Minutes 07/13/1979 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD auk MINUTES OF July 13 , 1979 The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board held their monthly meeting on July 13 , 1979 at 8 :30 A.M. on the 5th Floor of the Tower we Buildin g Complex.at the Courthouse Com lex. The following members were present : Chris Blunt , Anne Goodnight , and John Iamurri. The meeting was called to order at 9 :15 A.M the 45 minute delay was due to the lack of a quorum. MARCO ISLAND CIVIC ASSOCIATION - LEIGH PLUMMER Mr. Plummer, representing the Marco Island Civic Association was present to speak about the proposed community center for Marco . 1 AT the present Deltona is in the process of donatin g 29 acres to the County. The Civic Center would take up approximately 2 .4 acres , because of the location of the center on the property, it would not it interfer with the ballfield, tot lot or parking . Nine acres has been set aside for a holding pond. The Marco Island Civc Association is not asking for anything else but the 2 . 4 acres . Mr. Plummer presented the preliminary drawings , figures and maps to the PARAB for their review. The Association proposes to petition the residents of Marco for their input for the center and then have a straw ballot in March. Preliminary cost estimate for the building is $1 , 000 ,000 and could be financed by a bond issue for 20 years . Before the PARAB can make a final decision, they would like to know the exact size of the property and how large the retention lake is going to be . Chairman Blunt requested Mr . Rice to contact ko.r Mr . Berzon to obtain the needed information . The Board thanked Mr. Plummer for attending the meeting ans stated they would be in contact Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes of Jule 13, 1979 Page -2- 1 �-- with him after their meeting with Mr. Berzon . RECOMENDATION ON THE PROPERTY TO BE DONATED BY DOUG MCGOON AT COPELAND This item was tabled until more members were present and able to vote . Chairman Blunt instructed the secretary to write a letter to Mr . McGoon stating the same . DISPOSAL OF ROCK HARBOR Mr. Rice showed the PARAB on a map where Rock Harbor was located and which pieces of property that are in question for disposal . There is a cul-de-sac and a pie-shaped lot on the canal . There is an interest from residents on both sides of the pie- shaped lot to purchase the parcel . Mr. Berzon has indicated an interest in the cul-de-sac for future use . Mr. Rice would like the recommendation of the PARAB to go ahead with the proceedings to dispose of the pie-shaped parcel . The PARAB voted unanimous to recommed the disposal of the property and a letter to the BCC stating the same with the proceeds of the sale going to the Parks and Recreation Department for Capital Improvements . REFERENDUM COMMITTEE REPORT Mayor Heinemann has declined serving on the Committee but would like to stay on as an advisor. Mr. Rice has not been in contact with Preb Stayer for his response . Mr . Ed. Oates is a definite yes and is very enthused about the referendum. Each PARAB member is to give to the secretary a list of three names of prominent people to serve on this Committee . This list in return will be given to the BCC in a letter which is to be written explaining what the PARAB is planning to do and ask for their support . Mr. Henderlong of the taiw II Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes of July 13 , 1979 Page -3- Planning Department stated that time is of the essence . There is not much time to work on the format of the referendum and to do the "selling" job on the people . There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 11 : 15 P .M. Respectfully submitted, � y 42r1 t�4 Pat Cooson Recording Secretary