PARAB Minutes 04/26/1995 (06/20/95 Misc) —.
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MINUTES Constantine it
:' April 26, 1995 �t��" sem- ,
144' Mac'K1e
Immokalee Community Park Matthews
321 North First Street Immokalee, Florida /
7.1 F , ' .'.* ., PRESENT: Joseph Zaks, Chairman
'" Kimberly Kushman
`' Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Cil Mueller
ABSENT: Stephen Klee
Timothy Blackford
Bruce Pray l`',
ALSO PRESENT: Steve Brinkman, Parks and Recreation Director
Murdo Smith, Parks and Recreation Operations Manager
Gary Franco, Parks Superintendent
Jacquie Minnis, Secretary
Don Antonocchio, Naples Roller Hockey League
Ruben Rodriguez, Vice President of Pop Warner Football ,,,,
Steve Crimes, Physical Education Instructor x ry
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m.
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 22, 1995 meeting. ,
R Motion by Kimberly Kushman, seconded by Max Hasse. Passed
tl'' 4/0.
fStephen Kloe contacted Chairman Joe Zaks regarding his absence.
Tim Blackford called the Parks and Recreation office regarding -
7 his absence. ' �
itBruce Pray was contacted by Jacquie Minnis regarding his letter
to remain on the board but Mr. Pray said that he would submit 4•
�' a letter of resignation. Mr. Pray has not submitted a letter
of resignation or called regarding his status with PARAS.
, The Immokalee representative position is being advertised and
currently no candidates applied for the Immokalee area.
Chairman Joe Zaks reviewed the attendance record w Aptted
that based on Mr. Bruce Pray's attendance he can beiert, y
��� RECEIVED Date: �'`��5
MAY 17 1995 item# lt�
Pam' 'Z.
Board of County Commissioners Copies o
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At the last PARAB meeting on March 22, 1995 a motion was made
by Max Hasse and seconded by Gil Mueller that Mr. Pray submit a
letter to the Chairman of the board to remain on Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board. The letter was never submitted.
a. Don Antonocchio, Naples Roller Hockey League -
Naples Roller Hockey League started about 4 years ago. It
was the work of two young men, Dominic Luccerili and Mark
Scribner of Naples, who had a desire to play hockey. They
organized an informal league at Fleischman Park.
The league has progressed to where they are playing in the
Pace warehouse parking lot on Pine Ridge Road. The problem
is that the league has temporary use of the parking lot.
The lot is owned by the K-Mart Corporation and the facility
is available for sale at any time.
Mr. Antonocchio noted that In-Line Skating, as of 1993, has
over 12,000,000 participants. (This is the booted skates
with wheels which are better known as roller blades).
Hockey has 7,500,000 participants as of 1995 and 77% of the
participants are under the age of 18.
The sanctioning body is called the National In-Line Hockey
Association. The National Association provides the league
with referees, training/certification, and an insurance
policy for players. The "Incorporation of the Naples Group"
is pending and they are hoping to get a 501 (C)(3)
certificate which will allow the corporation to accept
Mr. Antonocchio is requesting that PARAB review the hand
out material which he distributed and help locate a site
for the league to play. The league has actually out-grown
the one rink at the Pace Parking lot.
The sites that the Naples Roller Hockey League are looking
at are the Vineyards and Veterans Community Park. Mr. k; ',
Antonocchio is also requesting funding assistance for this
project, if possible. The cost for the project includes
surface treatment, boards, bleachers, landscaping,
concrete, equipment storage shed, nets, and benches--a
grand total of $240,008.
A skate marathon will be held at the Vineyards Community
Park, parking lot on May 21st, 1995. It is a fund raiser
campaign kick off tournament to help build a rink.
Kimberly Kushman raised a question whether or not the
Naples Roller Hockey League is raising the $240,008
Mr. Antonocchio responded that the organization would be 16J
more than happy to participate in helping raise the funds
if necessary.
Mr. Steve Brinkman stated that the Parks and Recreation
Department currently has numerous projects going on at this
time and this project will be looked at during next year's
budget. Murdo Smith stated that the Capital Improvements
Budget includes a proposed rink at the Veterans Community
Park, which will be an uncovered open rink, on the south
side of the Community Center, and the Department is also
concentrating on a rink in the center of the County.
