CSC Minutes 11/06/1992 Children ' s Services Council of Collier County Minutes/Transcript November 6 , 1992 The Children' s Services Council of Collier County Meeting of November 6, 1992 Council Members Present Council Members Absent Delores G. Dry Dr. Robert Munz Hon. Cynthia Ellis Melinda Riddle Lavern Gaynor Bea Harper Burt Saunders Ron Webster Mary Ellen zum Felde A meeting of the Children' s Services Council of Collier County was held on Friday, November 6, 1992, 9 :00 am. , Collier County School Board Room. The invocation was given by Paul Pinson, followed by the pledge of allegiance and roll call. The minutes of the September 18, 1992 meeting were approved as presented. Motion passed by Delores G. Dry; seconded by Lavern Gaynor and unanimously passed. Mary Ellen zum Felde, treasurer, presented the September and October treasurer reports. September, cash on hand as of August 31, $16,411 . 71; income $46 . 36; expenses, $5, 665 . 84 ; cash on hand as of September 30, $10, 792 .23 . October, cash on hand, $10, 792 .23; income $13 .68 ; expenses $5,481 .53; cash on hand as of October 31, $5, 324 .38 . The reports were approved to be filed for audit. Paul Pinson reported on an HRS meeting, held in Orlando, to which he was invited. The meeting was attended by the upper eschelon of HRS. Mr. Pinson stated he was impressed by the commitment to change and the interaction among the participants to implement Governor Chiles ' plan to decentralize HRS and return the power to the local people. . . .the underlying assumption being that HRS would move from an investigatory agency and return to its original mission to function as a social agency. Mrs. Dry augmented Mr. Pinson' s report with reference to a strategic plan for for the deliverance of services to children which will require input through town hall meetings and a select survey to private and public agencies, parents, group and foster home operators. The purpose of the survey being to determine how they wish see delivery of a co-children continuum in Florida. Mrs. Dry pointed out that any futuristic plan has a price tag, and it is hoped this legislative session will adddress a number of changes in Chapters 39 and 415 as relates to the findings of the survey. Assuming the legislature will make the appropriate changes is the reason for developing a five-year, ten-year, strategic plan. She stated the district ' s upper level management will begin to meet with the new legislative members. She emphasized it is significant that change be made to relieve HRS agency staff from the burden of their case overload; the national average being 15 cases per worker whereas the Florida average is 45 to 60 cases per worker. Mr. Pinson announced that a report on the Children' s Services Council and the CADET juvenile program was being aired on WEVU, 6 : 00 pm that evening. He also reported that a recent statewide meeting of Children' s Services Council revealed the Councils were creating systems of services such as referred to by Mrs. Dry; the challenges facing non-funded Councils were not adddressed. Meg Steinbeck, council attorney, on the issue of liability insurance for the Council. Mrs. Steinbeck reported the Council is probably not covered under county liability insurance and suggested there be a review of the Council ' s current liability policy. Her recommendation was for the Council to consider coverage for public offical liability, non-owned and hired automobile liability, and the inclusion of property liability. Mrs.Steinbeck stated Mr. Pinson was meeting with George Schmelzle, Risk Management Insurance, specialist in public entity insurance to discuss Council ' s risk and obtain bids for Council ' s consideration. After a general discussion, it was agreed Mr. Pinson should pursue an in-depth review with Mr. Schmelzle and report back to the Council. Roy Terry, after school program CCPS coordinator, reviewed the program for the benefit of those persons not familiar with it. He then reported that he and Mr. Pinson had met with a representative from the Department of Education seeking grant funds, but realized that to match the grant being considered would require massive unsuitable program changes . It was determined not to pursue this avenue of funds. To date, eight local community groups have been approached for $20, 000 each and four positive responses have been received. Funding efforts are being continued to reach the $180, 000 to cover program costs. Paul Pinson and Kay Campbell updated the Council on its information and referral program, (Children' s Services Information Center) . A draft of the survey instrument developed to gather information was distributed to the Council. The time line for commencing the program is January 15 , 1992 . A motion was made by Mary Ellen zum Felde to mail out the I & R survey document; seconded by Ron Webster and unanimously passed. Paul Pinson distributed a Projected Cash Flow/ October 30, 1992 through December 15, 1992 and a Proposed Annual Budget to be reviewed by the Council. Mr. Pinson stated after November 15, he would return to his volunteer position. Creative funding ideas were discussed, ie. , Delores Dry/a news article (ie. , "9 months later" where we are, etc. ) . Bea Harper/a profit-making I & R directory. Ron Webster/hole sponsorships. Judge Ellis/Council members submit to Mr. Pinson a list of names who might wish to become involved. Mr. Pinson reported he had received a telephone call from the Governor Chiles Office advising a minority person was not among the three gubernatorial names submitted by the Commission; that the office was going to request the Commission to submit some additional names and that he had suggested the names of several minority community leaders. Mr. Pinson gave an update on the audit. Mr. Rex Ashley, CPA, who volunteered his services to audit the Council, advised he could not continue the audit due to lack of proper certification. Mrs. Phyllis Jones, Cooper & Lybrand, offered to volunteer her services. The audit is completed and requires signing off by the managing partner. Mr. John Yonkosky, county finance manager, has been advised of the process. Jack Fordham, administrator, Social Security Administration, reported on how children can benefit from funds from the Social Service Administration and proposed a program in which his office and the Council could participate. Mr. Pinson was directed to follow up with Mr. Fordham. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, r\' mezf:kmc Mary Eilen zum Felde