Immokalee CRA Advisory Board Minutes 12/16/2015 Coll*,County Community Redevelopmer'Agency
i The Mace to Colt Home!
Enclosure 2
Meeting of the Joint Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, the Immokalee
Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee, and the Enterprise Zone Development
Agency Board on December 16, 2015.
750 South 5th Street, Immokalee, FL
A. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Mike Facundo, CRA Chair and Cherryle Thomas
MSTU Chair at 8:40 AM.
B. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Present:
Mike Facundo, Ski Olesky, Estil Null, Andrea Halman, Martha Williams, Julio
Estremera, and Frank Nappo.
Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Absent/Excused:
Jim Wall, and Joseph Mucha
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present:
Cherryle Thomas, Bill Deyo,Norma Garcia, and Andrea Halman.
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Lucy Ortiz
Others Present: Michelly Mosca, Jerry Kurtz, Robert Wiley, Brad Muckel, Armando
Yzaguirre, Chief Paul Anderson, Bernardo Barnhart, Maria O'Neill, Dottie Cook,
Richard Tindell, Dan Salls, Peter McNeil, Marvin Courtright, Daniel Gonzalez, Vanessa
Bielema, Maria Perez, Pam Brown, Larry Wilcoxin, Fred Thomas, Fidel Redondo,
Rosmary Alvarez, .and Miguel Mayorga.
Staff: James Sainvilus, and Christie Betancourt.
C. Introductions. The board members present and members of the public introduced
D. Announcements.
1. Meetings and Public Comment speaker slips
Chairman Mike Facundo wanted to reiterate with the public the 3 minute speaker
slip policy. He said the board will give more time if they feel it necessary.
Staff announced that Chief Paul Anderson, Maria O'Neill, Bernardo Barnhart, and
Mariela Romero have been approved by this board to serve as board members but
they haven't been officially appointed so they are welcome to comment but their
vote will not count until the Board of County Commissioners appoints them next
2. 2016 CRA Chair—Dr. Frank Nappo
CRA Chair Mike Facundo announced that Dr. Frank Nappo will be taking over as
Chair in January and asked if Dr.Nappo had any comments he wanted to add.
Dr. Nappo wanted to recognize Bradley Muckel for all the work he has done for the
past 7 years for everyone here in Immokalee. Hopefully he will stay connected with
us. Brad said he would.
Dr. Nappo also thanked Mike Facundo for his years of leadership here and without
him he didn't think we would be in the position where we are today. Lastly he
thanked everyone for the opportunity to represent Immokalee.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Coll 4omel Enclosure 2
He said that there has been some notoriety so we need to move forward and do the
best we can for the people of Immokalee. We have a lot of projects that need to be
done here so hopefully 2016 will be our year and we will get the necessary attention
and funding so we can do what needs to get done.
3. 2016 CRA Vice-Chair—Estil Null
Chairman Mike Facundo announced that Estil Null will be taking over as Vice-Chair
in January and asked if he had any comments he wanted to add.
Mr. Null said that we have done a lot here and hopefully Brad can still give us his
insight anytime he can.
4. Military Leave—James Sainvilus—01/09/2016— 1/23/2016
Chairman Mike Facundo announced that James Sainvilus will be on Military leave
from January 9th through January 23rd. He will be traveling to Germany for two
weeks. He will not be here for the January advisory board meeting.
5. Commissioner Nance January Meeting
Chairman Mike Facundo announced that Commissioner Nance would possibly be
attending our January 20th 2016 Joint CRA/MSTU Meeting. CRA staff announced
that they received an email from county staff expressing Commissioner Nance desire
to attend our January meeting. If he can't attend on January 20th meeting we will
schedule an additional meeting so the community can discuss topics for Immokalee.
