12/12/1983 Minutes Naples, Florida, December 12, 1983 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Parks & Recreation 4:; Advisory Board met on this date at 4: 12 P.M. in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Ann Goodnight Hank Caballero Glenn Tucker Dan Monaco ALSO PRESENT: Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Rollie Rice, Parks & Recreation Director; Pat Carroll , Engineering Department; Donald Norton, Public Services Administrator; Donald Hunter, Sheriff' s Department; Chris Holley, Adminis- trative Assistant to the County Manager ; and Tom Peek and Bob Furlong , of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc. AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes (August 19, 1983) III. Addenda IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Selection of new member. B. Proposed sheriff' s substation for community parks. C . Updated report of North Naples and Immokalee park sites (Pat Carroll) . D. Donation of Girl Scout property. E. Presentation of final park designs for East Naples, Marco and Golden Gate. VI. Discussion of Addenda . VII. Adjournment. Page 1 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 1983 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Mr. Caballero moved , seconded by Mr. Tucker and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the August 19, 1983, meeting be approved as presented. ITEM V. D. DONATION OF GIRL SCOUT PROPERTY - REMOVED At the request of Mr. Rice, Item V. D. Donation of Girl Scout property was removed from the agenda by consensus of the members. NEW BUSINESS: SELECTION OF NEW MEMBER - DEFERRED UNTIL NEXT MEETING Mrs. Goodnight referred to copies of the resumes that the members received for a proposed new member to fill the unexpired term of Mr . Vince Murphy due to his resignation. Mr . Rice said that the procedure of the BCC is for the members to review the resumes and make a recommendation to the Commission. He said there are two members whose terms expire December 31 , 1983, Messrs. Hank Caballero and Dan Monaco. He said that a letter could be drafted by the Advisory Board requesting that these person be reinstated if that is the members' desire. He said that the vacancy is from District 4, the City of Naples, and that the members should recommend approval of a person who resides in that District. He said that the members should contact those persons who live in the District to make sure of their interest in serving . He said that a recommendation can be made to the BCC, at their next meeting , for a proposed member to fill the vacancy and renewal of the terms of office for the aforementioned members. C A discussion was held regarding the resumes received. Page 2 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 Mrs. Goodnight said she did not know where the District 4 boundaries are and that she did not know if Mrs. Betty Murphy (:: resides in that area. Mr . Rice said that he would check Mrs. Murphy' s references and obtain a district boundary map to assist the members in making their decision. A discussion followed regarding the next meeting date and by consensus the members agreed to defer the selection of a new member until that meeting. No date was set for the meeting, however, the next meeting was scheduled for the third Friday in January. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION RE COMMUNITY PARKS Mr. Rice said he was contacted by Sheriff Rogers with respect to his areas of concerns about the Sheriff' s sub- stations. He said that Sheriff Rogers is currently paying in the high rent district for these facilities and he asked Mr . (:: Rice if there was a possibility that some of the stations could be included in a corner of some of the parks. Mr. Don Hunter, representing the Sheriff' s Department, said approximately 1-1/2 years ago his department had dis- cussed this matter with the BCC. He said, at that time, the Sheriff ' s Department entered into a lease agreement for the North Naples Substation. He said that Pelican Bay had annexed a parcel of land near the library where they had indicated they would provide governmental facilities. He said discussions were held with the possibility of locating on that parcel of land, however, that has not become a reality. He said that the Sheriff' s substations are scattered through the Naples area, paying premium prices for rental space. He said several advantages of locating a substation in the parks would be the presence of certified, Page 3 • PARI{S & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1983 law enforcement personnel on the grounds of the park which would be advantageous in terms of vandalism. He said that (:: anytime there is a substation it is a public area and there could be traffice generated. He said an advantage for the Sheriff' s Department would be the opportunity to identify the space needed and then plan for that space rather than take whatever facility is available. He said that the office space requirements would be two rooms, 500 square feet each for approximately 18 people for a total of 1000 square feet. He said that Sheriff Rogers felt that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board need to be aware of the cost savings for the County if an arrangement could be reached. He said currently there are approximately 18 people stationed in 6 separate substations. He said that the Immokalee (:: substation is the largest with 37 personnel and the central offices there. He said that the personnel growth in the next three years should not exceed 25 persons. He said that nothing is needed in terms of a dormitory as the shifts are primarily 8: 00 A.M. to 5 : 00 