05/22/1981 PAR Ad Hoc -- - Naples, Florida , May 22, 1991 LET IT BE KNOWN, that the Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee met on this date at 9 : 00 A.M. in Building "FP of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present : Fred Keyes (Chairman) George Howlett Leigh Plummer Dan Breeden Charles Abbott Linda Duever ALSO PRESENT: George Bodermann, Palm River ; Mesdames Rubright , Beck and Brignoto and Messrs . Clabrese , Echricht , Perry, McLaren, Pearce and Roochman, Flamingo Estates Prop- erty Owners' Association; Mr . Frank M. Simon, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Alternate, Terry Clark and Richard Henderlong , Planners; Rollie Rice , Parks and Recreation Director ; and , Darlene Davidson, Deputy Clerk . AGENDA 1 . Approval of Minutes of March 13, 1981 2. Addenda to agenda 3. Old Business a . Staff report on Alternative Community Park Site Selection b. Parks and Recreation facilities survey/ questionnaire results 4. New Business 5. Discussion of Addenda 6. Adjournment MINUTES OF MARCH 13 , 1981 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Hearing no objections, Chairman Keyes proclaimed the minutes of March 13, 1981 approved as presented . Page 1 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 19P3 401) PRESENTATION BY FLAMINGO ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION ADDED TO AGENDA Hearing no objections, and upon the recommendation of Parks and Recreation Director Rollie Rice , a presentation by the Flamingo Estates Property Owners Association was added to the agenda by Chairman Keyes. ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITY PARK SITE SELECTION STAFF REPORT ACCEPTED AS OFFICIAL PARKS AND RECREATION AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT FOR SUBMISSION TO THE BCC Planner Richard Henderlong presented the Alternative Community Park Site Selection Report . compiled by the Planning Department. He outlined the methodology used in Iidentifying each of the sites for the four districts , which emb' include North Naples, East Naples, Golden Gate and Immokalee . He explained that Marco Island will also have a community park, however , because Deltona Corporation is already committed to a specific site , there was no discretionary judgement involved in that district. Also discussed was the various criteria that determines what a community park shall consist of, including size , type of facilities , and serviceble area , as indicated on page one of the subject report. He also explained the criteria used in evaluating each of the proposed park sites, as outlined within the site selection tabulation sheets previously used by the Committee *Copy of Report apended to minutes in Clerk's Office. I I Page 2 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 1981 during the initial site evaluations , and the final point values given each site , as indicated in the subject report. Mr . Henderlong explained that the report identifies the first, second , and third priority sites for community parks in each of the aforementioned four work study areas and that , at this point in time, there is no way to be sure which of these alternatives will be found to be optimum by the } CC. He explained that the varaus factors including cost effec- tiveness, locality, size , and servicebility will be consid- ered by the BCC, during their final determination. Mr . Henderlong said that if the Ad Hoc Committee accepts this report it will be submitted to the BCC as the official Ad Hoc Committee' s recommendation regarding the recommended sites for community parks in Collier County. He emphasized the fact that the BCC will be making the final selections . There was a brief discussion regarding the possibility of the positive identification of the sites ultimately increasing the purchase price of the various parcels, during which Mr. Henderlong stated that there is no real answer to this problem. He explained that the job of this Committee was to identify specific sites and make subsequent recom- mendations to the BCC and he also explained that the BCC could take as long as a year to make a final determination as to what direction they wish to go regarding the financing of these parks , i .e. bond issue , or , to decide if they wish to put the matter to the public , i .e . a public ballot during a special election. He explained that no negotiation with the Page 3 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 1981 property owners of the various parcels can take place until the Board has approved the sites and the parcels could not be the subject of any condemnation proceedings until a bond is validated . He said that the property owners can develop the parcels, sell the parcels, or even apply for rezoning for any of the parcels up to that time , however , the BCC could give direction to the Planning staff to initiate comprehensive plan amendments identifying the selected sites as intended for park and recreational use . Each page of the report was explained by Mr . Henderlong , and discussed by the members , thus, the Committee' s approval of the contents of the report was issued by the page as follows : Page One mr . Henderlong noted that Page One , Paragraph Three , of the subject Reprot contains a typographical error . He stated that the area of a community park should read as follows : "Community Parks are those which serve up to 25,000 people and are between 10 and 50 acres in size" . Also , the word , "basketball" was added to the end of the same paragraph as an active recreational facility at the request of the Committee . Page Two Mr . Henderlong noted that there will be an insertion at the end of the first sentence of the second paragraph which will read "note - see figure 1, page 3" . Pages Three, Four & Five There