A motion by Max Hasse was made that Don Antonocchio, over
the next month, develop the plans and find out if the
Naples Roller Hockey League can get funding and return to
PARAB with a proposal so that it can be submitted to the
BCC. Seconded by Kimberly Bushman. Passed 4/0.
b. Ruben Rodriguez, Vice President of Pop Warner Football
Immokalee - Mr. Rodriguez is requesting that the Parks
Department provide lighting for the Immokalee Old Middle
School field. When the kids leave from practice in the
evening it's real dark and dangerous when waiting for
parents to pick them up.
A motion by Gil Mueller was made to tour the field it and
will discussed at the next PARAB meeting. Seconded by Max
Hasse. Passed 4/0.
c. Steve Grimes, Physical Education Instructor - Mr. Grimes is
requesting permission to use the gymnasium and pool
facilities as part of their educational program. Murdo
Smith noted that the School Board has an agreement between
the school and Parks Department to use facilities based on
the availability.
A suggestion was made by Gil Mueller that Ole school
principal contact Mr. Steve Brinkman or S eve Frew r� l
regarding schedule.
d. Tennis & Racquet Fee Schedule - The BCC is recommending
that the Parks Department establish fees to offset some
costs. This proposal is an effort to get some additional
revenue. The BCC did not fund new additional personnel at
each Community Center which was requested in this year's
budget. If this program is instituted, it will provide a
third person at all the Community Centers in addition to
the full time person. The third person would be part time
seasonal that does not receive benefits and works 20 hours
a week.
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issimilar to the light fee that the department now 14E4
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has established for all the athletic fields. The
department charges $10.00 plus 6% tax for 111 hour
increments for the use of lighting on the athletic fields
for practice.
Tennis and Racquet Court Fee - is broken down the same as
light fee from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 11.1 hour increments. This
would eliminate the problem with the scheduling of court
time, and also solve the problem at the Pelican Bay
Community Park. A person will be scheduled to be at
Pelican Bay from 3:00 p.m. until closing time.
Chairman Joe Zaks recommended that the fee at Pelican Bay
should be based on the quality of the facility.
There is no charge during the day because there is not
enough business during the day. The fee will be in effect
from 5:30 p.m. until closing time.
A motion by Kim Kushman that PARAB approve Murdo Smith's
request as proposed except that Pelican Bay Community
Park's fee should be $6.00 and all other parks should be
charged at $4.00. Seconded by Max Hasse. Passed 4/0.
1.z VI. Request for Discussion
a. Lake Avalon - At the last meeting Max Hasse had suggested
that the Parks and Recreation Department have total
jurisdiction of the Lake Avalon facility. PARAB has agreed
that this was a good idea but Gil Mueller read in the paper
and in talking to other people that the idea has taken a
back seat. '
When this project goes before the BCC again PARAS would
like to be notified so that every member, or a 4I
representative of PARAB, be present.
Motion by Gil Mueller that PARAB should be informed when
the Lake Avalon goes before the BCC for discussion ands,
Chairman Joe Zaks will write a letter to the Commissioners.
Seconded by Max Hasse. Passed 4/0.
The questioned was raised how would the $500,000 Regional y
Impact Fees money being used for Lake Avalon affect other
Mr. Steve Brinkman stated that it would reduce the amount
of money that the Parks Department has by $500,000. The
Department would have to re-allocate the money for the
various projects.
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b. South Naples - Chairman Joe Zaks stated that there is a 16 tJ r
* million dollars that has been sitting in the kitty for 4-5
years for a community park in South Naples. If the money
is not spent in about a year it has to be returned to the
people who paid the impact fees.
Since a location has not been found, and the community is
still getting a park, there should not be a distinction
whether it's a Regional Park or a Community Park. Chairman
Joe Zaks suggested that the million dollars should be freed
and used for Lake Avalon.
c. Friends of the Parks - Mr. Gil Mueller inquired about the
status of the Friends of the Parks.
Murdo Smith responded that the Friends of the Parks is
finally being incorporated. Veteran's has a group, the
Vineyards is establishing a group, Immokalee is also
establishing group, and a group will be established on
Marco Island.
VII. PARRS ADOPTION REPORT - Max Hasse visited the East Naples
Community Park. There were few minor problems - the
dumpster was cluttered with trash and debris which needed
to be picked up. Mr. Max Hasse visited again and all the
problems were taken care of and the entrance of East Naples
Community Park is very beautiful.
