Agenda 03/15/1990 0
MARCH 15, 1990
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board mooting will be held Thursday, March
15, 1990, 8:30 a.m. in the Parks and Recreation Administration Building,
Conference Room, 3300 Santa Barbara Boulevard.
I. Call to Order
1 II. Approval of Minutes
III. Old Business
A. Election of Officers
1110 B. Action List
C. Beach Parking Permits
D. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park building expansion
E. Meetings at other sites
IV. New Business
A. Tour of Facilities
V. Adjournment
Ammer -
MARCH 15, 1990
1. Conklin Point Update
2. Tigertail Update
3. Beach Parking Permits
4. North Naples Community Park Baseball Field and Parking Lot
Ooarei e'630,in 6'ominufsio-ne,w
' 46 ous,i NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Mr. Kim Patrick Kobza
847 Reef Pointe Circle
Naples, Florida 33963
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Kobza:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners voted to reappoint you to a 2-year term on the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Your new term will expire on
December 31, 1991, or at such time as the Bcard reappoints you or
0 appoints your successor.
On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, I wish to extend our
appreciation for your willingness to continue serving the residents
of Collier County as a member of this advisory committee. If I can
ever be of service to you during your term, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Very truly yours,
4;:: Q '
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman) ,.I
Commissioner, District 3 m 't,
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cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director ,-(-)
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NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Mrs. Geneva Till
2164 42nd Street, S.W.
Naples, Florida 33999
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mrs. Till:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners voted to appoint you as a regular member on the
above referenced advisory committee. Your appointment will expire
on December 31, 1991, or at such time as the Board reappoints you or
( appoints your successor.
As with any advisory group, the primary purpose is to assist and
advise the Board of County Commissioners. By law, however, the
ultimate decisions rest with the Commission. At times, the
Commission's decisions may not reflect the recommendation of the
advisory group because many facts must be taken into consideration.
By copy of this letter, we are requesting Cliff Crawford, Parks and
Recreation Director, to provide you with any additional information
you will need as a member of this committee.
On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, I wish to extend our
appreciation to you for your willingness to serve the residents of
Collier County as a member of this advisory board.
Very ly yours,
sse, Jr. , Chairman
Commissioner, District 3
4:) cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director
GO�c-��l' 00-ard o 6ouri Co�nrnithofiers
0 C' E!tN
March 6, 1990
Mr. Steven R. Ball
575 W. Lake Drive
Naples, Florida 33940
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Ball:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners voted to appoint you as a regular member on the
above referenced advisory committee. Your appointment will expire
on December 31, 1991, or at such time as the Board reappoints you or
0 appoints your successor.
As with any advisory group, the primary purpose is to assist and
advise the Board of County Commissioners. By law, however, the
ultimate decisions rest with the Commission. At times, the
Commission's decisions may not reflect the recommendation of the
advisory group because many facts must be taken into consideration.
By copy of this letter, we are requesting Cliff Crawford, Parks and
Recreation Director, to provide you with any additional information
you will need as a member of this committee.
On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, I wish to extend our
appreciation to you for your willingness to serve the residents of
Collier County as a member of this advisory board.
Very truly yours,
L%" a .5"La-e-e
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman
Commissioner, District 3
MAH: sf
cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director
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V,ti - NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Mr. Gerard Mclaughlin
118 Erie Drive
Naples, Florida 33942
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Mclaughlin:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners considered the applications for positions on
the subject advisory board. At that time, the Commission
reappointed Kim Patrick Kobza to District 2 and appointed Steven R.
® Ball to District 4 and Geneva Till to District 3 .
Although the Board did not appoint you to this advisory group, we
wish to express our gratitude to you for permitting your name to be
submitted for consideration. Your willingness to serve the
residents of Collier County is appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chai an
Commissioner, District 3
cc: Cliff Crawford; Parks and Recreation Director
G� -- 'A. 0o,arr.�e(oui Com�nissionets
0 NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Mr. Bobby Pittman
1966 Imperial Golf Boulevard
Naples, Florida 33942
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Pittman:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners considered the applications for positions on
the subject advisory board. At that time, the Commission
reappointed Kim Patrick Kobza to District 2 and appointed Steven R.
0 Ball to District 4 and Geneva Till to District 3 .
Although the Board did not appoint you to this advisory group, we
wish to express our gratitude to you for permitting your name to be
submitted for consideration. Your willingness to serve the
residents of Collier County is appreciated.
Very truly yours,
a4e 0 >2)4L1-4(-- s
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman
Commissioner, District 3
cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director
ot.- ie
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NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Ms. Anne Millan
1358 Derbyshire Court F-203
Naples, Florida 33999
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Ms. Millan:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners considered the applications for positions on
the subject advisory board. At that time, the Commission
reappointed Kim Patrick Kobza to District 2 and appointed Steven R.
Ball to District 4 and Geneva Till to District 3 .
Although the Board did not appoint you to this advisory group, we
wish to express our gratitude to you for permitting your name to be
submitted for consideration. Your willingness to serve the
residents of Collier County is appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman '
Commissioner, District 3
cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director
Guo 44,� Oomrnisito>zer
NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Mr. Joseph A. Funigiello
5423 1st Avenue, N.W.
Naples, Florida 33999
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Funigiello:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners considered the applications for positions on
the subject advisory board. At that time, the Commission
reappointed Kim Patrick Kobza to District 2 and appointed Steven R.
Ball to District 4 and Geneva Till to District 3 .
Although the Board did not appoint you to this advisory group, we
wish to express our gratitude to you for permitting your name to be
submitted for consideration. Your willingness to serve the
residents of Collier County is appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman
Commissioner, District 3
cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Director
G -- + & and oe 60,uiz ' cornnu;sszoneri
CN-•• A, NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962-4977
March 6, 1990
Mr. Scott McQuillin
3333 Binnacle Drive
Naples, Florida 33940
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. McQuillin:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners appointed Mr. Steven R. Ball as your
replacement to the subject advisory committee.
0 On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, I would like to take
this opportunity to thank you for the fine work you have done as a
member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Enclosed is a
Certificate of Appreciation to represent our gratitude for your
valuable assistance.
Best wishes for success in your future endeavors.
Very truly yours,
,gcl f
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Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman
Commissioner, District 3
Enclosure 'cp 70,
cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fri— 5G :.
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Collier Countp, , •toriba
fjerebp expret5e5 its Sincere appreciation
Mr. Scott McQuillin
for bebicateb fierb ice a5 a member of
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
front: January 26, 1986 to: March 6, 1990
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March 6, 1990
Mr. Charles Stevens
224 Foxtail Court
Naples, Florida 33942
Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Stevens:
While convened in regular session on March 6, 1990, the Board of
County Commissioners regretfully accepted your resignation and
appointed your replacement to the subject advisory committee.
On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, I would like to take
this opportunity to thank you for the fine work you have done as a
member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Enclosed is a
Certificate of Appreciation to represent our gratitude for your
valuable assistance.
Best wishes for success in your future endeavors.
Very truly yours,
L�,,,Z (00 .
Max A. Hasse, Jr. , Chairman
Commissioner, District 3
Enclosure -o
cc: Cliff Crawford, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board WI 5171; ri,c
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1fje Tgoarb of (Couutp (tCommi55ioner5
Collier (ountp, jf toriba
fjerebp expre55e5 its 5iucere appreciation
Mr. Charles Stevens
for bebicateb Serb ice a5 a member of
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
from: January 28, 1986 to: March 6, 1990
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WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was created
on November 25, 1975 and the Advisory Board shall be composed of
five (5) members, one from each commission district; and _
WHEREAS, the terms of three members expired on December 31,
1989; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners previously
provided public notice soliciting applications from interested
parties. i
1. Steven R. Ball is hereby appointed to the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board as the representative of District 4 for
a two year term, said term expiring on December 31, 1991.
ID2. Geneva Till is hereby appointed to the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board as the representative of District 3 for
a two year term, said term expiring on December 31, 1991.
3. Kim Patrick Kobza is hereby reappointed to the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board as the representative of District 2 for
a two year term, said term expiring on December 31, 1991.
This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority
DATED: March 6, 1990
S" --Mr MA /`4iASSE, J . , Chair
. ',App•oved as :tq orm and
'legal sufficSIncy:
Kenneth B. Cuyl r*i ;..�
County Attorne < —ril VD r;rrn
CD •r
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2 0-
MARCH 15, 1990
PRESENT: Mr. Gil Mueller
Mr. Kim Patrick Kobza, Acting Chairman
Ms. Geneva Till (new member)
Mr. Kevin O'Donnell, Public Service Administrator
Mr. Cliff Crawford, Parks & Recreation Director
ABSENT: Ms. Cherrlye Thomas
Mr. Steven R. Ball (new member)
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Harry Huber
Mr. Ron Pergl
Mr. Glen Bridges
Ms. Mary Ellen Donner
I. The meeting was called to order at 8:43 a.m. M a,e\��
II. Approval of 02/22/90 Minutes. Motionedxseconded,bpasscd unanimously.
III. Old Business
A. Election of Officers--because of the two absences, will be skipped
at least until Steven R. Ball has an opportunity to be at a
B. Conklin Point Update--Kevin O'Donnell: As of Tuesday, March 13,
1990, the County received a certificate of title. Currently that
property is 6.8 acres. The Board of County Commissioners, was
pretty enthusiastic of having us look at the possibility of four
lanes up there. The reason being, that by 1994, we are looking at
another two lanes of boat ramps in the northern part of the County.
401) Again, we've got it based on geographic area, and we do not own an
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03/15/90 Meeting
B. Conklin Point Update (continued)--other property there, because
we're looking at disposing Bluebill once we go ahead with the
Conklin site, and 6.8 acres would obviously give us that
flexibility. All indications are, again, there is a potential
possibility as the attorneys say that the deal could get scuttled
and hung up legally. But the longer that the situation goes on,
1 the better it is looking for us, and the more secure we feel.
1 Parks Maintenance Crews will be out there next week cleaning up
some of the debris, we have already made arrangements with the
owner of the modular building. The building has been removed.
They are going to do some clearing. We are going to barricade the
area, and the Rangers will be out there on patrol, trying to keep
people out of there, securing it. We are have some signs made up
"No Trespassing". Kim Kobza: At the Vanderbilt Beach Property
Owners Association Meeting on Tuesday night, March 13, 1990, there
was some interesting discussion brought up that I want to pass
4 along, and I don't know how feasible or unfeasible it is.
