Minutes 05/23/1990 MINUTES
MAY 23, 1990
PRESENT: Mr. Kim Kobza, Chairman
Mr. Steve Ball, Vice Chairman
Ms. Geneva Till rli ,Lp
Mr. Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator C._ •j
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05/23/90 Meeting
Discussion of the Executive Summary making a recommendation through the County Attorneys' Office
to the BCC and the PARAB Boards, to make an adjustment on the rental fee for Recreational
Facilities of America as it pertains to the boat rentals only, until such time that the vegetation
project is completed. Mr. Steve Ball recommended that we approve contingent upon Parks and
Recreation going back & getting some of those items cleared up that Murdo referred to in his
letter. This motion died, for lack of a second. PARAB took no action. Maintain status quo.
Mr. Kim Kobza requested to hold items #IX (Plastics on Beaches) and #XIII (North Naples Community
Park) until the next meeting in order to shorten the length of this meeting.
The current Food Concessionaire at Tigertail Beach has requested early release of his contract.
He has ceased his operation. We have made alternative arrangements for vending machines, and
performing various maintenance projects including maintaining and rehabilitating the food trailer.
Ms. Geneva Till commented that hiring a concessionaire has not been satisfactory, and on that
note, moved for the County take over operations of the concession. (See Tigertail Beach Food
Concession Document #BL:rtd:2228 for further details) Mr. Steve Ball seconded the motion for
discussion purposes. The motion passed 2-1.
Moved up to the June 27, 1990 meeting.
Request to construct additon dock at Caxambas Boat Ramp. Staff has permit application filled out,
needs BCC Chairman signaure. Mr. Steve Ball motioned to recommend approval of the request. Ms.
Geneva Till seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
Discussion on Guidelines, and what to change. Propriety as to who speaks when, what kind of time
you have to speak, etc. were discussed. Moved up to the June 27, 1990 meeting.
11::) This is a follow up to a Memo that Mr. Kevin O'Donnell had sent the PARAB Members about
instituting a Beach Parking Permit. Lely Barefoot Beach parking fee was discussed. Mr. Steve
Ball motioned not to Charge at Lely for entering park facilities. Ms. Geneva Till seconded, and
the motion passed 2-1. An agreement was reached by the PARAB Members to approve a Beach Parking
Permit 3-0. Mr. Steve Ball motioned to approve an Annual Beach Parking permit program that's
valid for all the County Beaches, and that we charge a fee of $30.00 per vehicle, and that we also
direct staff to look into the possiblity of selling them at those facilities Beaches. Ms. Geneva
Till seconded, and the motion passed 3-0
Moved up to the June 27, 1990 meeting.
Mr. Cliff Crawford updated PARAB Members.
We are getting estimates now for the design phase of the entire project.
We don't have a tentative opening date yet. It is about 60% complete.
Further discussion based upon some additional issues that need to be resolved with Wilson, Miller.
BCC action on 5/15/90.
Mr. Steve Ball motioned to adjourn at 5:00 p.m. Ms. Geneva Till seconded, and the motion passed
MAY 23, 1990
PRESENT: Mr. Kim Kobza, Chairman
Mr. Steve Ball, Vice Chairman
Ms. Geneva Till
Mr. Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator
Mr. Cliff Crawford, Parks & Recreation Dept. Director
Mr. Murdo Smith, Parks & Recreation Dept. Manager
Mr. Richard Yovanovich, Assistant County Attorney I
ABSENT: M. Cherryle Thomas
Mr. Gil Mueller (out of town)
ALSO PRESENT: Don Pilcher, from Vanderbilt Property Owners Assoc.
Pat Pilcher, also from Vanderbilt Property Owner Assoc.
R. G Barnett, Vanderbilt Shores Condo Association
Robert Graseck, Vanderbilt Gulfside Condo Association
Steve Wheeler, Vanderbilt Inn On The Gulf
Winifred Picher, Vanderbilt Gulfside Condo Association
Paul Picher, Vanderbilt Gulfside Condo Association
Andrew R. Plumb, Vanderbilt Gulfside Condo Association
Gary O. Rabkin, Collier County Aquatic Foundation
Tom Knocke, Collier County Aquatic Foundation
Arthur Jacob, Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Association
Rudd Garrett, Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Associaiton
Priscilla L. Duane, Manager of Vanderbilt Shore Condo
(Barcelona - Seville)
Lawrence Doune, Vanderbilt Shore Condo (Barcelona-Seville)
Nenette A. Cmareda, Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Assoc.
Herbert Braudt, Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Assoc.
