Agenda 04/12/2016 Item # 4F 4/12/2016 4.F.
WHEREAS, Angels Undercover is a Collier County based 501(c)(3) whose
mission is to promote education by providing uniforms to those
who would otherwise arrive at school inadequately dressed; and,
WHEREAS, Angles Undercover began in 2010 serving three schools and has
expanded to serve more than 22 Collier County elementary
schools; and,
WHEREAS, Angels Undercover employs no staff and is wholly volunteer
based and privately funded to minimize costs and provide aid
directly where it is needed most; and,
WHEREAS, Angles Undercover allocates 100% of the funding received to buy
clothing for needy children; and,
WHEREAS, Angles Undercover serves 68% of elementary students eligible
for and receiving free and reduced lunches, as well as, make up
30% of Collier County's children (0-17 years) who live at or
below the poverty level; and,
WHEREAS, Angels Undercover is working toward supplying 30 elementary
schools with the highest populations of underprivileged students
with the basic clothing items their children need in order to come
to school ready to learn; and,
NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed, that the Board of County Commissioners
of Collier County, Florida, recognizes Angels Undercover for serving families of
Collier County by providing clothing to students who would otherwise attend
school inadequately dressed.
DONE AND ORDERED THIS 12th Day of April 2016.
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4/12/2016 4.F.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 4.4.F.
Item Summary: Proclamation recognizing Angels Undercover for serving families of
Collier County by providing clothing to students who would otherwise attend school
inadequately dressed. To be accepted by Jackie Bennett, Founder of Angels Undercover and
Sherry Whalen, Vice-President of Angels Undercover
Meeting Date: 4/12/2016
Prepared By
Name: BrownleeMichael
Title: Executive Coordinator to Commissioner,
3/17/2016 3:28:29 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Coordinator to Commissioner,
Name: BrownleeMichael
3/17/2016 3:28:30 PM
Approved By
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager-Communications & Cust. Relations, Communication&Customer Relations Division
Date: 3/18/2016 8:59:25 AM
Name: CasalanguidaNick
Title: Deputy County Manager, County Managers Office
Date: 4/3/2016 12:50:05 PM
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