BCC Minutes 05/30/2002 W (w/Airport Authority)May 30, 2002
Workshop Minutes
May 30, 2002
BCC Members Present - Fred Coyle, Jim Coletta, Donna Fiala, James Carter
CCAA Members Present - Bill West, Dennis Vasey, Raymond Rewis, Gene
Schmidt, Robin Doyle (Vice Chairman), Stephen Price (Chairman), John
Drury (Executive Director), Bob Titus (Financial Manager), Gail Hambright
County Staff- Jim Mudd, Leo Ochs
Jim Coletta began the meeting at 9:06 a.m., followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance. He then handed the meeting over to Stephen Price.
1. Introduction - Stephen Price
Price thanked the Board for meeting today and briefly explained the
He reminded everyone that the meeting will only pertain to
Everglades Airpark, Immokalee Airport, and Marco Island Airport since
they are the only airports located within the county itself. Naples Airport
belongs to the city of Naples.
He then explained that two Airport Authority members, Scott
Cameron and Monte Lazarus, could not make it today because they are out
of town.
Lastly, he talked briefly about each Airport Authority member,
including his/her j ob, his/her affiliation with aviation, and the year he/she
joined the board.
2. History
A. Everglades Airpark - Stephen Price
Everglades was the original county seat and housed the school, buses,
stores, the post office, bank, and the Collier offices. In 1947, the
Collier family hired Albin Garris to build an airport so that they could
commute to and from West Palm Beach. The facility included a 1000
ft. paved strip with 500 ft of grass on each side, and was used by
many people for multiple purposes, including test planes, piloting,
and even the Good Year Blimp. On December 6, 1947, President
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Truman dedicated the national park at the airport. In 1960, Hurricane
Donna removed every structure at the airport except for the rotating
beacon, which is still used today. Eight years later, in 1968, Collier
County purchased the airport from the Collier family for about
$190,000. In 1993, the Collier County Airport Authority was created
to manage the airport, which then contained very few structures and
B. Immokalee Airport - Stephen Price
The Immokalee Airport was built in the early 40's as a WWII Army
training facility. In January of 1960, the property was transferred, at
no cost, to Collier County under the Surplus Property Act of 1944.
The restrictions require that it can't be sold and that it must be
maintained as a public use airport. Between the 40's and the 90's, it
was mainly used for practice and by a few businessmen, with no
services to the general public. The county had no interest in it and, in
the early 90's, thought about shutting it down, but did not because of
the deed restrictions limiting the property to be only maintained as an
airport. In 1993, it was turned over to the CCAA.
C. Immokalee Industrial Park - Steve Price
A county industrial park was planned in the 70's, but it never
happened and the land was leased to a farmer instead.
D. Marco Aiport - Monte Lazarus, Secretary (video message)
The development of Marco Island began in the 1960s by the
Macro brothers and the Deltono Corporation as a residential resort
and a retirement community. An airport strip was built for real estate
purposes only. The Macro brothers and the Deltono Corp. later
decided to move the airport off the island to Mainslip Drive. From
1972 - 1976, the airport was under construction. Soon after it was
completed, the Deltono Corp. ceded the property to the state in return
for litigation for a project in Miami. Immediately after the contract
was signed, the airport was leased by Collier County from the state of
Florida. PBA later ceased operations at the airport for financial
reasons. Over the years, the airport became a general aviation facility,
and the facilities began to decay. The state expressed an interest to
close it down, but the county recognized its asset value and persuaded
the state to let it stay in existence, saying that it was an economic
engine for the county. In 1993, The CCAA took over after
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negotiations from the state and transferred 2000 acres of land for the
60 acre Marco Island Airport.
3. Establishment of Authority - Scott Cameron (video message)
A. Ordinance 93-36
This ordinance formed an independent airport authority with an
appointed 7-person advisory committee. John Drury was later chosen
as the executive director of the committee. These changes began a
transformation, making the committee more organized and enabling
them to review grant opportunities that had previously been lost
because of lack of time and other cumbersome processes.
B. Ordinance 95-67
Ordinance 95-67 was created by the Economic Development
Council, Collier County, and the County Commission to give more
independence to the CCAA and to enable them to direct daily
business on their own for the next 30 years. It removed the county
manager from the day to day operations of the three airports. In
addition, it retained budget approval for Collier County and for the
County Manager, requiring the CCAA to come before the County
Commissioners and the County Manager for budget - related items.
C. Loan Agreement
Ordinance 95-67 also created a loan agreement, which allowed
the County funds for the airports to be given on the basis of a loan. It
created liability and allowed future potential for net revenues back to
the county with interest. This is the only facility arranged in this
In conclusion, Cameron stated that the three airports are critical to the
infrastructure of Collier County, are true economic engines, and have the
potential to be self-sufficient. He then thanked all for the support.
4. Authority Work 1994-2002 - Bill West
Bill West said that every project built between 1994-2002 has had grants
contributing to 50-90% of the cost, with the remainder financed by loans.
Both the Immokalee and the Everglades terminal buildings were financed
90% by grants. So far, the county has loaned money for 27% of the costs,
leaving 73% funded by grants.
A. Everglades Airpark
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Projects at the Everglades Airpark include aircraft aprons, fuel
farms, terminal building, master plan for 20 years, various safety
items (lighting, taxiway, rotating beacon, north and south turnouts,
and obstruction removal). They have also acquired land for further
expansion. The slide showed many planes at the airport for the
Seafood Festival, which demonstrates how many people use it today.
B. Immokalee Airport
Work completed on the Immokalee Airport includes a 20 year master
plan, hangers, taxiways, terminal building, aprons, fuel farm,
navigational aides, runway lighting, environmental studies, customs
and cargo buildings, and security fencing. These projects have totaled
4.7 million dollars, 3.1 million (66%) of which are funded by a grant
and 1.6 million of which is funded through county loans.
C. Immokalee Airport Industrial Park
Additions to the Immokalee Airport Industrial Park include an
entrance road, utilities (water, sewer, and 3 phase electricity), a
manufacturing incubator building (including a calibration lab,
conference room, truck docking station, and 13 manufacturing bays),
extension of roads, widening SR 846 from two to four lanes, and an
incubator support facility (adding assembly areas, Powder coating,
and a warehouse). The total cost came to 6.9 million dollars, with 5
million (72%) coming, from grants, and the remaining 1.9 million
(28%) from county loans.
D. Marco Airport
Marco Airport has received a 20 year master plan, aprons, hangers, a
terminal building, cleared approaches lighting, a fuel-contaminated
soil clean-up, new instrument approaches, negotiations for a new
taxiway, and has been purchased from the state of Florida. Marco's
projects total 4 million dollars, with 3.1 million (77%) coming from
grants and 900,000 (23%) from county loans.
These totals come to over 17 million dollars, with 12.3 million dollars
funded by grants and other outside sources, and 4.7 from the county.
5. Financials - Bob Titus
A. Financial Overview 1994 - 2001
There are two accounts: the Operating Account and the Capital
Account. The Operating Account had total expenses of $2,082,000.
Fuel purchases accounted for $715,000 (34%), personnel services for
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$754,000 (36%), and operating for $613,000 (30%). It had total
revenues of also $2,082,000. The bulk, $1,333,000 (64%) came from
fuel sales, $335,000 (16%) came from rentals, leasing, and other, and
the remaining $414,000 (20%) came from general fund advances.
The Capital Account projected the expenses for the 2002 fiscal year
to total $569,000. The revenues include grant reimbursements
totaling $420,000 (74%) and the general fund advances at $149,000
As of September 30, 2001, the total assets came to $15,583,164 and
the fund investments came to $5,050,061. On September 30, 1994,
the total assets came to $52,808 and the fund investments came to
The CCAA liability to the General Fund is approximately 8.2 million
dollars as of 9/01. The fund equity, excess of assets over liabilities, is
now $5,096,811. Therefore, the CCAA is a financially healthy
6. Authority Today
A. Staff- Dennis Vasey
The staff takes a caretaker status, with 15 people running all
three aviation facilities. These 15 people include a financial manager
(in charge of accounts payable and accounts receivable), an
Immokalee airport manager (in charge of 2 line maintenance
technicians), an airport manager of both Everglades and Marco Island
(in charge of 2 customer service representatives and 4 line
maintenance technicians) and an administrative assistant.
He states that we have moved from a "sleepy hollow" to high
tech security problems faced all over the country. The people are the
greatest resource and are excellent.
James Carter asked if the CCAA has a projection of staff for
the future and if they have it factored in. Price and Drury replied by
telling him that they will increase staff with an increase in growth and
currently have another position to add.
B. Projects - Gene Schmidt
Immokalee Airport is currently undergoing the construction of
a US Customs and Cargo Processing Facility, which will put the
airport on the international radar screen. It will cost $1,070,000 which
will be divided equally by a grant and a loan ($535,000 each).
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The airport has also been designated as a Port of Entry. As a
result, a Federal Institution Station (FIS) must be built to house US
Customs, USDA, and the INS. The CCAA designed a 10,000 sq. ft.
FIS/Cargo processing facility with 2,600 sq. ft. for the FIS facility
and two 3,700 cargo processing bays. The purpose is to increase
revenues, create jobs, facilitate the transportation of air cargo, and to
increase business. It is 90% designed and is projected to be on time
and within the budget. $9,700 has been spent this quarter, $64,000
has been spent to-date, and $1,005,000 remains to finish the design,
construction, and the necessary permits. It should be completed by
December 2002.
In addition, the airport is just completing a bulk storage hanger.
It will be 4,300 sq. ft. with room for aircraft parking, aprons,
automobile parking, a small air-conditioned office, and restrooms. It
will increase jobs, increase the tax base, increase business, and will
house aviation enterprises. It is 80% complete. The estimated cost
was $200,000 which was to be split equally between a grant and a
loan. However, the project is $40,000 over budget. The FDOT will
contribute $20,000 and the CCAA is requesting that capital reserves
fund the remaining $20,000. $16,900 has been spent this quarter and
$99,300 has been spent to date. $100,700 remains in the budget.
The Immokalee Airport has other projects underway including
an environmental resource permit, a runway length assessment report,
a Motor Sports Park conceptual master plan, a survey of lease plots
for Phase I of the Industrial Park, and an airport layout plan update.
These five items are necessary to obtain approval and permits in order
to move forward with full development of the airport.
The environmental resource permit is addressing all issues and
includes runway extensions, a water sports park plan, and an
Industrial Park layout plan. The plan has been submitted and its cost
will be $350,000 with $280,000 coming from a grant and the
remaining $70,000 from a loan.
The Draft Runway Assessment Report is completed and has
been turned into the board.
The Motor Sports Park conceptual plan is 90% complete and
includes a noise study, an economic impact study, a real estate
evaluation study, a road network improvement assessment, a
conceptual layout plan, FLUCFS wetlands assessment, a utilities
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needs assessment, an environmental assessment, a land use zoning
assessment, and an airport development program. After the Financial
Impact Component is developed, a public meeting will be held to gain
insight and opinion about the park. Afterwards, the conceptual master
plan will be brought to CCAA for review and consideration.
The lease plots are being surveyed so they can be easily
identified when leasing out. A property map is being developed and
should be completed within 60 days.
The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) has been approved by the
CCAA and will be submitted to the advisory board, FAA and the
FDOT office for further approval. It is 75% complete and is on time
and within budget. $40,000 has been spent this quarter, $203,500 has
been spent to date, and $146,500 remains.
Gene said that he is trying to get Lorenzo Walker students to
work on a 727 cargo plane that has been acquired from the UPS.
The Immokalee Airport Industrial Park is currently undergoing
three projects including a manufacturing incubator support facility, an
Industrial Park Road extension, and the widening of a portion of SR
846 in front of the airport. These projects are being funded by a
$3,416,500 grant and a $1,014,000 loan.
The manufacturing incubator support facility will be 10,000 sq.
ft. and will include a bonded warehouse, a Powder Coating facility,
and a manufacturing assembly area. It is the second of four buildings
needed to develop the manufacturing business. A packing/shipping
and a training facility remain, which will develop manufactured
support services to attract businesses and will train people with the
necessary skills. This project will increase airport revenues and will
increase the tax base. 75% has been completed with landscaping, drop
ceilings, painting, and Powder Coating equipment still remaining to
be finished. $114,700 has been spent this quarter, $399,700 has been
spent to date, and $932,100 still remains. It is within budget and on
time, except for the Powder Coating equipment. $250,000 will be
funded by a USDA grant, which will not go into effect until February
of 2002. The remaining cost is $277,000, of which only $181,000 is
covered by the budget. The CCAA is hoping other grants will cover
the remaining costs for the Powder Coating equipment.
