Immokalee Beautification MSTU Minutes 11/18/2015 JCollier Counly Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home !
Enclosure 1
Meeting of the Joint Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, the Immokalee
Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee, and the Enterprise Zone Development
Agency Board on November 18, 2015.
750 South 5t' Street, Immokalee, FL
A. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Mike Facundo, CRA Chair and Cherryle Thomas
MSTU Chair at 8:35 AM.
B. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Advisory Committee /EZDA Members Present:
Mike Facundo, Ski Olesky, Estil Null, Andrea Halman, Joseph Mucha, Julio Estremera
(8:42) and Frank Nappo
Advisory Committee /EZDA Members Absent /Excused:
Martha Williams, Jim Wall, and Cindy Lozano
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present:
Cherryle Thomas, Bill Deyo, Lucy Ortiz, Norma Garcia, and Andrea Halman.
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
All present.
Others Present: Chief Paul Anderson, Carrie Williams, Dottie Cook, Dr. Joseph
Francois, Daniel Gonzalez, Pam Brown, Vanessa Bielema, Mark Strain, Tim Durham,
Maria O'Neill, Bernardo Barnhart, and Richard Henerlong.
Staff. Brad Muckel and Christie Betancourt.
C. Introductions. The board members present and members of the public introduced
D. Announcements.
1. Chairman Mike Facundo wanted to reiterate with the public the 3 minute speaker
slip policy. More time will be given by board if they feel it necessary.
2. Staff announced that the MPO Board will be asked to approve the 2040 LRTP on
December 11, 2015 at 9:00 am at the BCC Chambers. There has been a comment
period opened for a while now and we know most of you have provided your input
on the LRTP for Immokalee. James Sainvilus attended the MPO board meeting last
week on behalf of the CRA board and provided comments on the Little League
Extension. During this meeting a motion was passed to ear mark money for the
Little League Extension. It is very important for you to provide input for
3. Bradley Muckel wanted to announce that he will be leaving Collier County. He
really appreciates all your help and support for the past eight years. He will be here
in the office until next Wednesday.
Mr. Null wanted to know who will be taking his place. Mr. Muckel said it remains
to be seen. I don't know if they have solidified a replacement or what they are going
to do with reorganization.
Mr. Muckel asked Tim Durham from the county manager's office if he wanted to
say a few words. Mr. Durham introduced himself and said he really appreciates
Brad's hard work, very conscientious, a pleasure to work with.
Whet County Community Redevebpment Agency
i The Place to C M Home!
Enclosure 1
I have been working with him for the last several years and you will be greatly
missed. The county commissioners were notified yesterday of Brad's decision to go
elsewhere. Staff is evaluating what we can do in the mean time to keep the projects
going. The projects related to stormwater and infrastructure we will be having the
growth management department make sure they get completed. We will be
presenting this to the board on December 8th to see how they proceed.
On behalf of the MSTU, Cherryle Thomas would like to say that we love Brad and
we grew Brad. We want the next person to continue to do for Immokalee and fall in
love with Immokalee.
Mike Facundo said that he agreed with what Ms. Thomas said. I really felt his heart
was here and saw a lot of the work he did with the roadways and stormwater showed
his love for Immokalee.
Mr. Muckel said he will be here December 3rd to attend the 2nd Annual Christmas
Tree Lighting Event.
Mr. Frank Nappo wanted to address Mr. Tim Durham from the county's office and
that it's the lack of support we get here from your organization and the way we are
treated here in Immokalee and the fact that we are always last in everything. It
doesn't make his job or our job and easier and sooner or later you and the folks that
you work for have to come to terms that Immokalee is in Collier County and needs
to be treated in a different way. Mr. Nappo gave an example of projects in Clam
Pass and the Naples Pier. He would like for the county's office to go out to Lake
Trafford and look at our dock. We have been waiting for quite some time to get the
dock fixed. We can go on and on about projects here. That is what makes his job
and what we do so difficult. We know we are 40 to 50 miles away but we are in the
back end of everything that goes on in the county. We have asked for an accounting
of the monies from the casino to the county for the past 4 '/z years. We asked from
the county and we haven't gotten it. That money has gone into the general fund to
be spent as you see fit. We have old fire engines old fire houses here that have not
been taken care of. I can go on and on I have a list of 20 or 30 things. We love Brad
but this job is an impossible job. No support from your organization you and
everybody else. And then to come out here and gives of some platitude about how
grateful you are and everybody else is so disingenuous it's disgusting.
