Minutes 05/26/2015 z?p, BUDGET COMMITTEE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION 6y�\ MAY 26,2015 The Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Tuesday, May 26, at 1:01 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, located at 8960 Hammock Oak Drive,Naples, Florida. In attendance were: Budget Committee Henry Bachman, Chairman Scott Streckenbein(participated by phone) Joe Chicurel Dave Trecker Susan O'Brien Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Lisa Resnick, Recording Secretary Also Present Kevin Carter, Project Manager, Dorrill Management Group Ken Dawson, Pelican Bay Services Division Board Joseph Doyle, Pelican Bay Resident Sandra Doyle, Pelican Bay Resident Jim Hoppensteadt, President, Pelican Bay Foundation Robert Naegele, President, Pelican Bay Property Owners Association APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 12/10/2014, 2/24/2015 and 3/26/15 minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Update on Foundation response re: landscaping (add-on) 7. 2015 Budget Amendment (add-on) 8. Information on upgrade of sprinkler system 9. Review, discussion, and vote to recommend approval of Proposed FY 2016 Budget to full PBSD Board 10. Adjourn ROLL CALL Four members were present and Mr. Streckenbein participated by phone. 1 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division May 26,2015 Minutes AGENDA APPROVAL Dr. Trecker motioned, Ms. O'Brien seconded to approve the agenda with the insertion of an update on the Foundation's response regarding landscaping as item 6 and the 2015 Budget Amendment as Item 7. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES 12/10/2014 Ms. O'Brien motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the 12/10/14 minutes with the following changes: On page 1,Dr. Trecker should be listed under Also Present; On Page 2, Mr. Hall's name should be changed from "Hill"; also on Page 2 the word "public" before the words "Safety Committee" should be deleted; under Staff Proposal for Expanded Field Management Service the wording should be, "There was no support for Mr. Dorrill's proposal to use his contract to employ Ms. Jacob to do project management work, but there was support for exploring other alternatives." The motion carried unanimously. 2/24/2015 Ms. O'Brien motioned,Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the 2/24/15 minutes with the following changes: Mr. Dawson should be added under"Also Present"; on Page 2 under approval of February 24 minutes, the minutes should be changed to those of January 22; under"Review by Staff..." and "0" should be added to make the word "Operations";, and below that the word "Three" should be made lower case; on the last page under Discussion of Budget Guidelines,where it was stated that it was understood that an assessment needed to be increased greatly, the word "greatly" should be deleted and the following sentence should read, "It was understood that the assessment needed to increase; any such increase would have to be justified when it was presented to the community." The motion carried unanimously. 3/26/2015 Ms. O'Brien motioned,Dr. Trecker seconded to approve the 3/26/15 minutes with the following changes: On page 2 under Review by Staff, in the second line the sentence should read, "levels of service requested, including additional manpower". On the next page where the budget guidelines were discussed, the wording should be, "the Committee discussed alternatives to the increase proposed for staffing and capital expenditures and gave guidance to staff for further consideration". On Page 2 Mr. Dorrill corrected his statement towards the bottom of the page, noting that what he had stated was if the project manager position was not filled,that DMG project manager expenses were projected to increase by $20,000,while in reality the expenses would increase significantly. The motion carried unanimously. 2 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division May 26,2015 Minutes VOTE TO ALLOW MEMBER PARTICIPATION BY PHONE Mr. Dorrill advised the Committee that Ms. Resnick received clarification from Ms. Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney, that while an advisory board member participating by phone cannot be used to establish a quorum, if a quorum of members is present and the quorum makes a finding in favor to recognize the member's participation by phone due to a unique or special circumstance, then the member participating by phone can also vote on motions. The County Attorneys opinion would be obtained in writing and distributed to members. Dr. Chicurel motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded that Mr. Streckenbein be allowed to participate in the meeting by phone due to special circumstances. The motion carried 3-1. (Bachman, Chicurel, Trecker in favor; O'Brien opposed). AUDIENCE COMMENTS Dr. Joseph Doyle commented on a contractor's invoice, and was opposed to laborers receiving overtime and opposed to the PBSD's proposal to purchase a new Ford Explorer. FOUNDATION RESPONSE RE: LANDSCAPING Mr. Dorrill reported that the Pelican Bay Foundation informed him of its renewed interest in hiring an outside vendor to maintain its landscaping; and provided a breakdown of property interests (in acreage) of the areas where PBSD maintained landscaping in Pelican Bay, which included County property, property owned by the Pelican Bay Foundation, and areas that the PBSD has an easement interest. The acreage on Foundation property would be used to formalize an agreement with the Foundation, so that the PBSD could place a value on these services and receive compensation for the landscaping maintenance it does on Foundation property. BUDGET AMENDMENT There were questions regarding the availability of materials pertaining to the budget amendment and Mr. Dorrill indicated that both the executive summary and the actual budget amendment materials have been available, but would be distributed to Committee members. INFORMATION ON UPGRADE OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM Information regarding the existing irrigation system and a proposal to upgrade the existing system and cost savings was provided. It was noted that the overall goal was to increase efficiencies and reduce water consumption. At the Committee's request, staff would research and produce additional information regarding return-on-investment. 3 Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division May 26, 2015 Minutes DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE FY 16 PROPOSED BUDGET The Committee reviewed and discussed the FY 16 PBSD Proposed Budget, which would be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at the June 25 Budget Workshop. The proposed budget included three new maintenance workers positions, as well as a new associate project manager position for which staff presented a detailed job description, which encompassed the duties and responsibilities that Mr. Carter has been doing as part of Mr. Dorrill's contracted services. 1VIr. Bachman motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded that a recommendation be made to the full Board to approve the FY 16 PBSD Proposed Budget as presented. The motion carried 3-2 (Chicurel, Trecker, Streckenbein voted in favor; O'Brien & Bachman opposed). ADJOURNMENT Dr. Trecker motioned, Dr. Chicurel seconded to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. 25 ` v - 6 Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Minutes approv,d [ t4 as presented OR [ ] as amended ON [ (I - 16-CD 1 date Reviewed by ",i_; staff initials [ j I—I(, --IC ] date 4