V. Dorothy Bowyer, Vanderbilt Gulfside Condo Assoc, &
Vanderbilt Property Owners Assoc.
Anthony J. Bowyer, Vanderbilt Gulfside Condo Assoc. , &
Vanderbilt Property Owners Assoc.
Helen R. Cambell, Beachmoor, Condo Assooc. & Vanderbilt
Property Owners Assoc.
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m.
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05/23/90 Meeting
Mr. Cliff Crawford & Mr. Kim Kobza Presented awards to two former Parks
& Recreation Advisory Board members: Charlie Stevens, and Mr. Scott
Mr. Kim Kobza requested that at the next mooting, Meeting Protocal,
Rules of discussion, Open/Closed Discussion periods for public input,
etc. need to be set.
Approval of 04/19/90 & 04/26/90 Minutes. Motioned by Ms. Geneva Till,
seconded by Mr. Steve Ball, and passed unanimously.
Mr. Kim Kobza opened the floor for public discussion. The County
Attorney Rick Yvonovich was present for discussion purposes at the
request of the Chairman. Mr. Anthony Boyer, Mr. Steve Wheeler, Mr.
Richard Barnett, Mr. Arthur Jacob, Ms. Pat Pilcher, Mr. Andrew Plum
(passed around pictures & a sample notice form he uses) , and Mr. Reed
Garrett all presented their views. Kevin O'Donell expressed the
following concerns: "(1) Currently there is no ordinance on the books
that regulates parking of vessels on the beaches. The County
410 Attorneys' Office doesn't draft ordinances without sufficient
direction to put together any kind of ordinance. (2) From what I've
heard now, it isn't a Public Service Division problem, and I've got a
concern with having the ordinance come back to Parks & Recreation
Advisory Board, because I've got a question wether or not my staff
needs to be involved in it. This sounds like a problem for Compliance
Services, they are the inspection personnel of the County that deal
with those type of parking, zoning violations. My people don't do that
type of enforcement. Particularly since none of this is happening at a
County Park facility. All the examples given were in front of condos
and in front of hotels. We're not going to have our Park Ranger out
there in front of a condominium. There is a very limited amount of
public beach access points now, I believe there's a half dozen or so.
The Commission hasn't given us any direction about parking, no parking,
developing that or not. We'd have to acquire space to park the
catamarans on, so I've got an operational concern as to wether or not
my Division needs to be involved in this." Mr. Kim Kobza commented:
"The first point I think we can handle through recommendation. I am
very sensitive to the operation which is involved in Parks &
Recreation. But I would draw upon our past experience, and this Board
has specifically been asked in the past with the Beach & Water Safety
Ordinance to review policies, and establish policies, and all the
waters of the county, all the county beaches related to camping, water
safety, vessel corridors, on and on. I can think of concessionaires,
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not at County parks, solicitation on the beach. . . I'll just be very
plain spoken about where I'm coming from here. I don't want to send
these people here through another level of bureaucracy! I'd like to
have us here. . . This is a public forum, where we have an opportunity
for public input, we can review ordinances in a public fashion with
input from everybody, I mean including the catamaran owners. I really
do believe it's appropriate form. Now at a County Board level, if they
come back to us, and they say '. . .that we don't have the resources in
our department to deal with the operational aspects of an ordiance. . . '
I don't have any problem with that, if Developmental Services ends up
doing it. Although, it would be an interesting predicate, and
something we may want to talk through about our Park Ranger Program. I
would think that a Park Ranger would be less expensive than a County
Sheriff." Mr. Kevin O'Donnell: "My Park Rangers only have authority
inside County Park facilities. Once beyond the park limits, the Ranger
doesn't have any authority." Mr. Kim Kobza: "I understand what the
existing policies are, all I'm suggesting is that we may want to look
at those policies." Mr. Richard Yovanovich: "It might be something
that we can review as Board, and not necessarily. . . Or just to give
some input on. . . Not necessarily have to be implemented through your
division." Mr. Steve Ball suggested that regarding and ordinance, we
might want to consider the legal quesitons first, and get some
direction from the County Attorneys' Office. Mr. Richard Yovanovich
made a recommendation that Mr. Kevin O'Donnell send to him an RLS
(Request for Legal Services form) telling him what the PARAB members
would like him to research. The seven questions are:
(1) Whether or not Catamarans, the and the size listed in the State
Statute requires liscencing to be able to park on the beach. Can
the County regulate such?
(2) Can the County Designate certain areas for parking of the vessels?