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Fiala asked what the training facility will accomplish. Drury
said that it would train people to run the CNC equipment in the
incubator and it would work to train Immokalee citizens to use high
tech equipment. They would also use the Human Resource Center for
The entrance road will be extended by 1300 ft., inclusive of
water, sewer, and electric utilities. This also includes construction of
a campground, restrooms (which will replace the port o lets), and turf
parking at the drag strip. The purpose is to increase revenue by
opening the Industrial Park for leasing, increasing jobs, and
increasing the tax base. The campground will be available for special
events. It has been designed and the results are being evaluated.
$151,200 has been spent this quarter, $262,800 has been spent to
date, and $940,700 remains in the budget.
The widening of SR 846 will increase the road to 4 lanes from
29 to the airport entrance road, will reconstruct the intersection of 29
and SR 846, will connect the airport loop road with the Industrial
Park, and will relocate water and sewer lines along SR 846. Sienna
Marble plans to lease 10 acres to construct a 50,000 sq. ft. marble
manufacturing building that will employ 75 people. The road will
improve access, which is now inadequate. It is 90% designed, with
the remaining 10% put on halt. Sienna Marble has submitted for a
permit and should hear within 30 days, at which point the project
design will continue. Nothing has been spent this quarter, $160,600
has been spent to date, and $1,037,400 remains in the budget. They
are within budget, but substantially delayed because of Sienna
Marble's slow process.
The Marco Island Airport is acquiring land to mitigate for a
taxiway. Purely for safety, the addition of a taxiway will bring safety
standards up to date with the FAA and will allow planes to no longer
have to back taxi on the runway. Negotiations are currently
underway. $6,000 have been spent this quarter, $108,000 has been
spent to date, and $242,000 remains in the budget.
The Everglades Airport is acquiring a new runway lighting
system. $100,000 is coming from a grant and $25,000 is coming from
a loan. The existing runway lighting is 25 years old and has direct
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buried cable. It is frequently inoperable and a new system would
provide more reliability. They are working on a design and no money
has been spent so far.
A total of about $6 million has been spent in capital projects,
with $4 million (72%) coming from a grant and $1.8 million (28%)
from a loan.
7. Authority in the Future - Robin Doyle
In 1995, the CCAA obtained grants to develop master conceptual
plans on all three airports. After their completion, workshops were
held for public input, and then all three plans went through county,
state and federal reviews. Each plan was accepted and is now
A. Everglades Airpark
The goal of Everglades Airpark is to maintain a safe airport, to
preserve eco tourism, to provide a transportation facility, and to
increase revenues. Therefore, they need to consider building hangers
and parallel taxiways, and to widen and overlay the runway to meet
FAA standards. They are also considering putting in a campground
which will enhance the airport and increase revenues. No other
significant projects are apparent. The main focus is to preserve the
economic impact, to promote eco tourism, and to operate and
maintain the airport. The CCAA is applying for grants to cover 95%
of the costs.
B. Immokalee Airport
The real focus of Immokalee Airport is to help it become an
economic engine. It is hoped that it will attract businesses and enable
them to engage in international trade. In order for this to occur, the
runway must be extended beyond its current 52 ft. After it is
completed, it will facilitate more air cargo operations and will allow
for larger aircraft. Hangers must also be built, taxiways need to be
improved, and an aircraft parking system needs to be constructed.
They will seek FAA and state grants to cover 90 - 95% of the
expenses, and the remaining will be covered by county investments.
C. Immokalee Industrial Park
The two goals for this area are to attract light industry to develop
the Industrial Park, and to complete the manufacturing incubator
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campus. The campus has three purposes: to provide affordable homes
for new businesses, to provide a place for training, tools, a calibrator,
and Powder Coating equipment, and to attract larger manufacturing
companies with its inexpensive land and manufacturing support. The
CCAA is continuing to work with the EDC to develop the park and
manufacturing incubator campus.
