08/21/1981 PAR Ad Hoc Naples, Florida, August 21, 1981 LET IT'Sf: KNOWN, that the Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee met on this date at 9: () A.M. in Building "F" of the Collier County Courthouse Complex with the following members present : CHAIRMAN: Fred Keyes Lee Plummer Ben Plummer Jane Rittler Mary Evans Pan Breeden ALSO PRESENT: Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Rollie Rice, Parks and Recreation Director , and Terry Clark, Planner . AGENDA T. Approval of minutes of May 22, 1981 meeting II. Old Rusiness - Discussion of survey report. New Rusiness IV. Adjournment MINUTES OF MAY 22, 1981 MEETING - APPROVED AS PRESENTED The minutes of the Parks and Recreation meeting of May 22, 19111 were approved unanimously as presented . DISCUSF-,TON OF SURVEY REPORT Chairman Keyes said that the committee was going to discuss the final priorities of the community parks and the cost factors. He said that this was one of the final meet- ings before the public relations phase for community parks is begun and that it is important that the Committee get the Page 1 August 21, 1981 presentation to the BCC in the correct order . Parks and Recreation Director Rice said that the discussion on the priorities of the community parks and the cost factor were approved in the minutes as a document at the last committee meeting and he asked if the members had any questions before the item was taken to the RCC'. FTC said there were some changes made by Rich Henderlong and that he discovered , a few days ago, that those final changes had not been made nor had the cover letter been done to go with the report and the survey report . Mr . Rice said he felt it would be advan- tageous to present the report to the Commissioners in order to find out what they are thinking , since he has found , during the past few weeks, that the Commissioners' priorities have switched to water orientated facilities and boat ramps . Mr. Lee Plummer said that, before the report goes before the Board , the Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman should talk to each Commissioner and tell them what the Committee has in mind . Chairman Keyes said he had talked with Commis- sioner Wimer and he knows what the Committee is doing and that Mr . Keyes indicated that the Committee is interested in a referendum for a bond issue and that the Committee would do the public relations work. Chairman Keyes said he would talk with Commissioner Wenzel and asked Mr. Lee Plummer if he would talk with Commissioner Kruse and Mr . Plummer agreed to do so. Mr. Plummer suggested that Mrs. Hittler talk with Page August 21, 1881 Commissioner Pistor and she agreed to do so. Ben Plummer was asked to speak with Commissioner Brown and he agreed . Mr. Rice said that Mr. Henderlong and Terry Clark have 441111. done a tremendous amount of work for the County as a whole and that Mr. Henderlong will continue to work with the committe whenever possible. Mr . Rice said he would put the report and survey report on an Fxecutive Summary and get the item on the next Board agenda , since he felt the Board should be made aware of the fact that the committee needs the Board ' s approval . Mr . Rice said he talked with Supervisor of Elections 1 Morgan who told him that the next available election is in November 1982 but that material has to be submitted by September 1981 in order to get the item on the ballot. A short discussion was held regarding the possibility of tgetting a special election and Chairman Keyes said he felt the committee should ask for one . Mr . Rice said he felt that someone from the school system should be approached since the School Board is considering asking for another 2 mills. Mr . Gee Plummer suggested that the Committee wait until after the first of the year and see what other issues arise , so that the cost of a special election could he spread over items other than just the proposed bond issue for the parks , and the committee agreed . The committee members agreed to talk with the Commis- sioners as soon as possible and Mr . Rice said he would draft a cover letter expressing the background of the committee and Page 3 August 21 , 1q,0. 1 explaining that the report is the committee' s first phase in the future plan for community parks and request that a discussion regarding this topic be placed on the RCC agenda . Mr . Breeden said he felt the Commissioners should have the final reports before the members talk with them so that the Commissioners know the report has been adopted . Mr . Rice said he would give the Commissioners copies of the reports the first of next week . Chairman Keyes said that there was some question regarding the committee needing money from the Board to make appraisals and he said that Mr . Clark thought that Property Appraiser Colding could use his department to give the committee some market figures at no cost. Mr. Rice said he felt that would he fine as long as the Board approved . Mr . Clark said he was not sure of the legalities about it and it was suggested that the County Attorney he asked about that . Mr. Clark said that if anyone had any questions about the survey, he would he happy to answer them, but he thought the survey should be the first thing presented to the Board since it shows there is an established need for community parks and that the Board be requested to adopt an official stand . Mr . Breeden asked how the proposed sites could be "locked in" to assure they will be available when needed , because he felt that the purchase of the sites was so far in the future there might not he any of the sites left. A short discussion covered the manner in which land is rezoned , and Page 4 August 21, 1981 , • Chairman Keyes explained that the three ways to initiate a rezone petition are through the owner of the property, the County Commission or the CAPC. He said that the Parks and Recreation Department would have to make a staff report and go through the Planning Department and the Planning Depart- ment would review it with the CAPC. Mr . Rice suggested that Community Development Director Virta should come to a committee meeting and explain what the procedure would he in order to obtain a site . Mr . Rice said he felt that money would he needed for someone to survey the proposed sites and Chairman Keyes said that money would also he needed for advertising . Mr . Rice said that Ms. Morgan should be able to provide a figure for the amount of money that would he needed to set up a refer- . endum . Mr . Pen Plummer suggested that the Chamber of Commerce and various civic organizations should be approached for donations and the committee members agreed . Mr . Rice said that the Public Relations Chairman should be asked about the strategy he plans to use and how much he thinks it would cost and Mr. Rice said he would call him . The committee members agreed that Mr . Henderlong should present the report to the PCC and that Mr. Clark should speak in relation to the survey. The decision was made that Mr . Rice would try and get the presentation placed on the PCC agenda in approximately two weeks. Page t..orlust ;)1 , 19 '1 DISCUSSION RE FIELD TRIP TO LEE COUNTY'S NEW PARK Mr. Rice explained that approximately two weeks ago Lee County opened a 2r acre park and that he knows Bill Hammond well and that he is In charge of public services in Lee County. He said he would like to have the committee members go and look at the park and that the cost of the park could be discussed. After a discussion, the members agreed to visit the park and Mr . Rice said he would try and arrange a trip on September 2, and that he would call the committee members as soon as he finds out if that date is all right . He said he would also invite the Commissioners and 5111 McGowen to go. NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 4 , 1951 After a short discussion , the decision was made for the next Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc meeting to he September 4 , 1951, the Friday before the presentation by the committee to the BCC on September 5, 1951 . Mr . Rice said he would make sure that each committee member had the final report with the corrections, the survey and the cover letter and that , in the interim, the members will talk with the Commissioners and bring their input to the September 4th meeting. Mr . Rice said he would send the City Parks and Recreation a copy of the reports and ask that someone come to the September 4th meeting . Page r August 21, 1991 • There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 9: 45 A. M. PARES AND RECREATION AD HOC COMMITTEE Fred Keyes, Chairman Page 7 '**00,