Exhibit FF LDC 4.06.02 Buffer Requirements Page 1
4.06.02 - Buffer Requirements
A. Applicability of buffer requirements. The buffering and screening shown in table 2.4 below shall be
required under this section and shall apply to all new development. Existing landscaping which does
not comply with the provisions of this section shall be brought into conformity to the maximum extent
possible when: the vehicular use area is altered or expanded (except for restriping of lots/drives),
the building square footage is changed, or there has been a discontinuance of use for a period of 1
year or more and a request for an occupational license to resume business is made.
Subdivisions or Developments shall be buffered for the protection of property owners from land uses as
required pursuant to this section 4.06.00. Buffers shall not inhibit pedestrian circulation between adjacent
commercial land uses. Buffers shall be installed during construction as follows and in accordance with this
section 4.06.00:
1. To separate residential developments from commercial, community use, industrial and public
use developments and adjacent expressways, arterials and railroad rights-of-way, except
where such expressway, arterial, or railroad right-of-way abuts a golf course.
2. To separate commercial, community use, industrial and public use developments from
residential developments.
3. To separate subdivisions of residential property that do not result in the submittal of a site
development plan pursuant to the provisions of section 10.02.03 from other residential
Separation shall be created with a landscape buffer strip which is designed and constructed in
compliance with the provisions of this section 4.06.00. Such buffer strip(s) shall be shown and
designated on the final plat as a tract of easement and shall not be located within any public or private
right-of-way. The ability to locate buffer(s) within a platted or recorded easement shall be determined
pursuant to the provisions of this section 4.06.00. buffers adjacent to protected/preserve areas shall
conform to the requirements established by the agency requiring such buffer.
Landscape buffers, when required by this Code, this section 4.06.00, or other county regulation shall
be in addition to the required right-of-way width and shall be designated as a separate buffer tract or
easement on the final subdivision plat. The minimum buffer width shall be in conformance with this
section 4.06.00. In no case shall the required buffer be constructed to reduce cross-corner or stopping
sight distances, or safe pedestrian passage. All buffer tracts or easements shall be owned and
maintained by a property owner's association or other similar entity and shall be so dedicated on the
final subdivision plat.
B. Methods of determining buffers. Where a property adjacent to the proposed use is: (1) undeveloped,
(2) undeveloped but permitted without the required buffering and screening required pursuant to this
Code, or (3) developed without the buffering and screening required pursuant to this Code, the
proposed use shall be required to install the more opaque buffer as provided for in table 2.4. Where
property adjacent to the proposed use has provided the more opaque buffer as provided for in table
2.4, the proposed use shall install a type A buffer.
Where the incorporation of existing native vegetation in landscape buffers is determined as being
equivalent to or in excess of the intent of this Code, the planning services director may waive the planting
requirements of this section.
Buffering and landscaping between similar residential land uses may be incorporated into the yards of
individual lots or tracts without the mandatory creation of separate tracts. If buffering and landscaping is
to be located on a lot, it shall be shown as an easement for buffering and landscaping.
The buffering and screening provisions of this Code shall be applicable at the time of planned unit
development (PUD), preliminary subdivision plat (PSP), or site development plan (SDP) review, with
the installation of the buffering and screening required pursuant to section 4.06.05 G. If the applicant
chooses to forego the optional PSP process, then signed and sealed landscape plans will be required on
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the final subdivision plat. Where a more intensive land use is developed contiguous to a property within a
similar zoning district, the planning services director may require buffering and screening the same as for
the higher intensity uses between those uses.
Landscape buffering and screening standards within any planned unit development shall conform to the
minimum buffering and screening standards of the zoning district to which it most closely resembles. The
planning services director may approve alternative landscape buffering and screening standards when
such alternative standards have been determined by use of professional acceptable standards to be
equivalent to or in excess of the intent of this Code.
C. Types of buffers. Within a required buffer strip, the following types of buffers shall be used based on
the matrix in table 2.4. (See Figure 4.06.02.C-1)
1. Type A Buffer: Ten-foot-wide landscape buffer with trees spaced no more than 30 feet on center.
When a Type A buffer is located within a residential PUD and adjacent to a lake, the required
trees may be clustered on common property lines to provide a view of the lake. Clustered tree
plantings shall not exceed 60 feet between clusters.
2. Type B Buffer: Fifteen-foot-wide, 80 percent opaque within one year landscape buffer six feet in
height, which may include a wall, fence, hedge, berm or combination thereof, including trees
spaced no more than 25 feet on center. When planting a hedge, it shall be a minimum of ten
gallon plants five feet in height, three feet in spread and spaced a maximum four feet on center
at planting. When a Type B buffer is located within a residential PUD and adjacent to a lake, the
required plant materials may be clustered to provide views. Clustered tree plantings shall not
exceed 60 feet between clusters and the clustered hedge plantings can be provided as a double
row of shrubs that are a minimum of 30 inches in height. When the adjacent lake exceeds 1,500
feet in width the hedge planting shall not be required. When a community facility is located within
a residential PUD and abuts a residential unit, a Type B buffer shall be required. When a fence
or wall is used within the buffer a minimum of 50 percent of the trees and hedge plantings shall
be located on the residential side of the fence or wall.
