Agenda 05/24/2016 Item #16D 9 5/24/2016 16.D.9.
Recommendation to waive transit fare for Collier Area Paratransit passengers requiring
transportations for a functional assessment or travel training as part of the Americans with
Disabilities Act(ADA)program's eligibility process.
OBJECTIVE: To provide financial relief for a government imposed eligibility process.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49 - Transportation, Part
37_Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (ADA) requires each public entity
operating paratransit service to have a system to determine eligibility for the service. CAT is
implementing a function assessment, which will focus on each applicant's functional and
cognitive abilities and determine environmental, architectural, and personal barriers that may
impact an applicant's ability to safely and independently access fixed route transit. The
assessment will assist in identifying individuals who are candidates to utilize the more cost
effective and convenient Fixed Route system for some or all of their trips with travel training.
The process is also intended to expedite the renewal process for those deemed to have a
permanent or progressive disability by exempting them from the full application and re-
assessment process.
Functional assessments will be conducted in person to determine his/her travel skills and
abilities. Due to the fact that there are no eligibility requirements for the Fixed Route system it
may be deemed discriminatory to assess a fare for the transportation for the paratransit eligibility
process. Equally it would be deemed discriminatory if a fare was assessed for the training of
individuals with disability to use the Fixed Route service. It is for these reasons that staff is
requesting that the fare (co-pay) required for a paratransit requested trip be waived when
transportation is being provided for the eligibility process for the purpose of an interview and/or
assessment. For those individuals who desire and have been deemed to be capable of utilizing
the Fixed Route system, staff requests that the fare while travel training is being conducted be
FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated that through the assessments and with travel training that
some passengers will be transitioned from the more expensive paratransit service to the fixed
route service, thereby saving the County in operating expenses. The estimated co-pay that is
anticipated to be waived for the functional assessments should not exceed $1,506. The trips will
be designated in the Route Match software system for this purpose and tracked accordingly to
monitor the impact to the farebox revenues of Fund 427. The estimate fare that is anticipated to
be waived for the Travel Training will not exceed $1.50 per trip. The Mobility Manager will
accompany each passenger receiving the training and will record such waived fare to monitor the
impact to the farebox revenue within Collier Area Transit Operating Fund(426).
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is
approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK
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GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated
with this Executive Summary.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve waiving transit fares for Collier Area
Paratransit passengers requiring transportations for a functional assessment or travel training as
part of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)program's eligibility process.
Prepared by: Omar De Leon, Senior Planner, PTNE Division
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.16.D.16.D.9.
Item Summary: Recommendation to waive transit fare for Collier Area Paratransit
passengers requiring transportations for a functional assessment or travel training as part of
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) program's eligibility process.
Meeting Date: 5/24/2016
Prepared By
Name: ScottTrinity
Title: Manager-Planning,Transportation Planning
5/2/2016 10:36:31 AM
Submitted by
Title: Planner, Senior,Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancemt
Name: DeleonOmar
5/2/2016 10:36:32 AM
Approved By
Title: Division Director-Pub Tran&Nbrhd Enh,Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancemt
Date: 5/2/2016 11:30:28 AM
Name: SotoCaroline
Title:Management/Budget Analyst,Public Transit&Neighborhood Enhancemt
Date: 5/3/2016 9:10:15 AM
Name: CarnellSteve
Title: Department Head-Public Services,Public Services Department
Date: 5/3/2016 4:33:38 PM
Name: OberrathKaren
Title: Accountant, Senior,Grants Management Office
Date: 5/6/2016 2:14:53 PM
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Title: County Attorney,
Date: 5/9/2016 11:35:14 AM
Name: StanleyTherese
Title:Manager-Grants Compliance, Grants Management Office
Date: 5/13/2016 9:42:51 AM
Name: CasalanguidaNick
Title:Deputy County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 5/15/2016 9:46:40 PM
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