Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 10/06/2015 r { 62/ 4tIty, ire. 470 14- Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 6, 2015 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Steve Main 6:15 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 3570 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Steve Main, Maurice Gutierrez, Karen Beatty, Peter Dvorak, and Shane Shadis.. The following were excused: Mike Sherman, Larry Ingram. The following were absent: Chuck Gunther. CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, CRA Operations Manager, Ekna Hue, Operations Coordinator, and Elly McKuen, Project Manager II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda made by: Peter Dvorak 2nd by: Maurice Gutierrez. Approved: 5-0. III. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Main asked for a motion to approve the June 2, 2015 meeting minutes made by: Maurice Gutierrez 2"d: Karen Beatty. Approved: 5-0. VI. Project Updates A. CRA Project Updates 1. 17+ Acre Property: The Estimated Value is $3,000,000. Premiere Plus Realty Company which was selected to market and sell the CRA's 17+ acres, their contract has expired. At our June 2, 2015 meeting the advisory committee asked staff to solicit consultants to identify an acceptable pathway to Sugden Park and provide a project estimate. QGrady Minor submitted a proposal for the assessment. 2. Gateway Triangle Properties: Fortino has forfeited the $152,000. The CRA Board made the recommendation to market and sell or develop a private/public partnership. They approved the option to list the property for sale with a commercial real estate firm. CRA staff to market the property for sale through the county identified process. CRA Board to open a window for interested parties to submit their proposals for price and concept for developing the subject property. Staff is working with the County Manager, County Attorney, and Real Property Departments to compile an invitation for proposal which will be presented at the October 13, 2015 BCC meeting. The advisory board will look at the proposals staff will go to the County Manager's office then you will look at them and give a recommendation to take to the BCC. 3. Residential Lot Development (Van Buren). We are currently working with the county attorney's office to send out notification letting them know they are currently in default of their agreement, and it is time to build on these lots or surrender them back to the CRA. Also, NIAN financing has partnered with Rebecca Maddox and purchased the lot across the 360 restaurant. They currently have a SDP. NIAN informed staff that he has sold or transferred some lots to his partners. 4. Breeze of Calusa: They have begun building vertical now. Page 1 5. CRA Residential Lots: Love Legacy Presented a couple of plans to the advisory board to get their input on preference. 6. Solstice f/k/a Cirrus Point: They are still not moving forward yet, although they currently have an approved SDP. We will meet with them on the 15`h in order to discuss the easement issue we have with our project on their property. 7. The Garden School: Kathy Khatib made a presentation. 8. DRI Grants: We are getting funding for Pineland and will get funding for Karen from a different source. Staff is currently working on this. 9. Haldeman n/k/a Regatta: The property has been cleared for construction. SDP- The development on-site will include 16 multi-family structures with 64 units on 20.51 acres. 10. Haldeman Landings Boat Docks: The boat landing petition has been resubmitted. It will go before the BCC on October 13, 2015. 11. RaceTrac: According to County staff there is no updates at this time, but new submittals are imminent. 12. Becca Avenue:This property has successfully closed. B. Request for Payments: None at this time C. MSTU Beautification Project Updates: Shared at the 5pm meeting. V. Old Business: A. 17 acre parcel: The listing agreement has expired. We have been approached by developers looking to build residential but the zone for that property does not allow for residential. We would have to go through two (2) rezoning processes. Motion to get the property listed with a county approved real estate agency and market in our website, made by: Steve Main. 2nd by: Maurice Gutierrez. Passed unanimously. Sugden Park Pathway: Motion to obtain a feasibility study to build a pathway that connects from the 17 acre parcel to Sugden Park made by: Maurice Gutierrez. 2nd by: Karen Beatty. Passed unanimously. B. CRA Website: Members liked the layout and are requesting we change the wording in the body. VI. New Business: A. The Garden School (presentation): Kathy Khatib presented her project which is the Montessori school and provided an architectural rendering of the building for the office. The name will be "The Garden School" they plan to work closely with the Botanical Gardens and teach children about respecting our planet. The location is on the corner of Colonial and Bayshore. This school will teach different aspect of nature. The student capacity will be 55 with an age range of 2-6 years. There is only one classroom with one teacher and five assistants They are gearing to a non-profit institution. Brian Meers from David Corman Architect explained the building will be metal with a series of corrugated panels that vary in color, size and texture. There will also be overhangs to create an outdoor"room". This will have a metal roof. B. Cal Montenegro (Love Legacy): Cal Montenegro is proposing to market the homes at $249,000 which includes everything ready to move in. The buildings will have 1,800 sq ft and will be built to resist up to 250mph winds. They are energy star rating or LED lighting to save on Page 2 electricity. The roof will be flat and includes Duralast which is a liner for a terrace where you can create a garden. The roofs have the possibility of water collection which goes into a cistern for irrigation. The houses are wood free, therefore they are non-combustible. Motion to support this project made by: Peter Dvorak. 2nd by: Karen Beatty. Passed unanimously. C. Grant Request: Jeanne Harvey from Real Macaw is requesting $12,250. There is also Leo's Sod who has a Code Enforcement case and are trying to comply. They are asking for help to make this happen and comply with Code Enforcement. Leo's Sod total amount requested is: $2,750. Motion to approve Leo's Sod grant application up to $2,750 and approve the Real Macaw request of$12,250 made by: Peter Dvorak. 2nd by: Steve Main. Passed unanimously. D. NADC (Naples Auto Donation Center): Bill Walsh explained they are a non-profit organization that take in donated vehicles, fix them and resell. Their main location is off Commercial Drive in East Naples. They are looking to be able to store the vehicles that have already been repaired on our property (where Budget was)while they sell. Tim Durham from the county manager's office spoke and explained that they have discussed the possibility of this property being sold. NADC has understood and agreed that they will not do any repairs on the property nor will they bring customers to this property in order to protect the county. They will be paying monthly rent at$500/month. Motion to approve we allow NADC to rent our property made by: Shane Shadis. Second by: Peter Dvorak, passed unanimously. E. Gateway Triangle Solicitation: They approved the option to list the property for sale with a commercial real estate firm. CRA staff to market the property for sale through the county identified process. CRA Board to open a window for interested parties to submit their proposals for price and concept for developing the subject property. Staff is working with the County Manager, County Attorney, and Real Property Departments to compile an invitation for proposal which will be presented at the October 13, 2015 BCC meeting. The advisory board will look at the proposals staff will go to the county managers office then you will look at them and give a recommendation to take to the BCC. VII. Advisory Board General Communications: The MSTU will be moved to the first Wednesday at 5pm. The property across from our office is going through a permitting process for a micro-brewery. Peter Dvorak will not be here for the November meeting as he will be preparing to open cell phone repair shops. VIII. Citizen Comments: Antone Mendes was present to say thank you to our advisory board for granting his business the opportunity with financial help. It has made a big impact to his customers. IX. Adiournment: Approved by Steve Main, CRA-AB Chairman. Page 3