were no objections forthcoming regarding these three pages . Page 4 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 1981 Page Six A member of the Flamingo Estates Property Owners' Association pointed out that the name of Flamingo Drive, as indicated in the description of site 01 , in the East Naples District , (Figure 4) has been changed by the BCC and is now called Lakewood Boulevard. Mr. Henderlong noted that the street name shall be changed accordingly in the final draft of the subject Report . During the discussion of the material of page six , Mr . Henderlong responded to Mr . Keyes' query regarding the population of Collier County by stating that , according to the 1980 Census, the population was quoted as 85,791 and he added that the Planning Department estimates that the updated (:) 1981 figure will be 91,912. He also stated that the 1981 Census indicated that there were 50, 799 housing units in Collier County and he said that this figure will be updated for 1981 at approximately 54 , 000. Pages Seven, Eight/ Nine, Ten, & Eleven There were no objections forthcoming regarding these five pages. Page Twelve Mr. Henderlong stated that the description of Site 01 will be amended to reflect the change in the street name "Flamingo Drive" so that it reads "Lakewood Boulevard ' , as in the case of page 6. The description of Site 01 was outlined in detail for the benefit of the members representing Flamingo Estates Property Onwers' Association who were present today, by Mr . Henderlong who referred to a large map and drawing . He said that Site 11 is bordered on the south by Davis Boulevard , on Page 5 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 19P1 the west by Lakewood Boulevard , on the north by Flamingo Drive , and that it runs approximately 1000 ft . to the east . Pages Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen & Sixteen There were no objections forthcoming regarding the contents of these four pages. Upon the conclusion of a discussion of the entire report, Mr. Howlett moved , seconded by Mr. Breeden and carried unanimously, that the subject report be adopted as the official Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee Report on Alternative Community Park Site Selection as submitted by the staff with the aforementioned corrections and/or additions agreed upon during presentation. Also , that same report shall be transmitted to the BCC along with a cover letter signed by Chairman Keyes. DISCUSSION RE QUESTIONS/OBJECTIONS FROM FLAMINGO ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION REGARDING 01 PRIORITY SITE FOR EAST NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK There was a lengthy discussion regarding certain questions and/or objections that the representatives from Flamingo Estates Property Owner ' s Association presented in regards to the #1 priortity site for a proposed community park site in East Naples, specifically that which lies north of Davis Boulevard and east of Lakewood Boulevard . Several representatives asked if the park site will have a buffer of trees separating the park from the residential neighborhood if this site should be chosen by the Board of County Commissioners for development into a park . Mr . Page 4 Parks and Pecreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 19P1 ewe Henderlong assured them that it would , adding that there would be fencing surrounding the entire park and that in an effort to provide additional security during the hours that the park would be open to the public , someone would be on duty acting as a guard . He said that the park would be locked at night. Mr . Rice responded to one question by stating that there would not be any barbed wire installed at the top of the fencing . Also discussed was the proposed plan to have the the entrance/exit for vehicles located at the Davis Boulevard side of the park , in an effort to eliminate additional traffic from the residential area , as explained by Mr . Henderlonl . Several representatives of the association stated that they did not want any access to the park along the Flamingo Drive side, including a pedestrian entrance , because they did not want any additional pedestrian traffic, specifically children , wandering through their neighborhood . At the end of the discussion Mr . Henderlong stated that these and all other objections will be taken into consideration at the time of the final design of the park . Several of the association representatives stated that they would prefer another site for the park and suggested that a more centrally located site would better serve East Naples. The repre- sentatives asked that the record reflect that their organi- zation is opposed to priority #1 for the East Naples work study area and Chairman Keyes acknowledged their request . Page 7 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 1981 Mr . Henderlong thanked the representatives for their interest and Chairman Keyes asked that the meeting continue . LETTER FROM MR. JOHN DUTTON RE SUGGESTION OF ALTERNATE PARK SITES ALONG BEACHES - ENTERED INTO RECORD Planner Henderlong referred to a letter* dictated over the telephone to Parks and Recreation Secretary Patricia Cookson, from Mr. John Dutton, R35 Cassina Road, who is unable to attend the meeting this morning . He read the letter in its entirety for the record and a brief discussion followed regarding its contents. Mr . Dutton' s letter suggested that a park be established along the beach in the same manner as Wiggins State Park, including a gate , and a small fee for entrance. He suggested that the park open at 8: 00 A.M. and that a time for closing be determined . *Copy of letter appended to minutes in Clerk 's Office . SURVEY/QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS RE P&R FACILITIES IN COLLIFP