Agenda 06/28/2016 Change Sheet Proposed Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting June 28,2016 Move Item 16D23 to Item 11E: Recommendation to approve the Collier County U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)5-Year Consolidated Plan for FY 2016-2020 to include a revised Citizen Participation Plan,the Needs Assessment,the FY2016-2017 One-Year HUD Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant(CDBG),HOME Investment Partnerships and Emergency Solutions Grant Programs,including the re-programming of funds from previous years for CDBG and HOME and estimated CDBG program income; approve the Resolution,HUD Certifications,and SF 424 Application for Federal Assistance,and authorize transmittal to the HUD. (Commissioner Fiala's request) Deny Item 16J2 until such time as the Clerk certifies that the payables presented in this report have been pre- audited as previously specified by the Board: To provide the Board a "Payables Report" for the period ending June 22,2016 pursuant to the Board's request. (Staffs request) Item 16F3: The proposed Resolution is modified as follows: A RESOLUTION FIXING THE DATE,TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR APPROVING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT(NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT)TO BE LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE PELICAN BAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, BEAUTIFICATION OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND MEDIAN AREAS,AND MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVATION OR PRESERVE AREAS,MANAGEMENT OF THE DREDGING AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES FOR CLAM PASS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENHANCING THE HEALTH OF THE AFFECTED MANGROVE FOREST,AND ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS FOR AMBIENT NOISE MANAGEMENT,THE MAINTENANCE OF CONSERVATION OR PRESERVE AREAS,INCLUDING THE RESTORATION OF THE MANGROVE FOREST PRESERVE AND TO FINANCE THE LANDSCAPING BEAUTIFICATION OF ONLY THAT PORTION OF U.S.41 FROM PINE RIDGE ROAD TO VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD,BERMS,STREET SIGNAGE REPLACEMENTS WIDITN THE MEDIAN AREAS,LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS TO U.S.41 ENTRANCES AND BEACH RENOURISHMENT, ALL WITHIN THE PELICAN BAY MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT. Time Certain Items: Item 11C to be heard at 9:20 a.m. Item I1A to be heard at 9:50 a.m.,followed by Item 11B 6/28/2016 9:03 AM