E. Adoption of Agenda.
Staff would like to add under Red Flag J.1.Oxxe Oil Petroleum Corporation 9:30 AM
Time Certain. MSTU Chair would like to move item N. MSTU Old Business to K. and
shift all items down. CRA Chair would like to move L.4. CRA vacancy to L.1 and shift
L.1.—L.3. down as follows:
Red Flag Items.
. Qxxe Oil Petroleum Corporation-930 AMTime Certain-Presentation
x MSTU O a B sin s
1 Contrattarth=
Maintenance Reports-A&M 1Enr1osure
MS BuduetRaport
Current Budget tf.nclosure 61
d PO Report(Encluswe
Exnesdintres(Enclosure S)
IiSI Proieect Mana?er
Comuropia Banners¢uclosure 9)
ii FBOTProjects:inclosure 101
4-_ MM.'New Business.
CRA New Business.
1 CRkcacncv
-_. Immokalee Stonnwater Master Plan draft-updates
FloridaHeartland REDI Inc.
i. Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern Memorandum of Agreement(Enclosure 3a)
FHREDI Bylaws(Enclosure 3b)
Rural Area of Opportunity-Re-designation(Enclosure 3c)(Action Items:CRAEZDA)
—=. FL State Surgeon General Recognition 2016 CFnrlosure d)(Artten Items:CRA:EZDA)
EZDA New Business.
EZDAQuurerlyActivity Report 10G1/15-1231115
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Place to Call Home t Enclosure 2
Action: Mr. Julio Estremera made a motion for the CRA to adopt the Agenda with new
changes adding Red Flag J.1.Oxxe Oil Petroleum Corporation 9:30 AM Time Certain. MSTU
Chair would like to move item N. MSTU Old Business to K. and shift all items down. CRA
Chair would like to move L.4. CRA vacancy to L.1 and shift L.1. —L.3. down. Mr. Ski Olesky
seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 8-0.
Action: Ms. Norma Garcia made a motion for the MSTU to adopt the Agenda with new
changes adding Red Flag J.1.Oxxe Oil Petroleum Corporation 9:30 AM Time Certain. MSTU
Chair would like to move item N. MSTU Old Business to K. and shift all items down. CRA
Chair would like to move L.4. CRA vacancy to L.1 and shift L.1. —L.3. down. Mr. Bill Deyo
seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0.
F. Communications.
1. Public Meeting Notice
2. Naples Daily News Articles
3. Immokalee Bulletin Articles
CRA staff reviewed the communications folder with the boards.
Dr. Nappo would like to thank James Sainvilus for the tremendous job he did with the
Christmas tree lighting event. He would also like to thank all who had a part in the event
it was very nice.
MSTU Chair Cherryle Thomas said that the article that ran on December 12th about the
November Joint CRA/EZDA & MSTU Meeting had a lot of misinformation given by
county staff. I have been receiving a lot of calls by community residents in regards to the
comments made by county staff. Are we going to address the article at any time during
this meeting?
CRA Chair Mike Facundo he said that the facts that were presented in the article were
almost biased and I think we should do a rebuttal in regards to that. Our board requested
clarification and information about certain things we never received anything. I think
some clarifications need to be made in regards to trying to get the facts straight.