3. Type C Buffer: 20-foot-wide, opaque within one year, landscape buffer with a six-foot wall, fence,
hedge, or berm, or combination thereof and two staggered rows of trees spaced no more than
30 feet on center. Projects located within the Golden Gate Neighborhood center district shall be
exempt from the right-of-way requirement of a six-foot wall, fence, hedge, berm or combination
thereof. These projects shall provide a meandering Type D landscape buffer hedge. In addition,
a minimum of 50 percent of the 25-foot wide buffer area shall be composed of a meandering bed
of shrubs and ground covers other than grass.
4. Type D Buffer: A landscape buffer shall be required adjacent to any road right-of-way external
to the development project and adjacent to any primary access roads internal to a commercial
development. Said landscape buffer shall be consistent with the provisions of the Collier County
Streetscape Master Plan, which is incorporated by reference herein. The minimum width of the
perimeter landscape buffer shall vary according to the ultimate width of the abutting right-of-
way. Where the ultimate width of the right-of-way is zero to 99 feet, the corresponding
landscape buffer shall measure at least ten feet in width. Where the ultimate width of the right-
of-way is 100 or more feet, the corresponding landscape buffer shall measure at least 15 feet
in width. Developments of 15 acres or more and developments within an activity center shall
provide a perimeter landscape buffer of at least 20 feet in width regardless of the width of the
right-of-way. Activity center right-of-way buffer width requirements shall not be applicable to
roadways internal to the development.
a. Trees shall be spaced no more than 30 feet on center in the landscape buffer abutting a
right-of-way or primary access road internal to a commercial development.
b. A continuous 3 gallon double row hedge spaced 3 feet on center of at least 24 inches in
height at the time of planting and attaining a minimum of 30 inches in height in one year shall
be required in the landscape buffer where vehicular areas are adjacent to the road right-
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of-way, pursuant to section 4.06.05 C.4. The hedges shall be maintained at maximum height
of 36 inches.
c. Where a fence or wall fronts an arterial or collector road as described by the transportation
circulation element of the growth management plan, a continuous 3 gallon single row hedge
a minimum of 24 inches in height spaced 3 feet on center, shall be planted along the right-
of-way side of the fence. The required trees shall be located on the side of the fence facing
the right-of-way. Every effort shall be made to undulate the wall and landscaping design
incorporating trees, shrubs, and ground cover into the design. It is not the intent of this
requirement to obscure from view decorative elements such as emblems, tile, molding and
wrought iron.
d. The remaining area of the required landscape buffer must contain only existing native
vegetation, grass, ground cover, or other landscape treatment. Every effort should be made
to preserve, retain and incorporate the existing native vegetation in these areas.
e. A signage visibility triangle may be created for non-residential on-premises signs located as
shown in Figure 4.06.02.C-2 for Type D buffers that are 20 feet or greater in width. The line
of visibility shall be no greater than 30 linear feet along road right-of-way line. Within the
visibility triangle, shrubs and hedges shall be required pursuant to LDC section 4.06.05.D.4,
except that hedges, shrubs, or ground cover located within the signage visibility triangle shall
be maintained at a maximum plant height of 24 inches. Within the visibility triangle, no more
than one required canopy tree may be exempted from the Type D buffer requirements.
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Figure 4.06.02 C-1.
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Figure 4.06.02.C-2. (Note: Figure does not include double row hedge)
Table 2.4 Table of Buffer Requirements by Land Use Classifications
Adjacent Properties Zoning District and/or
Property Use
Subject Property's District/Use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Agriculture (A1) - B B B B B A A A A D A - A
2. Residential (E, RSF) single-family A A B B B B B C B * D B - C
3. Residential (RMF-6, RMF-12, RMF-16)
multifamily A B A A A B B B B * D B - C
4. Residential tourist (RT) A B A A B B A B B * D B - B
5. Village residential (VR) A A B B A B B B B * D B - B
6. Mobile home (MH) A B B B B A B B B * D B B B
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7. Commercial3 (C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5); Business
Park (BP) A B B B B B A A A * D B B B
8. Industrial2 (I) A C B B B B A A2 A * D B B B
9. Public use (P), community facility (CF), Golf
Course Clubhouse, Amenity Center A B B B B B A A A * D B - C
10. Planned unit development (PUD) * * * * * * * * * * D * * *
11. Vehicular rights-of-way D D D D D D D D D D - B - D
12. Golf course maintenance building B B B B B B B B B B B A B C
13. Golf course - - - - - - - - - - - B - C
14. Automobile service station4 A C C B B B B B C * D C C D
Table 2.4 information: The letter listed under "Adjacent Properties Zoning District and/or Property
Use" shall be the landscape buffer and screening alternative required. Where a conflict exists
between the buffer required by zoning district or property use, the more stringent buffer shall be
required. The "-" symbol shall represent that no buffer is required. The PUD district buffer, due to
a variety of differing land uses, is indicated by the "*" symbol, and shall be based on the landscape
buffer and screening of the district or property use with the most similar types, densities and
intensities of use. Where a conflict exists between the buffering requirements and the yard
requirements of this Code, the yard requirements of the subject zoning district shall apply.
