PARAB Minutes 12/20/1995 Norris -`7
Constantine 6 6
December 20, 1995
Golden Gate Community Center
4701 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, Florida
PRESENT: Joseph Zaks, Chairman MiSC. Cortes:
Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Gil Mueller Date: ,)u— 7q!j Timothy Blackford
Patricia A. Goodnight
Item# 17 (
Copies To:
ALSO PRESENT: Steve Brinkman, Parks and Recreation Director
Murdo Smith, Parks and Recreation Operations Manager
Gary Franco, Parks Superintendent
Jacquie Minnis, Secretary II
Robert Stakich, Vice President of YMCA Board
Tom Wagor, President of YMCA Board
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m.
III. INVOCATION: by Max A. Nasse Jr.
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 29, 1995 meeting.
Motion by Max Hasse seconded by Patricia A. Goodnight. Passed
PLAQUE PRESENTATION - Chairman Joe Zaks presented Ms. Kimberly
Kushman with a plaque for serving on the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board.
a. Maintenance Of Marco YMCA - Torn Wagor, President and
Director of the Marco YMCA Board, would like to propose
opening some dialogue between their board and the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board for the use of the Marco YMCA
pool. There are no preconceived plan or ideas at this
point. Mr. Wagor would simply like the Parks and
Recreation Department to discuss the issue on how they
would open the Marco YMCA Pool to the general public.
Mr. Wager stated that the pool runs on a large deficit.
This is one of the reason for coming before PARAB to
discuss ways of public usage. This would benefit the
county citizen and also the YMCA operating budget.
Chairman Joe Zaks inquired whether the schools are using
the pool?
Mr. Wagor stated that just Marco YMCA members, the aquatic
director does run some swim practices and non YMCA members
can sign up for the program; however, there is a different
fee structure for non YMCA members.
Mr. Max Masse inquired whether the pool is not financially
Mr. Wagor stated that the Marco YMCA is in the process of
restructuring its membership to increase the number of
members. The intent is to have a family based orientation
as far as the YMCA is concerned and also to build the
membership base. The way for the Marco YMCA to succeed is
to have a good strong membership base but because of the
amount of usage it's not enough to cover the pool. The
pool is the largest expense on their budget; it has not
been a profitable operation.
Mr. Oil Mueller stated that the Marco YMCA once had a very
good program. The Marco Island YMCA's tried to raise too
much money and they failed. Mr. Mueller also stated that
they had a large turn over in board members. The tennis
facility is not run properly and this is the 7th time that
they have tried to restructure its membership.
Ms. Patricia Goodnight stated that the YMCA of Marco hand
out does not state what they want PARAB to do. It only
shows their expenses, the deficit, and what their programs
are. Ms. Goodnight is not sure if they are requesting that •
the Collier County Parks on Marco Island advertise to the
resident that the YMCA pool is open for a fee.
Mr. Brinkman will check with Mr. Bob Stakich to find out
precisely what they are proposing PARAB.
a. Beach Fees Status - the beach fee program has generated
$55 000 worth of revenue since October 1, 1995.
Mr. Gary Franco stated that basically the meters are almost
paid for. Meters cost about $79,000 and the beach fee
program has raised $55,000 to date.
Mr. Mueller inquired whether it is mandatory to put the
beach sticker on the left rear bumper?
Mr. Gary Franco responded yes, as it would make it much
easier for the Rangers to just look at one place for
sticker. The Rangers are writing citations if stickers are
not on the vehicle.
The Rangers make collections on a daily basis and also
check the meters to make sure they are functioning
properly. The Rangers are very knowledgeable about the
parking machine and normally take care of any hardware
b. Veteran Spill Lighting - Mr. Cil Mueller inquired whether
there has been any word on the Veterans spill lighting.
Mr. Steve Brinkman stated that Mr. Steve Pate has not made •
a request to the Board of County Commissioners.
c. Pelican Bay Tennis Bid - Mr. Tim Blackford noted that he
reviewed the RFP and there are two bids that were received
one of which was unacceptable. The second proposal met all
the criteria and guidelines that were set forth but the
revenue was unacceptable.
Chairman Joe Zaks stated that all 8 courts should be
available for rental use rather than just the 4 courts
which are in the proposal. Chairman Joe Zaks stated that
this statement is unacceptable: the County retains the
right to withdraw all or any portion of County Property
thereto from terms and conditions of the Concession
Agreement upon giving the concessionaire ninety (90) days
written notice.
Mr. Gil Mueller stated that the Racquet Center on Marco
does not have courts open for public play. There is a
charge for all the courts and why should Pelican Bay Tennis
Courts be any different.