Dr. Frank Nappo said we need to review the request that we made to the county and what
was indicated with the responses to the article that is incongruent. The article indicated
that they had no knowledge that we requested the accounting of the Seminole Compact
CRA Chair Mike Facundo said that Immokalee is always going to be a step child to
Collier County. They bring them for the fruits and veggies it looks good for them but,
I've always felt like for example when you look at and read the article that they offered
so many incentives to the California company that's going to create 250 jobs. They
offered a package to them so they could come to Collier County. We are trying to
survive and yet there's an opportunity for some development for Immokalee that could be
a starting point a point of origin where things could maybe, possibly, be developed by
bringing a Walmart to Immokalee and yet they shut them down by not offering them any
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
The Place to Colt Home! Enclosure 2
Even when we requested what happened I felt as a board member I was in the dark. I
never got a response to it. I have a problem with that. I think we live a time that our
government is preaching and teaching transparency we have not seen it from Collier
County in my opinion. What they strategically did it looks like is they claimed
ignorance. I think those kinds of things really have a lot of reservations because our
interest is to try to represent Immokalee well. We are trying to make something happen
but, it's sad when you feel like as individuals you almost feel that prejudiced attitude
towards Immokalee. I am not talking about racial prejudice I am talking about attitude
behind how they view Immokalee and their perspective and comments being made by our
commissioner. Listen if we don't get people here in Immokalee registered to vote they are
going to run Immokalee. If you look at the demographics of Immokalee within the
district Tim Nance is in Immokalee will run his district if you look statistically. The
problem is we don't have enough people registered to vote here. I don't have anything
against him but comments that are made and heard it's almost like Tim let's have a sit
down about this. Let's talk about the facts. No one takes Immokalee serious. No one
takes the people who represent Immokalee, who live here, who's invested here serious.
That's what it boils down to.
Dr. Frank Nappo said that most of the dollars that Immokalee has received were federal
dollars or state dollars and it was not coming out of the county coffers. There wasn't
anything presented that was documented that came out of the counties general funds.
Mr. Null said that he has probably been in Immokalee longer than anybody in this room.
Naples and our county government don't want to see Immokalee grow. They don't want
us to compete with Naples they want us just to be a farming community.
Chair Mike Facundo said that politicians were always a voice for the board. It's
democracy by the people. The problem is that it's been about position, power, and greed
and who has the most money. Where the money is at is where they are going to be at.
We need to shift that where politicians really represents the voice of the people. If we are
going to shift the nation we need to start with our local community. It's about a
community as a whole. That is where my energy is focused in. What are we as a board
doing? What is Collier County doing as a whole? I think it was a vision of Tom
Monaghan from Ave Maria. He was asked if he was going to wall off Immokalee and he
said no we are there to be able to reach out to Immokalee to sustain it. If only we could
get politicians to think that way. During election time we need to go out and vote. We
need to focus that energy and passion for the residents of Immokalee. Don't give up.
G. Approval of Minutes.
1. CRA Approval of Minutes for the Joint November 18, 2015 CRA/EZDA & MSTU
Advisory Committee Meeting (Enclosure 1).
Action: Ms. Norma Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes for the Joint
November 18, 2015 CRA/EZDA & MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Bill Deyo and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. 4-0.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i the Place toCaHome! Enclosure 2
H. BCC Agenda Items for December 2015
1. 2015 Land Development Code Cycle 2 to amend LCR Section 2.03.07 G.5
Immokalee Main Street Overlay Sub-District(Enclosure 2)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 2 which is the executive summary that was
approved to authorize staff to process an amendment in the 2015 Land Development
Code Cycle to amend LDC Section 2.03.07 G.5 Immokalee Main Street Overlay
Sub-District that will allow prohibitive uses to to become eligible conditional uses
within the Immokalee Main Street Overlay Sub-district (MSOSD) boundary to
incentivize commercial development.
BCC Agenda Items for January 2016.
1. Advisory Board Appointments
i. Bernardo Barnhart
ii. Chief Paul Anderson
iii. Maria O'Neill
iv. Mariela Romero
Staff informed the board that the four applicants should be on the January BCC
agenda for appointment.
J. Red Flag Item
1. Oxxe Oil Petroleum Corporation—Time Certain 9:30 AM
Miguel Mayorga wanted to thank everyone for receiving them. He introduced Mr.
Fidel Redondo and himself to all present. He told all that he had arrived from
Columbia yesterday to translate for Mr. Redondo the president of Oxxe Oil
Petroleum Corporation. He appreciated Immokalee receiving them to represent this
project to you. Fidel Redondo via translator Miguel Mayorga provided board with a
presentation of the company Oxxe Oil Petroleum that he would like to bring to
Immokalee. After a Q & A session board would like for staff to work with county
staff, community residents, and local farmers to see if a partnership is possible.