Mr. Durham said first of all county staff executes the will of the three commissioner.
I don't make decisions about where funds go where. I don't appreciated being
talked to that way. I am a combat veteran and I don't appreciate being talked to that
way. I am not going to take it.
The chairman said lets go ahead and move forward.
Copier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Ploce to Cats Home!
Enclosure 1
E. Adoption of Agenda.
Staff would like to substitute Enclosure 6a and 6b in there package with new Enclosure
6a - Executive Summary and 6b - Land Development Code Amendment.
Action: Mr. Ski Olesky made a motion for the CRA to adopt the Agenda with new
Enclosure 6a LDC Executive Summary and 61; Land Development Code Amendment. Mr.
Estil Null seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 6 -0.
Action: Ms. Lucy Ortiz made a motion for the CRA to adopt the Agenda with new
Enclosure 6a LDC Executive Summary and 6b Land Development Code Amendment. Ms.
Andrea Halman seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 5 -0.
F. Communications.
1. Public Meeting Notice
2. Advisory Board contact list
3. 2"d Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Flyer
Staff reviewed the communications folder with the boards.
G. Approval of Minutes.
1. CRA Approval of Minutes for the October 21, 2015 CRA Advisory Committee
Meeting. Meeting.
Action: Mr. Estil Null made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 21, 2015
CRA Advisory Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ski Olesky and the
minutes were approved by unanimous vote. 7 -0.
2. Approval of Minutes for the October 21, 2015 EZDA Advisory Board Committee
Action: Mr. Estil Null made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 21, 2015
EZDA Advisory Board Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ski Olesky and
the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. 7 -0.
3. Approval of Minutes for the October 28, 2015 MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting.
Action: Ms. Norma Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 28,
2015 MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Estil Null and
the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. 5 -0.
H. BCC Agenda Items for Nevembef December 2015.
1. Advisory Board Appointments
That should be December not November BCC Agenda items. The applicants should
be on the agenda in December. We sent the request two weeks ago to have the
applicants appointed in December.
1. Red Fla Item
I. Historical Marker for Jane Brown Graveyard
Staff informed the board that this item has been brought before us by Ms. Pam
Brown and she is here in the room. She has brought to our attention that there is
actually a graveyard on Roberts across from the museum it's been in Immokalee for
generations the address is 1380 Roberts Avenue. She would like for it to become a
historical site and be signed posted as such. We went out and took a look at it and its
amazing site. The head stones are very old.
Coi6er County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Ponce to Coil Home!
Enclosure 1
Ms. Pam Brown introduced herself and spoke a bit more about the site and the
history of the graveyard. She has contacted the Historical Society with the State of
Florida to see if she could get a historical maker for my great grandfather. We are
going through the procedure now. We also have to find out who could sponsor the
historical marker which is around $3,000, who can put it in, and who can maintain it.
I have also been talking with the Collier County Museum because the Immokalee
Roberts Ranch is a little gem over here that nobody knows about. Hopefully we can
connect those two together and have tours when people come out. This would be on
a historical marker map for the state of Florida so people will know more about it
when they come to Immokalee. I am coming to the board this morning to see if you
wouldn't mind entertain paying for the marker and also putting it in. I have talked to
the museum about maintenance of it and we are also talking about putting the
cemetery on the historical register. The application for the request has to be
processed by December 7th. The meeting will be in January to approve the state
historical marker.
After much discussion board would like to have a two way split of the cost for the
Jane Brown Graveyard located at 1380 Roberts Avenue from the CRA fund 186 and
the MSTU fund 162.
Action: Mr. Julio Estremera made a motion to pay for % of the costs for a historical
marker for the Jane Brown Graveyard —1380 Roberts Avenue. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Frank Nappo and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 7 -0.
