pp". November 17 , 1978
A Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting was held on
Friday, November 17 , 1978 at 9 : 00 A .M. in Building F at the
Collier County Courthouse, Naples , Florida . The following
members and staff was present:
Chris Blunt
Dudley Goodlette
Col . Kenneth Cavenah
Rollie R. Rice , Director
Pat Cookson, Recording Secretary
Mr . Henderlong of the PLanning Department distributed the
Future PLan - Parks , Recreation Open Space maps to the PARAB
members . Mr . Henderlong went over the 5 districts and their
borderlines and what commissioners and members where in what
district. Mr . Henderlong gave a brief report on the Public
Hearings of the Comprehensive Plan and the response he received
from the various areas .
Mr . Henderlong and Mr. Rice gave a brief report on their
trip to Broward County Parks and Recreation and their meeting
with Gary Bliss , the PArks and Recreation Director . The Broward
County Parks and Recreation Department has passed a referendum
for parks this past October for 73 million dollars . It took
them a full year and half to campaign , lecture and to sell the
referendum to the public . They had a committee of 20 people
comprised of lawyers , nurses and people who really were interested
rm. in parks and recreation . Mr . Henderlong suggested the entire
PARAB visit Mr . Bliss of the Broward County Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
.—. Minutes of 11/17/78
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Department. This way the Board could find out for themselves
how a referendum could be the answer for the funding problems .
Mr . Henderlong suggested that a member from the PARAB attend
the Public Hearing on 12/14/78 for the Comprehensive Plan .
CIVIC CENTER - Cecil Farrell
Mr . Farrell presented to the PARAB the proposed recreation
center on the Golden Gate Parkway (formerly the Moustrap Mini-
Mall) . The building is situated on 5 acres of land, plus an
additional 21 acres has been purchased . The building is
110 ' x 280 ' or 28 , 000 square feet with enough parking for
700 automobiles . It is proposed to set this up as an enter-
tainment center which would be used one day a week for that
purpose . The center will seat approximately 2000 people .
The building will be very adaptable for such events as basket-
ball , tennis tournaments , plays , exhibitions , etc . No fees
will be charged to any community organization using the facility .
Fees derived from the weekly entertainment will be sufficient
to cover the expenses äf the facility.
Mr . Farrell is asking for a letter from this Board stating
that if the provisional use is approved by the BCC and the plans
are concluded for the building , the Parks and Recreation Department
would utilize the facility at no cost. Mr . Blunt thanked Mr.
Farrel for the presentation and wished him luck in his venture.
With the resignation of Bill Barnett-Chairman, a new Chairman
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Minutes of 11/17/78
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needs to be appointed . Col . Cavenah nominated Chris Blunt as
Chairman, Dudley Goodlette seconded the motion . Before Mr .
Blunt would accept the nomination he made a few statements
about the Chairmanship and the role he would have as Chair-
man . In the past two and half years that he has been on this
Board , there has been 3 chairmans in this span of time , meetings
are not scheduled on any regular schedule and agendas come to
the Board members as they walk into the meeting .
Forseeing that he would be elected as Chairman, Mr . Blunt
has spoken with three (3) of the County Commissioners and stated
he would not take the job of Chairman unless changes would be
made . As he stated to the various Commissioners , the PARAB
is an Advisory Board but they don ' t advise anyone . The
PARAB has been very domicile and has not done anything . The
County Commissioners agreed with Mr . Blunt. Mr . Blunt is not
blaming anyone for the way the meetings have been run in the
past, but the PARAB should advise the Commissioners, the Parks
Department and the PARAB should establish their own Agenda.
Mr . Goodlette feels the same way and believes that Mr. Rice
needs a more forceful PARAB behind him.
Mr . Blunt states that if the PARAB agreed with his ideas
he would be glad to accept the nomination of Chairman. He also
stated that if he is Chairman, there would be regular scheduled
meetings and if a member has not showed up after three (3) meetings ,
the BCC would be contacted and be asked to find somebody who
liar does have time for the PARAB . At this time Mr. Rice stated that
he thought it was about time the PARAB became a stronger Board.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Minutes of 11/17/78
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Mr . Rice statedthat he is only a liaison between the PARAB
and the BCC . At this time a vote was called for on the motion
of Chairman . Motion was passed unanimously. Dudley Goodlette
made the motion to nominate Dave Johnson as Vice Chairman
Col Cavenah seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
With the meeting now officially having a Chairman, the
PARAB may now take a vote on the preceeding matters that were
discussed . A letter should be written by the Parks and Recreation
Departmen stating that the PARAB would meet every second Friday
of the month at 8 : 00 in the Satellite Building . Each member
will be expected to attend and if they have anything to be
placed on the AGENDA they should notify the Parks and Recreation
Department at least two (2) weeks before the meeting .
The question was asked rather or not an alternate should be
appointed for the PARAB. Mr. Blunt asked that this item be
placed on the Agenda for next month. He suggested that each
member try to think of somebody to fill this position .
The PARAB requested Rich Henderlong to work with Don Pickworth
County Attorney on establishing an Ordinance requiring the developers
to set aside a certain amount of land for park use. The Ordinance
would be only if the Comprehensive Plan is not passed .
Discussion was held on Mr. Farrell ' s presentation . After
discussion the pros and cons it was decided to delay a decision
until next meeting.
There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at
Iowa 10 : 45 A .M.
R pe fu y s bmitted,
ks�n , Reco sing Secretary