(3) Can the County designate certain launch areas for Catamaran, Sun
Fish, and other sail craft vessels.
(4) Can the County regulate the parking between the Land and Mean High
Water Mark? What is our authority down to the High Mean Water
Line? Co we have the authority or the jurisdiction as a County to
regulate the parking between the high mean water mark, and water?
(5) Can the County regulate parking on private property, particullary
Beachfront property? Can we make it a misdemeanor to park a
Catamaran on private property without regulation? A tresspass
regulation? Can we Do that without it being a land use type of
(6) Can the County regulate hours and days for a Beach Parking permit?
We for instance say, that registration permit allows somebody to
park for "X" number days a year, or all the days to the year? That
somebody doesn't park a catamaran without periodically checking it.
(7) To advise the PARAB memberss of other jurisdictions (North
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(7 continued) Carolina, South Carolina) that have similar types of
ordinances relating Catamarans on the beach. If it would be
possible for us to review any copies of those other ordinances? It
would give us more concrete direction.
These seven (7) questions were asked of The County Attorney, Mr. Rick
Yvonavich to provide some direction to us, and what route to go. Mr.
Kim Kobza suggested to request that the BCC authorize staff to draft an
ordinance to regulate catamarans in the beach environment, and to bring
that ordinance back to us for further review and discussion togther
with a Memorandum regarding jurisdiction, and what our authority
actually is. Mr. Kim Kobza requested that the Parks and Recreation
staff then write up a report for the PARAB Members to review. The
floor was reopened for Public discussion. Mr. Barnett, Mr. Wheeler,
Mr. Garrett, and Ms. Dorthy Boyer all presented their views. Mr. Kevin
O'Donnell explained, that to deal with with specific issue of parking,
we're going to need Board direction to do so. We just can't go off on
our own and do that. If the commission says "Do it!", so be it!
Whether or not it's an amendment to the existing ordinance or not is
immaterial. Ms. Geneva Till moved to Direct staff to request from the
County Attorneys' Office, answers to the seven questions that we have
defined here today, and come back to us at our June meeting with
answers to those questions in order that we may then make a
recommendation or choose not to make a recommendation to the County
Board at that point in time. Mr. Steve Ball seconded, and the motion
passed 3-0.
Mr. Kevin O'Donnell: We can't give you a date yet. The BCC wants to
look at the General Fund Budgets prior to them going on Summer Recess,
which would be the last week of June. They have tentatively set the
18th. to the 22nd. to take up all the County operations. We don't know
what day out of that Public Services will be coming up. We haven't
gone through the capital budgets yet, and the operational budgets are
in the process of having some changes made right now. A special
meeting was suggested by Mr. Kim Kobza. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell: What
PARAB looks at is basically the Capitals (306 Fund) for the Growth
Management Plan. What has happened in the past, is that we have not
adheared to the Growth Management Plan, due to financial pressures,
we've had to post pone things. Particularly, a Community Center in
North Naples, and a couple of facilities in East Naples. It would be
appropriate for PARAB to sit back, and recommend to the BCC, that we
stay on plan "X", "Y", "Z", or whatever it's going to be. Mr. Kim
Kobza brought the new PARAB members up to date on what happened last
year, and his reasons for having the Budget Review subject on the
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Agenda. Mr. Steve Ball would like to know what the Capital Projects
are. The BCC's meeting is a workshop. The BCC wil take Public
Services division up once, and then they'll make their descisions. This
is the meeing for our division, so we will need to know what we want at
this time. They'll be going in, saying yes, no, etc. Then they will
have a wrap-up session, and then they will be going into full blown
public hearings, which are required, in September. Those are the
evening meetings. A special meeting was proposed for June the 13th. at
1:00 p.m. here at the Golden Gate Community Park.
Ms. Davidson was not here. Mr. Steve Ball made a recommendation to
move this project up to the 1991-92 budget year. Ms. Geneva Till
seconded. No vote was taken. Mr. Steve Ball recinded his motion. Mr.
Kevin O'Donnell pointed out a problem with that. Traditionally, in
Parks and Recreation in any one year in 306 is around $3 million. So,
you are talking over 2/3's of the Park's and Recreation allocation
going towards one project. But I think right now, the projects that
we've got. . .
(1) The Multipurpose Gymnasium in East Naples
(2) Four Community Centers (Golden Gate, North Naples, Immokalee, and
East Naples)
(3) Work associated with the development of Barefoot Beach
(4) The Conklin Point Boat Launch Facility
(5) The Little League Baseball Field for Golden Gate & North Naples.