Basically the idea was: Because of the parking problem down at the
State park, and it's a fairly dramatic problem down there virtually
every weekend, with no parking, and they're ticketing on both sides
of Bluebill going down to the park, and also along Gulfshore Blvd.
1 dink
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03/15/90 Meeting
B. Conklin Point Update (continued)--One of the members of the
association suggested that perhaps as the Conklin site is developed
out, some arrangement could be made for a shuttle like service, so
if there is excess parking capacity it might be utilized for the
State park. I didn't know how feasible or unfeasible that was,
given the property that's there. I don't know how many parking
spots we'll end up with, and what the utilization they'll have, but
even 20 or 50 spot will be very helpful. Cliff Crawford: My
general feeling is that as the North Conklin Point property is
developed, if the use of our other launch facilities is any
401) indication, there is not going to be a lot of space other than the
users of the launch, and the park areas up there, because it is
just not going to be a straight launch facility. We are going to
have a passive park area in there, and have opportunities for
fishing, and other non boating related activities. So, I believe
that is going to be a fairly heavily used facility, and to dedicate
spaces for another purpose may conflict the primary use of that
facility. Kim Robza: Will we have an opportunity to see a land
plan? Cliff Crawford: Yes you will. It will come back here
before it goes to the board. That same discussion also took place
by that same group, about Bluebill, and retaining that property on
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B. Conklin Point Update (continued)--Bluebill, and simply making it an
overflow parking facility for a passive park area for the State
Park some months ago. We can't do it anyway, because we need the
equity to help purchase the new site. Kim Kobza: Is there any
other discussion on Conklin Point? Gil Mueller: I had gone out
there, and counted those boat ramps, Kevin, and I was amazed at the
number of usable not deteriorated but usable boat ramps. It is a
considerable savings! They weren't in bad shape! Kevin O'Donnell:
The pilings are in good shape, the dock itself, the sea wall is in
really good shape! Gil Mueller: I was really impressed! Cliff
Crawford: Yea! Nice piece of property! Kevin O'Donnell: I think
it's going to work out real well for us! Gil Mueller: I only,
like somebody else, know what I read in the newspapers. Are the
newspapers accounts basically accurate? Are there inaccuracies in
there? Kevin O'Donnell: His numbers are way off! Cliff Crawford:
Way off! Way, way, off! Kevin O'Donnell: We've been working real
closely with the Attorneys Office on this, and with Real Property
Department on it. We are disclosing the information pursuant to
their directions, particularly the Attorney's Office because of the
bankruptcy proposal. That's just not true at all. We feel that we
got a real good deal on the purchase of the property. All
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B. Conklin Point Update (continued)--indications are still that we
won't lose on the deal. I can't give an absolute, categorical
guarantee, but everything's looking incredibly good. We're
optimistic, it's moving along, and we're real pleased with it. Kim
Kobza: Is there any further discussion on Conklin Point? Geneva
Till: I wasn't sure where Conklin Point is, but I see by that
paper, now I do. Kim Kobza: The next Action List item is
C. Tigertail Update--Cliff Crawford: I would like to turn that over
to Mr. Harry Huber, who brought you up to date last month. Harry
Huber: We finally got a surveying permit proposal, and the
requisition for the purchase order is being typed up right now, not
to exceed a price of $6,000.00 for performance of surveying work
and drafting of the plan. Figure on three weeks for them to
perform their services. Kim Kobza: Is there any discussion or any
questions? Gil Mueller: Has there been any other progress been
made, Harry, other than developing the surveying permit? Has any
progress been made as far as considering what exactly is going to
be done out there? Harry Huber: I don't think so. That's what
edges all of the surveying work, and the preparation of the plan.
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B. Tigertail Update (continued)-That's when we see all of the
existing conditions out there. Then a decision will have to be
made as to exactly what we are going to do, or what you are going
to request from D & R. Gil Mueller: You've given us a time
situation last month. Can you update that as far as when you think
that this thing will be developed to the point when it can be
presented to the D&R? Harry Huber: Well, all I can tell you at
this point, is that it is going to take three weeks to complete the
survey information that has to be obtained prior to the plan, so we
can make a decision. From that point on it is pretty much out of
my hands. I will present that plan then to Cliff and Kevin, and
then it will be scheduled for your review, and then it is my
understanding that it will go to the Board of County Commissioners
for final approval. You'll have that plan then, in 3-4 weeks.
Cliff Crawford: The other thing that Mr. Huber and I talked about
is that if it doesn't fall right in terms of the time as we see the
information being developed, we do have the opportunity to get you
all together so we continue to move forward on that at your alls
convenience. This may be one of those items that we may want to do
that if the timing is such that you know we may be able to pick up
a week or two hereby if it's done sooner. So we're keeping that
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B. Tigertail Update (continued)--option open. The other thing, while
it obviously hasn't been finalized, we shared with you last month,
is what we are looking at after the final surveying is done, as a
general guide, that 1984 Service Standard. But that can't be
finalized until that survey work and those other things are done.
That is the general approach that we're taking to Tigertail. Kim
Robza: Has the scope remained the same? Cliff Crawford: All the
rest of the permiting application process, and everything with the
exception pretty much of the detail portion of the project has just
about been completed. So this is a critical element obviously in
terms of that applicaiton process. So, when that's finalized with
the survey work, and we finalize after that between Public
Services, Parks and Recreation, and Harry's office, then we can
finish in that process and have a complete packet. So, we've got
to get this survey done. It is just park of that step process that
we've got to do. Gil Mueller: May I ask one or two questions
concerning Tigertail Beach? Cliff Crawford: Sure! Gil Mueller:
I was just curious as to whether there were any limitations or
restrictions as far as the quantity and type of equipment that the
concessionaires are allowed to introduce to that area or any other
areas? Cliff Crawford: There is a contract with both the food
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41) Expanded Minutes
03/15/90 Meeting
C. Tigertail Update (continued)--services and the providers of
recreation equipment there, and it provides general guidelines as
to what minimumly needs to be provided for public opportunity for
use. Any changes or additions to that, must be approved by the
Public Service Administrator with respect to equipment, with
respect to rates, with just about any contract change. Gil
Mueller: I wonder if you could become concerned, and on my part
to, as to the type of equipment (manual driven, power driven) , that
seems to be continuously introduced at Tigertail Beach. It's
gotten so now, that I'm at the point where I wouldn't be surprized
to see little submarines out there one day. The beach is full of
all these grotesque types of equipment, and very little place for
the people to lay, and I'm just concerned about that. Kevin
O'Donnell: Let me tell you the basic philosophy that we've used on
making exceptions, or allowing the introduction of new things down
there. We are pretty much allowed it to be market driven. We
obviously encourage the concessionaire to experiment. The
particular clientel down there is asking for a particular piece of
equipment, or more people rent certain things, he is obviously
going to put more of that in stock. We do a general comparrison,
to see what other places are renting the equipment for. So we kind
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C. Tigertail Update (continued)--of exercise more of a veto power than
we do on proposing anything. He sits back, and says that he wants
to have such and such equipment at such and such an hour, he gives
us a brief description on what it is, and we do a comparrison
relative to what the rate is. Then if it is pretty much in line
with what some of our own concessionaires are doing, and what we
feel to be a reasonable approach, we say "Fine! Go ahead!" if at
some point he says ok, the people don't want anymore, he drops it.
We also give him that descreation. We try to give him a little bit
of flexibility, based on what the public wants out there. We try
to keep it within reason based upon whether the equipment is safe,
and secondly on the price. Beyond that, if he wants to be
innovative, come up with new suggestions, and stuff we really kind
of encourage him to do so. So that's why at various times you may
see various proliferations of things down there. Gil Mueller: I
was just getting a little concerned, and there was some comment
also that some of this equipment is pretty grotesque. I asked him,
"How does that work?". He said, "Oh! That works such, and such.
But wait till you see our electric sleds next week!" Oh, boy!
What next? Not only that, but it seems as though a large portion
of that beach is being occupied by this equipment, and there's a
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ILExpanded Minutes
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C. Tigertail Update (continued)--lot of it! Kevin O'Donnell: We can
take a look at it! Gil Dueller: I'm just passing it on to you.
Cliff Crawford: I appreciate that, we'll take a look at it for
you. Kim Kobza: What exactly is grotesque? Cliff Crawford: What
I think Mr. Mueller's approach might be, is that beaches are
traditionally more people orientated, than equipment orientated.
Then as you add support equipment for public use, like the
Vanderbilt Inns do, with sailing boats and all that, it has an
impact visually. Kim Kobza: I understant that. But, what I meant
was, what type of equipment is out there that, you know. Gil
401) Mueller: Well they have those things with the huge rubber wheels,
jet skis, paddle things, sail craft, to name a few. Then there is
some new devise that was zipping around there. I can't describe
it! Then he scared me with this electric sled, I had no idea what
he was reffering to. Geneva Till: I think that we should be
careful about that, because of what happened in Fort Myers Beach.
We surely don't want that to happen on Marco Beach. Kevin
O'Donnell: Well we've got the ability to regulate that also to the
Beach & Water Safety Ordinance which is a pretty strong ordinance.
So I think that we've got a mechanism in place to get a handle on
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C. Tigertail Update (continued)--that. Gil Mueller: These are nice
people. The young men that are running those concessions are just
as polite and cooperative as they can possibly be, by the way.
Kevin O'Donnell: We can take a look at that, no problem. Rim
Kobza: Is there any other discussion on Tiger Tail? If not, we'll
move on to Action Item number three which was the Beach Parking
D. Beach Parking Permits--Kevin O'Donnell: If you recall from the
last meeting, I guess back to our full scale discussion relative to
41) the pros and cons to fees and charges. Your last recommendation in
October, was for status quoe of the $1.00 charge, and on to the
City Beach Parking Permit. As, we know we can not have a city
beach parking permit, because of some problems the county has
associating with some grant applicaitons. Including what we used
to build the facilities at Tigertail, and with some beach
renourishment funds. So the Attorneys Office is discouraging us
from proceeding on that. Predicated on that, you said that you
wanted to get back into the old discussion on beach fees.