Action: Dr. Frank Nappo made a motion that the CRA support the concept Oxxe Oil
Petroleum coming to Immokalee and that we propose that Christie Betancourt work with
county staff residents of Immokalee, local farmers to see if this is applicable company and
can be done. Search for grants or other incentives. The motion was seconded by Mr. Estil
Null and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 8-0.
Public speaker Pam Brown wanted to discuss an article in the Naples Daily News on
November 28, 2015 regarding two groups that have partnered to help advise Collier
County and I wanted to know if any of the board members knew about it. She said
that the article said that affordable housing and community development in
Immokalee may get a boost from two groups that have partnered to help advise
Collier County on ways to create a brighter future there. The National Association
for Latino Community Asset Builders, also known as NALCAB, helps Latino
communities attract and generate investment. It recently hired Florida Housing
Coalition to help develop strategies for housing and development.
Fred N. Thomas Jr. presented Edward "Ski" Olesky with a photo collage for his 24
years of volunteer service in Immokalee.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Place to Call Home! Enclosure 2
Public speaker Danny Gonzalez wanted to speak on the jobs. He said that last week
he went to a Board of County Commissioner meeting. He was there about 5 hours
and he was the only one there from Immokalee but, it was a good thing that he went
because a lot of things that they said bothered him especially our commissioner from
District 5. There is a company from California that is going to bring 200 jobs.
There is a packing house in Immokalee on Jerome Lane that has been vacant for
three years. That would be a perfect place for them to come in. I stood up and said
something but it was like nothing. I got up and left. There is a company that wants
to come into Immokalee. Is the county really going to push this company to help us
find five jobs. So this company is here presenting themselves for jobs here in
Immokalee. Where is the county? Is the county really going to help us get this
company going? It's been a while since a company has come here to present
themselves. This is our job with the chamber, the CRA, and any other organization
this is our job to bring jobs into immokalee. Mr. Gonzalez also said he went to a
public meeting for the 30 million dollar park they are building in the estates. How
long do we have to wait to get parks here in Immokalee? How long have we been
fighting for parks in Immokalee. The park will be 10 miles from here; $30 million
has already been funded and they're going to start in February. We have been
waiting for Little League to be developed for years and this one is already being
funded our commissioner says one thing here and then does another thing.
Chairman Mike Facundo said that he thinks the county should tap into the 1.4
million compact money and use it to get some economic development here in
Immokalee. We could offer some kind of incentive package to Immokalee. Once
we have an alliance together of different partners in this community we would like
for that money or some of that money to be assigned to Immokalee for economic
development. We need to have an alliance and collaboration with the Immokalee
CRA, with the chamber, with the other organizations in the community.
Dr. Frank Nappo said that of the 1.4 million we need to designate a percentage of
that money. It should automatically go to the Immokalee Fire Department and then
a certain percentage come to the Immokalee CRA for economic development
because then we are moving on when a new company comes in we can make a deal.
Public speaker Pam Brown had a comment about Bruce Register and the Economic
Development Department in Collier County. She wanted to know if they have made
communication with the Immokalee CRA asking if there were any areas available
for lease or for sale and asking questions from the CRA as far as joint partnership for
economic development. Has Bruce Register been over here? Isn't he the one that
did the presentation at the county with the gourmet company from California?
Board would like for staff to make communication with Bruce Register and invite
him and staff to come to our next meeting to update him on all of the available
opportunities here and schedule a field trip with the local chamber, the local banks,
the CRA and show him what's available here in Immokalee.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Cali Nome! Enclosure 2
Public Speaker Marvin Courtright said this has been such an interesting day. To
establish something in Immokalee we have great potentials. You have a brand-new
runway, you have an import/export facility, you're an enterprise zone, and we have
everything needed for them.
You have a good opportunity here with these people. Look at it, consider it, and
remember it's your game now because we have everything he needs. If they want to
do something here they should pay you not us pay them.