1 Buffering in agriculture (A) districts shall be applicable at the time of site development plan (SDP)
2Industrial (I) zoned property, where abutting industrial (I) zoned property, shall be required to install a
minimum 5-foot-wide type A landscape buffer adjacent to the side and rear property lines. The buffer
area shall not be used for water management. In addition, trees may be reduced to 50 feet on center
along rear and side perimeter buffers only. This reduction in buffer width shall not apply to buffers
adjacent to vehicular rights-of-way or nonindustrial zoned property. Abutting industrial zoned
properties may remove a side or rear buffer along the shared property line in accordance with Section
4.06.02 C.7. This exception to buffers shall not apply to buffers abutting to vehicular rights-of-way.
3 Buffer areas between commercial outparcels located within a shopping center, Business Park, or
similar commercial development may have a shared buffer 15 feet wide with each abutting property
contributing 7.5 feet. The outparcels may remove a side or rear buffer along the shared property line
between comparable uses within the same zoning designation in accordance with Section 4.06.02
C.7. These provisions shall not apply to right-of-way buffers.
4Refer to section 5.05.05 for automobile service station landscape requirements.
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5. Business Parks. A 25-foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided around the boundary of the
business park. A six-foot tall opaque architecturally finished masonry wall, or berm, or
combination thereof shall be required and two staggered rows of trees spaced no more than 30
feet on center shall be located on the outside of the wall, berm, or berm/wall combination.
6. Buffering and screening standards. In accordance with the provisions of this Code, loading areas
or docks, outdoor storage, trash collection, mechanical equipment, trash compaction, vehicular
storage excluding new and used cars, recycling, roof top equipment and other service function
areas shall be fully screened and out of view from adjacent properties at ground view level and
in view of roadway corridors.
7. Joint Project Plan. Abutting platted parcels may submit a joint project plan to remove one side
or rear landscape buffer along a shared property line in order to share parking or other
infrastructure facilities, provided the following criteria are met:
a. A joint project plan shall include all necessary information to ensure that the combined site
meets all of the design requirements of this Code, and shall be submitted as either a single
SDP or SIP consisting of both parcels, or separate SDPs or SIPs for each parcel that are
submitted concurrently. Joint project plans require a shared maintenance and access
easement that is recorded in the public records.
b. The following are eligible for a joint project plan. One outparcel shall be no greater than 3
acres and the combined parcel acreage shall not exceed 5 acres:
i. Abutting commercial outparcels located within a shopping center.
ii. Abutting commercial parcels in a Business Park.
iii. Abutting commercial parcels with the same zoning designation.
iv. Abutting industrial parcels with the same zoning designation.
c. The eliminated buffer shall be reallocated to the remaining landscape buffers and/or
internal landscaped areas of the proposed joint project. There shall be no net loss of
landscape material or square footage of the buffer as a result of the eliminated buffer on
the shared property line.
d. The buffer to be eliminated shall not be a perimeter buffer or adjacent to any internal main
access drives.
D. Standards for retention and detention areas in buffer yards. Unless otherwise noted, all standards
outlined in section 4.06.05 C. apply. Trees and shrubs must be installed at the height specified in this
Water management systems, which must include retention and detention areas, swales, and subsurface
installations, are permitted within a required buffer provided they are consistent with accepted engineering
and landscaping practice and the following criteria:
1. Water management systems must not exceed 50 percent of the square footage of any required
side, rear, or front yard landscape buffer.
2. Water management systems must not exceed, at any location within the required side, rear, or
front yard landscape buffer, 70 percent of the required buffer width. A minimum 5-foot wide
10:1 level planting area shall be maintained where trees and hedges are required.
3. Exceptions to these standards may be granted on a case-by-case basis, evaluated on the
following criteria:
a. Water management systems, in the form of dry retention, may utilize an area greater than
50 percent of the buffer when existing native vegetation is retained at natural grade.
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b. For lots of record 10,000 square feet or less in size, water management areas may utilize
an area greater than 50 percent of the required side and rear yard buffers. A level planting
area of at least three feet in width must be provided in these buffers.
4. Sidewalks and other impervious areas must not occupy any part of a required Alternative A, B,
C, or D type buffer, except when:
a. Driveways and sidewalks are constructed perpendicular to the buffer and provide direct
access to the parcel.
b. Parallel meandering sidewalks occupy the buffer and its width is increased by the
equivalent sidewalk width.
c. A required 15—20 foot wide buffer is reduced to a minimum of ten feet wide and is increased
by the five to ten foot equivalent width elsewhere along that buffer.
(Ord. No. 04-72, § 3.N; Ord. No. 06-07, § 3.K; Ord. No. 06-63, § 3.Z; Ord. No. 07-67, § 3.K;
Ord. No. 12-38, § 3.O; Ord. No. 14-33, § 3.L; Ord. No. 15-44, § 3.F)