P.M. , however, there are men and women in and out of the substations at all times during 24 hours. A discussion followed covering the various factors that the location of a substation in the County parks would entail . Responding to Mr . Tucker ' s question regarding the Sheriff' s budget allocation for the substations, Mr. Hunter said that the Constitution reads, currently, that the County is responsible for providing the Sheriff' s Department facili- ties and the Department does not pay rent. He said the arrangements could be explained by the Fiscal Officer. He Page 4 • PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 said that it is his understanding that the amount of money currently identfied for the Sheriff' s Department rental space (171b-re is turned over for the commercial rental space. He said that the Constitution reads that the County provides the space and that the Sheriff' s Department provides the personnel . Mr . Tucker said that the Sheriff' s Department would have to show the Parks and Recreation Department how that money was identified. He referred to the revenue already used for the purchase of park property. He said if there is revenue generated there may be a possibility of providing space. During the discussion regarding the funds available to the Parks and Recreation Department for the parks program, Administrative Assistant Holley explained that bond revenues could not be used to provide for Sheriff Department facili- t(:: ies. Public Services Administrator Norton agreed . He said there are other Capital Improvement budget funds that may offer a possibility for this purpose. He said the issue is whether or not there would be a parcel of land available in the park sites to provide for the facilities. He said that constructing the facilities would be another issue. Mr. Hunter said that Sheriff Rogers was attempting to bring the subject up for general discussion to see if this Advisory Board would be willing to pursue the subject. The subject of parking was discussed. Mr. Hunter said that approximately 10 parking spaces would be needed for the next three to four years. He said there is a need for storage of vehicles which would be another 6 spaces, with a total of 16. He noted if 411 the Sheriff' s Department were allowed to have additional space for 6 spaces for inactive patrol unit and a bulk pro- Page 5 • ' PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 pane tank that there is the issue of volatility in that situation . 420 Mrs. Goodnight said it would be an asset for the Sheriff' s Department to be located in the parks since it would eliminate security problems. She said it could be an answer to a problem in Immokalee. She recommended that Mr. Hunter come back with figures telling the members how much land wold be needed and showing some type of proposal. She said there is certainly time to consider the matter. Mr. Caballero said he was not against the proposal . However, he wondered what kind of regimentation this would create. He said that the people go to the parks for recrea- tional purposes and he posed the possibility that the general public might feel "the law is on us" . Mr. Tucker said, on the other side of the coin, a lot of people want to have the comfort that there is adequate q police protection. He said he thought that would outweigh the chilling effect. He said that the general consensus is that there is not enough land for all the facilities that the people of Collier County would like to see incorporated in the parks, at the present time. Mr . Peek offered the suggestion that, if this proposal is ultimately accepted, it would be advantageous to his firm to know as quickly as possible the size of the land parcel , the parking requirements and roads needed. He said that the design of the facilities for the East Naples, Golden Gate and Marco Island sites are being finalized in order to begin construction. A discussion followed during which the possibility of Now incorporating the substation adjacent to the park maintenance Page 6 - . • PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 facility was considered. Mrs. Goodnight asked Mr . Hunter to include in his outline the extra parking spaces needed in his proposal to present at the next meeting. Mr . Hunter agreed . Mrs. Carroll suggested that the Sheriff' s Department might be interested in helping acquire additional acreage of land in the North Naples area that might help precipitate both situa- tions. Mr . Hunter said that the Sheriff' s Department is in a unique situation, in that the Constitution does not give his department the flexibility to purchase real estate or to really contract for the parcels of land. Mr. Holley men- tioned a number of alternative pieces of property that might be utilized for the substation, such as acreage by the Animal Control facility. Mr . Cabarello expressed the concern that the Parks and Recration Advisory Board may not be the vehicle 4:) to go through for this request, because the land has been earmarked already for parks. Mr. Rice said that Mr. Hunter could bring his report back to this Advisory Board. He said he would report the Advisory Board's feelings to Sheriff Rogers and come back to the members at a later date. UPDATED REPORT OF NORTH NAPLES AND IMMOKLEE PARK SITES Mrs. Pat Carroll reported that the North Naples park report was originally approved by the BCC on May 31, 1983. She said that since that time Staff has been working on details of a site selection from various sites. She said that Site 8 is available and she indicated the location on a map. She identified its proximity to David C. Brown Highway and Airport Road and