Currently, just to refresh your memory, we are charging $1.00 at
Tigertail, $1.00 at Vanderbilt, and $1.00 at Clam Pass. Those are
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D. Beach Parking Permits (continued)--our tendered lots. We lose
approximately $19,000.00 on that operation when you take in the
Attendants time, Bob Legler's time, and the direct revenues that we
derive from the $1.00 per vehicle. Those are the costs that we
have built into it. There's some operating expenses that we've
got. Obviously there's airconditioning, and a phone charge that
are associated at the particular guard houses where the guys are
working. So, right now it's around $19,000 in the hole. If we
double the charge, we would definitely wipe out the deficite to
$2.00, if we go any lower than that, all we are going to do is
increase, and I would have a real problem with wanting to see us
decrease or increase a subsidy that we are already doing. Then we
are getting into that fundimental discussion of do we or do we not
charge? So, the board. . . I'm going to kick it back to you guys.
You guys thought that you had come up with a resolution based upon
the legal problems that we've got I guess it is punted back to you
lap. Now we've got a couple of new board members. The staff is
punting the potatoe back to you guys. Kim Robza: One thought that
I have on that. Maybe we can have some general discussion on that
today Ms. Till. But, it is an issue of such importance, that maybe
we ought to have our other board members here to really take any
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D. Beach Parking Permints (continued)--action or make any type of
reccommendation. One that actually goes up to the County Board,
you know, with three votes would not be as effective as one that
goes up with five votes. Gil Mueller: Right! I don't know, what
I really think that we should do is determine whether these people
are really going to be here or not. If they're not, then do
something about it. Rearrange. Quite frankly, this is getting to
be ridiculous. Cliff Crawford: Well, if you call, and they
indicate that they are going to be there, I guess that's about as
good as you can do. Besides sending out the formal notices, Mr.
Mueller, honestly, we generally call two to three days,
particularly those members who may have competing interests or may
be consistent at other Board Members. Generally, that's about as
best as we can do at this point. Geneva Till: It would help me if
I had known Parlier. Like a week. I just got it the day before
yesterday. Kevin O'Donnell: That may be given to tha fact, that
we've got a new member, but, I think Gil's point in relative to the
other members, and you may just want to put it on the Agenda.
We've sent out the stuff, everyone knows when it is, and you guys
have changed times a couple of times. You'll have to reaccomodate
yourself. Cliff Crawford: Ms. Till, the board always moots the
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D Beach Parking Permints (continued)--third Thursday at 8:30 in the
morning. Gil Mueller: I'm not implying to that the staff has not
kept us informed as to when these meetings are, all that I'm saying
is that if they're not going to be here on a consistent basis which
seems to be the case in some instances. Then they should be
replaced. Kevin O'Donnell: Now that's and action that you can
take. Your own guidelines and commission ordinances specify that
if you miss a number of meetings, that can be called by the
particular board's attention to the commission and you can ask that
the seat be declared vacant, and then you can fill it. So I mean
4111) that's ultimately your perogative. Obviously that's the most
drastic action that you as an advisory board can take relative to
that. If you want to put it on the agenda for next month, just
discussion of time, meeting place, and etc. Then you've got some
new members, maybe the third Thursday is going to create some
conflict. We get as frustrated as you guys, because for you guys
to Table stuff that we want to present and move on with, takes the
frustration our end. Yea! We want all five of you here to. Cliff
Crawford: It's important for us too, because we are also dealing
with other staff, consultants from other businesses. I agree, it
is just a good use of our time. Kim Kobza: Let's have some order!
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D Beach Parking Permints (continued)--Gil Dueller: Maybe we could
have sort of an unwritten agreement, that if they are not going to
be here, call ten days or two weeks in advance. Report in! That
sounds over simplified. I have to say that I'm gettin a little
inpatient. There is only three of us showing up, we can't
accomplish anything, and we're wasting our time. Kim Kobza: Can I
interject something here? You know, I think it'd be improper to
over dramatize this today, because we did have very good attendance
with the four of us. With Charlie Stevens, with Scott McQuillen,
and we've always had at least four people here. Gil Mueller: It's
come apart in the last four months. Kim Kobza: For today's
purpose, I know that Ms. Till received somewhat late notice, and I
know that Steve Ball had a commitment that he otherwise could help.
This come back to a point that we've already discussed once before,
especially with a gentleman with Steve on the board, he's going to
have a planning commission conflict. Is it the first and third
Thursday? Kevin O'Donnell: Yes, sir! Kim Kobza: First and third
Thursday of the month, in the morning. Same time! Also, part of
my point was that with the newspapers. The newspaper often doesn't
cover our meetings, because they are often at the planning
commission. It might be helpful for us to reconsider another date
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D Beach Parking Permints (continued)--and time. I was thinking about
this another time. Ms. Till we will obvioulsy have to have some
input here. But, the fourth Wednesday of the monthe doesn't
present any conflict in terms of City Council, or county, that I am
aware of. Gil Dueller: Are you aware of any conflict there
Keying. Kevin O'Donnell: The county has got about at least 30
different Advisory Boards and Commissions. Gil Mueller: Is there
a central person who knows when all these mooting takes place?
Kevin O'Donnell: Yes! Probably Sue Filson. Kim Robza: Well, the
major boards at least ficin my perspective, and again with a
411) gentleman like Steve Ball who is heavily active in the planning
community, the biggest potential conflict, is the County Board
Meetings, or the Planning Commission. Geneva Till: I'm on the
planning committee for Golden Gate, and we meet on the fourth
Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. We have quite a few people, and they are
always there. This is good for me I knew, but we meet in the
afternoon. . . .they get off by 4:00. Gil Mueller: Would this
require a change in the Bylaws Kevin? To change the date of the
meeting? Kevin O'Donnell: There's language in regards to that. I
don't have the Bylaws with me, and I don't recall that off the top
of my head. Gil Dueller: I think it specifically states those
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D. Beach Parking Permints (continued)--days. Keying O'Donnell: But,
I think you might have specified a date. All that would require
you to do then, is to amend that section of the Bylaws which is
real Past'. Gil Mueller: Maybe that is something we should
discuss. . . Kim Kobza: Maybe what we should do, when we do have
Mr. Ball here, is sit down and discuss this. What would work best
for you. . . Geneva Till: That 4:00, I wish we'd moot as a group,
I don't care what Wednesday. But if we meet in the afternoon,
there would be no conflict at all. Gil Mueller: Afternoon or
evening? Geneva Till: Afternoon. Gil Mueller: I could adjust
to it. Kim Kobza: Does staff have any predisposition on an
afternoon mooting at all, as opposed to a morning mooting? Cliff
Crawford: No sir! Kim Kobza: You know, a morning meeting doPc
work a little better for me. Cliff Crawford: Whatever the Board
chooses, we'll be there to support it. Gil Mueller: Can we wait
with that also, until we have the other two folks? Kim Kobza:
Yea, I think that will probably be good. Kevin O'Donnell: We can
put it on next month. We can also send the new members copies of
the Bylaws too, which will specify. You can get into a discussion
of you officers too, and that will give you another 30 days to
think about it. Gil Mueller: Because as it's standing now, it's
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D. Beach Parking Permints (continued)--not fair to the staff, we're
not acomplishing as much as we should, it's not fair to these
ladies and gentleman here, it's not fair to the Board members to
just be operating on three cylinders. Kim Kobza: Can we agree to
Table the issue on Beach Parking Permits until the nest meeting?
Kevin O'Donnell: Yea, you've got that, and then you wanted to take
up a meeting date and time among yourselves at the next meeting
too. Want to get into a discussion as to wether you are going to
meet the third Thursday of the month. Kim Kobza: Can we have an
agreement on that Beach Parking. . . Gil Mueller: OK I'll make a
motion to Table that item on Beach Parking Permits. Kim Kobza: We
have a motion, it's been seconded, so, do we have a vote?
Unanimously passed. Kevin O'Donnell: OK. The next item is. . .
Gil Muller: If I could elaborate on that further. I still kind of
think that maybe we can, I'm repeating myself, maybe we can have
some sort of and unwritten agreement amongst ourselves, if you've
not going to be here, call two weeks in advance and then perhaps at
staff meetings suggest, as they did on earlier occasions, that they
change we date. Can that be possible. Kevin O'Donnell: Sure!
They can call us up to. . . We've got people here even beyond 5:00
p.m. , I mean, it's not difficult to get in touch with staff at this
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D. Beach Parking Permints (continued)--department. I think, we would
all be ecstatic if we knew that you guys weren't coming. Even if
we knew 24 hours in advance! Most of the time, we don't know until
8:30 a.m. when we see which people are walking in. Again, and
think staff's correct on this, if we don't here from you, we sent
the stuff out, we're going to anticipate that you guys got it in
your calendars, you know to be here on the third Thursday, and will
be here at 8:30 a.m. It's a given. Gil Mueller: And it's wasting
your time. Kevin O'Donnell: Yeah! So, we'd love that you call at
any time. We'd want to know. Kim Kobza: Let's move on. The only
thing that I would say about that, is when you start changing times
around, my schedule is cazy. Unless it was, not having a quorum.
Kevin O'Donnell: We're not enthusiastic about it either! Because
it is working out well for us. I mean, we've got everything geared
towards this now, and I'm not in favor of making changes. Kim
Kobza: I'd like to wait and see what happens, when we get a full
ship here, and see if we can't improve things. Kevin O'Donnell:
OK! Kim Kobza: OK! Going on to the fourth item, the North Naples
Community Park Baseball Field and Parking Lot.
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E. North Naples Community Park Baseball Field and Parking Lot--Kim
Kobza: Do we have someone here to bring up to date? Cliff
Crawford: Yes! Mr. Glen Bridges, would you like to do that? Glen
Bridges: Thanks! As far as the parking lot goes, Apac is the
contractor, we have a substancial completion inspection scheduled
this afternoon at 3:30. We will inspect the parking lot and all.
Draw up the punch list, and then we will begin marking all of the
items that need to be corrected. There contract date was March
23rd. for substantial completion, I believe. So, they're right on
schedule, or a little bit ahead of schedule on that. The Ball
Field construction is continuing, they are now working on
installation of the underground irrigation lines for the Ball
Field. The Dug Outs should be started within the next few days.