Action: Mr. Bill Deyo made a motion to pay for 2 of the costs for a historical marker
for the Jane Brown Graveyard —1380 Roberts Avenue. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lucy
Ortiz and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 5-0.
J. MSTU New Business
Adopt — A — Road Program (Enclosure 4)
Staff provided the board with Enclosure 4 which is a copy of Collier Counties Adopt
—A— Road Program Agreement, the locations available for adoption, and the
program information. The CRA staff has been talking with several businesses in
town to see if they can help to clean up Immokalee. We would like to see if they are
interested in adopting a road.
Mr. James Sainvilus said the MSTU and the CRA are interested in adopting a road.
We need to come up with a street for the MSTU to adopt. It is pretty lineate in
regards to the requirements the program has. You will only have to clean it up once
a month and you have to wear safety gear. We will provide you with the safety gear
the gloves, the vests, trash bags, and the trash picker sticks. We will make sure that
everyone is safe.
Mr. Muckel said if you look at Enclosure 4 in your agenda packet the next step is to
vote on a road segment one or two for each of the advisory committees. Once you
vote we will take to the Board of County Commissioners for approval.
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Place to Cali Home!
Enclosure 1
Mr. Muckel said that Lozano's Restaurant has already adopted one of the segments.
They requested to adopt from Main Street from Brown Way to Lake Trafford Road.
So the board can can pick a choose which segment to adopt and Christie will take it
to the Adopt -a -Road Coordinator with Collier County who writes up the executive
summary and takes it to the board for approval.
After much discussion the MSTU board would like to adopt segment Lake Trafford
Road from SR 29 to Carson Road.
Action: Mr. Bill Deyo made a motion to adopt a road segment from Lake Trafford Road
from State Road 29 to Carson Road The motion was seconded by Ms. Lucy Ortiz and the
motion was passed by unanimous vote. 5-0.
K. CRA New Business
1. Adopt — A — Road Program (Enclosure 4)
After much discussion the CRA board would like to adopt segment from 1st Street
North from State Road 29 to Immokalee Drive.
Action: Mr. Julio Estremera made a motion to adopt a road segment from Is' Street
North from State Road 29 to Immokalee Drive. The motion was seconded by Mr. Joe Mucha
and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. 7 -0.
2. CRA Nominations
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman nominated Frank Nappo for CRA Chair and Estil Null as
Vice Chair, Mr. Julio Estremera seconded the nomination. Ms. Andrea Halman made a
motion to close nominations which was seconded by Mr. Julio Estremera. A vote was taken
and Frank Nappo and Estil Null elected as Chair and Vice Chair. 7 -0.
3. Advisory Board Bylaws (Enclosure 5a & 5b)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 5a which are the new bylaws that will be going
into effective January 1, 2016. Enclosure 5b is the executed Ordnance 2015 -57.
Staff reviewed the bylaws in detail with the board.
Ms. Pam Brown informed the board she put in her application to be a part of the
CRA board.
Mr. Mike Facundo wanted to clarify something with Carrie Williams on public
comments. If you really want to speak please do it.
Carrie Williams said she wanted to address Mr. Durham when he was here about
Brad's replacement. I wanted to express when they met to discuss Brad's
replacement they thought about having someone that came out to Immokalee. Many
years ago we had someone that worked out at the county and came over just once a
week and nothing ever got done. We wanted someone that is full time here not
traveling back and forth. That is what I wanted to say but he left.
Mr. Estil Null said he wanted to say the same thing we want someone who will be
here and who looks forward to working here in Immokalee.
More discussion was held on the replacement of Brad's position and Mr. Durham
exit from our advisory board meeting.
CoRer County Community Rsdeveloprr>enfAgmcy
i The PM= to Call Home !
Enclosure I
Mr. Julio Estremera brought up a typo in the bylaws Section 5. It should say:
Application Procedure: Applicants must be residents and electors of Collier County.
Given Immokalee's close proximity to both Lee and Hendry Count's waivers to the
residency requirement can be awarded by the BCC to individuals who fall into on e
of the categories identified in Section 64, bullets a. thru gf.
Ms. Andrea Halman said she spoke to Sergeant Salls who said he would attend the
meetings if we notify him.
