CSC Minutes 06/24/1992 Children ' s Services Council of Collier County Minutes/Transcript June 24, 1992 The Children' s Services Council of Collier County Meeting of June 24, 1992 Council Members Present Council Members Absent Delores G. Dry Alma Cambridge Judge Cynthia Ellis Dr. Thomas Richey Bea Harper Ron Webster Lavern Gaynor Melinda Riddle Burt Saunders Mary Ellen zum Felde A meeting of the Children' s Services Council was held on Friday, June 24, 1992, 9: 00 AM, Collier County School Board. The meeting was chaired by Bea Harper. The meeting opened with a welcome from Chairman to Melinda Riddle, new gubernatorial appointee and Mary Ellen zum Felde, re-appointee. The invocation was delivered by Chairman Harper. The minutes were approved as presented. Motion made by Melinda Riddle; seconded by Delores Dry. Passed unanimous. The treasurer' s report was presented by Mary Ellen zum Felde. Cash on hand as of April 30, $2,689.22; May income, $1,047 . 02 ; May expenses, $2,605. 00; cash on hand May 30, $1, 131.24 . Cash on hand as of June 24 , $37 . 76. Paul Pinson, executive director, reported that through the good efforts of Judge Cynthia Ellis, Ginny Stevens of David Lawrence and others, the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program has been taken under the wing of the David Lawrence Center; that he and Gene Vaccaro, Florida Sports Park, were working on a fund-raising plan to take place in several months from which the CSC would benefit with the help of volunteers selling tickets -- two alternatives are being considered, one a family fun-day type of event and one a tag-on event -- more details will be forthcoming; and that, the Council staff would be moving into new office space (rent free at the courtesy of Banc Florida) on Friday, June 26 -- the new location is: 3999 Tamiami Trail, No. , 33940 (corner of the Trail and Park Shore) and the telephone number remains the same: 649-8222 . The need for a copier machine and printer was included in the report. Ginny Stevens, Judge Ellis and Delores Dry, each augmented Mr. Pinson' s SATP report by commenting that reactivating the SATP program was a cooperative effort with support from the Child Protection Team and HRS; that the program should be expanded for there are additional needs to be addressed; and that, the SATP has been included in the HRS current budget request. In the absence of Meg Steinbeck, legal counsel for the Council, Mr. Pinson referred to her letter addressing the subject of an annual audit of CSC' s financial records. A copy of the letter is attached to these original minutes. Her interpretation of the statute is as follows: "The Florida Statute requires an annual "independent audit" in the absence of a state audit. The annual audit requirement is not contingent upon voter approval to levy taxes. However, the County Ordinance appears to limit audits, other than state audits, to audits conducted by the internal auditor for the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. In view of the foregoing, I recommend that the Council request the Board of County Commissioners to cause the internal auditor for the Clerk of the Board to conduct the annual audit of the Council ' s records. This audit will fulfill the requirements to conduct an annual audit and will not require the expenditures of Council Funds. " Election of Officers: Office of the Chairman: Bea Harper was nominated by Judge Cynthia Ellis, seconded by Delores Dry, nominations were closed and an unanimous vote was made for Bea Harper. Office of the Vice-Chairman: Judge Cynthia Ellis was nominated by Bea Harper, seconded by Burt Saunders, nominations were closed and an unanimous vote was made for Judge Cynthia Ellis. Office of the Treasurer: Bea Harper nominated Mary Ellen zum Felde, seconded by Lavern Gaynor, nominations were closed an an unanimous vote was made for Mary Ellen zum Felde. The C.A.D.E.T. Program (Collier Action For Delinquent Endangered Teens) , a program designed to focus on second-time juvenile offenders, was presented to the Council for its adoption. Ginny Stevens, David Lawrence Children' s Center, and Sgt. Jim Hansen, Collier County Sheriff ' s Office made the presentation. A copy of the program is attached to the original of these minutes. Mr. Pinson prefaced the report by stating the presentation simply derived from the perception of the Council to focus upon concrete programs which will generate community support required for the Council to remain as a viable organization. Ginny Stevens refreshed the memory of the Council by referring to Sgt. Hansen' s first appearance before the Council at which time C.A.D.E.T. was called the Juvenile Justice Staffing Board. Mrs. Stevens explained the C.A.D.E.T. program is under the direction of a volunteer board comprised of private citizens involved with social services and agency personnel involved with second-time offenders. The Board meets on a monthly basis and the program is ready to be implemented with two exceptions: the C.A.D.E.T. Board requires certification from Judge Reese, Ft. Myers (Judge Cynthia Ellis is assisting with this procedure) , and insurance which is being explored. Sgt. Hansen then highlighted the program stressing that second-time juvenile offenders are the source of habitual and career adult criminals, and that the Sheriff ' s Office has the capability of red-flagging these kids. He explained from that point on, C.A.D.E.T. generates a whole service of networking. . .an information flyer will be sent out. . . and an intelligence system will build a