Minutes 02/22/2016 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 22,2016 The Water Management Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Monday, February 22 at 1:00 p.m. at the SunTrust Bank Building, 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 302, Naples, Florida 34108. The following members attended. Water Management Committee Mike Shepherd Tom Cravens, Chairman Scott Streckenbein Ken Dawson Dave Trecker Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Susan O'Brien, PBSD Board Michael Seef, MDS Logistics APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 1/19/16 meeting minutes 5. Audience comments a. Comments about techniques used to combat algae in Pelican Bay (add-on) 6. Status/plans for installing aerators in 2017 7. Current readings on effectiveness of tilapia, bacteria and peroxide in lake trials 8. Status on sediment testing 9. Status/plans for lake bank erosion projects a. Lake water quality data (add-on) 10. Adjournment ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to approve the agenda as amended with the addition of a discussion item "Comments about techniques used to combat algae in Pelican Bay" as item#5a and a discussion item "Lake water quality data" as item#9a. The motion carried unanimously. 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Water Management Committee Meeting February 22,2016 APPROVAL OF 01/19/16 MEETING MINUTES Mr. Streckenbein motioned, Mr. Dawson seconded to approve the 01/19/16 meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ms. O'Brien provided four photos of littoral plants in the pond north of the Naples Grande. COMMENTS ABOUT TECHNIQUES USED TO COMBAT ALGAE IN PELICAN BAY Mr. Cravens gave a synopsis of techniques used to combat algae in Pelican Bay since August 2012, when the use of copper sulfate throughout Pelican Bay ended. The PBSD has obtained good results by installing aerators and littoral plants, although additional chemicals are required for touch up. The PBSD has achieved good results with blue tilapia, although the tilapia's life span in Pelican Bay lakes is still unknown. Dr. Trecker is looking into bacterial treatment which is known to reduce sediment. Mr. Bolick reported that littoral plants will be installed shortly in 26 lakes. STATUS/PLANS FOR INSTALLING AERATORS IN 2017 Dr. Trecker reported that the agenda item should have been for a status of 2016, not 2017. Mr. Bolick reported that we have $100,000 in the FY16 budget for installation of approximately 10 or 12 solar aerators. Once sites have been finalized,he will notify the respective homeowners' associations and/or PBF. CURRENT READINGS ON EFFECTIVENESS OF TILAPIA,BACTERIA AND PEROXIDE IN LAKE TRIALS Mr. Bolick reported no algae in the 2 test lakes with tilapia. He reported that peroxide has shown to be effective in combination with a chemical herbicide. Mr. Bolick reported that the results from the six month bacteria lake trials (begun in January 2016)will not be available until July. Mr. Cravens suggested the exploration of mechanical algae removal. STATUS ON SEDIMENT TESTING Ms. Jacob reported plans to begin sediment testing by the Collier County approved sediment tester in mid-March, with a cost of approximately$10,000. Copper levels will be compared to 2013 test results. A motion on this item was made and approved after the meeting was closed and when the committee reconvened. STATUS/PLANS FOR LAKE BANK EROSION PROJECTS Mr. Dorrill reported on plans to re-survey six or seven lakes with severe lake bank erosion. Mr. Cravens reported on the 5000 feet of erosion on the west side of the north berm. $75,000 has been budgeted in FY16 for lake bank erosion projects. Mr. Dorrill will provide the lake bank survey results at the April PBSD Board meeting. At that time, decisions can be made on which projects to complete in FY16. LAKE WATER QUALITY DATA Dr. Trecker provided a handout which listed the Pelican Bay lakes with high levels of phosphorus (.30 mg/L or higher) and copper (90 µg/L or higher) for each quarter of 2015, which 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Water Management Committee Meeting February 22, 2016 was added to the record. All lakes listed were either golf course lakes or private lakes. Dr. Trecker commented on the high levels of copper in some lakes, despite the fact that copper is no longer being used to treat any Pelican Bay lakes. He also commented on the high level of phosphorus in the Vizcaya lake which feeds into Upper Clam Bay; this may be the cause of the high level of phosphorus in that bay. Dr. Trecker has shared these results with the respective association presidents or representatives of these private lakes. ADJOURNMENT IThe meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. THE COMMITTEE RECONVENED AT 2:37 P.M. TO VOTE ON THE MOTION FOR AGENDA ITEM#8 Dr. Trecker motioned, Mr. Streckenbein seconded to recommend to the full PBSD Board that we undertake sediment testing in ten lakes in accordance with the protocols used in 2013. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT IThe meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. %91- ('tom_ Tom Crave hairman Minutes approved [ ] as presented OR [ I as amended ON [ 05//O// ] date 3