Those are the projects right now, that we are looking at collectively,
and that totals roughly four and a half to five million dollars. A lot
of those projects were deferred from last year. Alternative funding
avenues were ecplored for the Olympic Pool project. Mr. Kim Kobza:
Suggest to review this subject further at the Budget Meeing on June 13.
The floor was opened & closed for public discussion: Mr. Tom Conoke,
and Mr. Gary Rabkin presented their views. Mr. Steve Ball moved that
we move the construction for the pool to the 1990-91 fiscal year and
have staff make recommendations at that time. Ms. Geneva Till
seconded. No vote was taken. Mr. Kim Kobza presented his view on this
subject. Ms. Geneva Till expressed her strong feelings for an Olympic
Swimming Pool in this area. We do have ball fields, Community Centers,
but no swimming pool, which we need in this area. PARAB Members agreed
to discuss this further at the next meeting. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell urged
the PARAS members to talk to the BCC Members about this issue. Mr.
Steve Ball recinded this motion also, but recommended that we put the
Olympic Pool on the Adgenda for the June 13th. meeting, still having
the different alternatives. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell said that we'll fine
tune the cost of the pool, and whatever that number comes to, we'll
give you a multitude of combinations from projects available that are
in #306 now that could be deleted that will equal that dollar amount.
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05/23/90 Meeting
Discussion of the Executive Summary making a recommendation through the
County Attorneys' Office to the BCC and the PARAB Boards, to make an
adjustment on the rental fee for Recreaitonal Facilities of America as
it pertains to the boat rentals only, until such time that the
vegetation project is completed. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell presented staff's
recommendation. Mr. Kim Kobza: In your amendment, would that be for a
period of time? Mr. Kevin O'Donnell: It probably would be for the
extension of the contract, which runs through December of 1990. Then,
the County has the right to extend for three years at its own
discreation under the same terms and conditons. So it that was in the
new terms and conditions, potentially that would be carried forth too.
Mr. Kim Kobza: Do you think it's necessary to keep him in business,
and to keep him at the park site. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell: I think that's
a real judgement call. Mr. Kim Kobza: Are we potentially setting a
precident for other Concessionaires? Mr. Kevin O'Donnell: Yes!
There's no quesiton about it. Mr. Steve Ball recommended that we
approve contingent upon us going back & getting some of those items
cleared up that Murdo referred to in his letter. This motion died, for
lack of a second. PARAB took no action. Maintain status quo.
Mr. Kim Kobza requested to hold items #IX (Plastics on Beaches) and
#XIII (North Naples Community Park) until the next meeting in order to
shorten the length of this meeting.
The Current Concessionaire at Tigertail Beach has requested early
release of his contract. He has ceased his operation providing food
service. We have made alternative arrangements for vending machines,
and performing various maintenance projects including maintaining and
rehabilitating the food trailer. The were various options concerning
the concession including county operated as well as contractural
operations. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell informed the PARAB members that the
concessionaire is gone, he litterally packed up, and left. But, this
doesn't hurt us too bad, the reasons being we own the equipment, the
facility that the food is sold out of, and everything in it. We
decided earlier to do this intentionally, in case we ever had problems
with the Concessionaire, we would have a little bit of flexibility.
Options A, B, and C were discussed. Mr. Kim Kobza asked what Option
did staff prefer. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell replied that we've got to make
money on it. Mr. Kim Kobza asked staff how they felt about management
of that kind of operation. Staff replied, saying that we mixed
feelings. Some of staff's concerns were: We haven't done it before,
we'll right in the middle of a competitive market, there is auditing
accounting and cost control, resale of goods, resource of time, and
staffing. The pros and cons of the County Tuning as opposed to a
concessionaire running the stand were discussed. Ms. Geneva Till
commented that hiring a concessionaire has not been satisfactory, and
on that note, moved for the County take over operations of the
concession. (See Tigertail Beach Food Concession Document
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#BL:rtd:2228 for further details) Mr. Steve Ball seconded the motion
for discussion purposes. Mr. Kim Kobza commented, "Philosophically,
private enterprizes are kind of unique. Knowing how to prepare food
and get is out. On that basis I'd rather see a private enterprise
operation do it. Now, I this is kind of a peculiar situation. We
could take a run at it, and see if it would work." The utilizaiton of
Vo-tech students was suggested. Ms. Geneva Till also commented that if
the City can make money, why can't the County do it? The motion passed
Moved up to the June 27, 1990 meeting.