4. LDC Amendments (Enclosure 6a & 6b)
Mr. Bradley Muckel thanked Mr. Richard Hederlong with the county for attending
the meeting. If you recall we had proposed to do two Land Development Code
amendments in the upcoming cycle. One of them is going to go through which
pertains to making changes to the prohibited uses within the Immokalee Main Street
Overlay Sub - District (MSOSD) and the other one which is not going to go through
right now but will in future amendment cycles is the Form Based Guideline
document. On December 8, 2105 the new Enclosures 6a & 6b that were provided to
you today will be going before the board for approval. This is an executive
summary asking permission from the commissioners to move forward with the LDC
Amendment with the LDC Amendment requested changes to section 2.03.07G.5.
Mr. Richard Hederlong spoke about his background with Immokalee. He is a new
hire with the county for about 10 months now. He has come back into the planning
sector. He said that both CRA's require board of county commissioners acting as
the official CRA to decide how to make an amendment. You have the three
properties that I understand are requesting relief from the prohibited uses. You as a
group have decided as I understand that to narrow the prohibited uses down to just
that portion of Main Street from First Street to Ninth Street. That will be the only
area that you will apply those prohibited uses. It set for consent agenda item for
December 8t'.
Mr. Henerlong also gave a brief timeline on the 2015 LDC Amendment Cycle 2.
Staff reviewed LDC Section(s):2.03.07 G.5 Immokalee Main Street Overlay Sub -
District (MSOSD) change with the board.
CHANGE: To relieve all properties depicted in yellow on the map below from the
list of prohibited commercial uses identified in section 2.03.07 G.5.c of the Collier
County Land Development Code (LDC). All other special provisions (permitted
uses, accessory uses, conditional uses and special requirements) identified in said
LDC section will remain in effect for all properties within the boundaries of the
Immokalee Main Street Overlay Sub - District (IMSOSD). This amendment shall
have no effect on LDC section 4.02.32 — Specific Design Standards for the
Colfier County Community Redevelopment Agency
1 The Place to Call Home !
Enclosure I
Mr. Mark Strain with the Collier County Planning Commission said what I expect
you are asking the board to do is review this and have it comeback at the LDC
Amendment. At that time I will be looking at more detailed questions that I am
hoping you can answer for me. I brought some of those with me to discuss with you
briefly today. First of all you got a least 17 or 18 uses that you would be authorizing
under the blanket review that is being requested now. Each one is referred as an SIC
code which stands for Standard Industrial Classification it's a think book and all
these numbers are in that book. If you want to know what those number mean you
have to look up each one a read it. You have to understand that each one of those
numbers can have accessory uses with them. He gave an example of car dealerships
and special use car dealerships. He is suggesting that you might want to be careful
of what those allow. Plus other heavy commercial uses that generally isn't allowed
in the main street area. It's something you may want to take a little bit of restriction
on. Instead of taking them as a prohibited use and turning them into immediately a
principal use by right which becomes a locked in property right suggest a process
that makes them conditional uses. That way this board, and the surrounding
neighborhoods, and the public in Immokalee get a change to weigh in on what the
owner is purposing to do with those former prohibited uses.
After much discussion with the board, the public, and county staff board would like
to change the language where the prohibited areas will now become conditional use.
Action: Mr. Ski Olesky made a motion to change the language where prohibited areas
will now become conditional use. Mr. Frank Nappo seconded the motion and the motion
passed by unanimous vote 7 -0.
Mr. Bernardo Barnhart said that he met Mark Strain a couple of months ago. I also
had a situation where I had the Sherriff's department and other people telling me
what I can and can't do. I go to see him and we find out what the uses.
Coll* County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Ploce to CON Home!
Enclosure 1
The town needs to be educated in what they can and can't do. It would be great to
do a workshop for educate the town.
You can go to it will give you the zoning and the uses.
5. Promise Zone Application narrative (Enclosure 7)
We applied last year for the promise zone designation through a consortium of the
Regional Planning Council a neighboring community to the north. We were not
successful for that application. It's a designation that is bestowed by the USDA. The
purpose is to get technical assistance for economic development from USDA. We
weren't successful but we were a finalist which is a major accomplishment. They
are now taking applications for a second round for next year.
