CSC Minutes 12/04/1992 Children ' s Services
Council of Collier County
December 4, 1992
The Children' s Services Council of Collier County
Meeting of December 4, 1992
Council Members Present Council Members Absent
Hon. Cynthia Ellis Delores G. Dry
Lavern Gaynor Bea Harper
Dr. Robert Munz Burt Saunders
Melinda Riddle Ron Webster
Mary Ellen zum Felde
A meeting of the Children' s Services Council of Collier County
was held on Friday, December 4, 1992, 9:00 am. , Collier County
School Board Room.
The invocation was given by Dr. Robert Munz, followed by the
pledge of allegiance and roll call.
The minutes of the November 6, 1992 meeting were approved as
presented. Motion made by Mary Ellen zum Felde; seconded by
Lavern Gaynor; passed unanimously.
Mary Ellen zum Felde, treasurer, presented the November 1992
treasurer' s report. October 31, cash on hand,. $5, 324 . 38; income,
$404 .67 ; expenses, $3, 804 .37; Cash on hand as of November 30,
$1, 924 .68. The report was approved and filed for audit.
Paul Pinson, executive director, introduced George Schmelze and
Diana "Pixie" Turner, Insurance And Risk Management Services,
Inc. , who reported on an insurance plan that was being researched
to cover personal council member liability and volunteer
liability associated with programs administered by the council;
ie. , C.A.D.E.T. The report was followed by an in-depth question
and answer period. It was the general consensus Mr. Pinson
should continue working with Mr. Schmelze and Ms. Turner to
present a final plan for council ' s consideration.
Ginny Stevens, C.A.D.E.T. board member, reported that as a result
of a presentation made by Sgt. Jim Hansen and Paul Pinson to the
Community Foundation of Collier County, the Foundation had
awarded $6,000 to C.A.D.E.T. for the purchase of its insurance
package. She continued with the good news that C.A.D.E.T. had
been certified by 20th Judicial Court Judge Reese and 20th
Judicial state attorney, Joe Alessandro, as a Court Arbitration
Panel, which means that C.A.D.E.T. would be under the auspices of
the justice system and able to provide arbitration alternatives
for children. C.A.D.E.T. will initiate its program the middle of
January and expects to process eight children per month,
targeting 12, 13, and 14 ages. It was agreed once C.A.D.E.T. is
launched, appropriate publicity should be developed. C.A.D.E.T.
also plans to approach Leadership Collier, an arm of the Naples
Chamber of Commerce, for assistance with the volunteer aspect of
the program.
Mary Peterson, board member, Parents As Teachers of Collier
County, Inc. , explained she had been assigned by PAT to explore
existing after school programs. She presented a brief historical
sketch of PAT, which was followed by a general discussion of
after school programs. It was suggested the Ministerial
Association be contacted as potential participants in after
school programs. It was agreed PAT and Children' s Services
Council would continue to work closely together.
Mr. Pinson reported: 1. The golf tournament scheduled for
December 20 had been postponed and that Bob Giamari is
researching February and March as potential dates. 2 . The audit
is completed and needs only signing off by the managing partner.
3 . CSC had been contacted by Coral Isle Factory Outlet Stores,
located on State Road #951, to participate in an ice skating
event with proceeds to benefit CSC. The event is scheduled for
Saturday and Sunday, December 5 and 6. Coral Isle Stores will
provide the rink. CSC will provide publicity, a food concession
and volunteers to man the rink and the concession. (Arrangements
have been made to have the Pepsi wagon, food and beverage
donated. )
Kay Campbell gave an update on the Children's Services
Information Center. Approximately 65 survey documents have been
returned. The target date is still January 15. A marketing plan
will be presented at the January meeting.
Mr. Pinson expressed appreciation for Bea Harper and her devotion
and commitment to the Children' s Services Council. He then made
reference to the Council retreat held December 15, 1990, and
suggested that since 60% of council membership has changed since
1990, the Council may wish to re-group for a day or an evening
for the purpose of refocusing on its mission and planning
strategy for the forthcoming new year. There was general
agreement to the retreat suggestion. Mr. Pinson will structure
the event to be held shortly after the first of the year.
A motion was made by Mary Ellen zum Felde to adjourn; seconded by
Melinda Riddle; passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
mezf:kmc Mary Ellen zum Felde,