A request to construct dock space to be able to support larger vessels
for docking so they may provide service to them, so they may provide
fuel and/or other services, and/or removal for repair. The
consessionaire has been with us for a number of repairs, and has
indicated to us that this dock would certainly benefit the opportunity
for additional service. It would also obviously require State of
® Florida permits, and would become part of the infa structure facility
at this location, and at the termination of the contract the permitted
sturctures would become part of the Collier County inventory. The
concessionaire has offered to make some enhancement to the facility at
his expense. There is an Appreciation schedule for the facility as it
clicks in, and ultimately after a period of three more years, it
becomes a County owned facility. Mr. Kim Kobza asked, "What size boats
would be allowed?" Staff commented that the proposed floating dock is
44 feet, so you could dock a fairly sizeable unit. Mr. Kim Kobza also
asked, "Does it have any potential negative consequences from a Water
Way standpoing? Will it restrict?" Staff commented, "I don't believe
so!" Mr. Murdo Smith commented, that he is also proposing a fixed 50
foot dock on one side of the sea wall. A question arose at to wether
there is potential for a pump out station to be located there? This
has to go before the state for approval on a Permit Application. Mr.
Steve Ball motioned to recommend approval of the request. Ms. Geneva
Till seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
Discussion as to haw to and what to change in the Guidelines.
Propriety as to who speaks when, what kind of time you have to speak,
etc. were discussed. Mr. Steve Ball asked about letting the Chairman
make a motion, especially when there is only three Members present at
meetings. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell suggested that the PARAB Members read
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over the current guidelines before making any changes. Moved up to the
June 27, 1990 meeting.
This is a follow up to a Memo that Mr. Kevin O'Donnel had sent the
PARAB Members. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell questioned how we are going to
define it. Mr. Kim Kobza suggested that this permit might enhance our
revenues. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell's concern was how or who we the County,
are going to define people as elligible. Mr. Cliff Crawford suggested
that the Board needs to consider, is that since the recommendation to
the BCC that we increase the fees the generation or interest of
potentially some type of permit system would seem to increase. If you
are going to increace your fee from $1.00 to $2.00, the regular users
interest my increase also for some type of permit system. PARAB
Members had previously voted to mantain status quo. Concerns arrose as
to how to charge. You don't need to own a vehicle to get a permit with
the City. Mr. Cliff Crawford sugested to be consistent with the City
of Naples. PARAB members were concerned with the issue of
discrimination. Mr. Kevin O'Donnell commented that the most people
that we get the call from, are the people that live generally in close
proximity to either Clam Pass, Vanderbilt, and/or Tigertail. They're
close enough to want to drive to that particular site every day, and
getting hit with the $1.00 charge.
At Lely Barefoot Beach, there is one metered lot, and one non-metered
lot, which brought up concerns of cost, illegal parking, no staff will
be present. Mr. Steve Ball motioned not to Charge at Lely for entering
park facilities. Ms. Geneva Till seconded, and the motion passed 2-1.
An agreement was reached among the PARAB Members to permit, 3-0. (this
was not a motion) Anybody can by a permit. A $15.00 per year fee was
chosen 4-5 years ago. Mr. Steve Ball suggested selling the permits at
the various Beach Parking facilities. Mr. Cliff Crawford: The state
charges one person vehicles $26.50, and 6 person vehicles $53.00 for
all the state parks. Or, $1.00 per driver, plus $.50 each passenger.
A per vehicle charge was agreed upon. The permit si a substitute for a
daily per vehicle charge. The permit is a charge to park your car.
Mr. Steve Ball motioned to approve an Annual Beach Parking permit
program that's valid for all the County Beaches, and that we charge a
fee of $30.00 per vehicle, and that we also direct staff to look into
the possiblity of selling them at those facilities Beaches. Ms. Geneva
Till seconded, and the motion passed 3-0
Moved up to the June 27, 1990 meeting.
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Mr. Cliff Crawford updated PARAB Members.
We are getting estimates now for the design phase of the entire
We don't have a tentative opening date yet. It is about 60% complete.
I am going to have further discussion based upon some additional issues
that need to be resolved with Wilson, Miller, as well as with some
other people concerning the cost associated with the project. We're
not ready to make a recommendation to you at this point.
Pursuant to the PARAB Members recommendation the BCC took a unanimous
action on 5/15/90 to recommend the most extensive removal possible in
recommending to the State of Florida for vegetation removal. Going
back to the 1983 line. They went further than what PARAB had
recommended. About 75-100,000 square feet further.
Mr. Steve Ball motioned to adjourn at 5:00 p.m. Ms. Geneva Till
seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.