2015/2016 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's o ce only) Suite 401,Bldg. F,4th Floor Naples,Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name ' — l - Date \ Business Name Business Address �O0 WO1 City TM M IJceNi State Zip Code 34 Business Telephone --TX-) Contact Person LC S-a..9 2._sz1J Lobbyist E-mail Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is$25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE) NAMI; AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1.Name 5 2. Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip Code 3. Name 4.Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip Code (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . State of Florida County of Collier �. .o s t 'ist Signature Thi registration was sworn(or affirmed) and subscribed before me this , Y ^ day of, Ic,by cam — ' Personally Known BY: 1 �' Produced ID Deputy clerklNgtary'Po s is Type of ID Produced * `b Revs •:08/2011 RCUCI1.11.1f UV VVJ.7VL 10/13/2015 1:34:25 PM 0: c:! Dwight Dwight E. Brock `!' \ Clerk of the Circuit Court w �\ v� ff@iI � �� _ -iD) q >11F:t'IKi:. 0 Q Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location LAURALEE WESTINE, ESQ. BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center LAW OFFICE MinutesandRecords @CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor 800 TAMPA WOODS BLVD. m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite SUTE E-1 239-252-2646 401 PALM HARBOR, FL 34685 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Cash Tendered ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer: All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. ©CAD bigTagUtZo@CM Page 1 of 1 ,d4e Martha S. Vergara From: abernard <abernard @westinelaw.com> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 2:56 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Cc: LauraLee Westine Subject: Client and Lobbyist Updates Good Afternoon Ms. Vergara, Lauralee Westine has had no changes to either her client list or lobbyists. Sincerely, Andrea Bernard The Law Office of Lauralee G. Westine PA 800 Tarpon Woods Blvd. Suite E-1 Palm Harbor, FL 34685 727-773-2221 (office) 727-773-2616 (fax) abernardwestinelaw.com 1 efori,_. S- Up : a Martha S. Vergara From: abernard <abernard @westinelaw.com> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 2:29 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Cc: LauraLee Westine Subject: APRIL Quarterly update Good Afternoon Ms.Vergara, We have no changes. Sincerely, Andrea Bernard The Law Office of Lauralee G. Westine PA 800 Tarpon Woods Blvd. Suite E-1 Palm Harbor, FL 34685 727-773-2221 (office) 727-773-2616 (fax) abernard(c�westinelaw.com 1 Updu+fS 4 Martha S. Vergara From: Barbara Sciarappa <BSciarappa@westinelaw.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 1:41 PM To: Martha S.Vergara Subject: RE:4th Quarter update Hi Martha, Ms. Westine has not added any new clients for the fourth quarter. Thanks for all your help. Barbara Sciarappa The Law Office Of Lauralee Westine, P.A. 800 Tarpon Woods Blvd., Suite E-1 Palm Harbor, FL 34685 Phone#727-773-2221 Fax#727-773-2616 From: Martha S.Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com] Sent:Tuesday,June 28, 2016 10:56 AM To: Barbara Sciarappa <BSciarappa@westinelaw.com> Subject: RE: 4th Quarter update Morning Barbara, Welcome! There are no forms for updates. I just need an e-mail with the updated client list for Ms. Westine if she has added any clients. If not just a simple e-mail that states she hasn't had any updates. In August I will be sending out the form for renewal time. Then I will need the Lobbyist registration form, it will need a notary signature/stamp and there is a $25.00 fee for each lobbyist. If you ever need further explanation feel free to call or e-mail me any time. Have a Happy 4th and enjoy the extended weekend! Martha From: Barbara Sciarappa [mailto:BSciarappa@westinelaw.com] Sent:Tuesday,June 28, 2016 10:50 AM To: Martha S.Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com> Subject: FW: 4th Quarter update Good Morning Martha, I am new in the Law office of Lauralee Westine. 1 I have no idea what a 4th quarter update is. Is there a form to be filled out? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Barbara Sciarappa The Law Office Of Lauralee Westine, P.A. j 800 Tarpon Woods Blvd., Suite E-1 Palm Harbor, FL 34685 Phone#727-773-2221 Fax#727-773-2616 From: LauraLee Westine Sent:Tuesday,June 28, 2016 10:20 AM To: Barbara Sciarappa <BSciarappaPwestinelaw.com> Subject: Fwd:4th Quarter update Lauralee G. Westine., Esq. 813-598-1545 Please pardon any brevity or errors. This message is being sent remotely and likely via speak text. Original message From: "Martha S. Vergara" <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com> Date:06/28/2016 10:17 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "'gary@5advise.com"' <gary@5advise.com>,"'anderson@abbinc.com1" <anderson@abbinc.com>,"'kmoeller@mcguiregroup.com" <kmoeller@mcguiregroup.com>,"'cpanczykowski@mcguiregroup.com"' <cpanczykowski@mcguiregroup.com>,"'chudson@afphq.org"' <chudson@,afphq.org>,"'lpiche@afphq.org"' <1piche@afphq.org>,"'millercornell@mindspring.com"' <millercornell@mindspring.com>,"'sspector@bplegal.com"' <sspector@,bplegal.com>,"'ktaylor@cecifl.com"' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>,"'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com"' <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>,"'mj ohnson@cyklasfirm.com"' <mjohnson(a,cyklasfirm.com>,"'kathy@cbia.net"' <kathy@cbia.net>,"'susans@conservancy.org"' <susans@conservancy.org>,"'biagio.bernardo@creconsultants.com"' <biagio.bernardo@creconsultants.com>,"'stephanie.wright@dplummer.com"' <stephanie.wright@dplummer.com>,"'j eff@davidsonengineering.comt" <jeff@davidsonengineering.com>,"'drewf@delisifitzgerald.com"' <drewf@delisifitzgerald.com>,"picklaw@sds.net"' <picklaw@sds.net>,"'ellie@ekc-inc.comt" <ellie@ekc- inc.com>,"'jcurl@emergedesign.bize" <jcurl a,emergedesign.biz>,"'nancypayton@fwfonline.org"' <nancypayton@fwfonline.org>,"'fols000@aol.comi" <fols000aaol.com>,"'forgeyplanning@aol.com"' <forgeyplanning@aol.com>,"'amandel@goodwheels.org"' <amandel@goodwheels.org>,"'ggreeneng@aol.com"' <ggreeneng(a,aol.com>,1"j ohn.farquhar@gmlaw.comi" <john.farquhar@gmlaw.com>,"'hdaley@guerillamedia.ty"' <hdaley@,guerillamedia.ty>,"'chris@haganeng.com"' <chris(a haganeng.com>,"'debrahogue@hmeng.com"' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>,"'timothyr@hgslaw.com"' <timothyr@hgslaw.com>,"'amyc@hgslaw.com"' 2 <amyc(ahgslaw.com>,"'ldej ohn@johnsoneng.com"' <ldej ohn@johnsoneng.corn>,"'pam@jrevansengineering.com'" <pam@jrevansengineering.com>,"'drankin@sprintmail.com"' <drankin@sprintmail.com>,LauraLee Westine <lwestine@westinelaw.com>,"'gfxbeyrent@aol.com"' <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>,"'ldonaldson@mansonbolves.com"' <ldonaldson@mansonbolves.com>,"'mcgeeassoc@aol.com"' <mcgeeassoc@aol.com>,"'jack@napleszoo.org"' <jack@napleszoo.org>,"'musserjr@aol.com"' <musserjr@aol.com>,"'jwestendorf@comcast.net"' <jwestendorf@comcast.net>,"'ruths@passarella.net"' <ruths@passarella.net> Cc: "'stevehartsell@paveselaw.com"' <stevehartsell@paveselaw.com>,"'kathleenberkey@paveselaw.com"' <kathleenberkey@paveselaw.com>,"'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com"' <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>,"'karenbishop@pmsnaples.com"' <karenbishop@pmsnaples.com>,"'aguisto@porterwright.com"' <aguisto @porterwright.com>,"'holly@prioritymarketing.com"' <holly@prioritymarketing.com>,"'cdwyer@gradyminor.com"' <cdwyer@gradyminor.com>,"'thardy@racetrac.com"' <thardy@racetrac.com>,"'bgalland@racetrac.com"' <bgalland@racetrac.com>,"'ejr@robau-designs.com"' <ejr@robau-designs.com>,"'rgborden@rkmc.com"' <rgborden@rkmc.com>,"'dkomoroski@ralaw.com"' <dkomoroski@ralaw.com>,"'tshatto@ralaw.com" <tshatto@ralaw.com>,"'ggrant@consult-rwa.com"' <ggrant@,consult-rwa.corn>,"'lane@swbcl.com"' <lane@swbcl.com>,"'karla.scott@stantec.com"' <karla.scott@stantec.com>,"'sabina.hardy@stantec.com"' ' <sabina.hardy@stantec.com>,"'doug@tllfirm.com"' <doug@t11firm.com>,"sthompson@tllfirm.com"' <sthompson@tllfirm.com>,"'tbt@trtrans.net"' <tbt(a,trtrans.net>,"'rcf@trtrans.net"' <rcf@trtrans.net>,"'mking@trebilcock.biz"' <mking@trebilcock.biz>,"'lee@turrell-associates.com"' <lee@turrell-associates.com>,"'alexisc@waldropengineering.com"' <alexisc(a,waldropengineering.com>,"'scott@windhamstudio.com"' <scott@windhamstudio.com>,"'apires@wpl-legal.com"' <apires@wpl-legal.com>,"'mwoodward@wpl- legal.com"' <mwoodward@wpl-legal.com>,"'mflores@wpl-legal.com" <mflores@wpl- legal.com>,"'marycook@wcicommunities.com"' <marycook@wcicommunities.corn> Subject: 4th Quarter update Good Morning All, It's time for that friendly reminder again.. The 4th quarter updates are due on July 2 (which is a Sunday). Due to the 4th of July holiday, our office is extending the due date to Friday,July gth I will be sending out reminders in the beginning August for Lobbyist Renewals. III f you would like to send them in early we will start taking Lobbyist Registration Renewals as early as mid-August. If you have any questions feel free to call or e-mail our office any time. Thanks, Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk Minutes and Records Dept. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Value Adjustment Board Office: (239) 252-7240 Fax: (239) 252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara@collierclerk.com 1 3 4