That's next on schedule. That project is pretty much on schedule,
and to be completed in late June, 1990. Kim Kobza: We had a
tremendous, very fine, Welcome Ceremony out here on the Golden Gate
Ballfield. I'm sure, a couple of the Commissioners would probabley
like to see pretty much the same type of Ceremony up there, I think
it would be pretty good community support. I think that would be
great! Cliff Crawford: We will. We're planning something very
soon Mr. Kobza. Kim Kobza: I've had a lot of good comment in the
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E. North Naples Community Park Baseball Field and Parking Lot--North
Naples area. I had several people come up at the Vanderbilt
meeting up there, and had several people from Palm River as well.
Specifically mentioned, that it really looks good, and they are
excited about it. Glen Bridges: The parking area should soon stop
looking like a construction area, and start looking like a finished
product. Kim Kobza: That'll be good when we get into our Summer
Programs too, to have that kind of outlaid. Gil Mueller: How many
parking spaces did you say were going there? Or maybe you didn't.
Gil Mueller: I didn't. Cliff Crawford: Slightly over a hundred,
104 or something like that. Gill Mueller: Is there possiblities
of enlarging that? Does it have that expansion. . . Glen Bridges:
That area will not be enlarged. Another area in the park is
planned for future parking, associated with the Community Center.
Kim Kobza: Do we have any other questions or discussion at all?
Ms. Till do you have any questions on that? Geneva Till: No, it
sounds good to me! Kim Kobza: Ok! Let's move on! OK! We've
completed the Action List, Beach Parking Permits we agreed to
Table. Cliff Crawford: That's correct! Kevin O'Donnell: April
meeting! Kim Kobza: The next Agenda Item is the Frank E. Mackie
Jr. Park Building Expansion.
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion--Cliff Crawford: Yes,
we have with us again today, Mr. Ron Pergl. And Ron, would you
like to update the board. We're certainly available for any
questions. You received your analysis and report last month, and
want to know if there's any questions regarding the project? Gil
Mueller: Had you given any consideration to the possibility to a
sliding, sort of collapsible partition that could be added, I guess
at any given junction? Something similar to the one that they have
in the small meeting room, so that the room could be used for two
meetings, or one large meeting, whatever the case might be. Ron
401) Pergl: That can always be achieved, but I think the problems with
that are quite obvious, and we are experiencing them righ here now.
Where it's very difficult to get some good sound insulating
qualities out of a wall such as this. Nothing like a permanent
partition at any rate. That's always a possibility to be brought
under project later. Gil Mueller: That way we'd be adding another
meeting room. Ron Pergl: Essentially, yes! You could have two
meetings perhaps at the same time, but sometimes it's difficult.
Gil Mueller: I realize it's probably hard for you to give us a
ball park figure at this point, but roughly, what do you think
something like that would run? Or would you prefer not to even
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--interject
that. Ron Pergl: I can't even begin to guess. Depending on what
type of partition we are talking about, when it's installed, it
would cost different sums. Gil Mueller: What do you think of the
idea. Ron Pergl: I think it's always good to have that
flexibility, whether it's economically feasible to do that. On the
other hand, you do have the other smaller meeting rooms, which can
be, as you know, the partitions can be folded out there and you can
have a larger area. Which would be close to half of a larger
meeting room. So it may be possible to schedule it. Gil Mueller:
As far as what I know about that, Cliff would know more about this
than I do, but they've pretty much got a full house down there. I
know that some groups have been turned away, because there wasn't
sufficient space, or there wasn't room. Kim Kobza: Aren't there
other types of dividing walls that have better insullation? For
instance than what we have here? Ron Pergyl: This one isn't too
bad. From what I understand of sound transmission qualities, this
one is better than the average. It's certainly not the best, but
there are other things that can be done to help the situation. Kim
Kobza: When you go to the Registry, or the major hotels, they
often divide those rooms for meeting purposes. You'll here some
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--muted
sound back and forth, but it's not intursive. Ron Pergl: That
goes on to areas beyond this partition. Those floors are carpeted,
and that helps absorb a lot of sound, and I don't know what in fact
you have above the ceiling here. What we do above the ceiling can
also effect the sound. Rim Kobza: So, there are other things that
we could potentially do, that would enable that concept to work.
Is that tiled out there? Ron Pergl: Yes. It's basically the
same. Gil Mueller: Cement block, the same acoustic built. Very
similar. This looks to me like pretty good quality here. Ron
110 Pergl: Then again, it's not the best, but far from the worst. Gil
Mueller: On page 4, I noticed that you talked about, ". . .remove
the existing roofing, a cost of $1500.00". I'm not sure I
understand that. Ron Pergl: That would be to remove the area of
existing roofing, and the elements of the roof that would need to
be taken off in order to continue the roof line on from that point.
So, in other words, the proposed expansion off the east side of the
building. The roof from that area would have to be removed in
order to add on new structural elements, new trusses, and so on.
Gil Mueller: I see. Ron Pergl: That also accounts in there. . .
When you are doing work like that, you are not only dealing with
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--the actual
physical men doing the job, but there is also cost involved with
containing that, and hauling it away. Because it's a central
distraction. That becomes a fairly large number, when you are
dealing with some. . . Gil Mueller: The big problem down there, is
getting things hauled away. That's very true. I had some question
too, about the sprinkling system. I noticed were talking about
$3000.00 for a sprinkling system, and I'n not clear as to why it
would be necessary. Ron Pergl: According to Building Codes, and
the Life Safety Code, which is enforced through the Fire Department
Qand the Fire Control. They have certain requirements for different
types of buildings. In this particular case, this is considered an
essential one, because people congregate there. Once you have a
certain numbers of people concregating there, there's different
classifications the buildings fall into. By adding additional
square footage to the building, we fall into the next larger
classification which is more restricted as far as requirements on
the building. That is why we are getting into that area. When the
building was initially constructed, I believe, they knew that it
would primarily not be used for these types of assemblies, and
therefore, they were a little bit more lenient in their review of
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--that.
But, I think over time, the use of the building has become much
more defined, and I don't think that option is going to be
available to us any longer. The Fire Department knows what's going
on out there. Gil Mueller: I see! It's a matter of finding
exactly the use of the structure. There's alot of gray area there.
Ron Pergl: It can be. Right! That's why it was able to be done
originally. Because of some of those gray areas. Now those gray
areas no longer exist, because, we know exactly how the building is
going to be used, and we know exactly what classification it does
fall into. Gil Mueller: I was concerned about this, because I
have talked to a Fire Marshal on Marco Island, and he had assured
me twice, as a matter of fact, that we were not entering into
another category space wise, or terminology wise, and that the
automatic fire extinguishing system not be necessary. So, I don't
know, he's a Fire Marshall down there, and if he's wrong, why
something's terribly wrong. Also, I had spoken to somebody in the
County who had given me basically the same information. Now I
realize that this is a separate taxing district. Perhaps their not
even under County Jurisdiction, I don't know that, but I presume
that. So, I am really confused about that. I'm glad you mentioned
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--the Life
Safety Code, and I'm sure it's printed somewhere. Ron Pergl: We
often encounter things like that, so, it's not unusual. Gil
Mueller: Because we are talking about $33,000.00, which is a heck
of a big piece of $100,000.00. That takes a big hunk of it away.
Anybody that can help to clear that up for me, I'd really
appreciate it. Kim Kobza: How firm are you in your opinion or
belief that that is a regulatroy requirement. Ron Pergl: Very
sure, because, I've even specified the particular section in verse
of code that requires that in there. If you would like, the Fire
plans reviewer for the County. . . I could have him review those and
give us an opinion regarding that also. Because he essentially
does those types of reviews. His name would be Bob Salvaggio, and
he would know. Rim Robza: Gil, would that satisfy? Gil Mueller:
I would really like to see that! Rim Kobza: I think that's
critical too because, you know if it really make a difference in
the total square footage that we get out of that facility. If we
take that $33,000.00 and divide it by $76.00 a square foot, we
could add maybe another three or four hundred feet. Ron Pergl: It
certainly would be better to have it there, than retrofitting the
current structure. Kim Kobza: Gil, did you have any other
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--questions?
Gil Mueller: Yes. I just had one or two more. It's privid that
your fee would be in the area of $7500.00. Does this include
architectual supervision of the construction? Ron Pergl: I don't
recall specifically, but I don't believe it does. Gil Mueller: It
probably isn't even necessary. Ron Pergl: We've always considered
it to be a wise investment. Gil Mueller: Well this is just
basically a very simple type of construction, and of course we've
got County inspectors, and presuming that you have a reliable
contractor, it wouldn't seem that this is the <?> cost. Ron Pergl:
Alright. But, in any case, I think that we ought to cement it for
the protection of the client, because there are often times that
mistakes that are made. Whether they be minor or major. Gil
Mueller: It's my feeling at least, that based on doing some
research, that your figure of $76.00 a square foot is a little
high. Do you think that mihgt be possible? Ron Pergl: I did try
to make that a little bit high due to what I felt what the building
per say would cost in order to compensate for areas that have to be
gone back over an repaired. For instance, some of the flooring for
example: The nasty existing flooring out there may be impossible,
you might find a situation where you've got to take out some of the
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--existing
flooring and replace it. Gil Mueller: The tile matching the tile?
Ron Fergie: The tile matching the tile, the wall matching the
wall, the ceiling matching the ceiling. Even the roof shingles
matching the roof shingles. Gil Mueller: Right! I'm familiar
with that! Ron Pergle: That's always something that's a gray
area, that we always encounter in any type of retrofit operations.
I purposly did round that off a little high, based on the cost of
construction, when the building was originally built, and we did
consider our replacement factor since then. It's a rather low
estimate based on that. Gil Dueller: The $76.00 is a low
estimate! Really! Ron Pergl: From what our records show, the
building originally cost roughly $58.00 a square foot. It was a
bid about four years ago. So, that'll account for about five or
six percent increase per year, which is a little bit on the low
side. Gil Mueller: Well I have, sort of anonymously looked into
some of the similar types of constructions throughout the county,
and made some phone calls, without obviously identifying myself,
and found that the costs were ranging apporximately from $65 to $70
a square foot for that type of construction. That's why I was
concerned. The object obviously is that if we're able to get a
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--cost of
$70 a square foot, we then put in a larger area. Because, as it
exists now 16 feet is pretty minimal. (Side 1-B of the Tape starts
here) Ron Pergyl: . . . built less expensively than. . . Gil
Mueller: Which means more square footage. Yes! Kim Kobza: You
know, I was doing a little calculation there, and if you had, if
we're even, we'd save, let's say $10.00 a square foot. At, 717
feet, that would be $7,000.00. Divide 66 back into that $7,000.00
and how many square feet would that be? Ron Pergyl: That's about
approximately 100, 107. Kim Kobza: So, you'd pick up 107 square
feet for $10.00 per square foot savings. I think the sprinkler
issue is probably a more critical issue. Ron Pergyl: Yes, I can
investigate that with Mr. Salvaggio, and affirm that if you'd like.