Mr. Brinkman stated that this was the direction of the
Commissioners when BCC looked at the proposal the
Department submitted on the operation and it was .a
condition in sending out the RFP.
* Motion to reject the bid due to the fact that it does not
meet the criteria for revenue by Tim Blackford. Seconded by
Cil Mueller. Passed 5/0
Ms. Patricia Goodnight inquired if Manring personnel took
over and ran the facility, will all 8 courts be charged
for? •
Chairman Joe Zaks responded that he would like for the
Parks and Recreation staff to revisit a PARAB proposal that
all courts be charged for,
Mr. Brinkman stated that he could suggest to the
Commissioners to leave open one court and the other 7 will
he rented. The Parks Department would do a revenue
projection on 8 courts, 7 courts, and 6 courts. The idea
of making 4 courts available to the public and 4 courts
rented will make it complicated revenue wise.
Mr. Tim Blackford stated that he would rather go to Pelican
Bay and pay a $5.00 fee to play on clay court than to go
to Veterans Community Park which is near and convenient for
him. People prefer paying for clay courts. The fact that
the clay courts, being more expensive to maintain, people
do not mind paying. Mr. Tim Blackford noted that there is
no where you can go and play on clay courts free except for
• 16G
Pelican Bay, On Marco and Camhier there is a charge.
* Modified first motion: Motion by Tim Blackford to recommend
rejecting the bid by Manring and Breger that the staff put
together a proposal for Parks and Recreation manning the
Pelican Bay Tennis Facility and the imposition of the fee
structure which was previously approved by PARAB. Seconded
by Patricia a Goodnight. Passed 4/1. Cil Mueller Opposed.
Impact Fees Status - Steve Brinkman discussed that the
County Attorney's Office feels that another Impact Fee
study needs to be done and contract out with some company
to do so. It is anticipated that this will be done in the
next 3-6 months. This will slow down the implementation of
all the impact fees. The County Attorney's were not
comfortable with the information that Bill Haggert put
together. •
One of the suggestions was to start charging impact fees in
the Marco Island area. Gil Mueller and Mr. Steve Brinkman
met at the County Attorney's and they indicated that they
will go along with adding that impact fee back in. The
County Attorney felt that there might be some risk of
adding that impact fee before officially conducting the
study and then adopting the fee if it were to not to be
Ms. Patricia Goodnight stated that the reason for Marco
Island not having an impact fee was an impact fee could not
be levied against a resident and be spent some where else_
At that time impact fees for Parks and Recreation would
only be used for the physical building it could not be used
for employees or any programs.
d. November Monthly Report - will he discuss at next meeting•
e. Non Residential Annual Beach Pass Fee Mr. Brinkman stated
that this was a request by Ms. Kate German of Lee County.
Ms. Kate German was suppose to make a presentation but
never made any of PARAB meetings.
Ms. Patricia Goodnight is in favor of looking into an
annual fee for non-residential annual beach pass fee if
PARAB can review what the State and Lee County is charging
for their annual fee at beaches.
Mr. Brinkman stated that a few things that need to be
considered is the lost in revenue. If anyone can get a
beach pass for $38.00 annually no one will pay the $3.00
fee. At this time the Parks Department is charging a $3.00
fee. For Collier County residents, tax payers, and
property owners with appropriate ID the beach sticker is
issued at no charge.
Motion by Tim Blackford that PARAB request staff to review
the fees being imposed at Lee County Beach and the State
Beaches and PARAB review those fees and make a
recommendation at the next meeting. Seconded by Patricia
Goodnight. Passed 5/0.
Mr. Murdo Smith stated that since the issuance of beach
stickers Veterans Community Park has had a high volume of
county residents coming in for beach stickers. The
Department hired additional staffing to handle the issuing
of beach stickers.
f. Athletic - a letter was sent from the City's Community
Service Department to the men softball association that
there will no longer be Men's Softball Leagues at the
Fleischman Park. '
The City is converting some of their fields into Little
League fields, the boys will play at Fleischman and the
girls will play at Cambier.
g. Election of Officers - Motion by Gil Mueller to vote
Joseph Zaks as Chairman for the next year. Seconded by Max
Hasse. Passed 5/0.
Motion by Patricia Goodnight to elect Timothy Blackford as
Vice Chairman. Seconded by Joseph Zaks. Passed 5/0.
h. Parks Adoption Report - new schedule for next month.
i. Estates Community Park Ground Breaking Status - The ground
breaking was held and the Board of County Commissioners
recommend that the Park be renamed Max A. Hasse, Jr. .
Community Park.
j . Next meeting will be held at Cocohatchee River Park on
January 24, 1996.
VII. Adjournment I
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Motion by Max Hasse to •
adjourn. Seconded by Patricia Goodnight. Passed 5/0.