2001/2002 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: ELLIE H DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 3683998 DESCRIPTION ============================= 25.00 NAME : PAYOR: REFNC: KATHERINE R. ENGLISH KATHERINE R. ENGLISH EJH LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 .E - S'7S"~CJ . '.Iff: ')"'1';80.; 05/13/2002 -.{ "- ,I CHECK: 'i5 on - . ~ LD Am oATO' 25.00 I ~ . AMOUNT ---------- ---------- TOTAL. DUE: 25.00 E-s-',soc) COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Katherine R. English DATE February 26. 2002 BUSINESS ADDRESS Pavese. Haverfield. Dalton. Harrison. & Jensen. L.L.P. 1833 Hendrv Street. Post Office Drawer 1507 Fort Mvers, Florida 33902-1507 Telephone: (941) 336-6235 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: I) Mirasol Communitv Development District 6025 Carlton Lakes Blvd.. Naples. FL 34110 Telephone: (941) 596-9067 2) Ronto Development Group 3185 S. Horseshoe Drive. Naples. Florida 34104 Telephone: (941) 649-6310 3) Resource Conservation Properties. Inc. and Bonita Bav Properties. Inc. 3451 Bonita Bay Blvd. Ste 202. Bonita Springs. FL 34134 Telephone: (941) 495-1000 ~~. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEE The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 26th day ofF a by Katherine R. English who is personally known to me or has produced s de ti and who di o ClALNOfARYSEAL SANDRA H SMITH NOfARY PUBUC STATEOF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. DIlO30741 MY COMMISSION EXP. NE Xl (;e-- Please Note: 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1st will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22. COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Page 2 Continued BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM (Please attach this to the registration form you have on file for: Katherine R. English) NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 4) Pulling. Al ex 6500 Airport Pulling Road N.. Naples. FL 34109 Telephonc: (941) 597-7225 5) WCI Communities. Inc. 24301 Walden Center Drive. Bonita Springs. Florida 34134 Telephone (941) 947-2600 PAVESE, HAVERFIELD.. DALTON, HARRISON & JENSEN, L.L.P. A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW POST OFFICE DRAWER 1507 FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33902-1507 Neale Montgomery (239) 336-6235 E-Mail: neaJemontgomery@paveselaw.com (239) 334-2195 FAX (239) 332.2243 http://paveselaw.com STREET ADDRESS: 1833 HENDRY STREET FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33901 PLEASE REPLY TO: FORT MYERS OFFICE November 1,2002 Board Minutes and Records Collier County Government Center - F-4 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 RE: Annual Lobbyist Registration Form Dear Clerk of the Board: Enclosed herewith please find an addendum (page 2) to be attached to the lobbyist registration forms for Neale Montgomery, Katherine R. English, Steven C. Hartsell and Charles Mann. We have added the entity Orangetree Associates. Should you have any questions or need more information please call our office. Thank you. Your consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ~""'-lt/"'--(\ ci'. OCfl'-.C Tina L. Boone Secretary to Neale Montgomery NM:tlb Enclosures F:\WPDAT A\NM\Fonns\ccJobby ltr to cJerk.addendurnwpd.wpd 4635 S. DEL PRADO BLVD. P.O. BOX 100088 CAPE CORAL FLORIDA 3391 0-0088 (239)542-3148 FAX (239) 542.8953 461 S. MAIN STREET P.O. DRAWER 2280 LaBELLE, FLORIDA 33935 (863)675-5800 FAX (863)675-4998 SUITE 203 4524 GUN CLUB ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415 (561)471-1366 FAX (561)471-0522 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East . Naples, Florida 34112 Page 2 Continued BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM (Please attach this to the registration form you have on file for: Neale Montgomery) NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 4) Pulling. Alex 6500 Airport Pulling Road N.. Naples. FL 34109 Telephone: (941) 597-7225 5) Orangetree Associates 3000 Orange Grove Trail. Naples. FL 34120 Telephone: (941) 353-1389 Dwight E. Brock Clerk of Courts CouiiA'ofG0ilier ,~~l...J._ \ CLERK OF THE GlRCtIIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY~- URTPIOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI IL Ef:.l)T . P.O. BOX 4 ~044 \. . , NAPLES, FLORlDA\~1101-3044 t{, I ~-;~'t; .. ..' Clerk of Courts Accountant Auditor Custodian of County Funds ~:L<J - / December 21, 2004 Katherine R. English Pavese Law Firm P.O. Drawer 1507 1833 Hendry Street Ft. Myers, F]orida 33902-1507 Dear Lobbyist, Our records indicate that you have already renewed your Lobbyist Registration on October 7,2004. This renewal does not expire until September 30, 2005. Therefore, I am returning your check and Lobbyist Registration Form dated December 17,2004. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call 774-84] L Thank you, ~tl.~,!.0. Linda A. Houtzer Deputy Clerk Enclosures Phone - (239) 732-2646 Website: www.cIerk.collier.fl.us Fax - (239) 775-2755 Email: colliercIerk~cIerk.collier.fl.us _~J~~~(~~ 10:26 FAl 3322243 P^VES~ ~^'T.R~!EL~ ?J~':'2/0l)2. PAVESE lAWFIEM 1833 Hendry Street. P.o. Drawer 1507 Fori Myers. Florida 33902-1507 (239) 336-6249 (239) 332-2243 TRANSMITTAl MEMORANDUM To: Collier County Lobbyist Reglsiration - ATTN: Unda From: Katherine R. English Date: January 11, 2005 Re: Naples Syndication, LLC Please amend the list of entitles for Katherine R. English's Lobbyist Registration to include: Naples Syndications, LLC Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. F:\WPDA TAIKRE\C1ienls\nopIes syndlcatlon\lobbsl.registration_.wpd O~.I1~_/')~ ;.~: 2.') f'A,\ 0':-i'724~ rAVES" '1A~'ER"'Et') '7)00).1002 Et\VESE LAW FIRM 1833 Hendry Street Post O'ffice Drawer 1507 Fort Myers, Florida 33902 Telephone: (239) 334-2195 TELECOPTF.R TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DA IE: January 11. 2005 TELECO'PTER NUMBER - (239) 332-2243 DELNER TO': Collier County Lobbyist Re2istration RECIPIENT TELECO'PIER PHO'NE NO.: 774-8408 FRO'M: Katherine R. En~lish OUR FILE NO: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TInS CO'VER SHEET: 2 PLEASE CONTACf SENDER IMMEDIATELY IF LESS THAN THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF PAGES ARRIVE OR IF TRANSMISSION ERROR OCCURS. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please see the attached rcauest for amendment to Ms. Enl!lish's Lobbvist Rellistration for Collier Countv. TRANSMITTED .BY: SandY DATE: Januarv I I. 2005 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE O'F THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED AS RECIPIENT. IF THE READER IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, BE HEREBY NO'TIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COpy OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PRO'HIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THlC O'RIGINAL MESSAGE TO' US AT THE ADDRESS LOCATED ABO'VE VIA THE U.s. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU.