well, they have even gone wading in the water to do
rock removal. He explained that on any given day 1,000 lbs. of rock had been removed
by manual labor.
-Mr. Pennington stated that he noted the south side of Doctors Pass had been swept in the
last few days. He believed that far more had been swept than what was required for the
removal of seaweed. Mr. Hovell stated that the rake is making its cycles and he believes
this is what Mr. Pennington noted. He added that the DEP rock removal plan was for
weekly raking and they actually are raking biweekly. (Park Shore is not part of the rock
removal program).
-Mr. Staiger stated that he is still receiving complaints from various parts of Naples
concerning debris on the beach. He believes, "unfortunately", that people may have
gotten used to raking and if they can get an opinion out of DEP stating that they do not
have to do this on a routine schedule, then people may get used to the way the beach used
to be.
-Mr. Galleberg stated they need to get movement from DEP for two issues, raking and
the "endless" rock removal.
-Mr. Hovell stated that at the last meeting there was discussion of the county divesting
itself of some beach rakes to the city and staff now believes that unless the cities want to
request this, they are currently in the best position to provide the consolidated service.
He added that if everyone had one beach rake, it would not be possible to maintain the
same level of service.
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-Tom Campbell, Coastal Planning and Engineering, stated that there seems to be plenty
of offshore sand resources and it is just a matter of how they explore and make the best
use of them. His presentation was broke into two parts: a historic overview of
investigations and use of the GIS program. He added that in some cases they could not
uncover past data, but with the GIS system, information from this point on will be safe.
-Jeff Andrews, informed the committee of the sequences of projects done in the past.
The first study was done in 1972 by the Corps of Engineers, they took 14 cores within
about a ½ mile of the shoreline. The cores had little sand, which proved there was little
reason to go in this area again. In 1987 the CEC did 146 cores off Collier County and
Big Marco Pass. These cores identified 10 bar areas. In 1990 they did another 40 cores
off of Collier County in Naples. These cores redefined the bar areas they had previously
selected. In 1995 they went off shore and looked at some of the ridges and took another
74 cores. These cores are the bar area #6, which was used for Vanderbilt beach. He
showed that some of these are fairly good sand sources. CEC did another 22 cores with
seismic lines. They found significant solution pits, this was 4-6 miles offshore. He then
showed one of the core samples they found. It contained dark material and high silk
content, it was not beach compatible material. They determined with a visual logging
that it was not compatible beach material so there is no grain size analysis or silk content
data. In 2000, 15 cores were done off of Cape Romano Shoals. Mr. Andrews stated
there were two shoals present that are usable for the Naples Beach Restoration. He stated
they are deep enough for a Hopper Dredge, however the grain size is 0.18. The other
area is offTom's Hills that contains over 50 million cubic yards of very clean quartz
material. The four usable areas for the project are Naples Ridge, Marco Pass Shoals,
Cape Romano, and Tom's Hills. He explained that Naples Ridge and Cape Romano need
additional investigation. Mr. Andrews stated they would like to investigate some other
areas with jet probing. Mr. Andrews then used a video to show how a jet probe works.
-Steve Keene showed a listing of preliminary results from the monitoring done over the
summer. The design width of the beach, through six years, is -50 feet added beach width
or the total beach width, (from the back of the seawalls and vegetation), is -100 feet. He
then did an estimate to find that they would need 570,000 cubic yards for the north
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county area and the three project areas that were filled last time. If they added 20 feet to
the design they would need 800,000 cubic yards. He explained that if they used 580,000
cubic yards it would be the same size of sand for Naples, Vanderbilt, and Parkshore
Beach. If they use fine sand they will double the amount of sand needed.
-Mr. Pennington asked how much sand was used for the last major re-nourishment. Mr.
Keene stated it was -1.1 - 1.2 million cubic yards and they are now looking at a re-
nourishment of about half that quantity.
-Mr. Keene then added if they look at a coarser sand they limit the impacts and they need
less sand to get the same beach width. Mr. Pennington asked if this fell within the DEP
parameters of grain size. Mr. Keene stated it did and that you can go up to 0.5 or 0.6
depending on how much shell is in the sand. He then referred to the chart and what it
means in potential borrow areas. He stated the Naples Ridge area is the most economical
if sand is found to re-nourish the northern beaches or if this does not work they will look
at the big borrow area off Sanibel Captiva Islands, offthe northwest. He added that if it
was possible to consider this, then the Marco Pass area would also be compatible with the
beaches of Naples and the northern county area.