D. Marco Island Airport
The four projects for this airport include continuing the
construction of a parallel taxiway, overlaying the runway and
relocating the terminal building for safety standards, and constructing
additional hangers. Once the projects are completed, the airport
should provide as a transportation facility for emergencies, residents,
businesses, and the growing air charter.
E. Motor Sports Park
The CCAA is in the process of conducting research and gathering
public input, and is putting together the necessary documentation to
rezone the airport to add this park for conditional use. In 2000 - 2001,
they hired FGCU to form a committee to get public opinion about the
park and its impact. They have commissioned studies of noise,
economic impact, residential property value, traffic, utilities, and
environmental impact. In addition, they have developed a conceptual
master plan. The park will include a ¼ mile drag race strip, a 3/4 mile
oval course, a 2 mile European Road Course, and a motor cross track.
In November of 2002, workshops will be held to solicit further public
input and will be conducted in the three languages of English,
Spanish, and Creole. In January of 2003, they will review all studies
and the input for the building of this park. The ultimate decision is
with the County Commission.
In summary, the CCAA will maximize grants and revenues
through county loans to develop the infrastructure that will provide
safe and efficient airports. The goal of Everglades Airpark is to
promote eco tourism, the goal of Immokalee Airport is to develop
trade and create jobs, and the goal of Marco Airport is to promote
convention events.
Fiala wanted to clarify if an entrepreneur started the raceway
and was leasing the land from the airport. Doyle said yes, it was
started by an entrepreneur 3 years ago as a single drag strip. As a
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result of the success, interest, and economic possibilities, studies were
done and a Motor Sports Park has been proposed.
Coletta asked how many people it would draw on any given
day. Drury responded by estimating about 5,000 people for Phase I,
with an additional couple thousand for each phase of construction
over the next ten years.
Coletta then assured the CCAA that it would be economically
successful, but he was concerned about road planning and the
moratorium. He wanted them to make sure to extend Orangetree to
Immokalee, and to also encourage the Immokalee community to push
the road extensions.
Doyle said that the CCAA would bring a traffic study plan next
year to the meeting.
Price said that the Motor Sports Park is probably the #1 project
from that area, and that other roads will also carry the traffic since it
is coming from all directions. He said how Immokalee has already
been impacted by the drag race strip and how restaurants, stores, and
gas stations are all seeing an increase in business.
Coletta implied that the majority of traffic will come from this
county and that the CCAA really needs to encourage the building and
extension of roads.
Business Plan Update - Stephen Price & Robin Doyle
The CCAA believes in the statement "Airports are for those
who don't fly" because of its many economic and social benefits
including increases in tourism, emergency transportation, jobs, and
businesses. The goal is to improve the quality of life for all Collier
County citizens. It is time to update the '94 plan and many changes
have occurred since, including a new president, different economics,
and the events of 9/11. The CCAA is the only county department with
a program to pay back the county and one of the few, if not the only,
with a full business plan. They are meeting their plan, and are slightly
ahead. Although the old plan predicted for $270,000 in investments in
order to operate and they now need $440,000 (+$170,000), they had
not projected the assessment costs ($139,000) and the increase in
insurance ($55,000 to $179,000). Therefore, they are about $100,000
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better than they had predicted. The CCAA feels the business plan is
good and they are working hard to achieve the objectives.
The committee did an outline of a new business plan and will
expand it after today's workshop. The new plan will include an
updated mission statement - which should place safety, capital
improvements, and economic development ahead of self-sufficiency,
an establishment of specific goals, the identification of challenges and
opportunities associated with the goals, the identification of
measurable planned responses to the challenges and opportunities, the
recent financial trends, and an updated financial forecast. Overall, the
airports have shown a substantial increase in economic activity.
Coletta asked if they could add the idea of encouraging road
construction to their mission statement. Doyle said they would
certainly look into it.
Public Comments
Barbara Berry - She encouraged the BCC to lend support to the
CCAA and to stay the course with them. The airports have come a
long way and have become a viable economic and transportation
asset. The BCC has to consider the need for the roads and the
viability for the county. The loan and asset program is positive and
should be continued.
