Agenda 07/12/2016 Item #16A 5 7/12/2016 16.A.5.
Recommendation to reject the award of a construction contract to the sole qualified bidder for the
recently advertised ITB solicitation #16-6572, "Golden Gate Parkway at Livingston Road
Intersection Improvements," and authorize re-advertisement of Project 60178.
OBJECTIVE: To reject the award of a construction contract to the sole qualified bidder for the
recently advertised ITB solicitation #16-6572 "Golden Gate Parkway at Livingston Road
Intersection Improvements" and authorize re-advertisement.
CONSIDERATION: Bid No. 16-6572 was issued on March 14, 2016. Two thousand one
hundred and twenty seven (2,127) notices were sent out and 82 packages were downloaded for
Bid No. 12-5820. The County received two (2) bids for the project on April 14, 2016, and one
bid was deemed non-responsive.
Staff, after correspondence with FDOT, requests rejection of this bid due to the limited response.
It is felt that by re-advertising the project and modifying the requirements for pre-qualification
there will be more responses to the ITB.
FISCAL IMPACT: There is no Fiscal Impact associated with this Executive Summary.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project is consistent with the Transportation
Element of the Growth Management Plan.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is
approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK
RECOMMENDATION: To reject the award of Bid #16-6572, "Golden Gate Parkway at
Livingston Road Intersection Improvements," and authorize re-advertisement.
Prepared by: Daniel G. Hall, P.E., Senior Project Manager, Transportation Engineering Division,
Growth Management Department
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7/12/2016 16.A.5.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.16.A.16.A.5.
Item Summary: Recommendation to reject the award of a construction contract to the
sole qualified bidder for the recently advertised ITB solicitation #16-6572, "Golden Gate
Parkway at Livingston Road Intersection Improvements," and authorize re-advertisement of
Project 60178.
Meeting Date: 7/12/2016
Prepared By
Name: Daniel Hall
Title: Project Manager, Senior,Transportation Engineering&Construction Management
6/2/2016 3:07:17 PM
Submitted by
Title: Project Manager, Senior,Transportation Engineering&Construction Management
Name: Daniel Hall
6/2/2016 3:07:19 PM
Approved By
Name: KhawajaAnthony
Title: Chief Engineer-Traffic Operations,Traffic Operations
Date: 6/3/2016 3:51:03 PM
Name: BrilhartBrenda
Title:Procurement Specialist, Procurement Services
Date: 6/7/2016 5:08:25 PM
Name: AhmadJay
Title: Division Director-Transportation Eng, Transportation Engineering&Construction Management
Date: 6/9/2016 12:03:37 PM
Name: MarkiewiczJoanne
Title:Division Director-Procurement Services,Procurement Services
Date: 6/9/2016 3:08:25 PM
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7/12/2016 16.A.5.
Name: KearnsAllison
Title: Manager-Financial&Operational Sprt, Capital Construction&Maintenance Budget/Fiscal
Date: 6/16/2016 11:11:59 AM
Name: LynchDiane
Title: Supervisor-Operations, Road Maintenance
Date: 6/17/2016 11:28:40 AM
Name: JohnsonScott
Title: Manager-Procurement,Procurement Services
Date: 6/20/2016 10:54:00 AM
Name: ShueGene
Title: Division Director-Operations Support,Growth Management Department
Date: 6/21/2016 1:48:11 PM
Name: TeachScott
Title: Deputy County Attorney, County Attorney
Date: 6/22/2016 8:13:29 AM
Name: MarcellaJeanne
Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Administration
Date: 6/24/2016 2:04:55 PM
Name: KushiEdmond
Title: Accountant, Senior, Grants Management Office
Date: 6/29/2016 2:45:06 PM
Name: AshtonHeidi
Title: Managing Assistant County Attorney,CAO Land Use/Transportation
Date: 6/30/2016 1:58:01 PM
Name: StanleyTherese
Title: Manager-Grants Compliance, Grants Management Office
Date: 7/1/2016 12:24:23 PM
Name: CasalanguidaNick
Title: Deputy County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 7/1/2016 5:12:59 PM
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