Minutes 03/04/2014 (unsigned) CLAM BAY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION TUESDAY,MARCH 4,2014 The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on March 4,2014 at 1:00 PM at the Community Center at Pelican Bay located at 8960 Hammock Oak Drive,Naples, Fl. The following members attended: Clam Bay Committee Susan O'Brien, Chairman John Domenie Joe Chicurel Mike Levy Tom Cravens Pelican Bay Services Division Board Dave Trecker Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Kyle Lukasz, Operations Manager Lisa Resnick, Recording Secretary Also Present Mohamed Dabees, Humiston& Moore Engineers Tim Hall, Turrell-Hall and Associates Clam Bay Stakeholders Marcia Cravens Linda Roth Ted Raia Kathy Worley AGENDA 1 . Roll call 2. Agenda Approval 3. Audience comments 4. Discussion of draft of engineering-related documents for management plan 5. Discussion of draft version 4.1 of management plan 6. Discussion of idle speed/no wake zone revised ordinance and slow speed/minimum wake signs in Clam Bay 7. Renewal of Turrell-Hall annual Clam Bay contract 8. Funding for Clam Bay expenses 9. Other 10. Adjourn 58 Clam Bay Committee Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Domenie motioned,Dr. Chicurel seconded to approve the agenda as amended [add under "other", summary of recommended actions at March 5 board meeting]. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Dr. Ted Raia, in regards to the Commons project, requested an update on pervious and impervious surfaces. Mr. Dorrill replied that the information was requested; however, it was not received yet. DRAFT OF ENGINEERING RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT PLAN Dr. Mohamed Dabees presented the preliminary dredging design plan for Clam Pass. A range of measurements were provided that were preliminary based on equilibrium or stable conditions. Once the plans were final, they would be included in the permit application. FUNDING FOR CLAM BAY EXPENSES The Committee also discussed estimated consultants costs to fund further activities to prepare the management plan and permit application, as well as an extension of maintenance activities and optional surveys. RENEWAL OF TURRELL-HALL ANNUAL CLAM BAY CONTRACT Mr. Cravens motioned,Dr. Chicurel seconded, to recommend to the full board that the Turrell-Hall annual Clam Bay contract be renewed for its final year. The motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF IDLE SPEED/NO WAKE ZONE REVISED ORDINANCE AND SLOW SPEED/MINIMUM WAKE SIGNS IN CLAM BAY Mr. Cravens motioned,Mr. Levy seconded, to recommend to the full board that the idle speed/no wake zone ordinance and slow speed minimum wake signs in Clam Bay be replaced. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman O'Brien planned to make these recommendations at tomorrow's full board meeting under Clam Bay Committee report. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT VERSION 4.1 OF MANAGEMENT PLAN The Committee discussed draft 4.1 of the management plan and suggested changes to incorporate in the next draft. 59 Clam Bay Committee Meeting Minutes March 4,2014 Mr. Levy was concerned about committing to doing surveys that were not relevant to the plan, such as bird and fish surveys, as well as finding funds to carry out such surveys. Mr. Dorrill reiterated that from a fatal flaw perspective, complaints regarding the management plan process or its contents, whether valid or not,may be scrutinized by the regulatory agencies. Optional tasks included in the management plan might create hurdles resulting in increased scrutiny by detractors and regulatory agencies, notices of violations, or permitting delays. ADJOURN Mr. Cravens motioned,Mr. Domenie seconded to adjourn. The motion carried I unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m. Susan O'Brien, Chairman 4/3/2014 2:44:16 PM 60