Gil Mueller: I'd appreciate it. Kim Kobza: This might be a good
time to bring you up to date on a little background of this
discussion. Gil Mueller: She has the Feasibility Study, Kim. Kim
Kobza: Right. Each community Park Center has 100,000 dollars of
discreationairy funding, which was to be used in concept for, well
it's for the most immediate needs in that park facility outside of
the normal capital expenditure, and the normal budget items. So,
for instance, in North Naples, we used a portion of the $100,000.00
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--funds for
Tennis Courts. In Golden Gate, . . . Kevin O'Donnell: Golden Gate
was Shuffleboard Courts, and part of it was applied towards the
Baseball Field. So we've exhausted those monies in Golden Gate.
Kim Kobza: So, Mr. Mueller came back, and his $100,000.00 for
Marco, the Most immediate function was whether the expansion of the
meeting room space would be the most appropriate use of the
$100,000.00. So, that's what this topic is about. And than we've
had the Architects come in, and provide us with this feasibility
study to let us know how much would a $100,000.00 buy, in terms of
Qactual additional meeting space. Gil Mueller: I'll make it my
business to go and visit these places. Kim Kobza: Sure! Is there
any additional discussion on this issue? Is there any recommended
action that we take, are we resolved? Would you like to make any
formal recommendation that we have the Architects here, come back
and give us an answer to the sprinkler question? Gil Mueller:
Well, that's certainly something that I would at least like to
know, Bob. Perhaps, I guess there's no alternative. We have to
put it on the Adenda for the next mooting. I'd like to move it
along a little faster, but, I guess there is no way of doing it.
Let's put it on the Agenda of the next meeting. What do you think
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--Kevin?
Ravin O'Donnell: The questions you are asking are perfectly
legitimate, my staff is not in a position to defend the comments
that Ron has made repeatedly to me. I remember when we first got
into the building design of the Community Center on Frank E.
Mackie, Fire Code requirements were a major concern, and we made
the building as large as we could, and still kept within the code
requirements, and not to sprinkle due to cost requirements. So,
therefore, it does not surprise me that if you are looking at any
kind of expansion at all, we would be kicked into the higher
classification, which is what Ron is saying. I don't have any
problem with him going back to Salvaggio and getting that produced
in writing, and specifically showing you Code 742 of of such and
such a code requires you to do that. I think that's legit! I
don't have any problem with you wanting to take that kind of
action. It doesn't bother us at all. Gil Mueller: OK! Kevin,
perhaps you or Mr. Kirby could clarify something for me. I'm at a
loss as to know what the chain of command here is, the chain of
authority as far as fire code are concerned. I was always under
the impression that the state was the supreme word on this, but I
found out that, that's not true. Boiling it down into the County,
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--you have
five fire districts, two of which are under the jurisdiction. . .
Now stop me when I start getting off, and need corrected. Two of
which are in the near jurisdiction of the county, the other three
are individual taxing districts that have their own, so called,
bailiwick. Am I right so far? Kevin O'Donnell: Yes! You're
batting 100%! Gil Mueller: So, wouldn't that situation on Marco
Island be under the jurisdiction of the Marco Island Fire Taxing
District. Kevin O'Donnell: Potentially, Yes! I am not sure.
Cliff Crawford: Well! Let mey try to help a little bit! Because
I went through a similar experience in retrofitting a building in
Winterhaven, FL. Everybody works off of the State Fire Codes.
There can be local building, and/or Fire Codes that may have higher
requirements locally than does even the state. So, if there's a
choice between the local codes and the state codes, generally Fire
Districts or Fire Departments will enforce those that are more
stringent. That's just generally their approach. All of these
taxing districts all are working from the State Fire Codes. Gil
Mueller: The state writes the Fire Codes? Cliff Crawford: The
State writes the Fire Codes, and in addition to the Fire Codes,
there's Building Codes, there's about 20 to 30 different Code
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)—books,
that I've even seen that, depending upon their particular
application, they get into details of engineering, electrical, etc.
Because of what Fire Code Districts, and/or Departments will use in
terms of enforcement. But, minimumally they've got to meet their
local code requirements, plus any regulatory information that may
be coming out of the state. Often times, even out of the State,
they're one of the few areas in terms of particularly the Life
Safety Code that can actually initiate a new legislation that may
be a higher standard, and require construction for example, to have
to retrofit to that new code. A building can't do that, an
Building Official can't do that, but in a Life Safety Fire Code, if
it's a Life Safety Issue, they do have that authority. So, often
times, when you get into a remodeling effort, or rehabilitation
effort, the approach may be by the Fire Officials to bring that
particular building facility into compliance with the latest codes.
And, in this case, 1990 codes. Gil Mueller: In other words, the
State can take presidence over the Local Codes, but not. . . Cliff
Crawford: Yes! The Local Official, also enforces the State Codes,
and most of the times are normally adopted in terms of their
general policy, in terms of operating, in terms of their Local
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--District.
Gil, whether it's a District or a Fire Department, because the Fire
Districts and the local Fire Department are very similar on that
respect. So, it is, it's very, very, confusing. Gil Mueller: It
is confusing! Cliff Crawford: . . .and, because you don't just deal
with that, you're also dealing with billing requirements, and
building guidelines which may be different than the Life Safety
Fire Codes which is generally the, The Life Safety Fire Codes are
generally the most stringent, and the most restrictive in dealing
with those issues than even local Building Department Rules and
Regulations. Kim Kobza: Well, isn't there and issue too, and Mr.
Pergyl, you can corect me if I'm incorrect, but as an architect, as
you designed the building, you have the power, what you perceive as
you professional judgement, to be the code, otherwise you have
potential professional liability. Do you have professional
liability? Ron Pergl: We're obligated, as you said, to inform,
do those codes as written, in Protecton/Life Safety. If there is
an interpretation, or a portion that we have overlooked, or if
there is something else that is a different interpretation of the
code, we're certainly open to that. In our professional judgement,
we feel that this is what the code says. Kim Kobza: For instance,
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--if Mr. . . .
The Fire Reviewer, comes back, and you have a written opionion from
him that alaws you not to sprinkle, or is of the opinion that
sprinkling is not required, that professionally you've met your
requirements. Ron Pergl: I believe so! Because, if it can be
proved to us, that we do not need it, then. . . Kim Kobza: And on
the other hand if you don't receive that opinion, then you can't
i recomend to us to proceed without sprinkling. Is that correct?
Ron Pergl: Correct Cliff Crawford: Mr. Kobza, Even from an
operating position, and in addition to just the codes there, I
think in general, when you are looking at facilities that are large
or larger occupancy type facilities, like our community center,
like Frank E. Mackie. Even looking at it, if it's a decision to
make in terms of what may provide the safest environment for the
4 public using that facility, generally the recommendation from staff
will be to proceed with whatever that approach might be. That
would be the case, irrespective of the codes. I'm very confident
what Mr. Pergl is saying. That would be the recomendation, even
from the potential liability perspective, in terms of use, if
i something may happen dawn the road. I think you're always better,
if you're going to air, or if you're going to make a decision air
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--on the
side of safety, and on behalf of the public users. Gil Mueller:
Well then a sprinkling system should have been put in there from
the very beginning! Kevin O'Donnell: The reason a sprinkling
system wasn't put in from the very beginning, was due to no other
factor than cost. Gil Mueller: No other factor than cost? Kevin
O'Donnell: Cost was the factor. We were tight! Again, we were
building those bonds proceeds, we were trying to maximize the money
as best we could to try to cover as many facilities as we could,
and since that was a gray area, and it was a gray area that was
it' going to cost significant dollars at the time, we said, "If we can
get an interpretation that would save us significant dollars, and
build the same building, let's do it!" Gil Mueller: I understand
where you're coming from, but, I'm sure you wouldn't recommend any
considerable overkill as far as Fire Extinguishers are concerned.
If you really felt that it was unnecessary, in view of the
limitations on the amount of money that you have to spend. It
would be different if there was an unlimited, if it was an open end
situation. But, we don't! We're restricted! And, by virtue of
that restriction, we're ending up acording to Mr. Garby, with and
additional 16 feet. You might as well forget about that!
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--Cliff
Crawford: The other part that Pergl pointed out, as does the fire
officials look at it, as we look at it, when we were, as Kevin
pointed out, when we were looking at the construction, of these
buildings, as staff, and as your previous board did, we really
didn't have a feel in terms of the type of application and use use
those buildings were going to have. And, that does have a bearing
in terms of the Fire Code Requirements. Now that we've been
operating that particular Community Center for a few years now,
we've been able to look at the type of uses that it has, that
definitley has a bearing in terms of what the approach may be, in
terms of building requirements, expansion, use, and any legal or
code requirements that may have. Now, that there's a known
quantity, so to speak, in terms of the actual operating use of the
faciltiy. Gil Mueller: Well Cliff, I'm sure you realize that this
is a acquard, catch 22 situation, because if we're going to have to
put in $33,000.00 worth of fire extinguishing equipment, a minimum
of $33,000.00, I mean by the time your done, it's going to be
$35,000.00. Cliff Crawford: I think your Boards recommendation,
to speak to the fire officials and come back to you is sound. Kim
Kobza: I've got a couple other questions. Are there other design
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--criteria?