Golden Gate Community Park - Max Hasse visited Golden Gate
fr7, Community Park and could not find any thing wrong with the
VIII. Updates
a. Racquet Center Revenue Comparison Sheet - Tim Blackford had
, made a request for this study. The hand out was
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1 distributed. The study shows a 3 year comparison for
93-94, 92-93, and 91-92. It included Operating Expenses,
l'zrRevenues, and net profit/loss.
b. Summer Food Grant Executive Summary • A motion by Gil 'h
Mueller was made to approve Executive Summary for Summer
Food Grant. Seconded by Max Hasse. Passed 4/0.
% c. Growth Management `
Mission - Collier County Parks and Recreation Department
is proposing to provide our residents and seasonal visitors
the highest quality recreational programs, facilities,
parks, and beaches possible. These are future plans as the
county builds out.
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Infrastructure - North and South District Parks have 60 16J
acres of land for an athletic complex - 1/200,000
* Next is to secure and develop north, central, south and
Immokalee regional parks, 300 to 500 acres - 1/100,000
* The Parks Department has two recreational complexes and 2
• pools. One recreation complex and pool at Immokalee, one
pool at the Golden Gate Community Park, and one recreation
complex at Golden Gate Community Center. These facilities
will be able to accommodate 1/200,000 in population per
Growth Management requirement.
* As the county grows and get close to 250,000 in population
the department will have to consider whether the northern
or the southern area would be the best option for the next
Recreation Complex/Pool.
* Acquire and develop a system of Community Parks on an as
needed basis. The Department would like to finish up the
development of South Naples Community Park and also the
Orange Tree site. After the completion of these projects
there will not be any plans for Community Parks anytime
Options for Funding Priority Projects - The 5 year plan
program shows the cost of South Naples which is $2,500,000.
No Community Center is planned in the 1st phase. A revised
hand out was distributed.
The Athletic Complex budget over a 5 year period would be
$8,000,000 and to generate the $8 million dollars the
Department would have to charge $500 in Community Park
Impact Fees etc.
Impact Fees - The current Regional and Community Park
Impact Fee is $578 to fund all the projects. An increase
of $522 would be needed in order to charge $1100 in Impact
Fees be to fund all projected projects. The athletic
complex could be financed over a 3 to 5 year period.
The Department is proposing to drop Community Park Impact
Fees by expanding and re-defining Regional Park to County
Park Impact Fee. Also modify the way to calculate the fees
based on the 5 year plan.
Noimnl_ly Lite oudvt i nide up un ti 5 year plan but a 7
year program would be acceptable to the Growth Management
Motion by Kimberly Kushman was made to consider the 7 year
Capital Improvements Plan and the impact fee of $880
dollars per unit during that time. Projects to be funded
during that time will be South Naples Community Park at
$2.5 million. Athletic Complex at $8 million. Regional Park
Land at $5 million and upgrade existing parks at $2.5
million. Also a study needs to be done on the impact fee
so it is based on the square footage of the unit and the
number of bedrooms. Seconded by Max Hasse. Passed 4/0
d. Beach Parking Fee - In the budget it was recommended that a
$3.00 fee be charged which will generate $1 million dollars
in revenue. The $3.00 dollar fee is charged to
• non-residents and county residents will have the ability to
• purchase a pass at a moderate fee.
Mr. Steve Brinkman stated that BCC recommended that there
should not be a fee charged for a county resident pass.
Chairman Joe Zaks suggested that there should be a charge
for resident stickers or pass. The charge should go
towards the cost of paper work and miscellaneous items that
would cost the county to operate this project.
Motion by Max Hasse was made to charge residents a $5
annual sticker fee and non-residents $3 per day parking
fee. Seconded by Kimberly Kushman. Passed 4/0.
e. Launch Fee - a $2.00 launch fee will be charged at
Caxambas, Cocohatchee and Bayview.
f. Adjourned at 4:50 p.m. to tour Immokalee Recreation/Pool
g. Recommendation to contact Ruben Rodriguez to be more
specific with his request regarding lights before PARAB can
make a decision.
h. Meeting Schedule - July PARAB meeting is canceled.
VIIII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Motion by Max Hasse to
adjourn. Seconded by Gil Mueller. Passed 4/0
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