GG MSTU Minutes 04/19/2016 1!r 1 *"� mei ._ v. GOLDEN GATE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Suite 103 Naples, FL 34112 April 19, 2016 MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:29 P.M. by Ms. Spencer. Attendance was called and a quorum of three was established. II. Attendance: Patricia Spencer- Chairman; Herman Haeger-Vice Chairman; Ron Jefferson. Staff: Michelle Arnold- Director, Harry Sells and Dan Schumacher Project Managers Others: Michael McGee—McGee& Associates; Janet Acevedo & Dale Hannula—Hannula Landscaping; III.Approval of Agenda Ms. Spencer moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following changes: Deletion: V. Election of Officers Second by Mr. Haeger. Carried 3- 0. III.Approval of Minutes February 16,2016 Ms. Spencer moved to approve the minutes of February 16, 2016 meeting as presented. Second by Mr. Jefferson. Carried 3- 0. VI.Project Manager's Report A. Monthly Budget Report Mr. Sells summarized the Golden Gate MSTU Fund Budget 153 dated April 19, 2016 noting: • Ad Valorem taxes of$222,014 of the $247,900 have been collected leaving a remaining balance of$25,885 to collect. • Of the $299,000 FY16 Operating Expense Budget, there is an available balance of $44,301.21 for expenses. • Funds balance available less commitments total $365,421. B. Irrigation Status. Mr. Sells gave a current status of irrigation equipment and the movement to separate the MSTUs from the County Centralized Control system. The movement is causing some 1 issues with the controllers which have been contracted to Contemporary Controls for resolution. Mr. Sells also informed the committed about the pump failure on Tropicana in March. C. Santa Barbara and Golden Gate Refurbishment Status. There is a PO open for Hannula to install the Santa Barbara and Golden Gate Refurbishment, but there are issues with having permission to connect irrigation water and who will maintain the landscape after installation. Growth Management has tentatively accepted the project. Staff will place an item on the BCC agenda to formalize the usage of irrigation water and maintenance of the landscape. The Canal Refurbishment will be added to the same agenda item. The PO will be placed on hold until BCC approval is received. D. Tropicana Street Light Installation. Mr. Sells reported that final agreement to have FPL install four Cobra street Lights on the south end of Tropicana had been obtained. The total cost was $1,970.22. The committee requested clarification on the actual cost of the lights. They thought that the cost should have been $1,190. Mr. Sells will report at the next meeting. The Committee asked Robert Beatty to make their presentation at this time since they were present. (moved from Old Business Item A.) VI-A Flag Pole Replacement—Robert Beatty Robert Beatty from Boy Scout Troop 2001 and, General Contractor assisting with the Flag Pole replacement project, updated the Committee on the project. Robert had discovered that the original flag pole had been installed by Signs and Things, Electrical Sign Contractor and felt that they would be better able to actually install the Flag Pole. After discussion concerning costs it was decided that Robert could ask for a quote from Signs and Things and two others to install the flag pole. Mr.Jefferson motioned to allow up to$8,000, including the cost of the pole for the installation, seconded by Mr. Haeger. Motion carried 3-0. Robert stated that he still had commitments for the installation of the pavers around the flagpole. He will provide an estimate of the value so that the donation can be submitted to the BCC for approval. VI. Transportation Maintenance Report—Hannula Landscape Ms. Acevedo reported on landscape maintenance noting,that there were several areas that required more water than they were receiving. Mr. Sells asked Hannula to provide zone #s so that he could modify the irrigation timing accordingly. • Fertilization has been completed. • Quotes for replacement of plantings on Sunshine Median 6, and Tropicana Medians 3 and 4 totaling $4,064.76 were presented by Mr. Sells. Mr. Haeger moved to approved $4,064.76 for the replacement plantings, seconded by Ms. Spencer. Carried 3-0 VII. Landscape Architect's Report—McGee and Associates A. Maintenance Reports Mr. McGee submitted the "Landscape Observation Report: -April 2016 for information purposes and the following items were discussed: General • Major landscape items to be addressed by the Committee are indicated on the report in the AC column. He requested a review by the Committee of these categories for discussion and action. Tropicana Boulevard • Recommendation to replace the Fakahatchee with Blueberry Flax Lily in Median#3. • Recommendation to renovate the beds on Median #4 and replace Thryallis shrubs with Variegated Arboricola. Sunshine Boulevard 2 • Recommendation to replace shrubs on Median #6. Coronado Parkway and Hunter Boulevard • Treat Bougainvillea for caterpillars. Golden Gate Parkway • Turf areas in Medians#15 thru #19 are dry and water stressed. This issue will have to be addressed by Growth Management. Collier Boulevard Part A& B • Irrigation: Plants and Turf and plants are showing signs of water stress. This issue will have to be addressed by Growth Management. VII. Old Business A.Tropicana Pump Station. Mr. Sells reported on issues with irrigation control and damaged pump over the last two months. B. Tree Replacement size for Coronado, Hunter, and Sunshine. Mr. Sells advised the committee that there are various options for trees sizes for the trees that have to be replaced due to storm damage in January. The trees that blown down were a large size, but it may not be recommended to replace the trees with ones of similar size because of the limited space in the median to accommodate a large root ball. Mr. Sells was also concerned that the installation process could cause damage to the existing irrigation and controller lines. The committee will observe the plantings over the next month and staff will make recommendations for replacement. IX. New Business A. Renewal of Hannula Landscaping Contract(expires 7/16/16) Mr. Sells explained that Hannula's annual Landscape Maintenance Contract was up for renewal and that they had one year left on the four year contract. Mr. Jefferson moved to renew Hannula's contract for one year, seconded by Ms Spencer. Carried 3-0. X. Public Comments- none There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 5:55 P.M. NEXT MEETING: MAY 17,2016—4:30 PM GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER 4701 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY NAPLES,FL 34116 GOLDEN GATE MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE Patricia Spencer, Chairma The Minutes were approved by the Committee on / 7 , 2016 as presented," or as amended O 3