Is square footage the only design criteria that triggers the need
for the sprinkling. So, for instance, on a first floor like this,
if you add additional exits, for instance, does that somehow
mitigate the need. Ron Pergl: You're right in certain types of
occupancies. But not in this type. Your still required to have a
certain number of exits. There are some tradeoffs in certain types
of construction, as well as their occupancies, but not in this
type. Kim Kobza: OK, so square footage alone. . . Ron Pergl: The
code states that, and this is how the code comes up with a certain
number of people, that in this case they consider one person for
every seven square feet of floor area, irregardless if the room is
100 feet high. That's the figure we are working with. Based on
that occupant load, we determine how many exits are required, and
whether or not the room or the building needs to be sprinkled. Kim
Kobza: Are there any other questions? Ron Pergl: I'd like to go
back a little bit, and maybe clarify some of things that you're
talking about relative to code issues. One thing that all the
different fire districts have done, to the best of my knowledge, of
course maybe I'm wrong. . . But, because of the inability for all of
them to agree on a lot items. . . We are talking about, primarily
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F. Frank E. Mackle Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--Life
Safety Code, and Building Code, they do sometimes directly conflict
with each other in their requirements. So, the County has one
single Fire Review Person, which reviews the plans in conformance
to Life Safety Code and Fire issues, for all of the Fire Districts.
So they all are obligated with his review. Now, he does not do
inspecitons on the projects, because, that is out of another
Department, with Development Services, and with the Fire
Departments. So, the Fire Department will go out and do the
inspections of the building, but they probably will not approve the
initial plans of the building. But, they have in the past, tried
to consolidate that particular facet of their operations. It's
been a blessing to us. Kim K bza: Gil, I guess the question in
the back of my mind is, irrespective of how the sprinkling question
comes out, let's say that we didn't have to sprinkle even, we
probably do, but let's just say we don't. Basically that's going
to buy you another 300-400 feet. The ultimate question is, for the
$100,000.00 would you, would a figure, a feeling or your opinion
that adding 1,000 square feet let's say, or let's determine square
feet, would be the way to spend those funds? Is that the next
pressing need to <17.5> Geneva Till: Do they have sprinkling
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--systems at
the other Comminity Centers? Kevin O'Donnell: We don't have other
Community Centers. The only other Conimi.nity Center is Golden Gate
Community Center, and it was built years ago, and the only other
newest one that we've got, is Mackie. Cliff Crawford: What I can
i tell you, on the ones that are planned in the other areas, it is
part of the design criteria. They do include them as part of the
design criteria. Geneva Till: They do include them? Cliff
Crawford: As part of the design criteria, yes mam! Gil Mueller:
Well, to answer your question, <17.8> will involve more people.
Kim Kobza: Ultimately, the question is, and we're asking Mr. Devoe
here to go out, and do additional work for us. I think we probably
need to do that, but. . . Gil Mueller: Well, as far as additional
work is concerned, I think anybody can do it. Call Mr. Salvaggio,
and have him send the life safety code information. Kevin
O'Donnell: Ron, can easily do that, come back, and look at the
next meeting, and decide what you want do do then. Kim Kobza:
But, I think that's the ultimate question. Gil Mueller: The
question is, that's the ultimate question. Kim Kobza: For
$100,000.00, and if we get 1,000 square feet out of it, is that the
best use of those funds? For 1100, 1200 square feet. Even if we
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F. Frank E. Mackie Jr. Park Building Expansion (continued)--have
additional funds? Gil Mueller: I'll have to think about that.
Kim Kobza: Yes, we have to. . . OK! Do we have and agreement to
table this? Gil Mueller: On the engineering, does this include
engineering also? Ron Pergl: Yes Gil Mueller: Engineering
plans, in addition to regular pictures? Ron Pergl: Yes, they do.
Gil Mueller: OK! Kim Kobza: Do we have any further discussion on
this? Can we have a motion to table the item? Geneva Till: I so
motion. Gil Mueller: I second it. Kim Kobza: All in favor?
That item will be tabled, and we will review it at the next
G. Meetings at Other Sites--Kim Kobza: The next agenda item is
Meetings at other Sites, and that relates to having the other
people here present. Kevin O'Donnell: So does Tour Of Facilities.
We talked about that, and wanted to throw it out, and have you guys
pick a date and time, and when you want to do it. Kim Kobza: I
did have one comment on Meetings at other sites. I think it's
important, number one that we get people here, and in a routine.
You know, it's a starting point, but when we do that to a point
where we feel comfortable going to other sites, My own believe is,
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G. Meetings at Other Sites (continued)--and I'm only speaking for
myself, I would like to go up Immokalee, very honestly. You know,
I think that's the district that we know the least about,
generally, it's the other four board members. We've been talking
about Marco, in turn, we've been talking about a lot of facilities
up in North Naples and Golden Gate. I really feel a little void. . .
Kevin O'Donnell: We could do it in the Gymnasium in the Middle
School. Gil Mueller: In the Middle School in Immokalce? Kevin
O'Donnell: In the Middle School Gymnasium. Yes! That's one of
the buildings that the county is acquiring. As long as we've got
0 an indoor facility for you to at least sit in. Gil Mueller: I
agree with Kim. I very much would like to do that! I'm not really
familiar with Immokalee, and should be familiar with Immokalee.
Cliff Crawford: Mr. Kobza, I have one Agenda Item, when you're
finished discussing that addition. Kim Kobza: OK! So, that's a
comment I don't know if we need to take any action on it. Kevin
O'Donnell: We can set it up for the next meeting. You guys can
take action. One of the problems that I need to keep telling you
about, from an administrative end, it that you have a quorum of
three. Obviously, it's great to have your full five members here,
but you can legally take action. If you want to set up a meeting,
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G. Meetings at Other Sites (continued)--you want to make the April
meeting in Immokalee, you can do that. You can officially say,
"Let's do that!", and let's just do it, and we'll send out the
notices. We'll be out there. If you want to wait, then so be it
too. But you don't have to defer everything. Gil Mueller: It
bothers me that we are deferring all this! Kevin O'Donnell: Well,
it's bothering me too! If you want to take action, take action!
Kim Kobza: Kevin, my feeling here, is not at the April meeting
necessarily to meet in Immokalee, I just think that we've got to
get going here. Kevin O'Donnell: OK! No Problem! I mean, if
41) you've got a better date: May, June, and July. Kim Kobza: But,
whenever we do decide to hold a meeting at the other site, I think
that we should probably target June. Gil Mueller: Let's have the
next meeting in Immokalee. Kim Kobza: Well, the problem. . . Kevin
O'Donnell: I don't have a problem with that. Kim Kobza: Before
we do that, we have other agend items that we haven't addressed,
that are going to go into the next meeting, and we have Beach
Parking, . . . Kevin O'Donnell: Basically your agenda from this
month. Kim Kobza: Right! The Agenda from this month, and
according to the suggestions to the Agenda. I think that when we
get out to Immokalee, it would be good to have and Agenda that also
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G. Meetings at Other Sites (continued)--incorporated issues
specifically refer to the Immokalee Facility. Gil Mueller: Cliff
would know what those are, if you want to put them on the Agenda. . .
Cliff Crawford: Yes! We've got some. . . Kevin O'Donnell: We've
kept you updated, relative to the Middle School, but unless getting
into some kind of informational thing, that we're doing this
special event out here, or this particular program out here, we
don't have anything actively ongoing. You know where we are at
with the Middle School, we just are doing a slot, the School
District's going to take action on it, they're still going to use
the building. That's what we've boon telling you. Those are the
major projects. Cliff Crawford: We do have some other additional
information. We've got a master plan for the Middle School site,
that we could review with you as well. That's been discussed with
Miss. Goodnight. Kim Kobza: Because part of the purpose of that
exercise, is to have public participation, as will as to perform an
educational function for us. Gil Mueller: Could we do it in May?
Cliff Crawford: Mary Ellen, Mary Ellen. . . Kim Kobza: Could we do
it in May, as opposed to the April meeting? How about a motion to
Hold our May meeting in Immokalee? April we'll be back here, but
hold our May meeting in Immokalee. How do you feel about that?
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G. Meetings at Other Sites (continued)-mil Mueller: I don't know
Kim, I'd like to get something decided this meeting. It's a waste
of everyone's time to come here, and not make decisions, and move
ahead. And, there aren't many things that we can logically decide
on. Certainly not the Frank E. Mackie Park, or the Beach Parking,
or the Election of Officers. What's your objection to having the
Immokalee meeting next month? Rim Kobza: Next month I'd like to
a. . . I think it's important that we get the five of us together at
one meeting, and get taken care of what we need to have taken care
of. Geneva Till: You don't have any guarantees though, that
ILthey're going to be here. Gil Mueller: Well, that's another
subject. Kim Kobza: Yes, that's. . . Geneva Till: <24.2> . . .to be
post-poning. Kim Kobza: Well, if you want to go up there in May
let's do it. If you want to go up there in April, lett go up
there in April. Gil Mueller: Well, let's let's. . . I make a motion
that. . . Well, first of all, let me predicate the motion on a
question. Would it be improper, or would it be feasible for one of
us, perhaps a board member to determine whether these people are
going to be at these meetings? To call them, to emphasize the
importance of being there, and ask them whether they're going to be
there. If they're not, then maybe we can change it to another
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G. Meetings at Other Sites (continued)-week. I for one am not
interested in coming to these meetings, and having three people
here. We're just going to be wasting more time. Kevin O'Donnell:
I would strongly endorse that, because the peer pressure among
yourselves is what's going to get you guys to come here, or not
come here. Staff can put together the information, and send you
the packets. But, we can't bring you to the meetings, and if the
peer pressure among your colleagues isn't going to get you there,
then, I don't know what is. So! Yes! If you want to call each
other up, and say, "Hey! Get to the meeting!" More power to you!
Gil Mueller: They say, "never volunteer, but I am going to do it
anyway. Kim Kobza: Do we have a motion, on meetings at other
sites? Geneva Till: I feel like we should move ahead, and not
spin our wheels. There isn't enough tiipe. That maybe this would
be the thing that, and tell the other people we're going to make a
motion, if you're not here, we're going to take action, but we want
you here. I would be in favor of going to Immokalee in April. Gil
Mueller: Is that a motion? Geneva Till: I'll make the motion.