-Mr. Pennington asked if the complaints about beach hardening after the Marco Island
Beach Restoration are now being considered. Mr. Staiger added that it had a lot of shell
and a high carbonate content that caused "cementing problems". Mr. Keene stated that
they can address this during the investigation stage. He added that it is a requirement in
Florida that if you build a beach, you have to till it for three years. Mr. Staiger added that
during the 1995/1996 beach restoration, the contractor immediately tilled the sand so it
was very unobtrusive and not everyone noticed this. Mr. Pires asked why they couldn't
investigate the Marco Capri Pass. Mr. Keene stated that they believe Naples Ridge
should be investigated because it has the best price. Mr. Campbell stated they originally
did not investigate the Marco area because there seemed to be political problem. They
assumed this problem was still in place and this is why they didn't consider the Marco
Shoals. Mr. Pennington stated that they did have desire for this sand, but Marco
threatened to file suit against them. Mr. Staiger stated the concern was not over who
owned the sand, but the removal of sand might change the wave characteristics and have
adverse effects on adjacent beaches. Mr. Keene stated that this is good sand, but this is a
very delicate system. Mr. Campbell stated that they would have a difficult time
attempting to prove that there would be no adverse effects. Mr. Pires asked if when it
was used in the past, did it not have such a heavy impact because it was a smaller
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quantity. Mr. Campbell stated that this was correct and that taking sand from the outer
fringe had less of an impact as well. Mr. Galleberg stated that he believed it should
appear on the table at this stage, so they can get a cost comparison and if political issues
arise, they can deal with them knowing what the trade off is. Mr. Campbell suggested
when they do phase III of Hideaway Beach, they expand it to develop the entire area as a
borrow source. He added that they may find an outer fringe that has less impact, to use as
a borrow source.
-Mr. Snediker stated that the natural sand at Hideaway Beach has a lot of shell in it and
he does not believe there would be complaints. He added that times change and the
political issue that arose a number of years ago may not arise again today and they should
definitely consider the area and see what occurs. He believes Marco would have less
political issues today then in the past.
-Ashley Lupo asked if Rookery Bay was involved when you go down to Marco. Mr.
Keenes stated that Rookery Bay was on the edge of the proposed Marco Pass borrow
areas and they are taking this into consideration in the final decision.
-Mr. Campbell gave an overview of their recommendations and anticipated schedule.
They recommend a planning meeting conducted between themselves, Humiston &
Moore, and the CAC to make a schedule and integrate future investigations. He added
they should have a meeting with the agencies in the next month or two. He then
explained they would like to do a phase III sand investigation in the Marco area and a
phase II investigation for Naples, Park Shore, and Vanderbilt areas. They also anticipate
a pre-application meeting in the near future for any project being considered in the north
county area.
-Mr. Andrews used the GIS system to discuss concerns in Big Marco Pass and Rookery
Bay. They reviewed the vibracores that were taken in Big Marco Pass, which showed
that it had good sand, but there were shell layers as well. The Rookery Bay was lacking
some of the information and they would like to find the original core log for review.
-Mr. Galleberg stated that at the previous presentation, he believed everyone felt as
though they had made a mistake in 1996 and that Tom's Hill was now the best option.
-Mr. Andrews stated that Tom's Hill has the best sand due to its high quartz content, but
they would like to find it closer to Naples. Mr. Campbell stated that at the previous
meeting they decided that Tom's Hill was a good "go to" source, but it would be
worthwhile to use the GIS and investigate the other sources for cost saving purposes. He
added they still feel Tom's Hill is a good source. Mr. Galleberg stated that a lot of people
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still feel "raw" about the re-nourishment in 1996 and if they go to the Naples Ridge, the
first question is how will it be different this time. Mr. Hovell stated he agreed and they
need to keep this in the front of their thinking. He added that they will write in the
contract, that the sand being pumped on to the beach must be screened. This will put
more focus on sand being dug by a hopper dredge Vs a cutterhead.
-Mr. Galleberg asked if the estimates were only for sand delivery. Mr. Campbell stated
that they were and there are other aspects not considered in these estimates. For example,
there will be mitigation expenses for any case. This could change the numbers greatly
depending on the amount of acres.
-Mr. Roellig asked if it was possible to bring the sand in by water rather than trucking it
in. Mr. Campbell stated that this is a possibility, but it has not been looked into yet.
-Ashley Lupo asked if the Naples Ridge cost would change depending on what they used
to bring the sand to the beach. Mr. Campbell stated the estimate was based on a Hopper
Dredge so they expect it to remain the same.
-Mr. Pennington made a comment that even though 1 mile of the 1996 re-nourishment
had rocks, 6-7 miles turned out beautifully.
