Minutes 03/31/2016 BUDGET COMMITTEE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION MARCH 31,2016 The Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Thursday, March 31, at 9:00 a.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, located at 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida. In attendance were: Budget Committee Susan O'Brien Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Mike Shepherd Joe Chicurel Dave Trecker Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Ken Dawson, PBSD Board Member APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 01/25/2016 minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Preliminary Review of FY 2017 Budget Increases: a. Administration i. Water Management ii. Community Beautification b. Field i. Water Management ii. Community Beautification iii. Street Lighting c. County i. Personnel ii. IT Charges d. PBSD Landscaping Costs for Foundation Property 7. FY 2017 Capital a. Maintenance Shop Improvements b. New Vehicle c. Street Lighting 8. County Request for Clam Bay Funding (195) 9. Adjourn 1 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 31,2016 Minutes ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Ms. O'Brien motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the agenda as amended, with the addition of a discussion item "PBSD landscaping costs for Foundation property" as item#6d. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 01/25/16 MEETING MINUTES Ms. O'Brien motioned, Dr. Chicurel seconded to approve the 01/25/16 minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. COPIES OF THE FEBRUARY FINANCIALS WERE PROVIDED AND ADDED TO THE RECORD MR. DORRILL PROVIDED AN UPDATE ON THE CLAM BAY DREDGING PROJECT AUDIENCE COMMENTS Dr. Joseph Doyle commented on the proposed FY17 budget increase of 18.6% and suggested that the committee look at a new operating model and methods of cost savings. Mr. Henry Bachman commented on the high proposed FY17 budget increase, similar to an equally high increase in the FY16 budget. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE FY17 BUDGET Mr. Streckenbein provided an overview of the proposed PBSD FY17 budget which reflects an 18.6% or$94.67 increase over the FY16 budget. He pointed out that the budget increase requested is a result of 10 years of frozen budgets and that we are now playing "catch up." All of the increases are the result of requests from the PBSD committees for the needs of and improvement to the Pelican Bay community. Mr. Shepherd emphasized the decade-long maintenance deficiencies and strongly recommended the need for additional community beautification; the dollar increase of$94.67 to a property owner is not substantial. Ms. O'Brien does not support the proposed budget with an 18.6% increase. She recommended pursuing changes to the labor model, eliminating overtime expenses, changing the labor model, and eliminating the purchase of a new Ford F-150 pickup truck. Dr. Trecker was equally concerned over the major increase in the FY17 budget, which would be the second year with a major increase. He suggested that staff identify budgeted items which could be deferred to future years. He stated that he could support this proposed budget if it could be stated that the "catch up"was now complete. 2 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 31,2016 Minutes Dr. Chicurel agreed that the proposed FY17 budget is a result of"catch up" and that increased community beautification is necessary and identified as the second most important issue to Pelican Bay residents. He agreed that his Landscape & Safety Committee should be looking at alternative landscaping labor models. Mr. Dorrill noted that the Pelican Bay community has experienced a decade-long maintenance decline. He would consider privatizing some areas of PBSD landscaping. FY 2017 CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Mr. Bolick discussed items included in the schedules of budgeted FY17 capital projects and equipment replacement. Dr. Trecker suggested reducing lake maintenance by $25,000 as minimal funds would be needed to replace dead littoral plants. Ms. O'Brien suggested reducing budgeted Clam Bay tidal analysis by approximately $18,000. OUTSOURCING OF LANDSCAPING LABOR Ms. O'Brien suggested establishing a timeline to obtain recommendations from staff to change the current landscaping labor model. She recommended the formation of a special committee to examine this issue and work toward changing the landscaping labor model for FY18. By consensus, the committee was in agreement of taking these steps. FY 2017 BUDGET FOR STREET LIGHTING Ms. McCaughtry reported that the rate of reserving for street lighting remains steady. Ms. Jacob reported that our engineer will make a presentation at the April PBSD Board meeting on the Pelican Bay street lighting study. It was the consensus of the committee that bollard lighting on pathways is not a priority and that this issue should not be pursued. PBSD LANDSCAPING COSTS FOR FOUNDATION PROPERTY Ms. O'Brien provided a copy of a schedule of the PBSD costs to maintain PBF property broken out by (1) PBF with no property interest, (2) PBF with drainage easements, and(3) PBF areas included in the PBSD ordinance, which was prepared by Ms. Jacob. Ms. O'Brien's document distributed included additional costs (which were handwritten) for overtime and personnel fringe benefit expenses. This document was added to the record. Mr. Streckenbein pointed out the importance of informing the Pelican Bay community that much of the PBSD budget is for the benefit of the Foundation. COUNTY REQUEST FOR CLAM BAY FUNDING Staff provided a schedule of the request for$158,800 from Collier County for Clam Bay. COMMITTEE CONSENSUS OF CHANGES TO BE MADE TO THE FY17 DRAFT BUDGET BY STAFF 3 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 31, 2016 Minutes By consensus, the committee agreed to discuss the entire draft FY17 budget again in April and directed staff to modify the budget with the following changes: 1. Remove the purchase of littoral plants, included in the berm and swale maintenance project(reduction of$35,000). 2. Remove maho clearing at maintenance shop (reduction of$35,000). 3. Remove equipment shed (reduction of$85,000). 4. Remove sharrow markings (reduction of$35,500). 5. Remove street signs; only sign maintenance should be included in the budget (reduction of$50,000). 6. Remove new Ford F-150 Pickup Truck; keep the 2006 Ford Ranger(reduction of $35,000). 7. Add landscape materials back in(increase of$175,000). ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m. A Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Minutes approved [ 1 as presented OR [ V I as amended ON F q-027-16 j date 4