Gil Mueller: I'll second it. Kim Kobza: OK! We have a motion,
and seconded. All in favor. . . Uninimously passed! Gill Mueller:
Who am I calling? I don't know the new person. Kevin O'Donnell:
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G. Meetings at Other Sites (continued)--Cherryle Thomas, and Steve
Ball. Kevin O'Donnell: OK! The April meeting will be in
IV. New Business
A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update--Cliff Crawford:
Yes! Mr. Kobza, I have an addition, Ms. Mary Ellen Donner is here,
our Recreaiton Superintendent, and I would like to updat you on
some upcoming community wide special events. Mary Ellen. Mary
Ellen Donner: That's me. Congratulations on your election to the
board, I hope you enjoy your stay. Geneva Till: Oh! Well, thank
you! Mary Ellen Donner: The Parks and Recreation Department for
the month of April is going to be very busy, and I thought we need
to give you a short little verb on what's going on in Recreation
and in Parks section. On this coming. . . The first Saturday, which
is April 7th. , there's a Walk America, and its something that
4 Collier County helps, March of Dimes. It starts from Cambier Park,
and Parks and Recreation is going to have a team. If you would
like to be part of our team, then we would be more than happy to
have you walk with us. Gil Meuller: What do you have to do? Mary
Ellen Donner: Well, acturally the way it works, is that Herb
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A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update (continued)--Luntz
and his office is heading it up. You walk. . . It's a ten mile
walk, you don't have to walk ten miles. You can walk any portion
thereof. Basically what the sponsorship money does, is that it
goes to the March Of Dimes. So, that one starts at 8:00 the first
Saturday in April, April 7th. , and there will be Commissioners that
will be there, as well as County Employees, and our Department is
going to challenge another department. So, if you'd like to come,
we'd like to have you. The next weekend, which is April 14th. , we
have our East Event, our Easter Egg Hunt, and this year we are
working in conjunction with the Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce.
And we're going to have an Easter Egg Hunt for children and adults,
as well as Bunny Hopper Chopper. EMS is going to bring down thier
helicopter and take children through. The 3300 Airborn Flying
Aces, which are model airplaines that fly. We'll have
demonstrations with jugglers, batons, kites, frizbees, gymnastics,
anything basically to do with our theme, which is "Up, Up, and
Away". Also, these are the eggs that are out on the field, (handed
one out to each Board Member) , in each of these. . . Not all of the
eggs, but some of the eggs that are going to be out on the field,
there are going to be surprises. And we've got over $1500.00 worth
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A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update (continued)--of
prizes donated from the area businesses. One actually is a. . .
There'll be 10 to $25 savings bonds, throughout the eggs. So,
we've got a lot of work going into the buyers department, and
Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce. The next weekend. . . Oh! Excuse
Me! That Easter Egg Hunt is here at Golden Gate. The next weekend
is, For Kids Sake Day, and we are co-sponsoring it with WINK TV,
and that's going to be held at the North Naples Community Park.
It will run from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. , and basically what
that is, is just emphasizing that this is Kids Day, and the whole
shebang is dedicated to kids. There'll be demonstrations, food,
and entertainment at North Naples. Gil Mueller: My goodness
sakes! Isn't that nice! Excuse Me! Mary Ellen Donner: So, if
you do happen to come out to our Special Event you might get one of
those eggs with some other prize in it. And the next weekend. . .
So, we've got four Saturdays in a row here. Collier County Glad
Bag-A--Thon, is a week long event. What we're doing here on
Saturday April 28th. , from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. is Litter Olympics.
We've been working specifically in Conjunction with the Solid Waste
Department in Collier County, and what is happpened is Glad has
sponsored, totally sponsored, totally supported the event here, and
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A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update (continued)--we're
going to have various organizations throughout the community. This
is going to be one of the main drop-off points for the litter.
We're going to have Trash Sculpturing Contests, a Human Checkers
Game. Mr. O'Donnell is going to be one of the players. You're
acturally going to stand on the squares. We're going to have a
hands on crafts that the actual litter that we collect, we have
household items that the kids actually collect that the kids
actually make crafts out of it. Trash lottery, and all sorts of
things, so you have to came out to our trash olympics on that day,
(passed out caps) , if you can make any or all, at any of the parks,
you will be more than welcome. That's what we've got planned for
next month. Kim Kobza: Where's that? Mary Ellen Donner: The
Trash Olympics will be here, starting at 2:00 to 4:00. Kevin
O'Donnell: That's something that we really want to encourage you
to participate in, and also, if you're there for just five minuets,
or if you are there the entire time. If you can be there as a
particular volunteer on a particular activity, feel free to call
Mary Ellen, tell her that you'd be willing to do something between
10:00 and 1:00, or 10:00 and noon, or something like that. She's
always looking for volunteers. We can have you doing anything from
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A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update (continued)—manning
a booth, to. . . Mary Ellen: Judging the sculptures.
KevinO'Donnell: Yes! Judging the sculptures too. Whatever, we'll
put you to good usP. Geneva Till: Is that on Saturday? Kevin
O'Donnell: On any of those events that she ran off. We always
need volunteers for that stuff. Mary Ellen: The last one, the
Litter Olympics, is Saturday, April 28th. , from 2:00 p.m. until
4:00 p.m. here at Golden Gate. But, all of these are County wide
events, but they change different locations. Gil Mueller: What
Cdid you say you were having on Marco Island? Mary Ellen: On Marco
Island, we do have. . . These are County Wide, but at each of the
County Parks, there are Community Special Events, there's not a
County Wide Special Event in April. But there is, "St. Patrick's
Day, sort of thing. Cliff Crawford: There is an Ice Cream Eating
contest down there this weekend. Gil Mueller: When? Cliff
Crawford: I think it's this Saturday. I think it's this Saturday.
Yes! Mary Ellen: But these ones that I have are County Wide.
But, each of the Community Parks have their own Mini-Special Events
Kevin O'Donnell: Gil, it's in your Leisure Line. Check your
Leisure Line, which is the book we put together. If you don't. . .
Before you leave, we'll give you another one. But check the
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A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update (continued)--leisure
line, and it's got all the programs listed right in there. Look
under Mackle, and you'll see all the various activities we've got
going down there. Gil Mueller: Oh! Well, thank you! Kevin
O'Donnell: Any time you want to volunteer at any of those, again,
call Mary Ellen, and maybe she'll be able to work you in. We
really want to encourage you to do that. It's two for one. It
gives you a feel of what the Department's doing, secondly, it give
us volunteers, which we are always desperately looking for. Third,
11) it'll give you some insite as to improving the programs, making
suggestions, you can also see what restrictions we're working
under, and the neat things that we are doing. So, I think it will
be good experience for you as well as for us. Kim Kobza: When's
Earth Week? Mary Ellen: Earth Week is the. . . I believe it's in
May. It's called Nature Earth Week. We are planning something
there too. I'm just not quite sure about the date, etc. Kim
Kobza: I might just mention that were 7 or 8 volunteers at the
Vanderbilt Association who worked on the beach up there. Remember
when Nan had asked the group to adapt the beach. That was kind of
the thing of the volunteers, so you might want to get together with
Art Jacob. Mary Ellen: For the 28th. , that's a very good idea.
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A. Upcoming Community Wide Special Events Update (continued)--Kim
Kobza: I don't know that. . . Well you might tie it in to the 28th.
He presented it in terms of the Earth Week deal. But on the other
hand, if was the 28th. , maybe that would work fine. I think he got
7 volunteers or 8 volunteers, probably get some more. Gil Mueller:
That sounds very admirable, and I might say courageous on part of
the staff. Kim Kobza: Right! Well, that North Naples Program, is
just excellent! Very well attended by kids. We didn't have great
weather last year, did we? Cliff Crawford: No! Do you remember
41) that? Kevin O'Donnell: Yes! A couple of years earlier, we had
some really nice weather. It kind of drizzled. Cliff Crawford:
Drizzled all week! Gil Mueller: Are you still optomistic about
the Snow Festival? Cliff Crawford: Absolutely! Think positive!
All the time! Gil Mueller: I thought your plans might have been
dampered a little bit. Cliff Crawford: That's a good play on
words, Mr. Mueller. Kim Kobza: At North Naples, are we still
going to run the buses back and forth? Mary Ellen Donner: We have
it in the plans. Yes! Kim Kobza: Is the construction up there
going to effect the logistics of that at all? Mary Ellen Donner:
No! Kim Kobza: Any other discussion at all? OK! The last Agenda
Item is Tour of Facilities.
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Tour of Facilities--Kevin O'Donnell: Again, you talked about, in
terms about going out an checking out various facilities. As an
organized group, maybe you want to pick a date and time as to when
you would like to all do that. You see, we're not going to cover
all 400+ acres on one day, or the whole county. But if you want to
check out what we've got, for instance in the Immokalee area.
We've got a number of neighborhood parks out there, Airport Park,
Oil Well Park, among some others. Lake Trafford, where we have our
only fresh water boat launch facility. If you are going to be 4-
there, what I would suggest is to keep the Agenda relatively short,
41) exclusively to what we already have on there for April. Let's just
say, it looks like you're going to break up in another 30 seconds
or so. So, that's a little bit after 10:00 a.m. We can take you
out and give you a cooks tour of those facilities in Immokalee.
You could probably be done by 11:00, you'll start heading back to
the Naples area, and be back here by 12. So, if you kind of
mentally look, and give yourself a half a day. We can physically
show you where they are at, we can see Lake Trafford. We got into
a discussion a couple of months ago, do we or do we not lock it.
You know. That type of thing. You can always visualy see what
we've got out there. Gil Mueller: Good idea! Kevin O'Donnell:
We can always set it up for you that way. Kim Kobza: Can we set
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A. Tour of Facilities (continued)--that thing up that same day, so we
could tie it all together? Cliff Crawford: Yes, sir! Kevin
O'Donnell: OK! Kim Kobza: But, can we do it before the meeting?
Kevin O'Donnell: If you want. Well, if you all get there before
8:30 a.m. , you have to do it as a body. Ok! You're running into a
little bit of Parlimentary Procedure. Collectively, three or more
of you together, you're collectively as a body, so you need to call
the mooting together. So, if you did it at 8:35 or if you did it
at 10:15, it doesn't make any difference to us. So may want to run
through some of your stuff first, or you may want to run through it
later. We need to know, because if we're going to have Ron, I
don't want to have Ron trucking up there at 7:30 in the morning, to
get of Inmlokalee for an 8:30 meeting, if we're going to tell him
we're going to tour the facilities first. He doesn't care about
that stuff. He can show up at 10:00 when we get back to the
discussion area. So, I think what we need to just. . . Gil Mueller:
Let's just fire the meeting, and then do it. It's a matter of
discourse. Keying O'Donnell: Yes! Cliff and I are going to be
there, Ramona's going to be there. . . Gil feller: What's a good
time for you? Kevin O'Donnell: Well, I think you're looking at. . .