-Mr. Roellig asked if they have a better positioning of the dredge now than in 1996. Mr.
Campbell stated the positioning is superior at this time. He added that they are also
avoiding over-dredge by checking the limits daily. He explained that it is much easier to
do thin, shallow cuts with the Hopper Dredge rather than going deep with the Cutterhead.
-Mr. Hovell stated that this was an update on phase I, which was gathering all the
information. The next step is to begin investigations. The remaining question is: is it
feasible to have the pre-application meetings to do this major re-nourishment next winter.
-Mr. Campbell stated it can happen, but they will have to go in high gear and they need
direction from the board to do so. He added that there would be a good chance of making
it if the DEP bought off on the concept of the accelerated schedule.
-Mr. Galleberg stated that it stands they have further investigation to do on Naples Ridge.
-Mr. Campbell stated that Tom's Hill is a "go to" spot, but they would have to do more
cores in order to get permits.
-Mr. Galleberg stated they had also decided to take a closer look at Marco and Capri Pass
because it is possible this would be the most economical approach.
-Mr. Snediker asked what the downside of an accelerated schedule was. Mr. Campbell
stated that he did not believe they would make mistakes, he felt the downside is that the
process may become "stalled" anyway.
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-Mr. Snediker stated he would like the committee to discuss the high gear approach to
this. Mr. Roellig agreed with Mr. Snediker, but wanted them to remember they are not
putting as much sand on as in 2003 and this exposes the beaches to shore damage. He
would like things to move in high gear so they provide more protection.
-Mr. Campbell asked the CAC if they wanted to "beef it up a little" to 120-130 feet rather
than 100 feet.
-Mr. Pennington stated he believed that there are many plusses to speeding up the process
and he would like to see the beach expanded.
-Mr. Pennington made a motion to do more work in the three areas described and to fast
track the process. It was seconded by Mr. Roellig. All were in favor; the motion passed
unanimously, 7-0. (Mr. Pires was not in attendance. He left at 3:45pm)
-Mr. Hovell passed out the executive summary that went to the BCC the previous
Tuesday. He stated that they requested a budget amendment for $10,000 to get the
Coastal Engineers started on the data gathering, so they can get a notice to proceed under
an existing permit, a quantity estimate, and a design. He used an aerial to show how
much larger the northern side of Wiggens Pass used to be. With the recent southwest
winds a sand bridge has built itself across the channel. Boaters from the Pelican Island
Yacht Club have been going out on a daily basis and reporting depths of 3.5 feet. He
stated that it has gone from 8.5 feet when they dredged in March 2002. He stated this is a
big impact to the boating community. He pointed out that the Wiggens Pass Dredging
Fund got lost in the various re-organization of the county since 1994 and the money has
just been sitting there collecting interest. It now has a balance of $11,800. He would like
to make use of this money for the emergency dredging. The problem is that the balance
remaining in this fund is probably tourist tax funds that were transferred into this fund to
help with the dredging, but then the decision was made to fund it directly out of the
tourist tax funds, and the transfer balance was left sitting. The County Attorney's Office
is doing a trace to find exactly what the balance remaining is made up of. He added that
even if they have to reimburse for the water channel of Turkey Bay, he would guess that
fund 304, (Wiggens Pass Dredging Fund), would not be in a position to do this, unless it
is determined that some of those funds are not tourist tax funds.
-Mr. Pennington believed that the pass needs to be dredged and if the funds in this
particular account are tourist tax funds, then it seems appropriate.
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-Mr. Pennington made the motion that they support staff and recommend approval to
-Mr. Galleberg asked if this went before the county commissioner the day before because
it was considered an emergency and approval would be considered an endorsement of
their action. Mr. Hovell informed him that it had been heard and they did approve it.
-The motion was recalled. It was seconded by Mr. Snediker. All were in favor; the
motion passed unanimously, 7-0. (Mr. Pires was not in attendance).
-Mr. Hovell showed photographs of the Royal Market Point t-groin that were taken at
different times. He explained some area trees are starting to be undermined by the
erosion. In April they had trucked in some sand and tried to repair the area, but it has
again washed out. They have received letters from the Hideaway Beach Association. He
informed the CAC that under existing permits they have the requirements to monitor
those existing sandbag t-groins and maintain them. Humiston & Moore is going out this
month for their 6 month survey. They can use this information to determine how much
sand is needed and where it is needed.
-There was no audience participation.
-The next meeting was scheduled for November 7, 2002 at 1:30pm in the same room.
VII. ADJOURNMENT - the meeting was adjourned at 4:07pm.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 4:07 P.M.
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