March 4 , 1977
The Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
held their monthly meeting in Building C of the Collier County
Courthouse at 3 : 30 P .M. The following members were in attendance :
Kenneth Wood, Bill Barnett , Chris Blunt , Rollie R. Rice , Director
of Parks and Recreation and Pat Cookson, Recording Secretary.
Mr. Rice introduced Bill Barnett and Chris BLunt as the
new members of the PArks and Recreation Advisory Board. Mr. Rice
presented each new member a packet for their information containing
1976/77 budget , Parks and Recreation Guidelines , proposed Parks
and Recreation standards , report - City vs County participation,
Inventory of Parks and Recreation and Six Year Capital Improvement
Mr. Neno Spagna and Mr . Richard Woodruff from the Planning
Department was present at the meeting to explain and discuss the
parks in relation to the Planning Department and the future
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Woodruff explained to the PARAB that the
Planning Department has been working with the Parks Department for
approximately 3 years setting up a tentative Comprehensive Plan.
He also explained that the most important function of the PARAB
is to implement the plan. He explained the standards that the
PLanning Department have been working with are similiar to the
National Parks Standards .
Mr. Spagna explained to the new members some of the background
of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) . He stated that the CIP
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
March 4, 1977
Page -2-
has not had much backing in the past years , and the PARAB could
play an important part in making the CIP a success . Each PARAB
member should let their Board of County Commissioner be aware of
what is going on in their own district in relation to parks . Mr.
Blondin of the Planning Department will be at the next PARAB ' s
meeting to explain in depth the CIP.
Mr. Rice stated the next PARAB meeting will be Friday,
March 18th at 9 : 00 A.M. Mr. Rice hopes that all members will be
in attendance. He expressed the need for more help from the
Board members and for the members to take an interest in park
related facilities in the County. He also stated that there will
have to be an election of officers . With the resigantion of
Chairman Elton Townsend, Bob Fowler of Immokalee became Chairman.
Mr. Fowler has not been able to attend the last two meetings because
of prior. engagements . Mr. Rice expressed the need for a forceful
Chairman, someone who has the time to donate to the Board.
Mr. Rice stated that if the new members has any questions
concerning the Parks Department or it ' s functions or facilities
to call his office and he or his staff would be happy to help
There be no further business , the meeting adjourned at
5 : 00 P .M.
Res ectfully submitted,
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Pat Coo son
Recording Secretary