MAY 14, 2014
The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Wednesday, May 14, 2014
at 1:00 p.m.for a workshop at the community center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive,
Naples, Florida.
APPEARANCES: Susan O'Brien, Chairman
Tom Cravens
John Domenie
Michael Levy
Joe Chicurel
Dave Trecker, ex-officio
ALSO PRESENT: Neil Dorrill, Dorrill Management Group, Administrator
Tim Hall,Turrell, Hall &Associates
Mohamed Dabees, Humiston & Moore
Scott Streckenbein, PBSD Board
Kathy Worley
Marcia Cravens
Ted Raia
Mary Johnson
Peter Duggan
Henry Bachman
Brad Cornell
Maura Kraus
and others
Mrs. O'Brien opened the workshop and thanked those present for being in attendance.
Mr. Roth addressed some changes and edits, and it was agreed that only the substantial
changes would be discussed at the workshop. She noted some wording to be added and
changed in certain areas for clarification, and suggested some areas that were redundant and
should be removed. These changes, deletions and recommendations were previously provided
to the Committee members.
Clam Bay Workshop—Minutes
May 14,2014
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The necessity of including all the data presently in the appendix was discussed, and Mrs. Worley
suggested that if the information is included in the appendix, it should be spelled out as to why
it is there and what it is tied to.
Mrs. Roth also noted that her suggestion to include a paragraph related to the water
movement into Clam Bay was not yet in the Plan, and Mr. Hall explained the meaning of the
documents Mrs. Roth provided, and indicated that he had inserted wording in the Plan to
address that issue.
The objectives were gone over briefly, and some small changes were made in the bullet points.
It was further suggested that the responsible entities for the various facets of Clam Bay be
listed in the Plan as it was in an earlier version, and Mrs. O'Brien agreed that they can revisit
that issue at the next Committee meeting.
In response to Mrs. Worley's question, Dr. Dabees indicated that the drawings on page 90 were
a modification and reduction of the information from the previous dredging, and the red line is
what is being recommended.
Mr. Bachman suggested that it may not be clear enough that the PBSD was responsible for
what is in the Management Plan, and Mrs. O'Brien noted that she felt it was clear in the text
that the PBSD was responsible for the implementation of the plan.
Additionally Mr. Bachman asked about funding for the many projects and activities noted in the
Plan, and Mr. Cravens agreed that the Plan does not specifically tag how they are to be paid for.
Mrs. O'Brien indicated that there is an overall tag at the Goal and Objectives lead-in regarding
the availability of funding and staff, but that they would work on a stronger statement in this
Mrs. Cravens spoke to the introduction and that she felt that saying the 11998 focused on the
mangroves needed to be stricken from it and otherwise corrected. She added that the
Committee and the consultants are not following the direction of the County Commission,
which authorized and delegated the PBSD to update the existing Clam Bay Restoration
Management Plan, and that the numerous organizations and people involved in the original
plan were not mentioned in the PBSD version. Mrs. Cravens also felt that the tables in the Plan
were disjointed, and referred the Committee to the 1995 Clam Pass Inlet Management Plan as
it relates to habitats and land uses which she noted was outstanding.
Mrs. Cravens was asked to submit the remainder of her corrections to the Committee, as there
were several that could not be mentioned in the time frame available.
Mrs. Worley noted the need for consistency within the categories as to general statements as
opposed to those of Clam Bay specifically. Mrs. Worley will send her structural suggestions and
Clam Bay Workshop—Minutes
May 14,2014
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other notations on spellings and additions to the Committee members. Mrs. Worley added as
well that the Goal and Objectives needed to include a performance measure in order to
evaluate it.
The relationship between the stormwater management areas outside of the NRPA and the
NRPA itself was raised by Brad Cornell of Audubon and Western Everglades as it relates to the
issue of the nutrients in Clam Bay from fertilization and irrigation water as it is not addressed
fully in the Management Plan. He also felt that the Plan should address sea level rise
adaptations and how stable it is, and how the tides coming in and out can affect that dynamic.
Dr. Dabees briefly spoke to the water level issues, and Mr. Cornell suggested that Dr. Dabees
craft some language to insert into the Plan that addresses that issue.
It was also noted by Mrs.Johnson that this is a ten year plan that clearly states that ongoing
information will be taken into consideration. She felt it was an excellent plan and that the
Committee needed to move forward from here.
Ted Raia expressed concern about the surface water that has increased with development and
is running into Clam Bay. Mr. Hall indicated that rainfall is about 52 inches, and irrigation is half
that amount again, and the range then is anywhere from 78 to 83 inches of water falling on the
surface of the ground. The Management Plan recognizes the water coming from the upland
areas, but there is also a subsurface flow that also goes into the Bay, which they have less
detailed information on. The rain and the subsurface flow are handled on a reactive basis;
whereas the landscape water and lakes and those issues are addressed on a much more
proactive basis.
Mrs. Worley suggested that the section on water reduction and the berm could be lifted from
the old 1998 Plan and inserted into the new one, which would answer many of these questions.
Maura Kraus of the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department noted that a wild turkey
was sighted on the beach, as well as a flamingo. She noted as well that the Collier County
Natural Resource Department had teams of biologists in the 1980s doing research on a large
area that included Clam Bay, and that there has been monitoring going on since 1990, including
for sea turtles, that continues to this day. Mr. Hall indicated that he will coordinate with the
County in these areas.
(End of recording)
Susan O'Brien, Chairman Printed 11/12/2014 at 9:01:37 AM