We've got some consultants, you've asked to have them come back,
I'm sure sure they would like to have closer to a date certain so
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A. Tour of Facilities (continued)--they know when they can get out
there as far as the time. Kim Kobza: Let's do it, what I'd like
to suggest, the third Thursday. Keep our meeting date the same.
We convene our meeting, see the facilities, and then come back and
start our business. Kevin O'Donnell: OK! I think you're going to
need to give yourself an hour then, to tour the facilities. Just
to drive to them, and see them. So that means that if you are
going to physically be there at 8:30, that means 9:30 we'll start
the mooting, you can tell Ron 10:00 then. Kim Kobza: 10:00's fine
with me. Gil Mueller: Yes! Make it. . . I'd rather have 9:30.
41) That's a little tight. Kim Kobza: Will that work? Gil Mueller:
Sounds good to me! Kevin O'Donnell: OK! We'll take up the
building expansion of Frank E. Merckle at 10:00 a.m. on the Agenda.
And we can hit that pretty close, like I said. At 8:30, we'll do
the tour, be back by 9:30, you can run through a couple of other
otbcut clot
things, you can talk abut the Cimanship, and that kind of stuff.
by 10:00 you'll be ready to go with this stuff. Cliff Crawford:
Why don't you. . . Mr. Kobza, I might suggest that maybe you might
all want to meet here at some point, instead of everybody taking
individual vehicles up. Centralize that. Unless there's a
personal need. Kim Kobza: I think that I'd like to drive myself
Cliff. Gil Mueller: I'll drive, but I need somebody to go with me
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A. Tour of Facilities (continues)--that knows where this place is.
Geneva Till: I know where it is. Gil Mueller: Do you? Geneva
Till: Yes! I have a lot out there. Cliff Crawford: Oh! There
you go! You're hooked up! Kevin O'Donnell: We just matched you
guys up! Cliff Crawford: Yes! That'd be nice. Kevin O'Donnell:
Let's do it, probably at the Gymnasium. Because of those band
rooms, I don't know, they're going to be too small. At least the
Gymnasium will be big enough for us to set up a couple of tables
like this. Kim Kobza: Where exactly are we going to meet. Cliff
Crawford: Let me do this, because school is in session, I'm sure
® that day, we'll need to give you specifics either as part of your
package, by phone calls or a combination. We need to firm that up
so we don't conflict with the school's schedule. They may be in
the Gymnasium at that time. Gil Mueller: I think one of our
principle objectives is to make sure that we have the proper number
of board members here in the future. Because I think this is a
problem. Kevin O'Donnell: Well, I guess unless something happens
to you Gill, I know that 2/3's or 2/5's of the contingent will show
up to Immokalee. You'll be calling the others, probably between
now and April, using your pursuasive powers, hopefully we'll have a
full turnout of five members. Kim Kobza: We will! Kevin
O'Donnell: OK! Great! Kim Kobza: Let's talk about our Agenda.
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j -fir: Tour of Facilities (continued)--Let's get some organization, about
what we are going to do the next month or two. I had asked that
the North Naples Community Center be put on the Agenda. Kevin
O'Donnell: Then when you asked me when we ran into each other in
the Court House, you said, "Would this meeting be the first one?
Defer it." Kim Kobza: Right! Right! Right! So, maybe the next
mooting would not be the appropriate place to put that on the
Agenda. Could we move the North Naples Community Center to the
May, 1990 Agenda? Gil Mueller: It's OK with me. Kim Kobza: And
then, we've got the Beach Parking Permit, a Frank Mackie Park
Building Expansion Question. There are-taw items that came up.
One of which I'd like to see on the next Agenda if possible. And
that was the Catamaran Ordinance. Remember the. . . Kevin
O'Donnell: Beach Safety? Kim Kobza: Maybe you titled it as the
beach safety Ordinance. I'm not sure. Kevin O'Donnell: You are
talking about the Ordinance that we've got in effect right now,
that regulates boats and stuff. Kim Kobza: No! Catamarans on the
Beach. Kevin O'Donnell: OK! You mean the parking issue? Kim
Kobza: Right! Right! Kevin O'Donnell: OK! We can bring that up
for discussion. There is no Ordinance or anything on it. Kim
Kobza: Right! Can we have a discussion, and relate it to
Catamarans on the Beach? Kevin O'Donnell: Are you talking about
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Tour of Facilities (continued)--for April? Kim Kobza: For April.
Let's do it! Also, maybe the next meeting would. . . I don't know
if the next item would be the appropriate place to put on the
Agenda. Maybe I can have some input. I know in my reading, many
counties are considering ordinances which deal with plastics on the
beach. Because, animals will internalize the plastics, whether
they be straws, or whatever. I know that some counties have
actually complete bans of plastic materials on the beach. I would
like to have us educate ourselve a little bit on what other
counties are doing that, and whether that might be something
appropriate for Collier County. We could have that discussion at
the next meeting, I think as a starting point. Kevin O'Donnell:
OK! I've got to caution you right now. You're starting off at
8:30, you're going to do a tour. That's going to go unitl 9:30.
OK! Now, you've got to do an Election of Officers, that shouldn't
be terribly controversial, but you're going to have to do that.
You are going to get into a discussion on the building expansion,
which I assume is going to be fairly in depth. Because, you want
to make a decision on that. You have also deferred the Beach
Parking. You know the last time you took that up, that took a lot
of time. If you get into the discussion of boat parking on the
Beach, and Plastics On The Beach, you are not going to get out of
there by 11:00 a.m. Gil Mueller: Then there's Conklin Point, then
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Tour of Facilities (continued)--there's Tigertail. . . Kevin
O'Donnell: Well you will not be out of here by 11:00, which is
what I was talking about by saying, if you guys give yourself an
hour to drive back, you'll be back in the Naples area by noon.
You're not going to do that. If you want to spend more time, so be
it, but. . . Gil Mueller: Why do we have to be back in Naples by
noon? Kevin O'Donnell: I'm just saying you guys were talking in
terms of half of a day in Immokalee. You're loading up a real
heavy Agenda there. (Tape #2, Side A)--Kim Kobza: I think it's
important, from my perspective, this is apliant position. We've
401) got a critical business to do, and I'll take whatever times it
takes to do it. You know, that's what I see as my repsonsibility.
So, if we sit here until 4:00, I'll sit here until 4:00 to get it
done. OK! I'll leave it to staff's discreation, as to whether
that's discussed at the next meeting, or whether it'll be more
appropriate for the May meeting, considering what Immokalee related
issues might be on the Agenda. You might decide that you want to
put some Immokalee. . . Cliff Crawford: Yes! There will be. We
haven't talked yet. There's been some changes of staff there.
There's some things that we'd like to do that will take a few
minutes that I think are important. There is some new staff there,
that maybe some of you all have never met, some of which we just
hired in the last few weeks. Gil Mueller: Are we going to meet
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Tour of Facilities (continued)--here? Cliff Crawford: Yes! No,
they'll be at. . . Gil Mueller: No! I mean, are we going to meet
here at 8:30 a.m. , and then drive up. Kevin O'Donnell: We're
driving out there at 8:30, we'll be on the road. . . Cliff Crawford:
You all might want to hook up here. because, she is here in Golden
Gate. Kevin O'Donnell: You are starting your meeting at 8:30 a.m.
in Immokalee. Cliff Crawford: You know, we haven't worked our
Agenda, so I think. . . I understand what you're saying Mr. . . Kim
Kobza: OK! I had a discussion with a young lady last night, that
was involved in planning at Immokalee. There apparently is and
issue related to whether we develope more neighborhnrd facilities,
as opposed to Community Park Facilities. At least that's the
discussion, maybe that's an appropriate topic. One other thing
that I want to mention, another good point was made at the
Vanderbilt meeting. Related to signage for Vanderbilt Parks and
Clam Pass Parks. It evolved from a discussion with George
Archiblad. Where a lot of our collector roads leading to those
parks we really don't have signs that locate Vanderbilt Beach Park
Parking, or Clam Pass Parking on U.S. 41 or on any of the major
roads. Now the State Park has all sorts of signs for it. But, it
might be interesting for instance, Wiggins Pass State Park has. . .
It's full all of the time, their blocking off the traffic every
weekend, virtually. If same of that overflow that can be diverted
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l,; :- . Tour of Facilities (continued)--down to the Vanderbilt Beach Park,
that may not be an all bad idea, because attendance of course is
one of our objectives. So, if we can do that through signage. . . Or
if Clam Pass Park for that matter. If we can do that through
signage. I thought that was a great idea. Cliff Crawford: It is!
Sure, I will. Kim Kobza: That was the only thing that I wanted to
mention. Kevin O'Donnell: OK! We'll look into that. Kim Kobza:
Is there any other discussion, or any other business? Gil Mueller:
A problem too, at Mackle Park, as far as the sign situation is
concerned. I had talked to Murdo about that, and I've heard a
number of people say that they were not able to find that turn, off
of Heathwood at night. So, I thought, I know where it is because
I've been to that park. So, I went by there, and I almost missed
it. It's very Clark, it's a sign about this big, and a lot of us
being Senior Citizens, have some dificulty in seeing that. Kevin
O'Donnell: We can probably take one of the lights from
Winterberry, and kind of direct it towards the sign. We've got a
couple of shields we can put right over it. Gil Mueller:
Seriously, that is a problem. Kevin O'Donnell: I know, it is dark
out. Sure! We can look into that. Gil Mueller: I was going to
suggest, that perhaps. . . They have street lights all along there.
In the middle of the block, at the end of the block, at dead end
streets. If one of those street lights, . . .to add a street light at
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A. Tour of Facilities (continued)--that corner, perhaps one of those
street lights, that aren't necessary, can be moved to that corner
to illuminate that sign. Because, you can miss that street very
easily. Kevin O'Donnell: I can look into that. Gil Mueller:
Thank you. Kim Kobza: Is there any other discussion at all? OK!
then we'll entertain a motion to adjorn. Gil Mueller: I'll motion
to adjorn. Geneva Till: I will second it. Kim Kobza: Ok!
Motion made and seconded, all in favor. . . The meeting is adjorned.
V. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.