complete bio- profile of the kid. The C.A.D.E.T. board is scheduled to meet twice a month. The kids will be scheduled by HRS to appear before the Board; kids have the option to do this or go to court. By the time the kids appear before the Board with their parents, the Board will have received the bio profile which will enable them to formulate strategies on how to work with each kid. The Board will then interview the kid and develop a comprehensive network program. The kids will be monitored throughout the program. Mr. Pinson explained that when C.A.D.E.T. is adopted, the program will come under the legal auspices of the Council. In practical terms the Council will become a focal office point for clerical assistance, telephone, etc. and a source for funding. The C.A.D.E.T. board does not have the ability to raise funds and have funds flow into a non-profit organization. The Council does have this capacity. He also described his role as coordinator of C.A.D.E.T. Council member, Burt Saunders, inquired about the Council ' s ability to satisfactorily implement C.A.D.E.T. Mr. Pinson replied that C.A.D.E.T. will not require intense funding in this formative stage. Mr. Saunders stated that when several other programs are adopted, there may be an opportunity for the Council to appear before the Board of Commissioners for funding. Council member, Delores Dry, asked if an evaluation component was built into the program. Sgt. Hansen responded "yes" that after a six months period or a years period the Board will be able to report on how many of the kids are recidivist. Mrs. Stevens emphasized the primary criteria for recidivism was "to stop kids involvement with the law, " but that other results would be also be tracked; ie. , early school attendance, status offender issues, etc. Mrs. Dry advised there is the potential of HRS funding such programs but that the evaluation component must be contained in the program. A motion was made by Mr. Saunders that the Council approve the involvement of the Children' s Services Council as the administrative agency for C.A.D.E.T. ; seconded by Lavern Gaynor and passed unanimous. The draft of an After School Program was then distributed by Mr. Pinson to the council members for their review, with the explanation the program had been endorsed by the Collier County School Board, but not implemented due to lack of funds. The program was described as a 4-day per week enrichment and intramural program for after school care for middle schoolers in all six middle schools. Roy Terry, author of the program approached Mr. Pinson looking for potential endorsement and involvement. Some exploration has begun with more information to be reported at the next meeting. Mr. Pinson advised it was another potential opportunity for the Council to network and build liasons between private citizens and professional agencies cooperating on behalf of the community' s children. Mr. Pinson reported on his funding initiative dialogue with the Naples Area Chamber of Commerce, the Masters Foundation, and Delores Dry and Bob Ritz of HRS: Mr. Pinson approached the Chamber as an organization seeking support for children' s services and outlined several different possibilities including the Minneapolis Plan. The Chamber is supportive of the kind of things we are talking about -- they think it is very saleable -- whether the Chamber officially becomes some semblance of liason between the Council and the business community is yet to be determined. The Council was approached by John Masters of the Masters Foundation who indicated a strong desire to become involved in issues in which the Council is interested; particularly, juvenile issues. A meeting was scheduled with Judge Cynthia Ellis, Larry Raab of HRS, and Sgt. Jim Hansen. C.A.D.E.T. and many other challenges associated with juvenile offenders were discussed. As far as can be ascertained, the Masters Foundation is real and work is being continued to develop their support. Mr. Pinson had several talks with Mrs. Dry and Mr. Ritz regarding innovative zones and has high, high hopes the Council will qualify for funding under innovative zone legislation. Some minor initiatives are also underway to qualify for another aspect of legislation; ie. , Gang Prevention Councils. All that is required is that a community or district create a Gang Prevention Council, the process for which is to request a chief judge in a district to appoint a group of individuals to serve as a Gang Prevention Council. Once the appointmemt is made the group qualifies for funding. This a pure example of implementing prevention. To establish a Gang Prevention Council in Collier wimmummimmft F. , , , County, it is now timely for our Council to schedule a meeting with Judge Ellis and Delores Dry and then contact Judge Reese who will appoint a group. Our Council can be that group. Dade, Broward and Duval Counties are already benefitting from the Gang Prevention Council legislation. Mrs. Harper inquired of Mrs.Dry the status of the Human Services Board. Mrs. Dry reported the respective County Commissions and School Board Chairman had appointed their representatives, but the gubernatorial appointees had not yet been made; however, the Nominating Qualification Review Committee is established and taking an active role in the reorganization of the agency. Many changes are being made throughout all of HRS. As a new council member, Melinda Riddle was requested to give a brief profile of her activities. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen zum Felde, Secretary