Public Speaker Larry Wilcoxin wanted to reiterate a lot of what the gentleman said.
We have to have some backbone here and that's one thing I have noticed about when
it comes to dealing with issues and Immokalee I a lot of you may not like what the
way Mr. Fred Thomas come across because it comes across very forceful but it's
because it's his love and passion and so does Mr. Danny Gonzalez. You have to let
those individuals on the coast know you mean business. You need to take this to
them. They will eventually get tired of seeing your faces, get tired of hearing you're
crying and moaning and finally they will do something about it. We have been the
red headed step child forever. I listen to what's going on over there. This is my
home town my love. All I ask for the CRA to bring it to them otherwise you're
going to keep going around in circles and circles. So I understand Mr. Brad's
frustration because it would get me frustrated. That's all I ask whatever you have
planned for them just give it to them.
K. MSTU Old Business
1. Contractors Report
i. Maintenance Reports—A& M (Enclosure 5)
Armando Yzaguirre from A & M provided board with Enclosure 5 which is a
maintenance report for the entire month of November for board to review. He
also discussed the Christmas Decorations with the board. Board would like for
decorations to be taken down on January 9th
2. MSTU Budget Report
i. Current Budget(Enclosure 6)
ii. PO Report(Enclosure 7)
iii. Expenditures (Enclosure 8)
Staff reviewed MSTU Enclosure 6, 7, and 8 budget reports with the board.
Staff said that they will be creating a PO for Richard Tindell (Greenworks) and
for a design of sidewalks on West Eustis and on 9th Street.
3. MSTU Project Manager
i. Cornucopia Banners (Enclosure 9)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 9 which are samples of the cornucopia
banner options.
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to use all the designs provided by staff on
Enclosure 9. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bill Deyo and the motion was passed by
unanimous vote. 4-0.
ii. FDOT Projects (Enclosure 10)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 10 which is an email from Trinity Scott
regarding FDOT projects.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
Enclosure 1
I The Place to Cali Home I L'IICIOSUi'e 2
The email said she met with CRA staff last Wednesday to receive information
regarding the project. In that meeting, James advised that they have been been
working with FDOT on 3 different projects, it was their understanding that
David Jones from FDOT was pursuing $750K to address ADA improvements
and safety improvements. She said she ting, I received information from
FDOT and it noted a new project that has not been included in the Draft
Tentative Work Program that has been presented to the MPO Board.
The project # is 439002-1, SR 29 from North 9th Street to North 1st Street,
total project cost $2,589,845 for FDOT to construct a pedestrian safety
improvement in FY 18/19. I have reached out to FDOT to determine the exact
scope of this project so I can work with James to determine if the scope covers
all of the projects that were originally contemplated.
Ms. Andrea Halman wanted to discuss the Zocalo Maintenance. Staff said that
they will set up a meeting with park maintenance staff after the holidays to
discuss the maintenance details of the First Street Zocalo Plaza.
Staff also reported that they received permission from Road and Bridges to
have a 40 ft storage container placed out there for storage of Christmas
MSTU Chair wanted to say that she has been with the MSTU board for 22
years and wanted to let everyone know she will not be the chair person in
2017. We have had a good partnership for the last eight years. We have had a
relationship with the CRA and it's the first time we ever got things done so
expediently. I just want to go on record with this relationship. MSTU is not
broke and the CRA is not broke. This time CRA and MSTU asks for each
other's opinion. We collaborate well together. I want to go on record on
saying this.
L. MSTU New Business
No new business.
M. CRA New Business
1. CRA Vacancy
Dr. Frank Nappo said he has a number of motions he would like to make. These are
recommendations to the Human Resources department. The first motion is I would
like the CRA board approve that Christie Betancourt be appointed as the Interim
Operations Manager for the CRA while a search goes on for a replacement.
