Ordinance 2016-22 ORDINANCE NO. 16 - 22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 04- 41, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS; SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT; SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO MAKE COMPREHENSIVE CHANGES TO ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: CHAPTER TWO - ZONING DISTRICTS AND USES, INCLUDING SECTION 2.03.06 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS; CHAPTER FOUR - SITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, INCLUDING SECTION 4.02.12 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE, SECTION 4.02.16 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE BAYSHORE GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SECTION 4.02.37 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE GOLDEN GATE DOWNTOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT (GGDCCO), SECTION 4.02.38 SPECIFIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN C-1 THROUGH C-3 ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 4.05.02 DESIGN STANDARDS, SECTION 4.05.04 PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS, SECTION 4.05.09 STACKING LANE REQUIREMENTS, SECTION 4.06.02 BUFFER REQUIREMENTS, SECTION 4.06.03 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS FOR VEHICULAR USE AREAS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY, SECTION 4.06.05 GENERAL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS; CHAPTER FIVE - SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS, INCLUDING SECTION 5.05.08 ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS; CHAPTER SIX - INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING SECTION 6.06.02 SIDEWALKS, BIKE LANE AND PATHWAY REQUIREMENTS, SECTION 6.06.03 STREETLIGHTS; CHAPTER TEN - APPLICATION, REVIEW, AND DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURES, INCLUDING SECTION 10.02.15 REQUIREMENTS FOR MIXED USE PROJECTS WITHIN THE BAYSHORE GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 1 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added Recitals WHEREAS, on October 30, 1991, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code (hereinafter LDC), which was subsequently amended; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (Board) on June 22, 2004, adopted Ordinance No. 04-41, which repealed and superseded Ordinance No. 91-102, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, which had an effective date of October 18, 2004; and WHEREAS, the LDC may not be amended more than two times in each calendar year unless additional amendment cycles are approved by the Collier County Board of Commissioners pursuant to Section 10.02.09 A. of the LDC; and WHEREAS, this amendment to the LDC is part of the second amendment cycle for the calendar year 2015; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, the Board adopted Resolution 97-177 establishing local requirements and procedures for amending the LDC; and WHEREAS, all requirements of Resolution 97-177 have been met; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, in a manner prescribed by law, did hold an advertised public hearing on July 12, 2016, and did take action concerning these amendments to the LDC; and WHEREAS, the subject amendments to the LDC are hereby determined by this Board to be consistent with and to implement the Collier County Growth Management Plan as required by Subsections 163.3194 (1) and 163.3202 (1), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, this ordinance is adopted in compliance with and pursuant to the Community Planning Act (F.S. § 163.3161 et seq.), and F.S. § 125.01(1)(t) and (1)(w); and WHEREAS, this ordinance is adopted pursuant to the constitutional and home rule powers of Fla. Const. Art. VIII, § 1(g); and WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of the law have otherwise been met. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: Page 2 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added SECTION ONE: RECITALS The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT The Board of Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereby makes the following findings of fact: 1. Collier County, pursuant to § 163.3161, et seq., F.S., the Florida Community Planning Act (herein after the "Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan. 2. After adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Act and in particular § 163.3202(1). F.S., mandates that Collier County adopt land development regulations that are consistent with and implement the adopted comprehensive plan. 3. Section 163.3201, F.S., provides that it is the intent of the Act that the adoption and enforcement by Collier County of land development regulations for the total unincorporated area shall be based on, be related to, and be a means of implementation for, the adopted comprehensive plan. 4. Section 163.3194(1)(b), F.S., requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Collier County be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, and any land regulations existing at the time of adoption which are not consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, shall be amended so as to be consistent. 5. Section 163.3202(3), F.S., states that the Act shall be construed to encourage the use of innovative land development regulations. 6. On January 10, 1989, Collier County adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan (hereinafter the "Growth Management Plan" or "GMP") as its comprehensive plan pursuant to the requirements of§ 163.3161 et seq., F.S. 7. Section 163.3194(1)(a), F.S., mandates that after a comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, has been adopted in conformity with the Act, all development undertaken by, and all actions taken in regard to development orders by, governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof shall be consistent with such comprehensive plan or element or portion thereof. 8. Pursuant to § 163.3194(3)(a), F.S., a development order or land development regulation shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan if the land uses, densities or intensities , capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of development are compatible with, and Page 3 of 53 Words truck tugh are deleted,words underlined are added further the objectives, policies, land uses, densities, or intensities in the comprehensive plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 9. Section 163.3194(3)(b), F.S., states that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of development are compatible with, and further the objectives, policies, land uses, densities, or intensities in the comprehensive plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 10. On October 30, 1991, Collier County adopted the Collier County Land Development Code, which became effective on November 13, 1991. The Land Development Code adopted in Ordinance 91-102 was recodified and superseded by Ordinance 04-41. 11. Collier County finds that the Land Development Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier County; to encourage the most appropriate use of land, water and resources consistent with the public interest; to overcome present handicaps; and to deal effectively with future problems that may result from the use and development of land within the total unincorporated area of Collier County and it is intended that this Land Development Code preserve, promote, protect and improve the public health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience and general welfare of Collier County; to prevent the overcrowding of land and avoid the undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing and other requirements and services; to conserve, develop, utilize and protect natural resources within the jurisdiction of Collier County; to protect human, environmental, social and economic resources; and to maintain through orderly growth and development, the character and stability of present and future land uses and development in Collier County. 12. It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County to implement the Land Development Code in accordance with the provisions of the Collier County Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 125, Fla. Stat., and Chapter 163, Fla. Stat., and through these amendments to the Code. SECTION THREE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.A. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 2.03.06 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Page 4 of 53 Words struck are deleted,words underlined are added Section 2.03.06 Planned Unit Development Districts, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.03.06 Planned Unit Development Districts * * * * * * * * * * * * * G. Residential Mixed Use Neighborhood Center PUD Design Criteria. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. Pedestrian Pathways. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6. Building Foundation Plantings. a. Building foundation plantings shall be required per LDC section 4.06.05 &4-C, of-the Codc except as follows: The building regardless of its size, shall provide the equivalent of 10 percent of its ground level floor area, in building foundation planting area. A continuous building foundation planting width is not required per LDC section 4.06.05 C.B.5.a. of the Code. However, the foundation plantings shall be located within 21 feet of the building edge in the form of landscaped courtyards and seating area landscaping. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC sections 5.05.08 E.-F. for related provisions. 7. Building Architectural Standards. * * * * * * * * * * * * * b. The following architectural options are in addition to the list of required design treatments features identified in LDC subsection 5.05.08 GD.2.-ef the Code. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9. Parking Requirements. Mixed-use projects have the opportunity to provide a variety of parking options to residents and patrons and remove parking areas as the focal point of the development. Mixed-use projects reduce vehicular trips, and thereby reducing the number of parking spaces, by utilizing pedestrian- oriented design and reducing the distance between residential and commercial uses. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 5 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added e. Parking Structures. For projects subject to architectural standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 E. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10. Service Areas. For projects subject to architectural standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.B. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.02.12 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE Section 4.02.12 Design Standards for Outdoor Storage, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.02.12 Design Standards for Outdoor Storage A. All permitted or conditional uses allowing for outdoor storage, including but not limited to storage of manufactured products, raw or finished materials, or vehicles other than vehicle intended for sale or resale, shall be required to screen such storage areas with a fence, or equivalent landscaping or combination thereof, not less than seven (7) feet in height above ground level. Said fence or wall shall be opaque in design and made of masonry, wood, or other materials approved by the County Manager or designee. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.C. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.02.16 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE BAYSHORE GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA Section 4.02.16 Design Standards for Development in the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.02.16 Design Standards for Development in the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area Page 6 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. Building Types and Architectural Standards * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. General Architectural Standards. * * * * * * * * * * * * * f. Deviations from exterior building color. Applicants within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment District boundaries may request a deviation from the exterior building color requirements of LDC section 5.05.08 CD. A deviation request shall be subject to the procedures established in LDC section 5.05.08 FG and shall be subject to the following criteria: * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8. Building Type: COMMERCIAL * * * * * * * * * * * * * h. Awning: i. For awnings spanning less than 25 percent of a facade, an applicant may request a deviation from the color restriction identified in section 5.05.08 C-D.11.c.iv. These deviation requests shall be subject to the procedures established in section 5.05.08 FG. following the review and approval by the CRA Advisory Board to ensure consistency with CRA goals and objectives and community character. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.D. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.02.37 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE GOLDEN GATE DOWNTOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT (GGDCCO) Section 4.02.37 Design Standards for Development in the Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Overlay District (GGDCCO), of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.02.37 Design Standards for Development in the Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Overlay District (GGDCCO) Page 7 of 53 Words struck-through are deleted,words underlined are added A. Development criteria. The following standards shall apply to all uses in this overlay district. Where specific development criteria and standards also exist in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan, or the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan, these standards shall supersede any less stringent requirement or place additional requirements on development. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15. Project standards. In addition to the site design elements described in section 5.05.08 C.5.d F_1. of the Codc, all projects shall provide: a. Two accept or specimen trees, above the minimum landscape code requirements, for every 100 linear feet along both the front and rear facades, at a minimum height of 18 feet at planting, except that projects with frontage along Golden Gate Parkway shall only be required to provide the planting along the rear facade. b. Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of 5 feet wide, and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimum of 100 square feet. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.E. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.02.38 SPECIFIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN C-1 THROUGH C-3 ZONING DISTRICTS Section 4.02.38 Specific Design Criteria for Mixed Use Development within C-1 through C-3 Zoning Districts, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.02.38 Specific Design Criteria for Mixed Use Development within C-1 through C-3 Zoning Districts * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. Commercial Mixed Use Design Criteria. Projects utilizing the Commercial Mixed Use option within a C-1, C-2, or C-3 Zoning District shall comply with the following standards and criteria. 4. The project shall provide street, pedestrian pathway and bike lane interconnections with adjacent properties, where possible and practicable. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. Page 8 of 53 Words struck are deleted, words underlined are added * * * * * * * * * * * * * I. Building Architectural Standards. 1. The Mixed Use Projects shall include architectural features that provide visually interesting building design at a scale appropriate for pedestrian and automobile. * * * * * * * * * * * * * d. The following architectural options are in addition to the list of required design treatments features identified in subsection 5.05.08 C-D.2. of the Code: * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.F. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.05.02 DESIGN STANDARDS Section 4.05.02 Design Standards, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.05.02 Design Standards * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. Parking lots shall be so lighted, if lighted, as to shield streets and all adjacent properties from direct glare, excessive light, and hazardous interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.G. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.05.04 PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS Section 4.05.04 Parking Space Requirements, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.05.04 Parking Space Requirements A. Requirements for off-street parking for uses not specifically mentioned in this section shall be the same as for the use most similar to the one sought, or as otherwise determined by the County Manager or designee pursuant to 4.05.04 of this LDC it being Page 9 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added the intent of this LDC to require all uses to provide off-street parking, unless specific provision is made to the contrary. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.H. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.05.09 STACKING LANE REQUIREMENTS Section 4.05.09 Stacking Lane Requirements, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.05.09 Stacking Lane Requirements Where stacking is required, the amount listed does not include the first vehicle being serviced. A minimum of five (5) spaces shall be provided preceding the first menu board or order station, for restaurants with drive-in windows. For all other stacking uses, stacking starts ten (10) feet behind the middle of the pickup window) and is computed at twenty (20) feet per vehicle (turns are computed at twenty-two (22) feet per vehicle, measured at the outside of the driveway). Stacking for one (1) lane may be reduced if the reduction is added to the other lane(s). For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.1. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.06.02 BUFFER REQUIREMENTS Section 4.06.02 Buffer Requirements, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.06.02 Buffer Requirements A. Applicability of buffer requirements. The buffering and screening shown in table 2.4 below shall be required under this section and shall apply to all new development. Existing landscaping which does not comply with the provisions of this section shall be brought into conformity to the maximum extent possible when: the vehicular use area is altered or expanded (except for restriping of lots/drives), the building square footage is Page 10 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added changed, or there has been a discontinuance of use for a period of 1 year or more and a request for an occupational license to resume business is made. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 for related provisions. Subdivisions or Developments shall be buffered for the protection of property owners from land uses as required pursuant to this section 4.06.00. Buffers shall not inhibit pedestrian circulation between adjacent commercial land uses. Buffers shall be installed during construction as follows and in accordance with this section 4.06.00: * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.J. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.06.03 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS FOR VEHICULAR USE AREAS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY Section 4.06.03 Landscaping Requirements for Vehicular Use Areas and Rights-of-Way, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.06.03 Landscaping Requirements for Vehicular Use Areas and Rights-of-Way * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Standards for landscaping in Vehicular Use Areas. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9. Landscaping required for section 5.05.08 Required landscaping for buildings over 20,000 square feet shall be pursuant to LDC section 5.05.08. The following requirements will be counted toward the required greenspace and open space requirements of this Chapter of this Code. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.K. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 4.06.05 GENERAL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Section 4.06.05 General Landscaping Requirements, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.06.05 General Landscaping Requirements Page 11 of 53 Words struck-through are deleted,words underlined are added * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Landscaping requirements for industrial and commercial development. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. Building foundation plantings. All commercial buildings, residential buildings with 3 or more units, and retail and office uses in industrial buildings shall provide building foundation plantings in the amount set forth in table 4.06.05.C. and illustration 4.06.05.C. These planting areas shall be located adjacent to building entrance(s), primary façades, and/or along façades facing a street. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC sections 5.05.08 E.-F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.L. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 5.05.08 ARCHITECTURAL AND SIGHT DESIGN STANDARDS Section 5.05.08, Architectural and Site Design Standards, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 5.05.08 Architectural and Site Design Standards A. Purpose and Intent. 1. The purpose of these standards is to supplement existing development criteria in order to complement, enhance and enrich the urban fabric of Collier County with an abundant variety of architecture. The development of a positive, progressive and attractive community image and sense of place is vital to the economic health and vitality of Collier County. 2. Among the recurring details that are present in the architecture of Collier County include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Elements of Mediterranean design employing sloped barrel tile roofs, arcades and stucco; b. Old Florida design with wide verandas, metal roofs and lap siding; c. Modern International; and d. Various traditional historic references to Colonial, Bermuda and Island forms. Page 12 of 53 Words struckgh are deleted,words underlined are added 3. Building design contributes to the uniqueness of the project area and the Collier County community with predominant materials, design features, color range and spatial relationships tailored specifically to the site and its context. 4. While architectural embellishments are not discouraged, emphasis on scale, massing, form-function relationships, and relationship of the building or buildings to the site and surrounding context is strongly encouraged. Recognition of the environment and climate present in Collier County must be evident in the architecture. Gratuitous decoration applied to the building is strongly discouraged. 5. These standards and guidelines are intended to result in a comprehensive plan for building design and site development consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the Collier County Growth Management Plan ("GMP") and the purpose and intent of the Land Development Code ("LDC"). These regulations are intended to promote the use of crime prevention through site design principals, including visibility-site lines for law enforcement as well as the general public. Additionally, the use of glazing materials and designs which reduces bird collisions is encouraged. 6. To maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the streetscape and the existing architectural design of the community, all buildings must have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest from the perspective of the pedestrian, reduce building mass, recognize local character, and respond to site conditions. Façades must be designed to reduce the mass/scale and uniform monolithic appearance of large unadorned walls. Façades must provide, through the use of detail and scale, visual interest that is consistent with the community's identity and character. Articulation is accomplished by varying the building's mass, in height and width, so that it appears to be divided into distinct elements and details. B. Applicability. The provisions of section 5.05.08 apply: zoning districts set out below. At the applicant's request, projects submitted between November 10, 2004 and January 2, 2005 may be reviewed for LDC before November 10, 2001. a. Commercial zoning districts. Page 13 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added b. Non residential PUD districts, and non residential components of any PUD district. c. Business park districts. B. Applicability. The provisions of LDC section 5.05.08 shall apply to the zoning districts, locations, and to existing buildings as established below. 