Ms. Dottie Cook said the application cycle will be opening soon. They hope to
announce the winners in early spring. Last time we were runner up for the last slot
so we were really close. Last time was our first time so we have made a lot of
improvement in our application.
Staff provided board with Enclosure 7 which is the application from Southwest
Florida Rural Promise Zone for the second round.
L. EZDA New Business
L Immokalee CRA Advisory Board Membership Criteria & Enterprise Zone Sunset
Ordinance (Enclosure 8)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 8 which is the ordinance informing of the
sunset. We will have to do a Scribner's error on the bylaws.
2. EZDA Quarterly Activity Report 7/1/15- 9/30/15 (Enclosure 9)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 9 which is the Quarterly Activity Report.
Action: Mr. Frank Nappo made a motion to transmit the Enterprise Zone Quarterly
Activity Report to the Florida Department of Revenue. Mr. Estil Null seconded the motion
and the motion passed by unanimous vote 7 -0.
M. MSTU Old Business
1. Contractors Reports
i. Maintenance Reports (Enclosure 10)
Staff provided board with Enclosure 10 which are proposals from A &M
Property Maintenance. Armando will not be able to make the meeting today
because he is putting up all the Christmas Decorations.
ii. Landscape Architect Report — GWS
No report. Purchase Order will be opened on an as needed basis.
2. MSTU Budget Report (Enclosure 11)
i. Current Budget/PO Report/Expenditures
Staff provided board with Enclosure 11 which is the current budget for Fund
111 and Fund 162.
3. MSTU Project Manager
i. General Lighting Report
No report was given
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Mace to Coll Home
Enclosure 1
ii. Christmas Tree Lighting Event
Christmas Tree Lighting Event is on December 3`d. We will contact Parks &
Recreation to add more decorations on the Christmas tree. Christmas Around
the World has nothing to do with the Christmas tree lighting event. I am only
the Chair of the MSTU. The MSTU purchased the tree not Christmas Around
the World. We still want Brad to come back and be the host of the program.
iii. Christmas Decorations
We have everything in place for the Christmas Decorations. We will have the
Santa chair and the Mailbox ready for the event. Santa will respond to all the
letters by Christmas. We will have the Christmas banners up on or before
Thanksgiving. The blue poles garland will come on the night of Thanksgiving.
The Plaza will be lit up on December 3`d until January 9th.
iv. Immokalee Banners
Staff provided board with a copy of Enclosure 12 which are banner options for
the Immokalee Scenery Banners. I changed the casino and the vendor already
has them and they are ready to be printed. The background is going to be
cream. They are going to be the same design except for the casino. After
discussion the board agreed to accept the banner changes.
Action: Mr. Bill Deyo made a motion to accept the Immokalee banners shown in
Enclosure 12. The motion was seconded by Ms. Andrea Halman and the motion was passed
by unanimous vote. 5 -0.
N. CRA Old Business.
1. CRA Project Manager Report
i. Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan — update
Staff discussed the draft Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan. We have being
working on the plan for a while now. It's actually an update to the existing to
the storm water master plan. We are getting comments from the South Florida
Water Management District. We are getting comments from the county
planning staff from the Stormwater Department, Jerry Kurtz and his team.
That process will run its course and be buttoned up and that revised plan will
be used for future grant funding.
ii. CRA Social Media /Web Site Management - Relevanza Training
As you recall you voted not to renew the Social Media Consulting contract
with Relevanza for 2016 so what we are doing instead is we have hired them to
do a series of training session to school staff on social media outreach. It will
all be virtual training over the internet. I have requested that they record the
training for future reference. There purchase order for Relevanza includes web
hosting at a not to exceed cost of $3,000. We will schedule training for board
members to have access to attend. Brad suggested we wait till his replacement
come on board.
2. Advisory Board Vacancies
i. IFAS ex- officio — only vacancy
Staff announced that Vanessa
introduced herself.
Bielema is with the IFAS department and she
Colfiw County community Redevelopment Agency
i The Pbceto CON Home! Enclosure 1
3. Code Enforcement — update
Mr. Joe Mucha said he had no new updates.