said she is negotiating on the purchase of that site. She reported that she sent an Executive Summary to the BCC asking for a vote of confidence and the Page 7 • PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 Commissioners basically granted it. She said there is tentative agreement on 35 acres of land at $20,000 an acre. CI; She said that the County has been guaranteed the acreage, and that the drainage is good. She said the property is adjacent to the North Naples Water Treatment Plant and that Staff is preparing a report that will be presented to the BCC on 12/20/83 regarding the effects of that proximity. She said she would like a signed agreement by the first of January, 1984 . Mrs. Carroll said she requested Staff authorization to work with Pelican Bay directly to get an agreement for North Naples property. She said there are 20 acres set out for government use in that area, 15 of which is slated for community park land. She explained the possibility of (:: Pelican Bay paying the County a certain amount of money for that property to achieve a more economically use of money and park land . Mrs. Carroll said, with regard to the Immokalee Park site, that the Sam Heath property has been deeded to the County. She said that the School Board negotiations are continuing . She said on 1/17/84 she will present an agreement to the BCC for their action on 1/24 or 2/7/84. Responding to Mr. Tucker, she said that the Heath property is 13. 5 or 13. 7 acres and that the School Board property will be approximately 22.8 acres . PRESENTATION OF FINAL PARK DESIGNS FOR EAST NAPLES, MARCO AND GOLDEN GATE PARKS Mr . Tom Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, ‘11., Inc. , said that the schedule his firm set forth to follow, in order to deliver the the East Naples, Marco Island and Golden Page 8 PARKS & RECRE<'�,.' :_)N ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1983 Gate Parks near the end of 1984, was based on the assumption that the BCC would have purchased all the site acreage by ``" January 1 , 1984. He said that all the sites will not be purchased by that date. He said that the delivery of the parks will be affected by how long it takes the BCC to obtain the park sites, because the Board does not want to start on any park construction until all the sites are purchased . He said that his firm has site designs and Master Plans for three parks in the final stages. He said his firm will proceed with the development of those plans. He said until the delivery of the Immokalee and North Naples park sites is achieved, the actual construction on the three above- mentioned sites will be delayed . Mr . Peek reported that his firm has met in workshop session and presented the Master Plans for the East Naples, Marco Island and Golden Gate Park sites to the BCC. With the use of detailed, individual site plan diagrams, he described the three parks. GOLDEN GATE PARK MASTER PLAN Mr. Peek explained the changes that have been made in the Golden Gate Park Master Plan from the original Plan. He described the baseball field and the team contact sports areas for use by soccer and softball teams, and indicated the position of the administration building with meeting room. He indicated the location of the parking . He explained the review his firm' s personnel has given to the original plan and he said that everything is basically in the same posi- tion. He pointed out Mr . Rice ' s and his Staff' s desire not to fence the outfield on the baseball field, in order to put Page 9 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 a soccer field across that area. He said this would give double occupancy for that area. He explained a slight (:: revision in the road on one area. He said that the pool is planned for the same area, however, it is rectangular in shape instead of "L" shaped. Responding to Mr . Tucker, Mr . Rice explained the Staff' s contention to make double use of various areas because of the number of facilities that are wanted. He said that fencing of the fields can be done at a later date. Mr . Caballero asked how much consideration has been given to the condition of the baseball field when it is used by football teams? Mr . Rice said that is strictly a maintenance problem and he assured the members the joint use is feasible. MARCO ISLAND PARK Mr . Peek explained the Master Plan for the Marco Island Park and said that it is just as previously presented. He indicated the location of the gynmatorium/community center complex and the racquetball , tennis, horseshoe and shuffle- board courts. He said that provisions have been made for rental canoes and paddleboats . EAST NAPLES PARK Mr . Peek said the diagram of the Master Plan is the site as the Advisory Board reviewed it previously. He indicated the area where there will be joint utilization with the Avalon Elementary School on which currently exists a softball field. He identified where the tennis courts are planned. He showed the area for the Little League softball field (:: expansion and the volleyball courts. He described the plan in detail . Page 10 PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 12 , 1983 ANN GOODNIGHT ELECTED CHAIRMAN AND GLENN TUCKER VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr. Caballero moved, seconded by Mr. Tucker and carried unanimously, that Mrs. Ann Goodnight be elected Chairman of the Advisory Board. Mr. Monaco moved, seconded by Mr. Caballero and carried unanimously, that Mr. Glenn Tucker be elected Vice-Chairman. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time : 5: 30 P.M. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Ann Goodnight, Chairman ISO C Page 11