1. Buildings and projects within the following zoning districts: a. Commercial zoning districts and commercial components of PUD zoning districts. b. Non-residential PUD zoning districts and non-residential components of any PUD district. c. Business park zoning districts. 2. To non residential buildings and projects submitted on or after November 10, 2004 in any zoning district, but only when the following conditions exist: the Traffic Circulation Element of the GMP, or e. eee - e. 9• -- e -- boundary of a residentially zoned district. 2. Non-residential buildings and projects when at least one of the following conditions exists. For the purposes of this section, arterial and collector roads are identified in the Traffic Circulation Element of the GMP. a. The project site is located within 300 feet of an arterial or collector road, including all rights-of-way, and is located in a non-industrial zoning district. However, a proposed project site located within 150 to 300 feet of an arterial or collector road, including all rights-of-way, shall be required to comply with LDC sections 5.05.08 D.4., D.10., D.13., D.15., E, and F. Compliance shall be limited to the building facades facing the arterial or collector road. b. The project site is located on an arterial road and is located in an industrial zoning district. c. Where a proposed building's footprint would be located within 300 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district. However, where a proposed building's footprint would be located within 150 to 300 feet, the building shall be required to comply with LDC sections 5.05.08 D.4., D.10., D.13., D.15., E, and F. Page 14 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added Compliance shall be limited to the building facades facing the residential district. 3. To all renovations and redevelopment, including applicable additions of a building • - - - ,1 _ • 11 •- -- a. Any addition or renovation of an existing building or project including vehicular use area (i.e. approved for use and occupancy as of November 10, 2001) that will result in a change to the exterior of the i. A building façade renovation where such addition, renovation, or Section 5.05.08 ii. An addition or renovation to, or redevelopment of, an existing building or project, where the cost of such addition, renovation, or standards of Section 5.05.08 iii. Upon repainting an existing building, the colors to be applied must -- - • - --- - - � e — ''- ' - - - -- - • 3. Alterations to an existing building, including applicable additions of a building or site, which is subject to LDC section 5.05.08 B.1 or B.2 above shall comply with this section as described in the following sections. For the purposes of this section, an alteration shall be any change to the elements subject to LDC section 5.05.08. Interior renovations to an existing building that do not affect the external appearance of the building are excluded. a. Any addition or renovation of an existing building or project, including vehicular use areas, that will result in a change to the exterior of the building or site such that in the case of: Where facade improvements result in a change to more than 75 percent of the facade area, the entire facade shall comply with the standards of LDC section 5.05.08. Page 15 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added ii. Where an addition or renovation to, or redevelopment of, an existing building or project, exceeds 50 percent of the square footage of the gross area of the existing structures, the existing building(s) and the site improvements must comply with the standards of LDC section 5.05.08. b. Nonconforming buildings approved for use and occupancy prior to November 10, 2004 shall not be enlarged or altered in a way which increases the nonconformity. All alterations or facade improvements to nonconforming buildings shall be consistent with LDC section 5.05.08 and shall be reviewed for compliance by the County Manager or designee; however, unaltered portions of the nonconforming building will not be required to comply. c. Upon repainting the exterior of an existing building or fence, the exterior building colors shall comply with the standards identified in LDC section 5.05.08 D.13.b. 4. Abandonment or discontinuance of use. a. Buildings or projects that are abandoned (i.e. their existing use ceases) Where the use of a structure, building or project ceases for any reason, except where government action impedes access to the premises, for a period in excess of one year, the provisions of Section 5.05.08 apply before re occupancy. Compliance with this Section may require structural alterations. ii. The site design standards of this Section apply where the use of a structure ceases for any reason, except where governmental 180 consecutive days. 4. Exceptions. a. A historic site, structure, building, district, or property that is designated historic by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to LDC section 2.03.07 E or is designated historic by the State of Florida or the Federal Government. b. The Rural Agricultural (A) zoning district in the non-coastal urban designated area as established in the Future Land Use Map. Page 16 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added c. Facades facing an interior courtyard provided the facades are not visible from any public property (e.g. street, right-of-way, sidewalk, alley), interior drive, parking lot, or adlacent private property. d. The following shall be exempt from the standards of LDC section 5.05.08, but shall comply with the exterior building color standards identified in LDC section 5.05.08 D.13.b. Routine repairs and maintenance of an existing building. ii. Public utility ancillary systems provided that a building shall not have any wall planes exceeding 35 feet in length, excluding storage tanks, or have an actual building height greater than eighteen (18) feet, excluding storage tanks and communications equipment. See LDC section 4.06.05 B.4 for screening requirements of fences and walls surrounding public utility ancillary systems. tanks, or have an actual building height greater than eighteen (18) feet, excluding storage tanks and communications equipment. Fences and walls 5.05.08.C.3 and 5.05.08. D.1. C. Submittal requirements. An applicant shall submit architectural drawings according to LDC section 10.02.03 and the Administrative Code Chapter 4.A. to comply with LDC section 5.05.08. Architectural drawings must be signed and sealed by a licensed Architect who is responsible for preparing the drawings, and who is registered in the state of Florida as set forth in F.S. Chapter 481. GD. Building design standards. 1. Building Pagades. The following standards apply to all buildings that are subject to LDC section 5.05.08, except as noted. All façades of a building must a. All facades of a building must be designed with consistent architectural style, detail and trim features. a. In case of buildings located on outparccls, and freestanding buildings Page 17 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added treatments for primary façades. (See Section 5.05.08 C.9. Outparcels and -- • . . - - - - - - - --- for additional design standards). b. For additional design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 D.9., Additional standards for outparcels and freestanding buildings within a PUD or unified plan of development. b-c. Buildings or projects located at the intersection of two or more arterial or collector roads shall include design features, such as corner towers, corner entrances, or other such features, to emphasize their location as gateways and transition points within the community. 2. Primary façade standards. a. Building entrance. Buildings located along a public or private street must be designed with the main entrance clearly defined, and with convenient access from both parking and the street. b. Ground floor. Primary façades on the ground floor must have features along a minimum of 50 percent of their horizontal length. These f atures include, but are not limited to: arcades; display windows; entry areas; or other similar design elements. e-b. Design features. The design of primary façades must include, at a minimum, two of the following design features=. However, a minimum of one of the following design features is required for buildings less than 5,000 square feet. For mixed use development projects within C-1 through C-3 zoning districts, see LDC section 4.02.38 1.1.d for additional options. Glazing covering a minimum of 30 25 percent of the primary façade area, consisting of window and/or glazed door openings. a) Alternative. Trellis or latticework on the primary facade used as a support for climbing plants may count for up to 50 percent of the window area on primary facades. The planting area shall be an irrigated bed 3 feet in depth and a minimum width equal to the width of the trellis with 3 gallon vines at 3 feet on center at time of installation. Climbing plants shall achieve 80 percent opacity on the trellis within one year. Page 18 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added ii. Projected or recessed covered entrance public entry providing a minimum horizontal dimension of eight feet and a minimum area of 100 square feet. In addition, a minimum of 20-15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to windows and/or glazed door openings. iii. Covered entrance with a minimum horizontal dimension of 16 feet and a minimum area of 200 square feet. In addition, a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to window and/or glazed door openings. ii- iv. Covered walkway, or arcade (excluding canvas type) constructed with columns at least 12 inches wide, attached to the building, or located no more than 12 feet from the building. The structure must be permanent and its design must relate to the principal structure. The minimum width must be eight feet, with a total length measuring 6040 percent of the length of the associated facade. In addition, a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to window and/or glazed door openings. v. Awnings located over doors, windows, or other ornamental design features projecting a minimum of 2 feet from the facade wall and a width totaling a minimum of 40 percent of the facade length. In addition, a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to window and/or glazed door openings. iv-vi. Porte-cochere with a minimum horizontal dimension of 18 feet. In addition, a minimum of 20-15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to windows and/or glazed door openings. vii. A tower element such as but not limited to a clock or bell tower element. In addition, a minimum of 2-0-15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to windows and/or glazed door openings. viii. Trellis or latticework coverinq a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade and used as a support for climbing plants. The planting area shall be an irrigated bed 3 feet in depth and a minimum width of the trellis with 3 gallon vines at 3 feet on center Page 19 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added at time of installation and climbing plants shall achieve 80 percent opacity on the trellis within one year. This provision shall not be utilized with the alternative design feature identified in LDC section 5.05.08 D.2.b.i.a). ix. Entry plaza to the building with a minimum 200 square feet in area that includes seating. In addition, a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to window and/or glazed door openings. x. Elevated entry a minimum of 16 inches in elevation above the primary finished floor of the building bordering or connected to the building facade and a minimum of 400 square feet in area. The area calculation may include interior and exterior spaces of raised surface with not more than 50 percent of interior area. In addition, a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to window and/or glazed door openings. xi. Entry courtyard contiguous with the building entry and connected to the primary facade consisting of a defined space with a minimum area of 650 square feet. The courtyard may be any combination of hard or softscape with walkways and defined hard edge, decorative fencing, or a minimum 4 foot wall(s). In addition, a minimum of 15 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to window and/or glazed door openings. 