January 10 , 1975
The Collier County Parks and Recreation Board held
its regular scheduled meeting at Collier County Courthouse on
January 10 , 1975 at 9 : 00 A.M. The following members were
present : Margaret Garrison, John Lloyd, Curt Rindy, Steve
Smith, and Dan Breeden, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Margaret Garrison made the motion to approve the
minutes of last month' s meeting. Motion was seconded by
John Lloyd and approved unanimously.
Some discussion was held on Capital Improvements for
r.-. the next year. Mr. Smith stated that since we had not started
any development on Marco Beach that the Board should seriously
consider this a priority for a Capital Improvement . Mr.
Breeden stated that he would like to have either a road or a
walking bridge across the water to the beach. The Board
would like to leave the beach in its natural state. Some
discussion was held concerning the parking at the beach site.
Mr. Smith made the suggestion that perhaps we could purchase a
lot from Deltona for parking. Mr. Smith is going to contact
Deltona to have a representative to come before the Board for
their next meeting to discuss this possibility.
Mr. Smith inquired to the progress of the practice
field at Shadowlawn. Mr. Breeden stated that the Parks Department
is waiting for clay, which was recquisitioned six months ago
but we have not received as of yet. Mr. Smith voiced his
concern if the field would be done by Little League season.
Mr. Breeden stated it would be finished.
Mr. Breeden brought up the subject of creating a
special taxing for recreation and parks . He stated that it
would create a fair contribution of the monies for the people.
Mr. Smith stated that the economic situation being what it is ,
we should think about this for awhile before making any final
decisions . Mr. Smith thinks that if the people or a community
wants a park bad enough they can get it by working for it.
He gave the Avalon Community Park as an example. The people
of that area came to the County Commissioners and asked for their
help and the County and the Avalon Community worked together to
get the Community Park they now have.
Mr. Breeden asked the Board for their suggestions on
the situation of the YMCA that was discussed at the last Board
meeting. Curt Rindy and Dan Breeden are to meet with the YMCA
to discuss the possibilities of the County helping the YMCA with
their development of primarily a gymnasium. The Board wants to
hear the pros and cons of the County and YMCA owning a joint
facility and how the facility could be used before making any
final decisions .
Mr. Breeden presented to the Board, a. Calendar of
Events showing the various activities the Recreation Department
has in operation. The Calendar of Events includes Tennis
Lessons , Women' s Softball, Men' s Softball, Men' s Basketball
and Jr. Pro Basketball. The Recreation Department has
approximately seven to eight hundred people - adults and youth-
There being no further business , the meeting was
adjourned at 10 : 50 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat ookson
Recording Secretary