May 9 , 1975
The Collier County Parks and Recreation Board held its
regular monthly meeting at the Collier County Courthouse in
Building D, May 9 , 1975 at 9 :00 A.M. The following members
were present : Steve Smith, John Lloyd, Elton Townsend, Paul
Bogatko , Margaret Garrison, alternate Curt Rindy and Dan Breeden
and Rollie Rice, Director and Assistant Director of the Parks
and Recreation Department respectfully.
Mr. John Lloyd made the motion to approve the minutes of
last month' s meeting , seconded by Paul Bogatko and approved
The Isle of Capri Civic Association was present at the
meeting to discuss the plan that Dan Breeden had presented to
the Association for the future development of Isle of Capri
Public Park. The Association accepted the plan as is except
for three (3) changes . The changes being : 1) Parking -
The Association was apprehensive of the parking being across the
road from the park; they thought this might create a traffic
hazard. Mr. Breeden stated that there would probably be enough
parking area on the park side that this problem would be alleviated.
2) The Association had decided on no restrooms for the Park.
They have a fear of rest rooms being a place for the drug problems
to start and the pollution of Johnson Bay. 3) The parents
of the children on Isle of Capri felt that they do not want the
shelters but would like to have a handball court instead. The
Parks Board Minutes
May 9 , 1975
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Association wanted to know what kind of control and supervision
would be over the park. Mr. Breeden stated that the Parks
Department would have normal maintenance such as two days- a week
for cleaning up . The Association also wanted to know if a "No
Fishing" sign could be put up at the park site. Mr. Breeden
stated that signs could be put up , but we have no way of enforcing
the sign and it would not be feasible to place a supervisor at
the park site. Mr. Breeden also stated that if there is a
public access to the water, that he did not think that you could
stop the people from fishing in the water . It was stated that the
Civic Association is really still very alarmed at the thought of
a public park coming in on Isle of Capri . Mr. Breeden replied
that there is really no cause for this alarm and that he does
not think any problems will arise of the outsiders using the
park at all . It was also stated that the Association is so
strongly opposed of this being a public park that they still
want to go before the Commission for a definite decision. Mr.
Breeden asked the Association for a recommendation of the plan
he had presented to them. The Association stated that they accepted
the plan as it was except for the three noted changes . The
Association thanked the Board for letting them come to the
meeting with the changed plans . Mr. Breeden stated that the
Board was there to help in any way they could with the development
of this park.
The Board held some discussion in reference to the changes
the Association wanted. The Board agreed with the restrooms
Parks Board Minutes
May 9 , 1975
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being deleted as they would cause the same problems such as
the ones at Golden Gate. The Board did feel that the chickees
should be left on the plan for the people using the park to
provide them with some shade . Mr . Townsend made the motion to
sustain the chickees on the overall park plan temporarily.
Motion seconded by Mrs . Garrison and roll call was three in
favor and two against the motion.
The next item on the Agenda is the possibility of having
tennis courts at GulfView School. Mr. John Brandon was present
to talk to the Board about this situation. The area is being
used now by the First Presbyterian Church as a parking area.
Mr. Brandon said he has spoke with various people and they would
like to see some tennis courts at Gulfview, due to the fact that
Cambier Park is essentially private and almost impossible to
reserve a court . Mr. Brandon has also spoke to Dr. Webb , School
Supt . in reference to the County placing a tennis court at the
School. He stated thatDr. Webb would like to see some commitment
in writing from the Board for funds before contacting the Church.
The churh at this time is in the process of purchasing more
land for future parking so it is not as if this would be an
inconvenience for them. Mr. Brandon also stated that he has
checked with the School Board Attorney to see if there was a
written agreement between the school and church for the use of
the school property , and the Attorney could not find any such
written agreement . It was suggested the Mr. Brandon contact the
Board of Directors of the church before any action is taken , to
Board Minutes
May 9 , 1975
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see what their views are of having this property transformed into
tennis courts .
Mr. Breeden presented to the Board a letter from George
Reardon, Director of the City Recreation Department inviting the
Collier County Parks Board to a joint meeting of the City and County
Recreation Board on Tuesday, June 24th at 8 :00 A.M. at the
Community Center. It was the general consensus of the Board
that this meeting is needed and agreed to meet with them and
instructed Mr. Dan Breeden to write a letter to Mr. Reardon
stating same.
Discussion was held on Capital Improvements for the next
fiscal year. Mr. Breeden would like some guides from the Board
as to what Capital Improvements be planned for next fiscal year.
Mr. Breeden stated that the Conservancy has pledged $30 , 00 for a
park site wherever the Parks Board would like to purchase one.
Mr. Breeden stressed the fact the County Parks Department
desperately needs a Barn for their equipment and storage area.
Mr. Townsend recommended that this be the number one priority for
Capital Improvements for the next fiscal year. Second priority
is the North Naples 30 acre park, with financing help from HUD
and the land has already been purchased. Mr. Breeden stressed
the fact of more lighted ballfields and practice areas being
needed, especially baseball fields . After some discussion, it
was decided to place the complete fencing and lighting of
Poinciana ballfield on the priority list as number 3 .
There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 11 : 25 A.M.
spect ully submitted,
t Cookson, Recording Secretary