3. Facade/wall height transition elements. a. Purpose. The intent of this section is to ensure that the proposed buildings relate in mass and scale to the immediate streetscape and the adjacent built environment. b. Applicability. Transitional massing elements must be provided on proposed buildings that are twice the height or more of any existing building within 150 feet, as measured from the edge of the proposed building. c. Design standards. Transitional massing elements can be no more than 100 percent taller than the average height of the adjacent buildings, but no more than 30 feet, and no less than ten feet above the existing grade. Page 20 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added ii. Transitional massing elements must be incorporated for a minimum of 60% of the length of the facade, which is in part or whole within the 150 feet of an existing building. iii. Transitional massing elements include, but are not limited to, wall plane changes, roofs, canopies, colonnades, balconies, other similar architectural features, with the minimum depth for projections and recesses relative to the building size, and must meet the following requirements: a) For buildings 40,000 square feet or larger in gross building area, projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of ten feet. b) For buildings between 20,000 and 39,999 square feet in gross building area, projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of eight feet. c) For buildings between 10,000 and 19,999 square feet in gross building area, projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of six feet. d) For buildings up to 9,999 square feet in gross building area, projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of four feet. 4. Variation in massing. A single, large, dominant building mass must be avoided. Changes in mass must be related to entrances, the integral structure and the organization of interior spaces and activities, and not merely for cosmetic effect. False fronts or parapets create insubstantial appearance and are discouraged. All facades, excluding courtyard area, shall be designed to employ the design treatments listed below. a. Projections and recesses. For buildings 40,000 square feet or larger in grose building area floor area, a maximum length, or uninterrupted curve of any facade, at any point, must be 150 linear feet. Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of ten feet within the 150 linear feet limitation. ii. For buildings between 20,000 and 39,999 square feet in grass building area floor area, a maximum length, or uninterrupted curve of any facade, at any point, must be 125 linear feet. Page 21 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of cight six feet within the 125 linear feet limitation. iii. For buildings between 10,000 and 19,999 square feet in gross building area floor area, a maximum length, or uninterrupted curve of any facade, at any point, must be 100 linear feet. Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of six-four feet within the 100 linear feet limitation. iv. For buildings between 5,000 and 9,999 square feet in gross building area floor area, a maximum length, or uninterrupted curve of any facade, at any point, must be 75 linear feet. Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of four two feet within the 75 linear feet limitation. v. For buildings less than 5,000 square feet in gross building area floor area, a maximum length, or uninterrupted curve of any facade, at any point, must be 50 linear feet. Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of thrce 1.5 feet, and a minimum total width of 20 percent of the facade length. 1411441111111111‘4114241111141,41444•00 IIIIIIIIIIII4 *--. fit_ Illustration 5.05.08 C.1.a. 1 D.4.a- Measurement of projections and recesses b. Wall plane changes. i. Buildings subject to the projections or recesses depths required by LDC section must not have a single wall plane exceeding 60 percent of each facade. Page 22 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added ii. If a building has a projection or recess of 40 feet or more, each is considered a separate façade, and must meet the abovc requirements for wall plane changes in LDC section 5.05.08 D.4.b.i. -7'.' ..:,. Illustration 5.05.08 C.4.b. 1 D.4.b— Wall plane percentages 5. Project Standards. - - • - . - • - - ----• - - --- - - - ' - - - I •,- - -- Administrative Code to comply with LDC section 5.05.08. Architectural drawings must be signed and sealed by a licensed Architect who is of Florida as set forth in F.S. Chapter 181. b.Building design treatments. The following design treatments must be an integral part of the building's design and integrated into the overall architectural style. These treatments must not consist solely of applied graphics or paint. Each building façade must have at least four of the following building design treatments. However, a minimum of two of the following design treatments are required for buildings less than 5,000 square feet: i-a. Canopies, porticos, or porte-cocheres, integrated with the building's massing and style, ii-b. Overhangs, minimum of three feet, ii-c. Colonnades or arcades, a minimum of eight feet clear in width, Page 23 of 53 Words struckgh are deleted,words underlined are added iv---d. Sculptured artwork, v--e. Cornice minimum two feet high with 12 inch projection, vi-f. Peaked or curved roof forms, Arches with a minimum 12-inch recess depth, h. Display windows, ix-i. Ornamental and structural architectural details, other than cornices, which are integrated into the building structure and overall design, x-i. Clock or bell tower, or other such roof treatment (i.e. dormers, belvederes, and cupolas), xi-k. Projected and covered entry, with minimum dimension of eight feet and the minimum area of 100 square feet, Emphasized building base, minimum of three feet high, with a minimum projection from the wall of two inches, x++ m. Additional roof articulation above the minimum standards, x+ -n. Curved walls, xv-o. Columns, xvi-p. Pilasters, or xvii g. Metal or tile roof material. Expressed or exposed structural elements. xix s. Additional glazing at a minimum of 15 percent% beyond the code minimum requirement. xx-t. Solar shading devices devices (excluding awnings) that cover extend a minimum of 50 percent% of the length of the building facade. xxi u. Translucent glazing at a minimum of 1-5%10 percent beyond the code minimum glazing requirement. xxii v. Glass block at a minimum of 1-5%10 percent beyond the code minimum glazing requirement. w. Where the optional design feature in LDC section 5.05.08 D.2.b.i is chosen and 85 percent of all exterior glazing within the first three stories of the building have any of the following: Low reflectance, opaque glazing materials (may include spandrel glass with less than 15 percent reflectance) ii. Glass with visual patterns consisting of opaque points or patterns etched into or applied to the exterior or interior surfaces with frit, frost, or film for single pane or insulated glass. A maximum of 2 Page 24 of 53 Words strut gT are deleted,words underlined are added inch spacing between horizontal elements and a maximum of 4 inch spacing between vertical elements, with a minimum line or dot diameter thickness of 1/8 inch; iii. Glass with continuous etch or continuous frit on interior surface, single pane, or insulated glass; or iv. External screens. c. Site design elements. All projects must have at a minimum two of the following i. Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of five feet wide, and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimum of 100 square feet; building perimeter walkway. This treatment must constitute a iii. Two accent or specimen trees, above the minimum landscape -- -• -••-• - - - ee -- - - -•- - - - of 18 feet at planting; or iv. Site sculptures. 6. Blank wall areas on buildings with primary facades. Blank, opaque wall areas must not exceed 10 feet in the vertical direction or 20 feet in the horizontal direction of any primary facade. Facades connected to a primary facade shall be a minimum of 33 percent of the attached facades. Control and expansion joints are considered blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at intervals 120 square feet per panel or less. The relief and reveal work must be a minimum depth of 1/2 inch, and a minimum width of 11/2 inch and may be of a color that contrasts with the color of the wall. 6 7. Window standards. a. Windows must not be false or applied. False or applied windows are allowed but shall not be included in the glazing required for primary façades. b. Spandrel panels in curtain wall assembliesy are allowed but may not and shall be included in the minimum glazing required for primary façades. Page 25 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added 7 8. Overhead doors. Adequate screening shall be provided for overhead doors located on primary facades. The placement and length of the screening must block the view of the overhead doors from the street. a. Required screening. Overhead doors must not be located on the primary facades, unless sufficient screening is proposed. Sufficient screening is defined as One of the following screening methods shall be provided: Aa screening wall, with a minimum height of 6 feet measured from the centerline of the adjacent roadway90 percent of the overhead door height, or ii. Aa landscape buffer achieving 75 percent opacity within one year. The placement and the length of these screening devices must block the view of the overhead doors from the street. b. Exception. Overhead doors utilizing framed transparent glass panels covering a minimum of 75 percent of the door area shall be allowed on primary facades without the screening required in LDC section 5.05.08 D.8.a., except when used on loading docks or receiving areas. bc. Facades with overhead diDoors facing one another. Overhead doors facing one another may be treated as interior space, provided that: tThe buildings meet all other requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08. of this code,; and ii. tThe distance between the doors facing one another is no greater than 50 feet; and iii. tThe view of the all overhead doors is properly screened from the street. 8. Detail features. a �he design elements in the following standards must be an integral part of the building's design and integrated into the overall architectural style. These elements-must not consist solely of applied graphics or paint. vertical direction or 20 feet in the horizontal direction of any primary facade. For façades connected to a primary facade this applies to a Page 26 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added width of 11/2 inch and may be of a color that contrasts with thc color of thc wall 9. Additional standards for Qoutparcels and freestanding buildings within a PUD - -e -- -- - - -- - - -- - -le-- or unified plan of development. See LDC section 2.03.06 G for additional design criteria in Residential Mixed Use Neighborhood Center PUDs. a. Purpose and intent. To provide unified architectural design and site planning for all on-site structures, and to provide for safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and movement within the site. b. Facades standards. All facades must meet the requirements of LDC section 5.05.08 C.S. Project standards.D.5. Building design treatments. Primary façades. All exterior façades of freestanding structures, including structures located on outparcels, are considered primary façades and must meet the requirements of this section with respect to the architectural design treatment for primary facades - in LDC section 5.05.08 C.2.D.2., except for those facades considered secondary façades. ii. Secondary façades. One facade of a freestanding structure, including structures located on outparcels, that is internal to the site and that does not abut or face public or private streets adjacent to the development. Outparcels and freestanding buildings are allowed one secondary façade. c. Design standards. The design for freestanding buildings must employ architectural, site and landscaping design elements integrated with, and common to those used on the primary structure and its site. These common design elements must include colors, building materials, and landscaping associated with the main structure. All freestanding buildings must provide for vehicular and pedestrian inter-connection between adjacent-abutting outparcels or freestanding sites and the primary structure. d. Primary façade standards. The following design features are in is an additional to the list of requirement options which can be used to meet the requirement in LDC section 5.05.08 GD.2.b. Primary façade standards design features: Page 27 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added Walls expanding the design features of the building, not less than 7 feet high, creating a courtyard not less than 12 feet from the building and length of no less than 60 percent of the length of the associated facade. The courtyard may be gated and able to be secured from exterior public access. Grilled openings are allowed if courtyard is landscaped. Opening depths or wall terminations must be a minimum of 12 inches deep. If the courtyard contains service or utility equipment, the height and design must prevent view from the exterior. Courtyard walls are not to be considered fences. ii. Trellis or latticework used as a support for climbing plants may 10. Roof treatments. a. Purpose and intent. Variations in rooflines are used to add interest and reduce massing of large buildings. Roof height and features must be in scale with the building's mass, and shall complement the character of surrounding buildings and neighborhoods. Roofing materials must be constructed of durable, high-quality material in order to enhance the appearance and attractiveness of the community. The following standards identify appropriate roof treatments and features. b. Roof edge and parapet treatment. i. For buildings larger then 5,000 square feet in gross building area a minimum of two roof edge or parapet line changes are required. Each vertical change from the dominant roof condition must be a minimum of ten percent of building height, but no les,, than three feet. At least one such change must be located on a primary .