Action: Mr. Julio Estremera made a motion to appoint Christie Betancourt as the
Interim Operations Manager until the position is filled. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Andrea Halman and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 8-0.
I am going to make a motion hopefully some folks from the county will come again
to the January meeting. I would like to have the January meeting begin at the Lake
Trafford Pier because there are three things I would like to show folks. 1.) Since they
fixed the Naples Pier and they are going to fix Clam Pass I would like for them to
come to Lake Trafford to see what condition it's in. 2.) On their way they can see the
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
IThe Placeto Cat Home I Enclosure 2
cones on Lake Trafford Road that need to be taken down and the drainage and
sidewalks that need to be put in. 3.) We can talk a little bit about Little League Rd.
in terms of why it has to be extended. If State Road 29 is blocked and you're here
you don't get out. So I would like the meeting to start at 8:30 am. This all ties into
ecotourism, we have to tie the Seminole Casino, the Robert's Ranch Museum,
Pepper Ranch, and Airboats and Alligator's with the TDC (Tourist Development
Council) so some of that money comes into Immokalee.
I would like to recommend a search committee for the CRA Operations Manager.
The recommendation committee would include the past chair, Mike Facundo, Estil
Null, Frank Nappo, Andrea Halman, Julio Estremera, Ski Olesky, Cherryle Thomas,
and Chief Paul Anderson. This recommendation search committee would
recommend who the CRA hires.
MSTU Chair Cherryle Thomas would like to go on the record saying that the CRA
has money to hire the position.
Action: Dr. Frank Nappo made a motion to establish a recommendation committee to
participate in the hiring of the Immokalee CRA Operations Manager. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Julio Estremera and the motion was passed by unanimous vote.8-0.
Action: Mr. Bill Deyo made a motion to establish a recommendation committee to
participate in the hiring of the Immokalee CRA Operations Manager. The motion was
seconded by Ms.Andrea Halman and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 3-0.
2. Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan—draft—updates
Staff introduced Michelle Mosca and Jerry Kurtz from the county who are here to
talk to the board about the draft Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan.
Mr. Jerry Kurtz thanked everyone for fitting them into the busy meeting. He gave a
little bit of history. He has been with the county 17 years doing storm water and
previous to the CRA and Brad's arrival we did do some projects here in Immokalee.
I also have Robert Wiley here who is a Stormwater engineer project manager as
well. We did a big project on SR29 the 29 Canal next to Florida Specialties. We
enclosed a big ditch because of erosion and enclosed it in a big covert. We put in the
big double pipes down 5th Street. We started at the north end where the Immokalee
Apartments are. We did it in two phases to Eustis. It took us a couple of years to do
that. Then we went down Lake Trafford Road there is a big problem there where a
box covert wasn't long enough. So we extended the covert and filled all that in.
Another thing that I can recall is that the main entrance of Farm Workers Village
where we replaced all the collapsing coverts there.
Dr. Frank Nappo reiterated how important it is to get the area of Lake Trafford Road
where the white sticks are fixed immediately. That specific area is a danger for the
kids from Lake Trafford Elementary School.
Jerry Kurtz also explained the plans for the future here in Immokalee. With the
projects Brad has been doing for the past 7 years he has been following the
Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
the Place to Call Rome!
What has changed recently is that the county stormwater department is getting funds
this year starting in October we now have $200,000 ear marked to spend in
Immokalee. It is not a lot of money but it's a start to get the projects rolling. The
plan is still in draft form. So we can take the plan and remove the draft stamp and
finalize the plan how we want it and move forward with the final document as a
guiding document to go forward with our projects in Immokalee. One of the other
things we have been doing is attending the meetings with the Water Management
District's Lake Trafford Health Working Group. As we move forward we can
expand with that group. We need to make sure that all the water going to the lake
isn't going to harm the lake. We are hoping to coordinate to get some land to get a
site to build a park, and a storm water treatment pond. We will try to reach out and
get grants for these things.
