October 2g, 1998
Immokalee Administration Office
310 Alachua Street, Immokalee, Florida
PRESENT: Joseph Zaks, Chairperson
Daphnie Bercher, Vice Chairperson
Timothy Blackford
Karin English
John Grice
Edward "Ski" Olesky
ABSENT: Gil Mueller
ALSO PRESENT: Marla Ramsey, Director
Murdo Smith, Recreation Manager
John Dunnuck, Operations Coordinator
Jacquie Hart, Secretary II
Bradie Soars-Allen, Park Program Supervisor
Jonathan Ingram,
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m.
III. INVOCATION: by Jacquie Hart
Iv. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 16, 1998 meeting.
Motion by Chairman Zaks to approve September 16, 1998
minutes. Passed 6/0.
a. Award Presentation - Jonathan Ingram a Life Guard at the
Immokalee Sports Complex received the attitude award which was
presented by Chairman Zaks.
b. Introduction - Mr. Smith Introduced Bradie Allen who is the Park
Program Supervisor at the Immokalee Sports Complex. Ms. Allen is
responsible for all the lifeguards and their training.
c. Praise Jubilate' - Praise Jubilate' is a Christian music competition
featuring church choirs from around the State of Florida. These choirs
judged by persons from leading music and recording industry.
Ms. English discussed this event with Mr. John Gursoy, President of
Gulfcoast Skimmers. Mr. Gursoy is expected to write a letter to endorse
the event.
Ms. English stated that the initial proposal was for a one day event on a
Saturday; however, Dr. Tony Evans, who is a national speaker will do a
cross cultural and non-denominational ecumenical service on Sunday.
Jazz gospel artist Oleta Adams, will perform along with the Georgia Mass
choir that performed in, Whitney Huston's movie "the Preachers Wife".
Pink Jeep Events, a subsidiary of Pink Jeep Communications, will produce
a Christian music concert and talent competition. The event will be open
to the public and will be free.
The proposed budget for the event is approximately one hundred thousand
($100,000) dollars. Ms. English will make a proposal to the Tourist
Development Council.
Chairman Zaks inquired whether Pink Jeep Communication would make a
profit from the event.
Ms. English stated that Pink Jeep Communications will not make a profit
because they are not charging for tickets. The event will be free to the
public but a free will offering will be taken.
Questions were raised as to whether this would be a conflict of interest if
the Parks and Recreation is a sponsor of the event.
Ms. Ramsey stated that details have not yet been discussed and the event is
considered as a rental at this time.
Ms. English is not asking for an approval at this time. Ms. English will
bring the project before the PARAB at a later date in January. This is
information for the Board.
IX. Old Business
a. Impact Fee Policy Status -. Mr. Dunnuck presented the preliminary
study of the Impact Fees. The study shows the dwelling unit cost is
$1,288.70 for unincorporated areas and $678.25 for City of Marco and the
City of Naples.
In 1991 Impact fee rates show that the cities are charged $179.00 for
Regional Park Impact Fees and the unincorporated area is charged $578.00
for Community Park Impact Fees.
The study has gone back and increased the Cities Impact Fee proposal by
approximately $400.00 per unit. The basic reason is because some of the
deficit were over looked in the previous Impact Fee study. The park land
cost per acre did not include the cost of amenities.
The costs per acre is now included in these amenities costs at $35,600 per
Community Park acre and $11,867 per Regional Park acre.
Mr. Blackford inquired what was the Impact Fees for last year per dwelling
Ms. Ramsey stated that the cost was approximately $179.00 and $578.00
per dwelling unit.
The packet shows a break down of individual facilities per population.
Ms. Ramsey stated that if Board has any changes, they should be done at
this time before taking the proposal to the next level.
Chairman Zaks suggested that the department change the wording of how
an improvement is done in a Community Park for Regional facilities. The
average person would not understand why a regional facility is constructed
in a community park, an example would be a pool. Chairman Zaks
suggested using multi-district, or multi jurisdiction, or multi area park
facility. If "Regional Park" is "and" continued to be used this would
continue to cause a problem.
The questioned was raised what determines a regional facility.
Ms. Ramsey explained that a "Regional" facility draws other people
statewide, from other counties or countywide.
Motion by John Grice to approve the Impact Fee study as presented
with a change to charge Everglade City as an incorporated areas.
Passed 6/0.
b. FRDAP - Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program is a state
funded program. This grant proposal is for Sugden Regional Park. The
department has already received two grants from this program. The
Department has applied for a grant at Sugden Regional Park to complete
the trail around the lake.
This grant will fund the second phased of the Sugden Regional Park.
The grant application request an advisory board approval.
Motion by Edward "Ski" Olesky to accept the Sugden Regional Park
Grant proposal. Seconded by John Grice. Passed 6/0
X. Monthly Report
c. August Monthly Report- No Discussion.
d. BCC Recap - No discussion.
e. Golden Gate Fitness Expansion - The walls of the new Golden Gate
Fitness Center are going up and the contractor is two weeks ahead of
f. South Naples Regional Park - Contract is pending before the Board
of County Commissioners. It will take seven months for park to be built
upon approval of contract.
g. PARAB Meeting Schedule - Next meeting is scheduled at the
Golden Gate Administration Office.
h. Adopt-A-Park Report - Ms. Bercher visited the Golden Gate
Community Center and stated that everything was in good condition and
the park is always busy.
The community loves the Aaron Lutz Park summer program. The Golden
Gate Community Park swings need to be repaired. The nets need to be
replaced at the Max Hasse Community Park.
Mr. Smith will handle the matter.
Motion by Chairman Zaks to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 3:30
P.M.. Passed 6/0.