-- -ee - • - - 100 linear feet of the facade length. When a building's lamest floor is greater than 5,000 square feet in floor area a minimum of two roof-edqe or parapet line changes are required for all primary facades. One such change must be located on primary facades. Thereafter, one additional roof change is required every 100 linear feet around the perimeter of the building. If a vertical change is used, each vertical change from the dominant roof condition must be a minimum of ten Page 28 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added percent of building height, but no less than 3 feet. If a horizontal change is used, each horizontal change from the dominant roof condition must be a minimum of 20 percent of the facade length, but no less than 3 feet. ii. Roofs, other than mansard roofs, with the slope ratio of 3:12 or higher are exempt from the above requirements for vertical change for the facades that are less than 200 feet. One roof edge, or parapet line change must be provided for every 200 linear feet of the facade length. c. Roof°design standards. Roofs must meet the following requirements: When parapets are used, the average height of such parapets must not exceed 1-5-20 percent of the height of the supporting wall, with exception of the parapets used to screen mechanical equipment. Parapets used to screen mechanical equipment must be no less than the maximum height of the equipment. The height of parapets shall not, at any point, exceed one-third the height of the supporting wall. ii. When a flat roof is screened with a parapet wall or mansard roof at any facade, a parapet or mansard roof treatment must extend along the remaining façades. iii. When sloped roofs are used, the massing and height must be in proportion with the height of its supporting walls. Sloped roofs must meet the following requirements: a) Sloped roofs that are higher than its supporting walls must feature elements that create articulation and reduce the massing of the roof. This includes: clearstory windows, cupolas, dormers, vertical changes, or additional complementary colors to the color of the roof. b) The color(s) of a sloped roof must complement the color(s) of the façades. d. Prohibited roof types and materials. The following roof types and roof materials are prohibited: Asphalt shingles, except laminated, 320-pound, 30-year architectural grade asphalt shingles or better. Page 29 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added ii. Mansard roofs and canopies, unless they meet the following standards: a) Minimum vertical distance of 8 feet is required for buildings larger than 20,000 square feet, b) Minimum vertical distance of 6 feet is required for buildings of up to 20,000 square feet of gross floor area, and c) The roof angle shall not be less than 25 degrees, and not greater than 70 degrees. iii. Awnings used as a mansard or canopy roofs. 11. Awning standards. These standards apply to those awnings associated with and attached to a building or structure. a. Mansard awnings, which are those awnings that span 90 percent, or more, of a facade length and those, which do not provide a connection between façades, must adhere to all roof standards of LDC Ssection 5.05.08. C.10.D.10. of this Code. b. All other awnings, which are awnings that constitute less than 90 percent of a façade length, and those that do not provide a connection between façades, must adhere to the following standards: The portion of the awning with graphics may be backlit, provided the illuminated portion of the awning with graphics does not exceed size limitations and the other sign standards of LDC Ssections 5.06.00, 9.03.00, and 9.04.00 and 10.02.06 Signs of this Code. ii. The location of awnings must relate to the window and door openings, or other ornamental design features. c. Automobile sales parking lot awnings. Shade awnings may be erected in automobile sales parking lots subject to the following requirements and standards: Shade awning structures must not be constructed within 75 feet of any public or private street. ii. Single shade awning structures must not exceed an area sufficient to provide cover to 20 automobiles or 3,240 square feet, whichever is greater. Page 30 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added iii. The minimum separation between shade awning structures must be 100 feet. iv. Multi-colored shade awnings and the use of black or gray, florescent, primary and/or secondary colors are prohibited. Earth tone colors are encouraged. 12. Entryway/customer entrance treatment. Please see LDC section 5.05.08 F.1. for additional site design elements. a. Purpose and intent. Entryway design elements are intended to give protection from the sun and adverse weather conditions. These elements must be integrated into a comprehensive design style for the project. b. Single-tenant buildings and developments. Single-tenant buildings shall have clearly defined, highly visible, customer entrances. The customer entrance shall meet the following standards: An outdoor patio area must be provided adjacent to the customer entrance, with a minimum of 200 square feet in area. The patio area must incorporate the following: a) Benches or other seating components. b) Decorative landscape planters or wing walls which incorporate landscaped areas, and c) Structural or vegetative shading. ii. Front entry must be set back from a drive or a parking area by a minimum distance of 4-5 10 feet. c. Multiple-tenant buildings and developments. Multiple-tenant buildings and developments must meet the following standards: Anchor tenants must provide clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances. ii. Shaded outdoor community space(s1 must be provided at a minimum ratio of one percent of the total gross-floor area of all on-site buildings. The community space(s) shall be a minimum area of 75 square feet and located off, or adjacent to, the main circulation path of the complex and must incorporate benches or other seating components, and iii. Front entries shall be setback from a drive or a parking area by a minimum of 1-5 10 feet. 13. Materials and colors. Page 31 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added a. Purpose and intent. Exterior building colors and materials contribute significantly to the visual impact of buildings on the community. The colors and materials must be well designed and integrated into a comprehensive design style for the project. b. Exterior building colors. The use of color materials or finish paint above level 8 saturation (chroma) or below lightness level 3 on the Collier County Architectural Color Charts is limited to no more than 10 percent of a façade or the total roof area. ii. The use of naturally occurring materials are permissible, such as marble, granite, and slate and the following man-made materials: silver unpainted metal roofs. iii. The use of florescent colors is prohibited. c. Exterior building materials (excluding roofs). The following building finish materials are limited to no more than 33 percent of the façade area: Corrugated, or metal panels, and ii. Smooth concrete block. ggxterior and the roof of a building. 14. Barber Ppoles. All traditional size (not more than 54 inches in height and not more than 6 inches in diameter) and style barber poles which contain any illuminated moving or rotating part may be permitted if the following and all other applicable requirements are met: a. The barber pole is attached to the exterior wall of an establishment providing the services of a licensed barber: b. Each such establishment (barbershop, salon, etc.) is limited to only one barber pole: c. No barber pole may move or rotate except when the establishment is open and providing the services of a licensed barber: and d. All barber poles that are illuminated, whether or not they rotate, s obtain require a building permit. 15. Neon tubing. The use of neon or neon type tubing is prohibited on the exterior and the roof of a building. D-E. Design Sstandards for specific building uses. 1. Standardized design buildings must meet the provisions of this Code. Page 32 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added 2. Self-storage buildings. Self-storage buildings are subject to all of the applicable provisions of this section with the following exceptions and additions: a. Overhead doors. Overhead doors cannot be located on the primary facade of self-storage buildings. b. Screen walls. When a wall is proposed to screen the facility, it must be constructed of material similar and complementary to the primary building material and architecture. Long expanse of wall surface shall be broken into sections no longer than 50 feet, and designed to avoid monotony by use of architectural elements such as pillars. c. Window standards. :: - - -- - - - - -- =. If the window openings are into the storage area units or corridors used to access the storage units, translucent material (e.g., glass that lets light pass through but objects on the other side cannot be seen clearly) must be used. d. Single-story self-storage buildings. LDC Section 5.05.08 6D.2.b. Primary façade standards design features can be replaced with one of the following two options: Option 1. a) A minimum of 20 percent of the primary facade area must be glazed; and b) A covered public entry with a minimum roof area of 80 square feet and no dimension less than eight feet, or a covered walkway at least six feet wide with a total length measuring no less than 60 percent of the length of the facade. ii. Option 2. If the project design incorporates a screen wall around the perimeter of the self-storage facility, the following standards apply: a) Architecturally treated, eight-foot high, screen wall is required to screen the facility, and b) The roof slope for the buildings is a minimum of 4:12 ratio for double slopes, and 3:12 ratio for single slope, and c) A landscape buffer at least 7 feet wide is required on each side of the wall. Page 33 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added iii. In the case that none of the above options are met, then LDC Ssection 5.05.08 OD.2.b. Primary facade standards design features must be met. e. Multi-story self-storage buildings. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 GD.2.b. Primary facade standards design features can be replaced with one of the following-standards two options: Option 1. a) A minimum of 20 percent of the primary facade area must be glazed; and b) A covered public entry with a minimum roof area of 80 square feet and no dimension less than eight feet, or a covered walkway at least six feet wide with a total length measuring no less than 60 percent of the length of the facade-; and c) Requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.8.b.D.6. Blank wall area apply to all facades;i and d) Foundation planting areas must be a minimum 15 percent of the ground level building area. ii. Option 2. If project design incorporates a screen wall around the perimeter of the self-storage facility-1 the following standards apply: a) Architecturally treated, eight feet high screen wall is required to screen the ground floor of the facility;; and b) Landscape buffer, minimum 7 feet wide is required on each side of the wall;; and c) Primary facades above the ground level must include glazing, covering at a minimum 20 percent of the façade area;; and d) Requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.8.b.D.6 Blank wall area applies to all facades;i and e) Foundation planting areas must be a minimum 15 percent of the ground level building area. iii. In the case that none of the above options are met, then LDC Ssection 5.05.08 CD.2.b. Primary facade standards design features must be met. Page 34 of 53 Words struck stfuek4fweugh are deleted, words underlined are added 3. Mercantile. a. Applicability. All standards listed in LDC .section 5.05.08- are applicable with the following exceptions and additions. b. Large Rretail Sstructures. The purpose of this section is to break up the monolithic appearance of large retail structures and present a more human scale of architecture to the public street right-of-way view. Because these buildings house a variety of functions that can accommodate in—a variety of spatial types, they must be designed to express these functions in a manner that has the appearance of a group of buildings of varying scale and size. tingle story envelope or a multiple of envelopes. These building f. The management and business office. ii. Check out area. Rest rooms. iv. Customer service area. v. Food service areas. d-c. Windows and entrances. When more than two retailers with separate exterior customer entrances are located within the principal building, the following standards apply: The first floor of the primary façades must utilize transparent windows and doors for no less than 30 percent of the horizontal length of the building façade. ii. Primary building entrances must be clearly defined and connected with a sheltering element such as a roof canopy or arcade. 4. Facilities with fuel pumps. a. In addition to the requirements of LDC section 5.05.05 Facilities with fuel pumps, all standards established in this section are applicable. 5. Hotel/motel. Page 35 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added a. Applicability. All standards of LDC Ssection 5.05.08- are applicable with the following exceptions. b. Design features. LDC Ssection 5.05.08 GD.2.b. Primary façade design features can be replaced as follows: The design of the primary façades must include windows and other glazed openings covering at least 20 percent of the primary facade area, and one of the following design features: a) Projected, or recessed, covered public entry providing a minimum horizontal dimension of eight feet, and a minimum area of 100 square feet, or b) Covered walkway or arcade (excluding canvas type) constructed with columns at least 12 inches wide, that is attached to the building, or located no more than 12 feet from the building. The structure must be permanent and its design must relate to the principal structure. The minimum width shall be eight feet, with a total length measuring 60 percent of the length of the associated facade. ii. For buildings located 200 feet or more from the street right-of- way, the projected or recessed entry and covered walkway or arcade, required by the above LDC Ssection 5.05.08 BE.5.b.i., can be located on any façade. 6. Warehousing/distribution. a. Applicability. All standards listed in LDC Ssection 5.05.08- are applicable except for the following: b. Primary façade standards. The requirements of LDC Section 5.05.08 GD.2.b. Primary facade-stances design features are replaced with the following standards. Façades fronting on arterial or collector streets must have two or more of the following design features: Windows at a minimum of ten percent of the façade area. ii. Projected or recessed covered public entry providing a minimum of eight feet by eight feet cover. iii. Foundation planting consisting of trees and shrubs. The total length of the planting area must be a minimum of 25 percent of the facade length and be distributed along the facade to reduce Page 36 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added the blank wall area. The depth of the planting area must be a minimum of ten feet. The plant material shall be as required by LDC &section 4.06.05 . iv. Masonry, concrete or tilt-up construction. v. Building height of 40 feet or less and the building street setback of 200 feet or more. c. Variation in massing. The requirements of LDC Section 5.05.08 G-4-D.4. Variation in massing applies only to primary façades and to façades facing residential zoning districts when the building footprint is located within 300 feet of the residential property line. However, variation in massing only applies to facades facing residential zoning districts when the building footprint is located between 150 and 300 feet from the property line. d. Building design treatments. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.5.c.D.5. Building design treatments are modified as follows: Primary facades must include a minimum of two of the building design treatments listed under this section. e. Site design elements. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.5.d.F.1. Site design elements are modified to require, at a minimum, one of the four listed site design elements. f. Detail features Blank wall areas. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 G 8 D.6. Detail features Blank wall areas are replaced with the following standards: Blank wall areas. Blank, opaque wall areas must not exceed 15 feet in vertical direction or 50 feet in horizontal direction of any primary facade or any façade facing a residential district. a) For facades connected to a primary façade, this must apply to a minimum of 25 percent of the attached façade measured from the connection point. b) Control and expansion joints within this area constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at intervals of ten feet or less. Relief and reveal work depth must be a minimum of 1/2 inch and may be different than the color of the wall. Page 37 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added g. Roof treatments. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.10.D.10. Roof treatments are replaced with the following standards: If parapets are used, the end of the parapet must wrap corners for a minimum distance of 25 percent of the length of the façade, measured from the corner. ii. The façades facing arterial or collector road and façades facing residential district must have variations from the dominant roof condition. The roof edge and parapets must have a minimum of one vertical change for every 150 lineal feet of the facade length. The vertical change must be a minimum of ten percent of the building height, but no less than three feet. iii. All rooftop-mounted equipment including air conditioning units, vents, etc., must be shielded from view with parapets, louver screens, or similar equipment screens. h. Materials and colors. The requirements of LDC Section 5.05.08 C.13.D.13. Materials and colors are applicable with exception of Ssubsection 5.05.08 G4D.13.c. Exterior building materials, which is replaced with the following standards: Primary façades. The use of ribbed, corrugated, and reflective metal panels is limited to a maximum of 33 percent of the façade area. ii. Façades attached to a primary facade. The use of ribbed, corrugated, and reflective metal panels is limited to no more then than 33 percent of the wall area for the 25 percent of the overall wall length of the facades attached to a primary facade, measured from the corners. Special Height Requirements. All buildings over 30 feet in height, measured from the first finished floor to the roof eave, that are located within 300 feet from the arterial or collector street right-of-way, must comply with LDC Section 5.05.08 C41,D.4. Variation in Amassing, and Section 5.05.08 G-&D.6. Detail features Blank wall areas on buildings with primary facades, are applicable to on all building facades. 7. Industrial/factory buildings. a. Applicability. All standards listed in LDC Section 5.05.08- are applicable with the following exceptions, modifications, and additions. Page 38 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added b. Building facades. i-b. Primary façade Sstandards. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 GD.2.b. Primary facade standards design features are replaced with the following standards. Facades fronting on arterial or collector streets must have two or more of the following design features: a}i_ Windows at a minimum of 25-20 percent of the facade area. b)ii. Projected or recessed covered public entry providing a minimum of eight feet by eight feet cover, and a minimum of 15 percent of the wall area devoted to windows. s}iii. The total length of the planting area must be at least 33 percent of the facade length and be distributed along the facade to reduce the blank wall area. The depth of the planting area must be a minimum of ten feet. The plant material must be as required by LDC Ssection 4.06.05. d3iv. Masonry, concrete or tilt-up construction, and 15 percent of the wall area allocated to windows. e;v. Building height of 40 feet or less, with a building street setback of 200 feet or more. ++c. Variation in Amassing. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.1.D.4. Variation in massing applies only to the primary facades and to facades facing residential zoning districts when the building footprint is located within 300 feet of the residential property line. However, variation in massing only applies to facades facing residential zoning districts when the building footprint is located between 150 and 300 feet from the property line. +gid. Project Sstandards. a-}i_ The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.5.c.D.5. Building design treatments are modified to require industrial/factory buildings to provide, at the primary facades only, a minimum of two of the 17 building design treatments listed under this section. b}ii. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.5.d.F.1. Site design elements are modified to require at least one of the four listed site design elements. Page 39 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added se. Detail features Blank wall areas. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 S&D.6. Detail features Blank wall areas are replaced with the following standards: Blank, opaque wall areas must not exceed 15 feet in vertical direction or 50 feet in horizontal direction of any primary facade and any façade facing a residential district. fi a� For façades connected to a primary facade, the blank wall standards applies to a minimum of 25 percent of the attached façade, measured from the connection point. ++i Control and expansion joints within the façade area constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern, and must be spaced at intervals of ten feet or less. Relief and reveal work depth must be a minimum of IA inch and may be different than the color of the wall. df. Roof Ttreatments. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.10.D.10. Roof treatments are replaced with the following standards: If parapets are used, the end of the parapet must wrap corners for a minimum distance of 25 percent of the length of the facade, measured from the corner. ii. Façades facing arterial or collector roads and façades facing residential districts must have vertical changes from the dominant roof condition. The roof edge and parapets must have a minimum of one vertical change for every 150 lineal feet of the facade length. The vertical change shall be a minimum of ten percent of the building height, but no less than three feet. iii. All rooftop-mounted equipment including air conditioning units, vents, etc., must be shielded from view with parapets, louver screens, or similar equipment screens. eg. Materials and Gcolors. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 C.13.D.13. Materials and colors are applicable with the exception of Ssubsection 5.05.08 C.13.D.13.c. Exterior building materials, which is replaced with the following standard: Primary facades. The use of ribbed, corrugated, and reflective metal panels is limited to a maximum of 33 percent of the façade area. Page 40 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added ii. Facades attached to a primary facade. For 25 percent of the overall wall length of façades attached to a primary facade, measured from the corners, the use of ribbed, corrugated, and reflective metal panels is limited to no more then than 33 percent of the wall area. fh. Special Hheight Rrequirements. All buildings over 30 feet in height measured from the first finished floor to the roof eave that are located within 300 feet from the arterial or collector street right-of-way must meet the comply with LDC sSections 5.05.08 C.4.D.4. Variation in Massing, and Section 5.05.08 C78:D.6. Detail features Blank wall areas are applicable to on all building façades. 8. Parking structures. All standards listed in LDC Ssection 5.05.08- are applicable unless otherwise specified below. a. Primary facades. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 CD.2.b. Primary facade-staffs design features are replaced with the following standards: All exposed façades of any parking structure above the second floor are considered primary façades. ii. A minimum of 60 percent of the area of any primary facade of a parking structure or covered parking facility must incorporate at least two of the following: a) Transparent windows, with clear or lightly tinted glass, where pedestrian oriented businesses are located along the façade of the parking structure, b) Display windows, c) Decorative grill work or similar detailing which provides texture and screens the parking structure openings, d) Art or architectural treatment such as sculpture, mosaic, glass block, opaque art glass, relief work or similar features, or e) Vertical trellis or plant material screening the openings. b. Building foundation planting. The perimeter of a parking structure at grade must meet the building foundation planting requirements of LDC Ssection 4.06.05. of this Code. Page 41 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added c. Massing standards. The requirements of LDC Section 5.05.08 G4.D.4. Variation in massing are applicable, with the following exception: If the ramps and inclines are on an exposed façade and they exceed the maximum length or uninterrupted curve, a projection or recess must occur at the start and end but not required at the ramp/incline. d. Wall Pplane °changes. The requirements of LDC Ssection 5.05.08 G4D.4.b. are applicable with the following exception: If the ramps and inclines are on an exposed façade and they exceed the maximum horizontal length, a wall plane projection or recess must occur at the start and end but not required at the ramp/incline. e. Detail features. The façade area within 42 inches above each floor/deck shall not be open more than 50 percent, except at openings for vehicle or pedestrian access. 9. Outside play structures. a. Maximum coverage. Outside play structures must not cover more than 50 percent of the façade area. b. Location. No portion of any play structure, located between the front building line and any adjacent right-of-way, may exceed a height of 12 feet as measured from existing ground elevation. In all other cases, no portion of any play structure may exceed a maximum height of 16 feet as measured from existing ground elevation. c. Colors. Play structures must be limited to earth tone colors, with a maximum of three colors. E-F. Site °design Sstandards. Compliance with the standards set forth in this section must be demonstrated by submittal of architectural drawings and a site development plan in accordance with the Administrative Code and LDC section 10.02.03. 1. Site design elements. Please see LDC section 4.06.00 Landscaping, Buffering, and Vegetation for landscaping standards and section 5.05.08 D.12. for entryway/customer entrance treatment requirements. All projects must have, at a minimum, one of the following: a. Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of five feet wide, and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimum of 100 square feet; Page 42 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added b. Integration of specialty pavers, tile, or stamped or decorative concrete along the building perimeter walkway. This treatment must constitute a minimum of 60 percent of walkway area; c. Two accent or specimen trees above the minimum landscape code requirements for every 100 feet of the front facade, and a minimum of two for the rest of the project, with a minimum height of 18 feet at planting; or d. Site sculptures and/or water features including fountains. 42. Off-street parking design. As provided for in LDC Ssection 4.05.00, and subject to the following provisions: a. Purpose and intent. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparcels shall be designed to provide safe, convenient, and efficient access for pedestrians and vehicles. Parking shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The parking area shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance the visual appearance of the community. b. Design standards. Parking, utilizing the same degree of angle, shall be developed throughout the site to provide efficient and safe traffic and pedestrian circulation. A single bay of parking provided along the perimeter of the site may vary in design in order to maximize the number of spaces provided on-site. The mixture of one-way and two-way parking aisles, or different degrees of angled parking within any parking area is prohibited, except as noted above, or where individual parking areas are physically separated from one another by a continuous landscape buffer, a minimum five feet in width with limited access. Landscape buffers for these locations shall use landscape material other than grass for separation of parking areas. Maximum parking. Parking in excess by 20 percent of the minimum parking requirements shall provide additional -- e.-* -- - _ . ._ .. - - - ---. The following standard shall apply to projects that require a minimum of 80 parking spaces but that provide more than 120 percent of the required paved off-street surface parking: a) At least twenty percent of the amount of vehicular use area onsite shall be devoted to interior landscaping areas. Page 43 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added ii. Parking for projects. Projects shall be designed to adhere to the following standards: a) Interior lots. No more than 50 80 percent of the off-street parking for the entire commercial building or project shall be located between any primary façade of the commercial building or project and the abutting street or navigable waterway. b) Corner lots. No more than 80 percent of the off-street parking for the entire commercial building or project shall be located between any primary façade of the commercial building or project and the abutting street or navigable waterway area, with no single side to contain more than 65 percent of the required parking. 23. Pedestrian pathways. a. Purpose and intent. To provide safe opportunities for alternative modes of transportation by connecting with existing and future pedestrian and bicycle pathways within the county and to provide safe passage from the public right-of-way to the building or project which includes the area between the parking areas and the building perimeter walk, and between alternative modes of transportation. The on-site pedestrian system must provide adequate directness, continuity, street and drive aisle crossings, visible interest and security as defined by the standards in this Section. b. Pedestrian access standards. Pathways and crosswalks must be provided as to separate pedestrian traffic from vehicular traffic while traveling from the parking space to building entries and from building entries to outparcels and to pathways along adjacent roadways. Pedestrians will only share pavement with vehicular traffic in marked crosswalks. c. Minimum ratier,--Pedestrian pathway-cenneetiens must be provided from least a walkway on one side of the drive isle. etc. Minimum dimensions. Pedestrian pathways must be a minimum of five feet wide. Page 44 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added ed. Materials. Pedestrian pathways must be consistent with the provisions of Section 4.5 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility Guidelines. Materials may include specialty pavers, concrete, colored concrete, or stamped pattern concrete. fe. Building pedestrian pathway. perimeter path. A minimum five feet wide building perimeter path is required as specified below: A continuous building perimeter path interconnecting all public entrances and exits of a building is required. For the purposes of this section, employee, service or delivery entrances, or emergency "exits-only" are excluded. ii. If parking area is proposed along the building façade within 15 feet from a building wall, a building perimeter path the pedestrian pathway shall must be provided along the full length of the row of parking spaces facing the building. gf. Pedestrian crosswalks. Standard crosswalks must be installed at stop- controlled-crossings. Uncontrolled crossings must be high visibility longitudinal lines as shown in the Florida Department of Transportation Roadway and Traffic Design Standards. hg. Shade and site amenities. See LDC section 4.06.00 Landscaping, Buffering, and Vegetation for additional requirements. Required Rpedestrian pathways must provide intermittent shaded areas when the walkway exceeds 58100 linear feet in length at a minimum ratio of one shade canopy tree per every 50100 linear feet of walkway. The required shade trees must be located no more than ten feet from edge of the sidewalk. ii. Development plans must include site amenities that enhance bike racks (as required by Section 4.05.08 of this Code), drinking fountains, canopies and benches. 34. Service function areas and facilities. Service function areas include, but are not limited to: loading areas and docks, outdoor storage, vehicle storage excluding car display areas, trash collection areas, trash compaction and recycling areas, roof top equipment, utility meters, antennas, mechanical and any other outdoor equipment and building services supporting the main use or operation of the Page 45 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added property. See LDC section 4.02.12 Design Standards for Outdoor Storage for additional requirements. a. Purpose and intent. To diminish the visual and acoustic impacts of service functions that may detract from, or have a negative impact on, the surrounding properties and the overall community image. b. Buffering and screening standards. Service function areas must be located and screened so that the visual and-acoustic impacts of these functions are fully contained and screened from adjacent properties, including public and private streets. c. Screening material and design standards. Screening materials, colors and design must be consistent with design treatment of the primary façades of the building or project and the landscape plan. d. Trash enclosures. For the location, size, and design standards for trash enclosures, see LDC section 5.03.04 Dumpsters and Recycling. e. Loading areas and docks. Vehicle loading areas must be screened from streets and adjacent residential districts. Screening must consist of wing walls, shrubs, trees, berms, or combination thereof. f. Conduits, meters and vents and other equipment attached to the building or protruding from the roof must be screened or painted to match surrounding building surfaces. Conduits and meters cannot be located on the primary facade of the building. g. All rooftop mechanical equipment protruding from the roof must be screened from public view by integrating it into a building and roof design. h. Outdoor vending machines must be located so that they are not visible from adjacent properties and streets. 45. Fencing standards. For restrictions on fence material, fence height, and design, see LDC Ssection 5.03.02 Fences and Walls. 