COUNTY - ACCEPTED BY AD HOC COMMITTEE Planner Terry Clark presented an explanation of the results of the Parks and Recreation 1, 500 survey/question- naires sent out at random by voting precincts. He explained certain conclusions that have been reached , based on the tabulation of the information within the 664 retuned questionnaires, which is cataloged in two parts; one for the unincorporated areas of the County, which had 470 surveys returned; the other for Naples incorporated area , which had Page 8 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 19S1 194. He also compared the two, noting that each area' s returns represent an approimate 44% rate of return. Mr . Clark referred to a copy of the Collier County Parks And Recreation Facilities Serve /Questionnaire Results* and said that each question was tabulated by precinct and the socio-economic characteristics of the persons answering the questions were also considered when making conclusions . Only one typographical error was discovered . Page 3, Question 7, line 10, should read "5. 1% - Horesback Riding Trails" . Mr . Clark read the conclusions outlined within the report and at the end of the presentation he stated that the survey results from the unincorporated area indicate that community parks are the type of parks that most people want and will use , while the City' s response indicate a close vote on the need for this kind of park although nearly 1/2 indicated they would most often use this kind of park. Also, he stated that those answering the questions in both the City and the unincorporated areas indicated that they would support county government spending public money for parks and recreation facilities; most people in the unincorporated area favor a tourist tax as a means of revenue and their second choice is a bond issue ; the response from the City indicates a tie for second choice between bond issue and Ad Valorem taxes for the revenue . *Copy of Report appended to minutes in Clerk's Office Page 9 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 1981 Mr. Clark said that the unincorporated area respondents indicated that the present state of parks and recreational facilities is inadequate , while the City' s respondents were nearly split on the question , adding that the City' s respondents are wealthier than that of the unincorporated areas. Another point that mr . Clark made is that the questionnaires were sent out through the voter registration lists. He said that this is one reason that 83. 9% of the respondents from the City are over the age 45 and I approximately 1/2 of the respondents are over F5. This differs somewhat from the unincorporated areas where 68. 2% of 1 those responding are over 4 . of age and only 32. 3% are ! Cover the age of 65 Mr . Clark said that the kinds of i 1 facilities most wanted in both catagories were "passive activities" facilities, i .e . bike paths, beach access activities, picnic areas, nature study areas, etc. Mr . Clark concluded his presentation by stating that , generally, both categories have similar feelings about Parks and Recreation in Collier County with the exception of a deeper interest in neighborhood and community parks from the respondents that reside in the unincorporated areas of the County. It was the consensus of the members of the Committee that copies of the subject report shall be transmitted to the City of Vaples' Council and Collier County Parks and Recre- ation Advisory Board for their consideration. Page 10 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 1981 Mr . Henderlong explained the purpose of this Committee; the proposed plans of the Committee to continue to work towards planning for land acquisition ; site development costs figures; and , a plan for financing the projects. He said that the BCC will be supplied with both reports discussed today and then, upon direction from them , the Committee will take the next step. He explained that whichever steps the Board wishes the Committee to take , certain expenditures will have to be authorized, i .e . site develpment plans, apprai- sals, etc. Also discussed was the Collier County Capital Improve- ment Program, during which Mr . Henderlong stated that the BCC adopted a 6-year program in 1975. He said that this program was to include capital improvements for parks, however , there has never been any capital improvement funds approved for these facilities. Also discussed was various means of financing for parks , and Mr . Rice said that funds have never been set aside for parks and recreation facilities; nor has there been any mechanism for funding established for future parks in the County. lie said that out of 57 projects for which he has requested funding , only one has been approved . Other topics discussed were user fees , bond issues, taxing districts, and the present methodology of application of fees charged for various programs within the Parks and Recreation Department to offset some of the maintenance necessary for certain facilities, i .e . ballfields , lights, etc . After the general discussion Mr . Keyes asked the Com- Page 11 Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee May 22, 19Sl mittee to formally accept the subject report on the results of the questionnaire . Mr . Breeden moved , seconded by Mr . Plummer and carried unanimously, that the subject report be accepted by the Committee . ADJOURNMENT - TIME: 10: 25 A.M. There being no further business to come before the Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee , the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 10: 25 A.M. Chairman Keyes invited the members of Flamingo Estates Property Owner ' s association to stay for an informal discussion . 4:) PARKS AND RECREATION AD HOC COMMITTEE Fred Keyes, Chairman 0 Page 12