Paul Anderson said the Collier County needs to get a violation for Lake Trafford
Mr. Nappo asked for an update on the McCrory's Building. Mr. Mucha said all he
knows is that it's at the County Attorney's office.
Ms. Pam Brown would like for the board to send a written request from the board
requesting a legal status of the parcel and the process of acquiring the land. We will
need to send a RLS to the county attorney's office.
CRA Staff said they will bring you the full site plan for the STP for the one of the
Flea Markets.
4. Immokalee Chamber of Commerce — update
Danny Gonzalez the new president for the Immokalee Chamber of Commerce
introduced himself. He said he has been the president for about two months now and
it has been good and I love it. I am all about Immokalee I was born and raised here.
I have a business here in Immokalee we have been there for almost 20 years. So
there a lot of things coming up a lot of changes coming through Immokalee but
something is always a setback here. It's gets a bit disappointing I have a job like
everybody else believe me. The Chamber would love to work with any kind of
board to do anything for Immokalee.
5. SWFWDB — update
No update
6. Housing — update
Ms. Dottie Cook said they are building 18 units off of Westclox they are rental and
the rent will be around $700 a month and you don't have to be a farm worker. The
rent is 80% based on income.
7. Law/Fire Enforcement — update
Chief Paul Anderson said that they received a FEMA grant to hire an additional 9
fire fighters. The grant is for 2 years. The grant is for 2.1 Million and it pays for 9
new employees and the retainment of 6 current employees. By the end of the grant
we will be able to retain 6 fire fighters but will need to find funds for the 9 additional
fire fighters. The total amount of funding that will be needed after the two years will
be about $800,000. We are hoping to get those funds from a fire assessment fee.
Out of the total property value in our fire distinct 60% doesn't pay advalorem taxes
because of nonprofit status or some kind of exemption. Right now 40% of the
property owners in Immokalee pay for 100% of the Fire Department. A Q &A
session was conducted between the board and Chief Anderson.
Mr. Frank Nappo asked CRA staff if we have had any progress on the Seminole
Compact Funds.
Co!hw County Community Redevebpment Agency
i the Place to Can Horne!
Enclosure 1
Mr. Bradley Muckel said that we sent an email request about six months ago to the
county and we haven't received any response. CRA staff sent an email to Mr. Tim
Durham who was here earlier about the accounting of the Seminole Compact money.
I stopped by his office a few months ago asking for the accounting and Mr. Durham
said lets go meet with Mr. Nick Casalaquida to get a response. His response was
that they are really busy with the annual budget right now so we will have to give us
some time to respond. He said that the money goes into the general coffer and he is
not clear that he could give us a full accounting of where the money went.
Board would like for CRA staff to draft a letter requesting for the accounting of the
Seminole Compact Funds.
O. EZDA Old Business.
P. Citizen Comments:
No Comments.
Q. Next Meeting Date: CRA & EZDA Meeting will meet on December 16, 2015 at 8:30 AM
and the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU will meet on December 16, 2015
at 8:30 A.M.
R. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:05AM
Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU
Certification of Minutes Approval Form
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Ja s Sainvilus, Project Manager Chenryle Thoigq , Cliaitinan
Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU Liaison
These Minutes for the November 18, 2015 Joint CRA/EZDA & MSTU Advisory
Committee were approved by the MSTU Advisory Committee on December 16, 2015 as
* The next MSTU Advisory Committee meeting will be held January 20, 2015 at 8:30A.M. at
the Immokalee CRA office located at 750 South 5th Street, Immokalee, FL., 34142.
All meetings- will be publicly noticed in the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building F), posted at the Immokalee
Public Library and provided to the County Public Information Department for distribution. Please call James
Sainvilus, Immokalee CRA, at 239- 867 -0026 for additional information. In accordance with the American with
Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact Christie
Betancourt, Administrative Assistant, at least 48 hours before the meeting. The public should be advised that
members of the MSTU Lighting and Beautification Advisory Committee may also be members of other Boards and
Committees. In this regard, matters coming before the Advisory Committee may come before one or more of the
referenced Board and Committees from time to time.