56. Drive-through facilities standards. See LDC section 4.05.09 Stacking Lane Requirements for additional requirements. a. Drive-through facilities location and buffering standards. Drive-through facilities must be secondary in emphasis and priority given to any other access and circulation functions. Such facilities must be located at side or rear locations that do not interrupt direct pedestrian access and avoid potential pedestrian/vehicle conflict. Page 46 of 53 Words struckh are deleted,words underlined are added If site constraints limit the location of the drive through facility to the area between the right-of-way and associated building, the vegetation required by a Type "B" landscape buffer must be installed within the buffer width required for the project and maintained along the entire length of the drive-through lane and adjacent right-of-way. In addition to the vegetative buffer referenced above, a permanent, covered, porte-cochere or similar structure, (canvas awning and canopies are excluded), must be installed extending the width of the drive-through with the roof covering the service window(s). Such structure shall be an integral part of the design of the building. b. Required floor area. One drive-through facility is permitted per tenant for each building. _ e.'- • - e" - "•-•"- -- - ,e e e - .- - -- . For multi-tenant buildings, an additional drive-through is allowed for each tenant with a minimum of 5,000 1,500 square feet of gress-floor area. Drive-through facilities may have multiple drive lanes. 67. Lighting. See LDC sections 4.05.02 D and 6.06.03 for additional requirements. a. Purpose and intent. All building sites and projects, including outparcels, shall be designed to provide safe, convenient, and efficient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles. Lighting must be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures must be integrated and designed so as to enhance the visual impact of the project on the community and blend with the landscape. b. Shielding standards. Lighting must be designed so as to prevent direct glare, light spillage and hazardous interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic on adjoining streets and all adjacent properties. Light sources must be concealed or shielded. c. Height standards. Lighting fixtures within the parking lot must be a maximum of 25 feet in height, and 15 feet in height for the non-vehicular pedestrian areas. d. Design standards. Lighting must be used to provide safety while accenting key architectural elements and to emphasize landscape features. Light fixtures must complement the design of the project. This can be accomplished through style, material or color. Page 47 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added e. Illumination. Background spaces, such as parking lots, shall be illuminated as unobtrusively as possible to meet the functional needs of safe circulation and of protecting people and property. Foreground spaces, including building entrances and plaza seating areas, must utilize local lighting that defines the space . 78. Water management areas in buffer areas. For design standards for water management areas in buffer areas, including location and the required amenities, see LDC section 4.06.02 D. of this Code. FG. Deviations and Aalternate Gcompliance. The following alternative compliance process is established to allow deviations from the requirements of this section as approved by the County Manager or designee. 1. Review and approval procedure. Upon request by the applicant, the County Manager or designee may administratively approve a Site Development Plan application that includes an alternative architectural design and site development plan that may be substituted in whole or in part for a plan meeting the standards of LDC section 5.05.08. Approved deviations are allowed only as to the specific design and plan reviewed. Any modification to an approved design shall necessitate re-review and approval by the County Manager or designee. 2. Review criteria. In approving an alternative plan, the County Manager or designee must find that the proposed alternative plan accomplishes the purpose and intent of this section. If the plan is approved through this section, the site development plan approval letter shall specifically note the deviations and the basis for their approval. 3. The Administrative Code shall establish the submittal requirements for the Deviations and Alternate Compliance process. 4. Applicability. a. The following types of buildings and uses qualify for an administrative determination of deviations from LDC section 5.05.08 development standards: Assembly, ii. Educational, iii. Institutional, iv. Mixed use buildings (such as commercial/residential/office), and v. Any other non-commercial building, or use, that is not listed under LDC section 5.05.08 G-E. Design standards for specific building Page 48 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added types of this section, and due to its function, has specific requirements making meeting LDC section 5.05.08 standards unfeasible. vi. Buildings located on property with a commercial zoning designation when submitted for Site Development Plan review except for the following: a) Buildings with a gross building area of 10,000 square feet or more on the ground floor. b) Multi-story buildings with a total gross building area of 20,000 square feet or more. c) Project sites with more than one building where the aggregate gross building area is 20,000 square feet or more. Individual buildings within a project site that have been previously granted deviations where additional development causes an aggregation of building area 20,000 square feet or greater, must bring existing buildings up to the requirements of LDC section 5.05.08. b. The deviation process is also applicable to the specific requirements listed under the following sections: LDC Ssection 5.05.08 B.3. '- - - -• - 'e --- - --••-• Alterations to an existing building. ii. Section 5.05.08 B.4. Abandonment or discontinuance of use. iii. LDC Ssections 5.05.08 D-E.2.d. for Self-storage buildings. 5. Appeal and Assistance procedure. a. The County Manager or his designee may request the assistance of the Architectural Arbitration Board in rendering a decision. The applicant may appeal the decision of the County Manager or his designee to the same Board by making a written request to the County's Architect. The Architectural Arbitration Board shall consist of 5 voting members comprised of the following: two representatives from the Collier County Zoning staff; two representatives appointed by the American Institute of Architects (Southwest Florida Chapter) and one member appointed by the American Society of Landscape Architects (Southwest Florida Chapter). Page 49 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added b. The Architectural Arbitration Board shall take one of the following actions by majority vote: Approve as proposed; ii. Approve as proposed with conditions; iii. Deny as proposed; or iv. Continue the review to another meeting for further deliberation. c. Within 5 working days following the Architectural Arbitration Board meeting, the County Manager or his-designee shall approve or deny the project's deviation from the architectural design standards of LDC Ssection 5.05.08, as recommended by the Architectural Arbitration Board. d. Should the applicant or staff request a decision by convening an Architectural Arbitration meeting, then the review of the Site Development Plan will be placed on hold upon receipt of the written request by the County's Architect. Should the County Manager or his designee request the assistance of the Architectural Arbitration Board, then review of the Site Development Plan will be placed on hold at staff discretion. Once a final decision by the Board is reached, review of the Site Plan shall resume. G. Exceptions. 1. Exceptions to the provisions of this Code may be granted by the Board of County ... .. - .- - - demonstrated that such exceptions are necessary to allow for innovative design factors may impact the ability to meet these standards, variance from one or procedures set forth in Section 9.04.00 Variances of this Code. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 50 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added SUBSECTION 3.M. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 6.06.02 SIDEWALKS, BIKE LANE AND PATHWAY REQUIREMENTS Section 6.06.02 Sidewalks, Bike Lane and Pathway Requirements, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.06.02 Sidewalks, Bike Lane and Pathway Requirements A. All developments must construct sidewalks, bike lanes, and pathways, as described below;. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.N. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 6.06.03 STREETLIGHTS Section 6.06.03 Streetlights, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.06.03 Streetlights * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. At the entry/exit of any residential or commercial development approved through a SDP, SDPA, or PPL located on a public collector or arterial street, the following additional standards shall apply=. For projects subject to architectural design standards, see LDC section 5.05.08 F. for related provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBSECTION 3.0. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 10.02.15 REQUIREMENTS FOR MIXED USE PROJECTS WITHIN THE BAYSHORE GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA Section 10.02.15 Requirements for Mixed Use Projects within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area, of Ordinance 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: 10.02.15 Requirements for Mixed Use Projects within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area Page 51 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. MUP Deviations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2. List of Development Standards Eligible for Administrative Deviation Requests. MUPs shall be eligible to seek an administrative deviation from the following LDC provisions: a. Front Setback. These deviation requests shall be subject to the process and procedures of LDC sections 5.05.08- G.1.-2. and the submittal requirements established in the Administrative Code, except that in order to be eligible for an administrative deviation the site shall meet at least one of the following conditions or circumstances: * * * * * * * * * * * * * b. Architectural and Site Design Standards. These deviation requests shall be subject to the process and procedures of LDC sections 5.05.08-F-G. 1.-2. and 5. and the submittal requirements established in the Administrative Code. c. Landscape and Buffer Requirements. The alternative plans requesting approval for deviation from landscaping and buffer requirements shall be subject to the process and procedures of LDC section 5.05.08G.1.-2. and the submittal requirements established in the Administrative Code. Further, the applicant must additionally provide a minimum of 110 percent of the open space requirement for mixed use projects in addition to other conditions that the County Manager or designee deems necessary. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION FOUR: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event that any provisions of this ordinance should result in an unresolved conflict with the provisions of the Land Development Code (LDC) or Growth Management Plan (GMP), the applicable provisions of the LDC or GMP shall prevail. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court Page 52 of 53 Words struck through are deleted,words underlined are added of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: INCLUSION IN THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Land Development Code of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or any other appropriate word. SECTION SIX: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Florida Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 12th day of July, 2016. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA i By: Lc& Attest•a aChairmatiVeputy Clerk D NNA FIALA, Chairman signa`iife only. Approved as to form and legality: t Scott A. Stone Assistant County Attorney 04-CMD-01077/1726 (7/12/16) This ordinance filed with the Se tory of WtfciiseltilioleI day end acknowlc-d arne,lt o-f�ghat filir ceived iS l—�'► d�;,,� of Page 53 of 53 Words struck through are deleted, words underlined are added (1%.- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Of STATE RICK SCOTT KEN DETZNER Governor Secretary of State July 18, 2016 Honorable Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court Collier County Post Office Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 Attention: Ms. Teresa Cannon, BMR Senior Clerk Dear Mr. Brock: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge receipt of your electronic copy of Collier County Ordinance No. 16-22, which was filed in this office on July 18, 2016. Sincerely, Ernest L. Reddick Program Administrator ELR/lb R. A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6270 www.dos.state.fl.us