Staff informed the board that we are establishing a partnership with Rural
Neighborhood, Collier County Parks & Recreation, County Stormwater Department,
South Florida Water Management District, and the CRA. We are hoping to pull our
resources together to have enough funding to buy land and develop it for a park and
a retention pond. We are meeting with a land owner today to discuss a potential
pond site.
Michelle Mosca also commented on our intension for us to try to partner with the
local groups and provided a brief of the potential partnerships and funding for the
Mr. Robert Wiley told the board that the county has started a very log project that is
called the Stormwater asset inventory program. We are trying to identify every
drainage facility that is within the public's realm. We haven't made it to Immokalee
yet but we will be in Immokalee within 2016.
Stormwater staff had a Q&A session with the board.
3. Florida Heartland REDI Inc.
i. Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern Memorandum of Agreement
(Enclosure 3a)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 3a which is a copy of the current RACEC
memorandum of agreement for review.
ii. FHREDI Bylaws (Enclosure 3b)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 3b which is a copy of the current FHREDI
bylaws for review.
iii. Rural Area of Opportunity—Re-designation (Enclosure 3c)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 3c which is a copy of an example for re-
After discussion board made a motion to reapply for re-designation of the
Rural Area of Opportunity and to have someone from Immokalee represent
them at the meetings.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
iThe Place to Call Home! Enclosure 2
Action: Dr. Frank Nappo made a motion to support the continuation of the designation
for the Rural Area of Opportunity. Board would like a CRA representative from Immokalee
attend the meetings pertaining to the Florida Heartland REDI Inc. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Julio Estremera and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 7-0.
4. FL State Surgeon General Recognition 2016
Staff board with Enclosure 4 which is a copy of an application from the Florida State
Surgeon General for your review. Deborah Chesna requested that the CRA submit
an application for Immokalee recognition.
Action: Dr. Frank Nappo made a motion to submit an application to the 2016 Florida
State Surgeon General for recognition for Immokalee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Julio
Estremera and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 7-0.
N. EZDA New Business
1. EZDA Quarterly Activity Report 10/1/15-12/310/15
Staff will provide board with final quarterly activity report next month.
O. CRA Old Business.
1. Adopt—A—Road Program—update
No update was given.
2. LDC Amendment—update
No update was given.
3. Promise Zone Application—update
No update was given.
4. Historical Marker for Jane Brown Graveyard— 1380 Roberts Avenue (Enclosure 11)
No update was given. Item was tabled.
5. CRA Budget Report
i. Current Budget(Enclosure 12)
Item was tabled.
6. CRA Project Manager Report(Enclosure 13)
i. Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan—update
7. Advisory Board Vacancies
i. IFAS ex-officio
Pam Brown announced she put in an application to join the board.
8. Code Enforcement—update
No updates were given.
9. Immokalee Chamber of Commerce—update
Danny Gonzalez the chamber president said that his main concern is the
communication with the commissioners. We all need to work together.
10. SWFWDB —update
No update was given.
11. Housing—update
No update was given.
12. Law/Fire Enforcement—update
Chief Paul Anderson gave the board an update of the Immokalee Fire Department.
He also said that the Professional Fire Fighters of Immokalee local union is making a
public service request for the gaming pact money from the Immokalee Casino and a
breakdown of where the money has been spent.
Cotner County Community Redevelopment Agency
Enclosure 2
i The Place to Con Home!
13. IFAS extension
Vanessa Bielema wanted to clarify what her position was Sustainable Food Systems
Agent. I was going to work closely with the accelerator when it was set to open in
Immokalee. My job position has changed since the accelerator was put on hold. If
the project comes back I will be assisting with it.
P. EZDA Old Business.
Q. Citizen Comments:
No Comments.
R. Next Meeting Date: CRA & EZDA Meeting will meet on January 20, 2016 at 8:30 AM
and the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU will meet on January 20, 2016 at
8:30 A.M. at the Lake Trafford Marina.
S. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:05 PM