Raymond Holland - He is representing the Immokalee Area as
the President of the Immokalee Area Chamber of Commerce. He
urged the City Commission to support the CCAA and their expansion
plans at the Immokalee Airport. The CCAA has worked diligently to
get long range plans, to obtain grant money, and to acquire tenants to
lease in the industrial area. The county needs to expedite the permit
process in order to maximize the growth. Immokalee doesn't need the
image of an anti-growth community. The county also needs to reduce
the impact fees. Businesses are moving to other location because it is
too expensive in Immokalee. The raceway is an excellent idea and
provides entertainment and family participation, and allows people to
see what a nice place Immokalee is. It also provides an opportunity
for people to spend money and invest in the community. Therefore,
the raceway should be expanded to include all the previously
mentioned tracks. The airport is the single biggest asset for industrial
and commercial development in Immokalee.
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Floyd Cruise - The biggest thing that Immokalee needs is
roads. A different architectural design from the city is also important.
Immokalee is a nice place now and has come a long way. More and
more money is being brought into the community and youth
participation has increased dramatically. The CCAA should be
Coletta interjected and agreed that the impact fees are too high
and that he would like to get together with the CCAA and the
Immokalee Area Chamber of Commerce to lower them and to come
up with two-tier zoning that will benefit Immokalee.
Ralph Hester - Ralph is the owner and operator of the drag
strip, which is becoming quite successful. It brought in over 5,000
people on the first day and he would like to see the continued growth.
Larry Fox - Larry is the manager of the manufacturing
incubator facility. He asked the BCC to continue to support the
CCAA. He urged them to be proactive, faster, and stronger than
before so that more businesses will be attracted to Immokalee. He
sees many opportunities for business growth and success, and the
future will only bring in more and increase the economic base. He
feels the BCC has to move fast to lower the impact fees and feels that
manufacturers won't relocate if Immokalee is too costly. He wants to
make the community a friendlier place to start a business.
There were three letters from those who could not attend. They
were not read aloud, but are found in the binder.
10. BCC and County staff Comments
Carter - He wants the CCAA to redefine the mission statement
and to make sure that everyone is comfortable with it. He says that
although the numbers look good, the financing comes out of a general
fund and they don't have enough resources to support it. The
challenge of the BCC is to get comfortable with the goals and
strategies of the CCAA and to find a way to finance them.
Price interjected and said that the CCAA is just as important as
other county programs such as the new library, roads, and the beach
clean-up, and the BCC needs to make an investment in the authority.
Although it's a challenge, the BCC needs to meet it because they are
a part of Collier County services. Doyle said that they would try to
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look for sources other than the general fund for financing. Carter said
he would help in the process.
Fiala - She wanted to know who will fund the raceway
expansion and how the profits will be split.
Price said there were a number of potential grants and the
possibility of an investment from the raceway owner. Drury
mentioned that it will be a partnership between the private sector and
the government. The government will pay for water, sewer, electric,
and road infrastructures while the entrepreneur will cover the cost of
building new facilities. Drury has researched other raceways and
found that it is common for both groups (the government and the
entrepreneur) to split the percentage of gate and concession sales. The
government can also gain revenue through the lease fees.
Coyle - He felt that the loan program is excellent, but that the
asset value is meaningless unless the airport is sold. He would like the
CCAA to put together a specific business plan including revenues and
trends. He would also like them to do a business plan by project, not
by airport, and to do a different mission statement for each airport. In
addition, he would like the authority to pursue efforts in leasing the
land and expecting the tenants to build. He felt that the anecdotal
evidence is not enough to allocate large amounts of taxpayers money,
and needs clear evidence of benefits.
Coletta - He asked if the CCAA reached an agreement with
Parks and Recreation for the Motor Sports Park.
Drury told him that they were in the process. Once the
appraisal is completed, it will be brought before the CCAA for further
decisions. They have to find a balance with the FAA requirements
and their goals.
Coletta said that he would like to be a part of the community
decisions and input, and requested a tape for Immokalee citizens with
dubbed Spanish, so that they will be informed as well.
Mudd - He felt that people should get together and come up
with a plan on how the loan is to be carried in the books. There are
some bonding issues that need to be dealt with and he would like to
see a cleaner, more efficient process.
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There being no further business for the good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 11:55 a.m.
There minuteswere p~resented to the Board on ~-~-./$ ..*.~a~
as presented or as corrected
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